Behind the Drop In

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch

On Tuesday a meaty swell hit the southern WA coastline and a band of east coasters hooked up with WA locals to take on a wave that's copping a bit of attention lately.

Mark Mathews was on hand amongst the thick but inconsistent rights and towed into a couple of sets. One wave in particular caught our attention (see photo attached).

It appears Mathews has copped a shocking drop in from Perth booger Chad Jackson, though all is not as it seems. On his blog Chasing Chalk Matthews comes clean: "It wasn't my turn when this one came through but I figured the barrel is so round out here that there would be plenty of room for two of us.

"It was all good when I pulled in but it was pretty tricky trying to make it out. I couldn't pick whether to go high or low to get around Chad. He had no idea I was there and was stalling to get into the barrel and I was going a hundred miles an hour trying to get out. I ended up flying straight over his head and going underneath him."

Meanwhile, Fluidzone editor, Phil Gallagher, hit up Chad Jackson for his take on the wave...

Phil: OK Chad, tell us what is the story behind this?

Chad: Well its pretty funny actually. People will think 'oh, here is another boogie dropping in' but Mark actually was all smiles about this wave as he was filming with his little hand held camera working some angles.

So did he actually call you in to this one? To be honest, they towed it so deep I didnt even know if he got over the swell, I was shocked when he came cartwheeling over me. If I knew I maybe could of swung a little higher and let him out. But he actually tried earlier on a wave of Mitch Rawlins but then I was up when this one came through so he just pulled out the camera and said 'this should be fun'.

And were the peanut gallery in the channel loving it or were they a little confused at the doubles? It was pretty clear we were both happy with what went down, the fact we were smiling and giving thumbs up to each other would have suggested no bad vibes.

What is the whole vibe out there with you guys dominating the spot and now the stand up tow crews surfing there as well now? Its cool you know, if the other guys just chill and wait for their waves and don't act like dicks everyone has fun. Mark has a lot of respect when ever he comes over so its cool to surf with him and he surfs the wave well which means the ones he does get wont be wasted.

So are you hoping for a cameo in Mark's video projects in the future? Basically we're all working on similiar stuff, those guys are doing documentaries on tow surfing and Brad Hughes and myself are fimling to get some more episodes of Soak the Sponge out on Fuel TV. If we can help each other get the job done than thats great but in the mean time if Mark is looking for some more bodyboarding action shots I am here and ready! [laughing]