Victorian Govt to Destroy Pointbreak
Last Friday Victorian Minister for Planning, Justin Madden MP, approved a plan to construct a large breakwater and boatramp at Bastion Point, on the east coast of Victoria.
By granting consent to the East Gippsland Shire to proceed with this project, the Minister ignored advice from within government and also gone against the wishes of the community.
To assess the project the Victorian Government formed an independent panel. The Independent Panel Inquiry found that there were significant problems with all of the proposed options. The Panel concluded that the proposal offered no significant societal benefit, and that an upgrade of the existing facility was their preferred alternative.
The Panel and the results of it's inquiry have been roundly ignored.
Tim Frazer, Secretary of the East Gippsland Chapter of Surfrider Foundation said: “The Minister has disregarded the fact that Bastion Point is unique coastal environment. The beauty of Bastion is it’s pristine environment. When you’re out in the surf and looking back to the land, the view looks like it’s been the same for a thousand years. That’s what makes it so special. Now the Point is going to be just another concreted piece of the coastline.”
Dr Rex Campbell, Director of Surfrider Foundation Australia. "Despite the high level of importance that surfing and the surf lifestyle has for Mallacoota, the Minister has unilaterally ignored the concerns of his own independent inquiry. He may understand a football field but he has no clue on watersports and beaches"
"The approval for the project means that a surf break will be ruined plus the construction of a high breakwater, the removal of large sections of the natural reef system and the introduction of a sand bypassing system is a recipe for disaster,"
It’s not too late for the Government to take its own advice and do the right thing and agree with the Independent Panel’s recommendation for a low-key upgrade at the existing site,” said Mr Frazer.
For more information:
Tim Frazer: 0407 580 341
Dr Rex Campbell 0423 889 899
Surfrider Foundation is an international not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people