Margaret River Pro - Forecast
Nightmares or dreams for this year's competitors. Photo: Mick Gullan
It's been entertaining watching the guys and gals boosting and ripping apart our playful East Coast beachies, but it's time for things to get a bit more serious as the tour heads west to the raw open ocean reefs of Margaret River.
The waiting period for the Boost Mobile Margaret River Pro kicks off this Sunday and runs through until the 12th of May and one thing is certain, there won't be a lack of swell.
There'll actually be a flurry of significant swells impacting Western Australia as a node of the Long Wave Trough (LWT) strengthens directly west of the state. The LWT is an upper atmospheric signal/wave which influences surface, synoptic patterns and weather. It's much broader than surface level features and is much slower moving.
When it's amplified across a certain region it strengthens and steers storms and frontal systems up towards that location, and vice versa when there's an upper level blocking pattern.
So with the strengthening node just west of Western Australia during the waiting period of the Margaret River Pro we'll see back to back storms directed up towards the state initially with favourable winds, but then deteriorating as the node pushes across the country proper bringing poor weather and onshore winds.
The first storm to develop under the influence of the LWT will be a strong polar low forming west of the Heard Island region Wednesday evening. This low will broaden and project a fetch of severe-gale to storm-force W/SW winds through Western Australia's south-western swell window, continuing slowly east while pushing more into its southern swell window.
Most of the swell production will be done in that ideal south-western swell window and we'll see a strong, long-period SW groundswell filling in the first day of the waiting period, building rapidly from mid-morning. Main Break should build to 10-12ft+ and North Point will come into the equation through the afternoon when the swell peaks, though there are rumours that North Point won't be available this event.
Winds at this stage look like they'll play ball with a moderate morning E/SE breeze, strong SE into the afternoon as a ridge of high pressure slides in quickly from the south-west.
Monday, the second day of the waiting period looks excellent as well (though tricky) with large, easing surf from the 10ft range with a strong, offshore E'ly breeze, shifting E/NE and easing into the afternoon (did someone say The Box?).
Strong E/NE winds look to persist on Tuesday as the swell continues to ease from a S/SW direction, though still a good 4-6ft at Main Break, best on the rights.
We'll be looking at a low point in swell Wednesday morning ahead of another large, long-period SW groundswell building rapidly through the day. This will be generated by another polar low forming in a similar position to the first, but it'll be a touch weaker and break down earlier, at more of a distance from the mainland.
At this stage the swell should build back to the 10ft range through the afternoon along with lighter, variable winds at dawn, giving into a strong W-SW change as a front pushes in from the west.
This will then bring three days of strong onshore winds and large, stormy surf to the region, Thursday through Saturday with conditions possibly improving into the end of the period as the swell size and power eases. We'll provide more updates as the waiting period progresses, but all in all the first four days look jam packed with large, offshore and challenging surf.
That purple blob will be causing a few butterflies for competitors today.
Any news on how/if the covid flare up might impact things - hopefully with lockdown easing they’ll all be able to get in and we get to see the worlds best on 10’ west Aussie beasts - so far I imagine the wsl is v pleased with how this patchwork Aussie leg has unfolded in terms of wave quality- I think they were due a bit of luck
They'll all be on a private chartered flight into Busselton this afternoon, so dodging Perth.
I'm picturing the captain announcing your forecast over the intercom.
And i'm picturing JJF sitting in his seat with a big wide smile and Gabby sitting in another seat with a frown that grew bigger after hearing that announcement lol.
Good news. Will be nice to see something a bit different to the previous two comps.
trails at COW
I"m booking in JJF will have a big smile on the dial with that forecast he will be ripping.
This is when I want rid of the non-elimination round. Sort the wheat from the chaff on day one and just show us the best surfers in the best waves.
$20 on JR locked in
Great report. Shame those SE winds come up in the arvo as the swell peaks. If it's true Nth Point isn't available, they'd almost have no choice but to run in Main Break at it's maximum. Would be theatre!
SE is straight offshore at North point
That longer period should find it's way in there too even if it's south. But i'd love to see them at maxing main break for something spectacular. Just a shame SE isn't so good there....still do able though!!
Carnage Coming Up. The Girls will Earn their Prize Money.
At what size does going right at main break cease to be a viable option?
About 6ft with no jet ski, however JJF has shown it can surfed bigger. I also remember watching Adriano DS absolutely school Kelly I quarters back about 2016 or 17 on a Saturday arvo, easy triple overhead & trying to ride a board too small for the conditions.
I just hope there is none of the normal “I didn’t bring a big enough board with me” from the CT mob, it’s Margs in May, it’s going to get big ya halfwit!
And can someone tell Joey Turpel no one calls the rock shelf on the right “the bricks” they call it the rock shelf or reef.
Send the girls out at the peak of the swell let them earn their money and live up to
all the pumped up hype we are relentlessly subjected to.
John John - Jack Robinson final in these conditions Jack Robinson to win.
Go Jack
Most of the comp is always at main break.
It's not hollow enough for Robbo to stand out from most of the rest of the field.
JJF is the only guy there that does that.
here we go again... blah, blah blah about the girls
Any wildcards this year? Like when Jay Davies smashed the pretenders at The Box a few years back?
Looking at the heat draw, there is two empty spaces not named yet.
Surfing WA had trials on today. Wilcox has one spot, cant remember/recognise the name of the other fella or any of the females. Its on their IG page if you go to Surfing WA
the other fella would be South Oz's Cyrus Cox
Wrong, Cyrus is a local lad
His parents and grandparents are SA surfing royalty...where claiming him !
Haha amb, I know, but he doesn't say he's a crow eater out in the line up, wants to be a sandgroper
For sale 7.2' rounded pin, shaped for local conditions. Margaret River.
Through the 80's they would surf in 15ft, 20kts onshores with no jet ski's
Yep, I vaguely remember someone copping a hiding out the back and getting washed all the way to the Rivermouth.
Edit: Actually I think that may have been Curren surfing a left through to the Rivermouth.
I also vaguely remember Nick Wood going down on a massive one, and cutting his elbow on the bottom, which I'm guessing would have been pretty deep. And Todd Holland yelling at his opponent (not sure who it was) because they were shoulder hopping and he wasn't happy with that.
Remember watching that on Wide World of Sports. If I recall correctly, that was the year Pauline Mencer charged as hard as anyone.
Wearing Gloves ?
Yep, here it is:
Curren at 15 sec mark, going to the rivermouth
Nick Wood at 1:55
Classic stuff thanx for the vid " i used ta have a good board not no more"
Awesome forecast.
This should level the playing field a bit.
It’s going to ruin everything if crew can’t win events by doing single airs on a wave. Move it to Dunsborough.
Jack Robbo to school the competition with that forecast!
Really looking forward to this contest.. forecast looks promising.. only airs on the rights Maybe at the end to be rewarded before dry reef .. Brazil’s can’t help em self .. jj.. jack robo should dominate
Jadson the Dark Horse. Full of heart that dude
+1 he's a beast when it's 6ft+
I do love him.
I forecast someone will do an air reverse and win.
Connor Coffin Italo final.
Just putting it out there.
Locals and Hawaiians will be the only ones prepared, everyone else will be undergunned and scrambling for boards as per usual.
Im looking forward to this some real waves with the best surfers in the world.
So... what... Jordy Smith is the dark horse now?
Sorry AndrewP, I had browsed over your post earlier. Let me rephrase then...
So... what... Jordy is an 'outside' threat?
I don't even want to look at the draw. Jack and Jordy final.
8/10ft consistent main break, no one matches John’s carves and his top turn.
This is why they should never move it to North Point - TOM Curren
8’ NP vs 12’+ Mainbreak. Make them surf big boards in big waves, using the rail. It’s a great discriminator.
Agreed. Sick photo!! And the thing is, they always pump up the year that it was huge...(90?) . Be so sick to have a proper day of big big surf.
Was that board once listed on Aust market for 10 K - Kwiva ?
Big Boards Big Waves - A 12ft Tom Hoye -Go Hard or go Home
How’s that 12ft. Calls on size are so subjective!
I read it as a 12ft board Stanley
And if a 12ft board is what's needed.. good luck to the competitors.
Send them out. It was paddle surfed this day two months ago. They ARE meant to be the best surfers in the world. Or is that only when it’s 10’ or smaller and they can do whip whip gymnastic turns?
Big boards, big waves, rail game in the pocket.
Holy faark
If the local boys can do it....
You are all kidding yourselves it is a 3 horse race between Medina Italo and JJ
Pretty much, and I’d have Gabs and Italo as the more likely. If Griff and Felipe can scrape into the top 5 they both have the potential to have a day out if it all comes together on the day at Trestles for them too.
Can’t see anyone else really troubling the top 3 there.
T rue, T rex
Spot in. Same way it is for every other event
Nice morning in the West .
Not so sure of Italo (and he hates sharks as we know) if it is really big and boofy, certainly JJF and Meds (remember those two a couple of years ago in nightmarish Bells - 10 foot and howling onshore they were the only ones to master it), Jordy may go OK even Julian if he catches waves (why is that guy so good he doesn't win more?), Owen is good when it is big, I think there could be a few more in the hunt than you think.
Italo surfed well that day too, was the day he ended up on the button
Got that bullshit interference from Jordy from memory where he got out of the way as Jordy did a whitewater takeoff.
small window or your fucked wsl , fyi the salmon are running hard as atm so there will be numerous alarms. the time of year leaves this location open to pure onshores as the easterly air your require is replaced with the loved northerly.
Drove past and saw a crane building infrastructure at north point so guessing it’s gonna be there at least one day
Move it to Triggs.
Can someone confirm if Tom Hoye died today?
Yes -R.I.P. Tom
Was it Tom Hoye who shaped the Claw?
Yes - Precision Equipment Surfboards ...Part Art Part Physics
Bronte for girls? Local knowledge for the big stuff should help
Bought a Tom Hoye back in the early 90s when I was passing through the South West. Got some nice waves on that board.
Thanks Tom.
Rip Tom
Had a great surf on a pumping day last winter with a bloke on a Claw.
Board looked like it went insane.
Italo is a pipe master. He will have no probs at 10ft main break
Well today the pros would have scored huge perfection down south 3m and lite offshores so sick ide love to see some of the action
Not 3m but they boys are out absolutely slaying
No North Point?
I think that article is incorrect eel. The AMR shire had already approved North Point to be used each year for a maximum of two days per year (potential for an extra two days for semis and finals if alternate locations ... mainies/box are unsuitable, and the shire approves this) for WSL comps up to and including the year 2023.
Insane. Had to break it down into a sequence to try to understand it (right click and open in new tab to enlarge it)...
Rail turns 1
Airs 0
Couple seeding round heats to really look foward to if, fingers crossed the forecast stays true:
Heat 3 - Florence v Bourez v Mikey Wright
Heat 5 - Ferreira v Robinson v Wilcox
That’s a fckn filthy turn.
wonder how judges would score it with the flubbed take-off?
I have watched that turn so many times already.
I watched it once then went straight to TAB and put money on JJF.
One could cheekily say that it's the only one he's got :-)
On a serious note, it'll be very interesting to see if the real JJF shows up, or if he remains la-dee-dah about the whole thing.
You guys beat me to it. Craig how do you get the picture up when you post Instagram links? I only know how to copy the link and paste it
Looking into it GF, looks like normal users can't ATM. Will get it fixed.
Nice work, Craig. I can’t view the Instagram links and it does my head in.
Wheels are currently in motion
Could be life changing for Udo
OK, the comments code has now been updated so that Instagram posts are automatically embedded and displayed. So just copy and paste an Instagram post URL into your comment and you're all good.
Good work. Seems like a good portion of the sites content was getting redirected to a page telling me to join Instagram.
That is why JJF is the best surfer in the world!
Except he isn’t.......
If the box is an option I wonder if Toledo will be feeling tightening of the sphincter shortly
Is it possible to be done and dusted by Tues Arvo for a box showdown?
Can they introduce the overlapping heats to get it done?
70 ft and glassy bra
Winds sketchy from today, NW influence. Mainbreak peak was a circus yesterday, 10ft+ faces.....crew going right mostly.
Mikey mullet man looked relaxed.
Wildcards Jacob Wilcox and Cyrus Cox...don't get coxy.
Stoked to see a Coxy in the mix!! So good. Yeew!
Shark sightings have just ramped up with a reported white poiner sighting yesterday. Only bronzies and spinner(mako) sharks till now
Mate, there have been that many sharks around down here on the Sth Coast the last few weeks. I don't reckon i've ever heard of so many around a place at the one time. Guys are catching salmon as long as their arm everyday off the beaches. And they're all heading North! The last 3 times i went down to one of the beaches up on a high cliff i've spotted a shark within 10 seconds of looking down....every time.
What type of sharks?
Walked a long way up that beach once and had some fun, lonely waves, school of fish bottom turning with me under the board
That pic :0
Yeah it's a beautiful spot VJ. Don't get there much, bit of a mish from my place but definitely lively along there! That beach walk is epic too.
This might be handy if you’re not familiar with what’s swimming around you:
its a world away from Margs where shark activity has been at a minimum of late.
you been surfing in a wave pool? margs has had way too many shark interactions in the last 2 weeks
Bit further south
Roughie for this event, Yago Dora. Killer style in big surf.
that video was really cool.
Craig how do you think the swellnet algorithm goes for swell period and direction?
I’ve personally found one of your rivals to be better for this info, although sometimes they’re the same.
For instance, the other site is calling a jump to 19s interval on Sunday arvo, yours 17.
Only 2s but that may translate into maybe an extra 4ft wave height??
What do you reckon?
They might be running a higher-resolution version of the model, hence picking up the long-period fore-runners better, but there's likely only minimal size associated with that 19s band (in this case anyway), so it wouldn't make too much of a difference.
We'd have similar sized energy for the 17s band I'd imagine, but again this case the models are combining an initial mid-period pulse for the morning with the longer-period groundswell energy and over-forecasting the size at midday. Looks like it'll be fun Main Break early with the swell arriving proper around midday and large, step-ladder sets into the afternoon.
What are your thoughts on that wind Sunday morning Craig, and Margs locals?
might take some time for that more easterly component to kick in?
and thus have that real southerly drift to the ocean sea state?
The morning looks OK, variable E'ly offshore but likely to be some slight morning sickness/wobble.
Looks like it'll get tricky late afternoon with a fresh S/SW sea breeze, shifting S/SE late while strengthening as a high ridges in along with the building swell.
The timing looks a touch delayed and peak in size more so 10-12ft late in the day. Still a good 6ft+ in the morning though.
Winds are light iso map looks like slight easterly flow from Saturday night so should clean up ok for a start....swell fills in
They may want to ride a "Da Claw" in honour of Tom
The other site is hopeless for predicting face height but pretty good for period and direction. They’re calling a jump to 19s then down to 17s in the arvo plus slightly more west in the direction.
It’s only a temporary jump in period but I’d guess if it stayed up at 19 it would be significantly bigger than 17...or have I got that wrong.
Winds look ok but strong offshore in the afternoon.
Got a feeling JJF will use his normal board on the rights in the morning then (hopefully) will have no choice but to pull out the bigger one and surf the lefts in the afternoon
Yeah it would be bigger with that difference in period but again depending on the amount of swell associated with it. We could be talking 2ft or as you said 4ft. This event is hard to analyse as there'll be a mix of swells for the morning in any case.
The initial swell for the morning will be SW and the groundswell proper more SW shifting S/SW.
JJF is in heat 3.
probably surfing wobbly 6ft Margs.
won't surf again that day.
Likely won't see him in anything big because swell drops with improving conditions Mon/Tues.
Bummer. His advantage is probably lost then.
Thanks Craig
I don't think so.
He's got an advantage at Mainbreak at all size levels.
Loss of relative advantage.
Might be bigger than 6ft Sunday morning.
Numbers for Sun are about the same as today for Margs but with better winds, so see what it’s like this afternoon and it should be roughly same size Sun morn. Sun arvo significantly bigger than it’s been all week, will be interesting to see what materialises
Today is also mid-period energy, Sunday morning will be stronger though not true groundswell. I'd say 6-8ft by kick off.
A wuss like me would probably call it more like 8ft, esp if one landed on my head but either way it looks bigger on Sun morning than today or tomorrow so will be interesting to see what eventuates.
If the winds cooperate Sun arvo will be fascinating
JJF's 2017 era defining performance at Mainbreak was in 6ft surf.
His win in 2019 was 4-6ft surf.
That's where the performance advantage over the rest of the field was most evident.
I'd reckon that advantage would be lessened, not heightened by big(ger) surf due to the luck factor involved in a 30 minute heat.
For example, say its 10-12ft.
First ten minutes of the heat there is no waves.
Then JJF gets caught inside by a 12ft clean-up set, spends 5-10 minutes grovelling inside, needs to catch the ski back out.
Another lull.
Now there's 10 minutes to go and he needs a score.
Mikey Wright, meanwhile has picked off two solid lefts for a pair of 6's.
see what I mean.
Bigger surf, paradoxically, increases the luck factor, like random beachbreaks.
6ft+ Mainbreak, with the rights on song, is where JJF has a clear gap between himself and the rest of the field.
JJF paddle surfing 25 foot Himalayas over the Hawaiian winter probably gives him a slight edge wouldn't you think FR?
Mikey paddled that same swell out himalayas; amongst JJF and co...
Mongrel Mikey on a borrowed board
Yeah udo, thats it. He is a beast.
Was aware that Mikey was, the rest of the top 32 weren't, which i'm assuming FR was talking about? Hence JJF, a former Eddie winner, on every big paddle swell he can get into is a clear favourite. Mikey and maybe one or two others aside on the tour, looking at that photo accompanying this forecast, who apart from those guys is going to be willing to position themselves in and on the ledge when a set rolls in to take off and be in a position like that pic. JJF has the knowledge, the positioning, and the guts to put himself in there. It would be a lot of bad luck for that experience to go against him. Anyway, it's a fun topic to debate and time will tell! Swells looking so south and that SSE wind swell in the mix gonna make it ugly Sunday arvo if it is Mainbreak by my guess.
Fair enough but I reckon he’s the best big wave surfer on the CT hands down with possible exception of Kelly.
I guess that’s why they ran hour long heats on the (ex) BWWT
Hour long heats or overlapping heats would take out some of the luck factor and improve odds for JJF.
Have they ever run overlapping heats at Margies?
Lotta pressure on the commissioners (Perrow?) shoulders to get this right and run it any chance they get, at any place which is pumping they get. Fingers crossed whoever captain's the ship doesn't fcuk it up...
Jessi Miley-Dyer makes the call now. and yeah bit of pressure to get it right.
Jjf may have an advantage .....
Unless he gets morgs again
Ha ha
So it’ll be that rd2 losers round run in the big stuff hey? It just makes it even more gnarly
Haha extra motivation to not be sent out again as the arvo swell pulses.
be interesting to see how they schedule the mens and womens rounds.
I miss you brother.
Go Cy ...RIP Tom Hoye...was living with Cy's parents when he was born shit time flies
When is it due to start?
Freeride not sure I agree with your reasoning on JJF having less advantage the bigger the swell is.
I get where you’re coming from but he’s the best big wave surfer in the world I reckon.
If he gets the waves, he does the best turns, he wins.
Waiting period kicks off Sunday
Just in case mother nature decides to be a pain and going by the last coupla comp's in OZ... Would WSL please please please go over lapping heats. IMHO much more entertaining when heat swells get quiet and a surfers are a getting frothy chomping the bit...
Totally agree, is there any reason not to do it? Running straight through to the finals in good - great surf is the way to do it on every level (imo)
No offence freeride but why are you assuming that JJF is going to be the unlucky one. Sure there is a touch of luck in solid surf or random beach breaks, but that's where you make your own luck. I recon JJF is pretty good at getting himself in lucky situations, big, small and random surf. Actually, he's probably one of the best in the world at that, if not the best.
I’m with those above for the overlapping heats. Big main break has a huge potential take off area with both lefts and rights inside waves and bomb sets out the back plenty of room. Love how they do it at pipe always something going on and can churn through the heats.
BIG shark sighted this morning at back of Gnarabup (couple hundred m from contest site) , heaps salmon and bait fish around too.
Not Australia with out a big beautiful grey local showing up.
Stay big and dangerous for a Jack Robertson John John final.
Nice one Craigos on the ABC article, good stuff.
Never been particularly into pro surfing but I've been enjoying the newy and narra contests due to being closer to my stomping ground. Keen to see them get flogged in the South West though!
Yeah thanks!
what ABC article?
wow Craig .......your famous
“It's going to cause a few nerves for sure because here in Margaret River, even the small waves are big, so this is really going to test us," she said.
haha. Nailed it Sally. Hope they run through the whole day tomorrow chicks in morning, blokes in arvo.
I think they will need to BD, only have sun, mon and tue before the weather turns on wed.
Ahh awesome. Could actually be one for the history books if all things come together..and they don't mind a bit of wind.
I want to see the chicks out in the height of the swell. Let’s see what they’re made of when it counts. How bad do they want to be professional surfers?
One reason I couldn’t be a pro surfer is cause I’d shit myself when the waves get too big for me. It’s all good when your biggest problem is sexy fans rubbing their reef oil over your wax as they try to get close.....these crew want exclusive access to Australia’s waves then they can damn well have a go when conditions get hardcore.
Gladiators ready!
Nothing but respect when they charge, nothing but disdain when they pull back after endless claims in two foot waves.
I don’t care for the pro surfer’s shaved chests or their shit splitter bikinis or their warm up routines or the personalities of their entourage. I can get that shit anywhere - just give me the best surfing by the best surfers. Let’s see them do shit that hardcore locals can’t. If pro crew are dogging waves that old locals would be paddling into, then they should have to hand their pro credentials back and admit they’re in the wrong business.
I’m only half joking.
Totally agree with you Blowin, be interesting to see 14yr Willow put them to shame or the 60 yr local chargers
Time for the pro women to step up to the Box if its on
After the show the ladies put on at Pipe a few months ago I wouldn’t be holding your breath on them performing at the Box
Indeed GF
Well equal prize money = same risk vs reward for men and women .....if the girls want to be recognised for their skill as pros they will have to surf the same waves as the men....going to be interesting to see who steps up in both men and womens......good luck to them.
I didn't notice any infrastructure at NP yesterday and whole boat ramp area is under repair so I presume NP is not in play.
quite easy for them to not put the girls out in anything too solid.
They run the the girls tomorrow morning in 6ft+ surf (not massive) then the guys in the arvo and Mon.
Put the girls back out on Tuesday in clean 4-5ft waves.
Not saying that will happen, but it easily could.
Yeah sounds most likely
Sounds likely. I’d rather watch someone have a proper go and if that’s the men, so be it. Would be disappointing on an equality front though. I’m sure there’s some of the chicks who want their stance on the topic to be more than just words.
Reckon there’d be more than a handful of chicks and blokes quietly hoping their potential to strut their stuff is staged on fluffy corners in a sheltered bay. I don’t blame them but if you want to dance, you’ve got to pay the band*.
*Still a great line by Matt Warshaw. Marred only by his mispronunciation of Cronulla.
I dunno, it ain't Teahupoo or big Pipe.
I think it's being over-egged a bit.
Can't see anyone in the draw, maybe Ribeiro or Toledo, who might struggle in 10ft+ Mainbreak.
What about the box though?
yeah Box is a different story.
my gut feeling is the swell will be too south for it.
Happy to be corrected by someone with more local knowledge.
Only see Monday at this stage as a possibility FR
cheers SS.
wind looks good.
what odds you give it?
Wind direction looks good although strong and high tide around 11:30am so I'm going 60/40 at this stage FR, swell direction might be an issue
Mainies certainly aint chopes or pipe, but it will be significantly bigger tomorrow arvo than the average comps they have at chopes or pipe, and the wind tomorrow arvo and Monday will be pretty strong and hard to deal with. Should be some entertaining viewing tomorrow arvo if they let it run through. And if the swell direction arrives as forecast, my guess is it will be Mainies Sun through Wed.
Edit : Small chance for Box first thing in the morning before the new swell and wind kick in.
There’s plenty of stories about major hold downs out there.
Jet ski rescue takes a lot of the danger out of it but locals will tell you some horror stories. Long swims back in with a snapped leggie on dark etc
About 20 years ago I lost my board out there when it was 3-4 times overhead.
Worst experience I've ever had in the ocean.
Didn’t lost my board but got the worst hold down of my life. Tried to paddle into a smaller one but couldn’t get into it (on my 6’8” - which felt like a toothpick compared to what most of the guys were on). As I turned around I heard the crew cheering / groaning / hollering / whistling as they saw a set and everyone started scratching for the horizon. Just got under the first one but didn’t stand a chance with the next 3. Managed to grab a little breath between waves but honestly thought I was going to drown, just getting thrashed and held down. By the time of surface I was actually pretty close to shore. Torrid experience.
I agree FR
Whether it’s men or women if you’re not comfortable at 10 foot Margaret’s then you shouldn’t be on the World Tour
Confirmed NP not available so its Margs or the Box
Awesome!! And i'm pretty sure 10 foot will be the in betweeners. Nearly 6m @18seconds in the late scrapers.
so should be on over east around 9.30 ?.....
I'd say a 7am WA time kick off at the earliest
07:20am start I think
Onya Blowin.. you are making a pretty strong case towards overlapping heats.
M vs M overlapping.
F vs F overlapping with M vs M heats.
F vs F overlapping.
I couldn't be thinking great waves shouldn't go unridden, all by my lonesome am I?
I will be watching with intent that the Aussie and Hawaiian contingent make those pesky Brazilians piss.
I have said it here and now.. and hold my peace for the rest of this event...
To all those that have posted.....
"make the chicks surf it. Equal pay. meh. Blah".
You know what you sound like.
A fucken wanker. No a FUCKEN wanker.
Forgetting the equal pay stuff, I couldn’t give two shits about that, but, You aren’t interested in seeing the women surf the box?
I’d love to see it, how are they meant to progress in waves of consequence if they don’t get the opportunity?
No mate, it's not that i'm not interested in it.
But crew savaging the chicks for something they haven't even done or not done yet is pure mysoginism.
I think people misunderstand what equal pay means.
The WSL is a business. They have made most stops on tour for both men and women for the reason it makes good business sense economically. Cuts alot of costs and draws alot more eyeballs.
But that doesn't mean the women have to adhere to surfing the same conditions as the men.
The womens world tour is still 20 years or so behind the mens, due mainly to the steeper mountain it took for girls to surf. We don't know much of this though, we're dudes.
So equal pay, means EQUALITY OF HUMANS. Not equality of performance. If it was equality of performance then we would have a mixed world tour of men and women.
I love watching the girls doing there thing in the waves that suit them. They're pushing themselves slowly but surely, on a natural progression. I'm sure many of them would love to surf the Box, but doubt it will be this event.
But people on here, baying for blood, saying they should throw them out at the peak of the swell to prove they're worth paying as much as men,.....even though these same people have no financial input into what they're so outraged about.....
So seeing one of the women getting mowed down by 3 18 foot whitewaters and not coming up again, is that what will make them happy?
So many chicks are trying to tell us to wake up and stand up and not let this narrative keep happening. If i'm the outlier on here, so be it. Fucken hate me.
But the views of men have to change. Women get beaten up on and raped and fucked over by men all the time. Do we pay them less respect because their physiology and flight or fight responses are different to men?
Pull your heads in fellas. Not stoked to read that at all.
Anyway, looking forward to the comp and whatever it brings.
Spot on bluediamond. Well said. 100% agree. Thanks.
cheers Bnkref! Appreciate it. Aloha legend.
I am hooting for the girls.
Do they always have to compete in under waist high lulls? No way bring it on...
Not sure why you’d hold that opinion. There’s plenty of blokes who’ve tried to foster a career without a starting point in bigger waves and they get cooked relentlessly. Look at Felipe Toledo. Even Kelly Slater and to a lesser extent Tom Curren had major question marks dogging the early days of their careers. Why should female professionals be any different?
There’s plenty of women who surf big, heavy waves with aplomb. Why should those on the WCT, who are supposed to be the tip of the spear for surfing talent, be exempt from such expectations?
Your low expectations of the women sound an awful lot like damning them with faint praise to me. Verging on condescension in my book. Pauline Menscer went hard decades ago but you want the current crop of women to be comfortable with your pandering attitude?
The best in the world shouldn’t be MADE to surf anything, they should be chaffing at the bit to display their skills. How else do you expect progression if you’ve got blokes like yourself patting them on the back saying “ There, there love, go wait in the car and watch the men surf.” That’s the real sexist bullshit the world needs to get away from.
These aren’t the local board riders junior girls.
Great points you bring up. Do I want to be comfortable pondering my attitude? No. But those stand alone events where women get the waves to themselves and it pumps through the competition window get me and my only daughters imaginations swirling...
Every time.
Though notwithstanding the interests of safety when is too big too big.
Pipeline 2021 was an interesting show in this case. I often felt fear, an I'm only watching.
thanks bd, like I said we go again, blah blah blah about chicks
Cheers BB! Super appreciate your back up. Fark, would be so good to see more female representation on here. You're a legend. Hope you're getting a few. Yew!
And then there's Blowin. The enemy. This fuckhead had two big wave surfers, chargers, banned from this website. While those two are banned, Facto and Michael Bourne, this guy is the enemy. Ironically, he's calling for blood, while saying, i'd never surf that. Go figure!!
The flogs had themselves banned. There’s a term to describe the way you claim that I had them banned , it’s called talking shit AKA lying . I never said a thing about it to anyone that wasn’t written on these pages. So they are your mates....whacko. Go cry yourself to sleep, mate. Your whining offers me nothing of interest and neither do your insults.
Go the girls. Charge the peak of the swell and prove to this pandering dinosaur that his opinions belong back in the Victorian era. Don’t let the low expectations of others put a ceiling on what you think you can achieve.
That being said, I think the better approach was to run the Man And women separately. Running concurrently is always going to result in comparisons, unfair or otherwise.
Blowin ...Oh, so it's go the girls now?? Hmm. Anyhooo.....again, go figure.
It was always go the girls. You’re the one stuck in the 1950’s who thinks women should be safely back at home. I was talking about the clowns at the WSL who may have the same throw back mentality as yourself and who would wrap the chicks in cotton wool rather than give them the option of charging.
So what if some chicks dog it? No one would dare suggest not sending Flores or JJF out in big left pits cause Toledo isn’t comfortable. Why do it to the girls and deny some of them the chance to push themselves and women’s surfing?
Safety of everyone is first and foremost, and it’s only a surfing competition, but if you ever stop to wonder why you’re concerned for the safety of the chicks at 10ft Mainbreak but not the men at 10ft chopes it’s’re a sexist who thinks women are poor , fragile, inferior beasts who need Bluediamond’s seal of approval before they take shit on.
You literally said as much which was pretty fckn jaw dropping.
I’d love to be there when you told Keala Kennelly all about her weak flight and fight response . She’d hopefully put a patronising sexist like yourself in your place quick smart.
Ohhh, here we go. You completely have changed the tone of what you were saying in your previous posts. Have you changed them too? Wouldn't be a first. Just admit it, you hate chicks. No worries but just say it. How did you go from saying make the chicks surf it when it's as big as it gets to show they deserve to be paid as much,'re stuck in the 1950s...what would Keala say. I reckon i know what she'd say to you. Fuck you're boring.
And lets keep things in perspective as you try to twist my words to suit you.
The girls are surfing in the event...and it's gonna be big and challenging and confronting for them.....but there's a mens and womens event running at the same time. You, Blowin, not the WSL, not me, probably not alot of the women or their fans want to see the women put out in the most severe conditions for your own pleasure, to prove some point about equality. They're gonna get tested. But what about you? You are full of so much wisdom about how much people should charge, yet have admitted you wouldn't. So really, can you be of any credibility on the subject? You'd make a good politician Blowin, i'll give you that much. You know how to turn your own shit into some sort of gold. But not to me. I and many, especially the ones you had banned, see straight through your manipulation.
Here’s a heads up, dumb cnt. There’s no longer an edit option. So everything I said is still up there. Now you can go back and show me exactly where I said the chicks need to show they charge as hard as the men because they get paid the same.
I’ll save you the four days it takes to read my five odd posts cause you’re slow AF. You won’t find it cause it’s not there. It’s not there cause I never said it.
You only thought it was there cause you’re a stupid cnt who can’t comprehend what people say without overlaying your stupid inbred preconceptions over what’s written. It’s actually you twisting the words, moron. Go check and confirm.
And here we are. Gone from a pleasant discussion without provocation, to be being called a FUCKEN wanker, a fuckhead, a sexist misogynist, someone who hates chicks and.....the enemy(!!!).
So Bluediamond, you silly cnt. Why don’t you crawl back under your rock with your complete lack of understanding.
Fact is that you’re a pandering old clown who wants chicks hidden away cause you think they’re incapable. What do you think the entire feminism movement was about?
Your words : Girls don’t have the physiology to charge. Girls have a weak fight or flight response. Girls have a comfort zone we shouldn’t expect them to leave. Girls don’t want to charge they just want to do turns in little waves......listen to yourself.
It seems like you’re so involved in being a brave male white knight in order to virtue signal, that you’ve utterly missed the point of the empowerment of women that everyone else is striving to encourage.
Go read a book ya slack jawed cnt.
Haha. Did Swellnet make that rule up about not editing posts because of you Blowin??? ha! Well done!!! The blowin rule. haha.
Listen clown, you come on here with your aggro and your insults, you talk shit and lie about people, you carry on like a sanctimonious twat with your misplaced moralising and when it finally dawns on you that you’ve been bleating crap about what women can or can’t do according to Bluediamond you slowly start to walk it back in order to save yourself a sliver of dignity. And now you’re whining on about some other nonsense.
You’re a grub. Quit while you’re behind.
Why not get down the contest site and tell the female competitors what you really think and that they’d be safer back in the kitchen.
You officially cease to exist as of now.
HA! Blowing a little harder than normal there aren't you? Wrong pills this morning?
Who's backing out of an argument. I completely stand by my points.
I'm very very happy you don't like me, whoever you may be. I would hate for someone like you to like me. Happy to not exist. Yew!
Para 2 sentence 1; language?
Para 2 sentence 2; Fiji 2012.
Not specifically aimed at Blowin but I feel there is a tendency of the predominant male posters to bring male standards and historical surfing culture, ie aggression, and apply it to women's surfing. Whilst women's surfing displays elements of this culture I would say it's not their core elements. I'm thinking more grace, flow, and even comradery. Accept and admire for what it is, they are on their own path and if they don't feel safe thats ok. There are many women living in homes that don't feel safe with men. They don't need to be belittled. If you can't encourage them then don't say anything.
Belly i am going to be a dick: comaraderie.
Camaraderie, my dear memla. :-)
Thought about correcting his spelling but held back, but then ...
Ha well done I stuffed it up too. Thanks I am continually trying to improve both spelling and grammar. My spelling used to be better pre computers, my grammar was always shithouse. Camaraderie: French word which looks like where comrade came from hence my faux pas I am thinking.
Yep, French, confused with the Russian comrade, same derivation no doubt but I couldn’t be bothered checking where they came from. Schoolboy French classes to the rescue.
Looks like I got pretty close to the Russian spelling at least ;-)
Ha, for sure here is me trying to correct you (with no offence intended) and I butchered it as well, with batfink to the rescue for both of us. Got to love the English language when it comes to words - 171,476 words in current use (and 47,156 obsolete words) say Oxford.
Which I failed miserably.....c'est la vie
And so... may the swells continue, with winds favourable for all!
I don't think drawing a parallel between domestic violence and women pro surfers being paid to surf big waves is appropriate at all.
Of course they won't feel safe.
Thats a universal feeling in big waves.
Fact is women are booked now for teahupoo, and will probably become part of the Pipe event, so suggesting we try and keep them wrapped in cotton wool at Margs is not really a viable option, in the long or even medium/short term.
The game is changed and from what I'm hearing from Caz Marks and Carissa Moore; they are ready, willing and able.
They have skis, they have safety protocols and women have proved they have the physical capabilities to take it on.
The mental game is a challenge for everyone.
Sure it's going to expose some uneven performances in the roster, so be it.
That was not the parallel I was drawing. The parallel was with some of the posts in this thread, two different things. You're extrapolating it into something different, that is what happens on the internet.
Re read what i wrote FR for the context of what i was trying to say.
Not trying to draw parallels. Just saying women are asking us to listen, have been for a long time, but we're constantly not listening. Domestic violence etc continues to happen because of this. Telling women what we men think they should do when it comes to the surfing and the waves they surf is another form of not listening and being the dominant gender. I do see parallels in that.
Adding the physiology and fight or flight may have been a flawed argument, but there are still part of that you can't completely ignore.
Of course there's heaps of big wave chick surfers. But the womens world tour is on a slower curve. Seeing them charge would be awesome, but not throwing them into the most challenging conditions on offer just so we can maybe see them drown. That's what my post was about, addressing the people who just want to see that, for the sake of 'equality'. Not holding the chicks back from charging. That's their story to write though, not ours and as Belly pointed out above, in their own time, and at their own progression. The big wave surfing chicks are helping to push that progression anyway. They are leading the way for the girls on tour to show what's possible. But why not enjoy the show until then. I do.
"That's their story to write though, not ours and as Belly pointed out above, in their own time, and at their own progression."
Not really though.
It'll be the WSL that makes that decision, as they have for Teahupoo and Pipe.
Of course individual surfers can decide whether to paddle out or not, or catch waves or not, but the historical moment is bigger than any of them.
This is happening.
There's 12/13 year old girls out there charging way harder than me.
The game has changed.
No one is going to drown with modern safety equipment, protocols and skis everywhere.
Yes, and thank you FR76 for calling them women. They've not chicks or girls.
Edit; posted same time as above, girls ok in context ;-) :-)
FR, to answer to your the end of the day, equality is about human equality. I'm not the one to educate about the struggles of the pro and non pro surfing female....they just made a movie about it. There's plenty to listen to.
I completely support them being pushed and for sure, put them out in the big stuff. It's the tour. That's what they signed up for. What i don't stand for is crew, who self admittedly haven't ever surfed proper big surf, calling for them to be thrown out in the biggest waves, right in the peak of the swell, 'make them earn their money'. What the fuck? Are girls supposed to prove to us they're just as worthy humans as us?? They have a men's and womens world tour exclusive to each other for a reason. If not, why are they not combined. Answer me that!? Incidentally, the girls tour is a huge success. Why should the corpos get all the money and the girls not put their hands up and say, c'mon. I have no problem with it. I'm astounded people who have no financial into it actually feel put out.
I lost an ex girlfriend and someone very close to my heart last year through domestic violence. She took her own life but her hand was forced. One of the most beautiful people i've ever known. It's been something that's fully rocked me for the last 18 months. I'll never stand by and listen to a man asserting his dominance over a female in any situation, ever. That's what my gripe is. Not on the progression of female surfing. I definitely think there's a few girls on the tour who are being shown up in the big stuff. And it's good. But to suggest they should be thrown to the lions when the ocean is the most violent to show they deserve to be paid as much as men??? Are you fucking kidding me?? What sick mind thinks that?
Wow that's heavy bd, sorry to hear for your loss.
Takes courage to speak up on these issues, I was just following your lead.
Putting oneself out there to be knocked down.
Everyone's story is different and we'll get there ;-)
Sorry Belly. No offence intended. I call men dudes, fellas, blokes, etc all the time. It's not something i really think of but will try to be more mindful of it...but can't promise anything! I call my best female surfing chick friends dude. haha. Cheers.
And FR just to add to that, cos i think it's time i exited this platform, but i just wanna make it clear, the girls are fucking insane! Joanne Defay, Courtney, Carissa, Sally, but furthermore, Justine Dupont, Maia Gabiera, Emi Erikson, Paige Alms, Tayla Hanak, Flick Palmateer, Laura Enever, Bethany Hamilton, Moana Jones, Vahine Ferriera, and then Portugal..Europe..u seen how many big wave chargers are coming out of there that arent dudes?? ....there's so many i've missed and the list ooes on and i love watching them surf and their hard charging.. It's inspiring not cos they're women, but because they're surfers. Just hate the bile coming from some people on here about what the women owe the male species. It's pure garbarge.
Fuck it. I'm putting a self imposed exile on myself on SN for a bit cos i know i'm going too hard. Just passionate FR, especially about stuff i've lived through. Always love your perspectives dude. You have a good rational mind and enjoy the way you frame your questions. Yew!
No need for a self imposed exile Bluediamond. Your hearts in the right place. You made some good points, so did Blowin. All the historical bullshit got in the way and detracted from a conversation we are all thinking internally about. You boys should try let shit that go, what's it get ya's? Fwiw, I reckon it's only the crew on the very fringes of society who would want to see the chicks hurt or maimed to prove a point. I don't see anyone advocating for that. But I reckon most would want to see them have a crack in the juice.
cheers BH. nah, probably best to slide out now. But appreciate hearing another goood golden perspective. Chat soon mate!
You are all forgetting about the spartan he loves this stuff
Buzzing, it’s gonna be another beauty comp. I see in the comments, most have written off Gabs.
and back to the swell, no signs of it yet at Naturalist or Albany. You can keep an eye on it here:
Should be a good crowd with the max exodus out of Perth coming.
MM having a good dig
Good to see.
This pretty much sums up female contest surfing after my wife and I watched a couple
of heats my wife pops up with these girls suck you can put the tv onto the car racing.
My wife detests absolutely hates car racing.
There have been some great performances from the women in other comps and to be fair the conditions were pretty average yesterday morning. I like the fact that in the women's comp every wave doesn't end with some kind of insane aerial (for now). I find it more relatable.
OMG the commentary is CRAP. Just talking about olympic sports while waves are being ridden. Name another sport that talks about OTHER STUFF when competition is actually happening
Yes I picked up on that. They need to organise their commentary just like they do in the cricket.
Craig's away today, so I'm on the forecast bench - and I've just updated the West Oz forecast. In short: stacks of swell, but a few tricky periods of winds. But a bloody good forecast if you're a Contest Director, and already have two great days under the belt!
Does Craig being away have anything to to do with a week of east swell forecast for the east coast?!
Funny that..
Jadson getting to know main break
What do any Margies locals reckon about the next few days?
will they run in the onshores?
Models keep changing but currently 10th,11th and 12th all look offshore you would think at least one of these days would eventuate, meaning there is no need to run in onshores over the next few days. Looks to be light offshores to!
think they need more than one day.
22 heats still to go (7 women’s, 15 men’s)
yes thats why they need to shorten the whole thing....the first round loser should go home no second chance......
Leave it until the offshore days at the end of the waiting period. Have loved it so far. No need to run in onshore.
Margies swell has hit the Bukit
High tide but Ulu looks beautiful atm
Faaark, time to get back to Indo!
I remember watching that wave on the webcast, and him seeming a bit rattled before he got on the ski, thought something went wrong. Bummer.
Bugger...maybe JJ should take-up a safer sport eg MTB
Stu's got some great tips!
Dunno why they're not running today. Here's a couple of frames form our Margs surfcam a few mins ago, (looking at Boatramp bombie) - old mate on the SUP got smoked.

This set just came through. Gotta be 8-10ft.

This one feathered on the outside reef, then pitched through on the main reef.

Margs would be Dr Evil today, lumpy bumpy...
Onshores are in now, 15kts across the coast.

Anyone know what the breaks are like they'll be surfing at Rottnest? Lefts/rights/reefs/points?
And how's the forecast looking?
Surfing Strickland's bay. Not a bad wave. Reef break right and left. Left is longer and better
Forecast looking small to average for swell. Winds ok
Expect head high waves
Would have been some solid ones out there today, albeit a bit crossshore