Whale Washes Up On Rye Beach

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Swellnet Dispatch
Whale Washes Up On Rye Beach

On Tuesday a Pygmy Blue Whale, measuring 22 metres long, washed up on Rye Back Beach. It's believed the whale died before washing ashore and wasn't stranded on the beach.

Officers from Victoria's  Department of Sustainability and Environment are taking samples of the whale today and also figuring out how to dispose of the carcass.

This morning a few surfers caught waves behind the whale for the benefit of the crowd that had gathered. DSE officers advised against surfing nearby though.

Pygmy Blue Whales are a subspecies of Blue Whales, which can grow up to 32 metres and weigh 170 tonnes. Blue Whales are the largest animals to have ever existed.// STUART NETTLE