Queensland to get first Webber Wave Pool
On Friday Greg Webber signed a Memorandum of Understanding to build the first of his Webber Wave Pools. The agreement comes two years after Webber's first public proposal. Since then a number of potential developers have been mooted but this is the first time the dotted line has been signed.
The developer is David Baird, an Australian entrepreneur. It was Baird who signed the MOU with Webber and made the venture public.
The exact location of the wave pool can't be disclosed though it's known to be in south-east Queensland. The site was chosen by the developer in conjunction with the local council and is currently under assessment for a Material Change of Use application. This process will decide the scale of development on the site. The MCU is expected to take six months and when complete the location will be revealed.
What is known is that this pool will be a 'looped linear' version of Webber's original ring pool. About 18 months ago Webber Wave Pools made the decision to move away from a full circle toward a straight pool using the same wave-making technology. The reasoning being that a full circle occupies too much land.
The proposed pool will be 160 metres long by 80m wide, which will make 1.6 metre waves with rides of 15 seconds. Waves will move down either side of the pool (see video below).
Speaking in person Greg Webber emphasises the point that the wave he creates will have a trough. “It's an important distinction,” says Webber. “Because what that means is that we'll be creating the first operating wave pool that barrels.”
“The pool is all about making a hollow barrel, but it can make softer waves for ripping on though they will be about 1.4 metres.”
Creating a wave that barrels has been Webber's goal since he had a lightbulb moment watching trawler wake break along the banks of the Clarence River against the incoming tide. Webber Wave Pools have built successful scale models at the Australian Maritime College in Tasmania though this will be the first full size pool.
Webber expects to start building the pool later this year and have it finished by September 2015.
September 2015, why do i feel skeptical..still pencil it in on the bucket list.
BTW. What ever happened to the Kelly's wave pool thing?...is that still going to happen? or did they go bust?
Haven't heard anything official but with little news since last March (when it was reported that "LM Investments had been placed into voluntary administration"), it appears that they've run out of steam.
So long as they can work out the finer points to make sure we don't end up paying to be in a snapperesque snakeville / drop-in frenzy, they already have my money. If they haven't got a game plan in place to stop this, then I hope they have good public liability insurance, coz if I people are paying, and then not actually getting waves....
Yeah, fall off then drop in on the guy behind or if they are shoulder huggers ... snake them! Enter public liability indeed!
Read somewhere that it is one person per wave (not obviously as talk of "free" sessions) and fall off ... well ... I suppose you could catch the foamy in ... wherever "in" is?
Also talk of experience "levels" from beginners to advanced ... then "us" that should be paid to show how it's done!
Fun as it looks and the bonus of night surfing there's something about the ocean that intrigues me, besides nights are for partying and getting laid.
Wave pools=- wake boarding without a boat and a rope. What ever butters ya scones tho.
FWIW, a 15 second wave:
I reckon the average punter would be starting to get jelly legs after not much longer....
Always nice to see progress, I sincerely hope that it is sustained and then fulfilled to achieve useful results.
My understanding was that Kelly was building his wave pool this year in California, and he had ploughed a lot of his money into it.
I've emailed Noah Grimmett at KSWC. Hopefully have some news soon.
Worth noting there's some incorrect info going around. One of the American clickbait surf sites is reporting that "The Webber Wave Pool promises a continuously breaking, never ending wave that can accommodate multiple surfers at once. The wave height and shape can be altered within seconds in round shaped water park."
It ain't round and it ain't continuiusly breaking.
I was told towards the end of last year that a Webber wave pool was under construction on the east coast of Bali very close to a quality right hander. While staying there in November I went down to check out the construction site, all I could see was a seawall being built and so have been waiting to hear an announcement about it. Anyone else heard about this?
Stop me if you've heard this one before........
Wavepool brains signs MOU with QLD developer for a date just a wee, wee bit in the future.
and the beat goes on...
ooops, forgot: another animated computer generated graphic so we can all see how amazing it will be.
Oh, ye of little faith...
At some time, at some place, in some form, wavepools are gonna happen.
Wouldn't you say?
Mate, they've been around for thirty years.
It's just the gulf between the marketing hype and reality that is remarkably consistent in it's ability to underwhelm.
Operational wave pool in Spain
That clean, gutless two footer is the pinnacle right now.
No-one yet has manufactured a wave worth paying anything more than a novelty one-off fee for.
I'd love to see Greg get this one up, but if you google "David Baird Gold Coast entrepreneur" you find an interesting story about a bloke who's invested about $20M in Gold Coast real estate and apparently has so much money that he left an $8M riverfront McMansion empty for more than a year because "we don't rent". Now that's my kind of wave pool investor!
Same question as always with these things. What is the wave speed? The energy requirements go up with the square of the speed
assuming speed of wave along wall > speed of wave at the pocket & therefore it'll bowl? or does it (wave speed against wall) need to be accelrating constanly (or wave over sand constantly decelerating) to really bowl? Is it really gonna be a critical wave? those shots from the trawlers look good, but who knows until it's surfed aye
Yeah I saw that one too Phil.
He's a retired bloke from Melbourne who made his dough from telecommunications.
Sounds like the surfer moniker has been retro-fitted onto this cat to sex up the intelligence.
actually, I haven't even thought about wave crest angle relative to wall either...
Well if the animation is accurate as regards speed ( I timed a wave over the 160m) it would be equivalent to a short period swell. More Sydney shorey than peeling point break.......but that is just an assumption.
We're talking across some tech speak here, freeride, but the photo I saw with Webs and moneybags didn't look like a "retired bloke". Although, I suppose Derek O'Neill is a "retired bloke".
Yeah , when you've got that much folding stuff trousered retired is all relative.
720 waves an hour, four bucks a wave, 24 hours a day, plus per vid of session, plus for piped music as background for vid, plus for a pro commentary, plus for deck chairs, plus for lunch, plus to park the car, plus for board hire, plus for wax, plus for clothes locker, you want membership? plus for membership. you want gym? plus for gym. plus for drugs? fuck off my son, we're all surfers here
peterb, you old Avalon cruiser,
I bet you would be able to sell this concept by good product placement.
Give Ggreg his dues for time and effort and brains and balls to get to this stage.
I reckon you would enjoy the ride.....
howareya russ
Still breathing cleanTassie air. Wife and kids all good. Backing Greg and the wave pool with passion.
A guys got to dream. The only hurdle that I see ahead is the bit about having to deal with council hoops that need to be gotton thru......the red tape that they wrap around your neck. Take care, you old fart, or shold I say sparrows fart?
I got a respectful 'no comment' from the GM of the Kelly Slater Wave Company. So it would appear to be a two horse race - Wavegarden and Webber.
I think it was when they were thinking of the round pool that there was talk of pumping water countercurrent to the wave direction which would help with the wave shape and board speed on the face. Not sure if this is still being considered in this model.
That was one of the features of the wave, Willie, though I don't think it still is. I believe it came about via observation of the trawler waves only barreling when the boat ran against the tide.
However, I think they've overcome that with angle and bottom contour and the counter current isn't necessary. Might email Greg or Steven Schmeid, WWP's sdesigner, to confirm.
What about local wind conditions though? The pool is oriented linearly, so if you've got a howling cross wind, won't that affect wave quality? Or is it indoors? At best, one side of the wave pool is going to be onshore, or both sides cross-shore. Or am I totally missing something...................
I briefly went looking for more information about Webber pool tech. Some stuff here posted 4 months ago:
Here is some footage from the scale model at Australian Maritime College, Tasmania (this is old footage):
Hopeful but still skeptical at this stage.
Steven Schmied....is he still involved with webber wave pools ?
Hmmm...been a year since I've spoken to him. Will find out soon, I guess.
Only 160 metres long, Sponger, that's not much distance to build up chop. And anyway, everytime a wave breaks through the pool it'll flatten the chop.
Just a thought! How about some spin on this. If the wave pool is created and the local government/council are looking for a location. Is there anything to worry about the cruise liner terminal coming to the headlines again and them proposing to put one where they would destroy a surf beach??
Hi paintz, here is an article that appeared on Sail-World about the proposed cruise terminal, looks like it will go ahead at the spit.
Been out the country and not seen this. cheers
Won't the single rotational direction of the wave-making hulls create a big whirlpool?
I wonder how this would be tackled?
Love ya work.
Stu has the MCU been lodged yet?
Without knowing what's in the MOU exactly, I'd still only put this down as a 'Possible' more than 'Probable'.
MOUs are rarely binding (and often used to generate newsflow in the absence of real newsflow) and my guess is that funding still hasn't been agreed otherwise they would have announced it.
Hope it happens too but still some distance to go is my bet.
Well we've got a timeline now. And I reckon it would take about ten minutes of digging to find out which council in SEQLD has the DA in front of it.
Stu? You busy?
Ahhh...I already know. The whole world - or at least the Swellnet-reading part of it - almost did too except for a few quick phone calls.
Imagine Brisbane, Ipswich and the gold coast as forming a triangle.
The wave park is inside it.
Thanks Fitzroy-21! I am officially baffled! (had to be said!)
Webber wave pools facebook likes have jumped over 2000 in 2-3 days.
Also the viewing stats of WWP on Vimeo have gone straight up.
So it seems that many folks are interested in the whole thing.
Get the first one going and then?????
Build it and they will come.
Sunny coast an outside chance? Would have been getting a good run the last 6 months.
Old mate Baird is a big cheese on the Goldy.
I'd bet on the corridor between the Goldy and Brisvegas.
So what happens with safety on this 'apparatus' ?
- open up that little baby on the gold coast and every surf rat with a suntan will be climbing all over it on operating day number 1, that's if they haven't broken into the office the night before and fiddled with the levers and software and hey presto - am is eight foot and the neighbourhood is flooded out.
Who wouldn't do that?
You were a little shit 'pterb' when you were a couple of years younger.
I was never a 'little' shit
A couple of months ago there was lots of talk about a wavepool and leisure park being built in the Agnes Water area. Can't see there being enough demand around there though.
I'm guessing, Beenleigh, Coomera, Pimpama, Helensvale. Somewhere around that area.
I'm wondering if there will be the Brizzo/Goldy rivalry thing happening?
Agnes? Highly doubtful LW.
oops ..
From land purchase , D.A.lodgement to 160 x 80 mtr wave pool completion with car parking landscaping fencing etc etc this will eat up $20 mill plus
whats the estimated cost per wave ?
oops for capitalism?
then there's the lesson in economics
lots of homework to be done here -but I would spend heaps for certainty of a wave - oh dont we already do that?
No sh it Udo, probably why it is taking so long to get going.
This is becoming another Aussie bashing tall poppie syndrome. The guy obviously has some good ideas otherwise the maritime college in tassie wouldn't have wasted their time and expertise, facilities with him.
We have all dreamed about the perfect wave pool, endless barrels, always offshore.
Look at what he has provided in information,
The logistics in building it are huge, financing it even bigger.
If he is right , then who knows where it will end,
If not the sceptics can sit back in their screens as say, I told you so.
But I say, he's an Aussie with an idea who prepared to have a go, and I bet there isn't one person here that won't give it a go, even if it's only half as good as he says it will be.
Go Greg hope Ya nail it,
udo, nothing like a research and development grant to lesson the tax hurt for future years' profits - I used to do that shit once - when the job is done right, and gets finished, then forget company taxes for years.
Gromful, some people might have objections based on different grounds to pure small man spite ie Tall Poppy.
They might think these things are a massive wrong turn, a step backwards, a waste of energy and resources, another commercial raping and pillaging of surfing, and a way that future generations might become disconnected from Nature- whats that Pops, you used to go surfing in the Ocean..hahahah, how quaint.
So, no disrespect to Greg or any of the Webbers. They are forward thinkers and visionaries. But I think this is a massive wrong turn.
I don't dream about surfing in a fcuking pool filled with chlorine and fake palm trees on the side. I like the ocean. Guess I'm just old fashioned.
On the flipside though FR, my work keeps me away for periods at times and recently didn't get a surf for near 5 months. If I had access to that during the short quick stints near home it might just slightly satisfy that hunger.
Or when I wake up at 1 or 2 am and can't get back to sleep, to be able to duck out for a quick surf is quite appealing.
Fitzy I'm sure Webber and Mr money-bags couldn't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what I think of their wave-pool.
As long as the great unwashed queue up at the gates for their dose of chlorinated stoke they'll be happy.
And if a few salty sea dogs get a post mid-night slide to help the insomnia then more happy days.
like to see the "carbon footprint"..... Is it going to be run on solar power, wind power, or good old fashion coal?? Funny, that, with our surfing community.
From Greg Webber himself: "There’s no question of if it’s going to go ahead, it’s more just finalising the details. We can’t talk about the specifics of the site because of the attention you can sometimes get from the local community… there’s too much traffic, it might be noisy, what about the green tree frogs… We want to get the rest of the specifics organised before we get swamped with concerned neighbors."
If they are witholding info because they are worried about community opposition then some fairly large alarm bells should be ringing.
That kind of development by the "backdoor" ie ram it through council before people have a chance to scrutinise it can really bite people on the arse if it gets out that they are subverting the proper processes.
Its called "release and defend"or "do your homework, engage all the stakeholders, satisfy as best possible (or to legislation) and then release a realizable plan". Its no alarm bells just due diligence and careful planning to ensure all vulnerabilities and weaknesses are turned into opportunities and strengths. That in old school used to be called "good business planning". Yes there are such things as traffic planning , noise abatement and environment - these are important things not to be bad -mouthed but to be properly accommodated. A very unwise person would ignore them and then be sure that all are offside. Especially concerned neighbors. Turn your potential enemies into stakeholder allies by engaging ,listening and accommodating realistic legitimate concerns.
Now , stakeholder neighbors -They might find their property values double and if they don't like the facility can easily upgrade to somewhere else. That is a opportunity and a strength for them. At a community presentation and consultation I once had a lady almost jump up onto my table and get my laptop , shove it down my throat and drag it out the other end. Why you might ask? Because she was a "concerned neighbor"who had too little information and was not interested in the total information before making up her mind. The greenest of the green apologized to me and said that she was not part of their group , had never been to one of their meetings and were not sure of what she was about. But she was feeling threatened and vulnerable, just based on her own perceptions of the process of previous development proposals. These are the people not to ignore and hope they will go away -but by their own actions can isolate themselves from everyone else .
Bring it on i say and hope it all goes according to plan,and im sure they would not be going ahead if there were any doubts.....................would they?....gulp
I am with freeride on this. If you are in a pool, it's not surfing. What amazes me is the reductionist nature of the thinking, the idea that the whole experience can be reduced to riding a few waves. Forget about the search, the paddle out, the line up, the competition with the crowd. Forget about rips and shifting banks, forget about gulls and dolphins, penguins and seals, tides and winds....But don't forget your credit card, your tinea cream or your shampoo (unless you like green hair). Bah humbug? Absolutely.
And, as ever in discussions of wave pools we get all sorts of data, but not wave speed which is the really critical factor.
any changes to surfboards needed for fresh water/chlorine pool surfing ? more foam or on the safety side boards with blunt noses .
Does it state anywhere that it will be chlorinated water? Salt water pool technology has been around for a little while now.
You would expect it would, but even saltwater pools produce chlorine (google it)
G'day Indo, I have a salt water pool but the issue with them is the salinity is low and they use chemicals (chlorine). There is alternatives that is chemical free and keeps the salinity at sea water levels.
Without boring you to tears, if your not familiar with it, bio system. We use it on vessels to keep fish like coral trout alive for the export market. An recirculated aquarium on the vessel. Sand filters, high pressure highly oxygenated (just bubbles from air, not oxygen bottles)skimmer, and a bio filter. The filter is just thousands small "plastic balls" that have a massive surface area that the bacteria grow on to stabalise pH etc. No chemicals, normal salinity, super clean water.
Yeah ok, never heard of them will have to google and check them out.
I could go into detail but it is really easy and effective with little maintenance once set up. Normal pump set ups like for a pool, sand filter needs backwashing similar to a pool and the protein skimmer needs a clean when neccesary (it catches all your oils and scum from the water, a bit like the dirty foam you get on beaches from massive storm swells). You don't need all the full on sand, rocks etc in the bottom like an aquarium. Just a pool and as long as the bacteria is kept healthy (no chemicals etc) they do all the work for you in maintaining the pH.
Bio Balls - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/300-Bio-Balls-marine-aquarium-tank-pond-aquac...
Protein Skimmer -
You grumpy old men. I reckon I'd pay to have a go once or twice. I can see it being really useful for practice. I mainly surf average beach breaks and don't really get to take trips to Indo or anything so my surfing is pretty stagnant. A full on work schedule means I'm lucky to get out twice a week despite living one block from the beach. Consequently I'm a fairly boring surfer. When I do snaffle that odd 15 second ride from the crowd at a nearby point, I don't want to waste it going for a bigger turn or something so I play it safe.
The odd day with a guaranteed few long waves would be helpful. And it'd probably be kind of fun too for what it is.
I love the idea of it. But, I'd never, ever use it.
Anything that has the potential to keep crowds away from the beach, has to be applauded.
braithy, these things have the capacity to develop an entirely new crowd of surfers who know nothing about the ocean, I know it is hard to imagine the standard falling even further than what you see on most Sydney beaches now, but believe me, it can happen.
Oh God, I thought I was the only one who thought these things are a bad idea. You think the more popular surf spots around the world are crowded now. Wait till these things go global and we get another 50,000,000 surfers from the US, Europe, China etc etc.
I hope to hell the whole thing never eventuates.
Im with the view that surfing is more than just the experience of surfing a wave, but if promo vid is anything to go by (actual peeling barrels) i don't think there would be a surfer in Oz that wouldn't want to give it a go at least once just for the novelty factor.
The really interesting thing is whether surfers will actually embrace this.....at a level that proves economically viable.
So far that has been accepted as a given, but even wavepools that have so far produced fun waves have fallen by the wayside.
Maybe the demand isn't as strong as people make out.
I mean if they make a wavepool suitable for Logan kooks there ain't gunna be too many serious surfers lining up to use it.
btw Greg was very active in previous posts on this, surprised he isn't chiming in here and offering pertinent info.
I think this is pretty easy, those that are against it don't go, don't talk about it, like tv, change the bloody channel. Of course if it works there will be negatives in all aspects, but when it's been flat for weeks, family and work gets in the way, injuries, all sorts of reasons too give it a go, Fuck yeah I'll try it, even if it is 4 ft but looks 2 ft
Greg has a chat.......words only, no vision.
Just his long time visions for the bright future of his technology.
Good reading between the lines.
Last year in Japan I drove past the Miyazaki wave pool. It was shut down and deserted. This proposal is probably better technology but from talking to some of the local surfers they just got bored with the same thing all the time. If you want to stay in business you would be better following the Wet and Wild model and forgetting about real surfers. If it ever does get built, I suspect that, one way or another, it will end up just another theme park pushing out mush burgers for the tourists for the bulk of the time.
Thats exactly my point BB...everyone will give it a go ...but will enough people keep coming back to make it profitable......
I mean what if there is a killer autumn/winter and everyone goes surfing in the Ocean.....will there be enough business to keep the money-men happy?
Also, it was interesting to note that SurfParkCentral site hadn't removed the PR blurb over the defunct Maddison Estate site.
This is one reason why I keep asking about wave speed. The energy needed rises with the square of the speed. If the animation is correct the wave speed corresponds to that of a low period swell and that translates to a pretty forgettable experience for most surfers after a few waves.
Not too sure about energy or speed, BB, though in a previous article Greg talked about energy requirements and they were surprisingly low. I'll try and find it shortly.
I spoke to Greg again this afternoon and he was adamant this park will be targeted directly at surfers. He has no plans for this pool to become a forgotten corner of a funpark where rubbernecks can catch a breaker and cool down. Told me the goal is to find out how far he can make the lip pitch, and in fact he's selling off 5% of the company (WWP) to raise funds for more testing.
Plans are to go back to the Maritime College, test in their largest pool and aim for the top in terms of a 'dramatically breaking wave'.
Who knows where it's gonna end up, he may well create an amazing wave but the hardcore surfing market simply doesn't patronise it - whatever. But he is aiming to create the most barrelingest (what a word!) wave he can.
I'll put the full conversation up shortly.
The energy of the wave is half the mass multiplied by the square of its speed so while a low energy figure might go over well with investors it is probably bad news for surfers. You can make slower waves barrel by manipulating the bottom shape but, in my book, stalling into a slow moving barrel doesn't rate as one of surfing's great experiences.
i recall reading that the method for making it a hollower wave is less about the bottom shape, and more about creating a flow of water running against the actual wave. "Creating a wave that barrels has been Webber's goal since he had a lightbulb moment watching trawler wake break along the banks of the Clarence River against the incoming tide"
When I think about 'fast waves', it not necessarily about how much ground I'm covering, but more about how fast the cylinder is spinning around me ;-)
I'd rather 'attempt' to surf 1ft slop vs the best anything a wave pool can throw at me. I don't care how good they make the 'wave'.
G'day Stunet.
Any idea how I could contact Mr Webber as a potential investor ?
$12.5K starting price (approx)
tell him I sent you
Send me your banking details blowin, I'll make certain it is invested wisely, perhaps you have a few friends that may be interested in becoming partners?
Fitzy, if the thing fails as a wavepool they could always set it up as a fishing park with live coral trout in it.
Now, that is something I would travel for.
haha, how did you go at the rockwall the other day?
If its anywhere near the Gold Coast and they don't get enough punters from just the attraction of a waves, all they would have to do is add a bar/beer garden for the Goldie boys to be able to drink in the sun, better still add a small tattoo parlour, can never have to many southern cross tats.
Spot on there ID.
Ive seen a few stars with five points, thats funny.
Got a feed Fitzy. Lots of bait around at the moment. Whenever the slimies, gar and bonito are around there's bigger fish chasing them.
Thanks Hillsintas, thanks Stunet. What are you referring to PeterB ?
Don't think anyone's mentioned it yet, but it is reversable? From the animation it's only a right.
Hope so cause there is no way I am paying to go right.
Its a big gamble alright and its something that could take off or become a white elephant.Two edge sword really,might take pressure off the beaches but could also breed another type of surfer who knows fuck all about the ocean.Who would have thought surfing has come to this,but hats off to Greg Webber he sees life a bit differently and maybe thats not a bad thing.Time will tell.
Any D.A. s lodged or approved any news or progress ?
Perhaps all of Greg Webber ,Kelly Slater and Wavegarden should see this as an opportunity for a small wave , large pool?
I notice that the engineer on wavegarden has a surname of Von Braun -not a bad pedigree if he is a relative of the guy who put a man on the moon?
Spruiked elsewhere as The perfect wave - Made in Germany? Miele, BMW, VW, Mercedes and Porsche etc? Not a bad bit of marketing spin? Now with an aussie on board wanting to put one in every city downunder?
wavegarden, yawn.
tick tock tick tock.
Someone posted a shot of Fred Hemmings riding a waist high peeler in a wavepool in Florida forty years ago............
I agree totally fr76, but they seem to be getting traction in the UK and that generates cash flow which furthers r&D and so on to its predetermined end based on the demand, cash flow and continued public support . .
That r&d might address the yawn factor ; as well the reliability and maintenance issue they have disclosed. The latter first, one might hope?
Yawn is also what the Wehrmacht said about the first V2's when they became launch pad fireballs?
First one generating the cash and reinvesting wisely gets to improve the product for more cash generation? etc etc (as long as the product is not a dog in the first place)
as Avicci says - "wake me up when its all over"?
The Poms now have planning approval for there wave pool at Bristol.
estimated cost of approx. 6.5 million pounds......... just under $12 million AUS.
Bristol is the second one to get approval in Great Britain. The same mob got planning approval for a Wavegarden-style set up in Snowdonia, Wales, a few weeks back. Both projects, Wales and Bristol, will likely be finished around the same time.
Watch this space for Australian news...
As with any progress -with great interest.
You know you need help...
If you get excited upon hearing sheldons phone ring tone - when it is the same as yours.
ping ....ping
You started yet Webber ?
We might have a few words from Greg on the site tomorrow. However it might not be about the wave pools but something else instead.
One step closer it seems...
"Divisional councillor Rick Baberowski said the resort and water park would complement Sunshine Coast’s strongest international brand in Australia Zoo as well as The Big Cart Track and Aussie World, which are all located within close proximity."
And if you haven't already done so, you really should get on up to Aussie World.
And yet another contender pops onto the radar...
Size and wave frequency again seems "optimistic". looking to see one of these nail it tho!
Crowdfunding to build a wavepool?
Surely they jest.
Interesting research:
"Is there a market for great waves in Australia?
Surveys completed for Surfing Australia indicate that 1 in 10 Australians like to surf, with 3 in 10 wanting to learn to surf. For the Brisbane area alone, this equates to over 800,000 people who would use Surf Lakes regularly.
Our conservative operating budget requires circa 315,000 people to visit Surf Lakes only once each year, to provide annual returns of over 30% on $15M capital expenditure. Surfers will not be satisfied to visit once per year and are more likely to visit once per month or more. Night surfing will be particularly attractive for most of the year in Brisbane, as busy people can fit surfing into their schedule by having a session after hours. When including visitors from the Gold Coast, Sunshine coast and other national locations, there will be no shortage of a market, without even considering the growing number of international tourists to SE Qld. The facility is multi-faceted and appealing not just for surfers but it will become a recreational attraction for people of all ages."
You'd think if it was that inviting they'd have no probs finding venture capital.
Whats the word on Webbers pool?
Best thing ever let all the corporate clowns and fuckwits use it free up ocean space
Great contribution, westcoastnz
Surf Snowdonia Wavegarden is on schedule to open in July. 2m high waves with a ride length of 150m. Will be interesting to see the quality of the waves. At 40 pounds an hour it's not cheap.
Webber will have to charge at least $50 per person per hour to make this wavepool viable.
$50/hour to huff chlorine fumes?
there's cheaper highs than that getting around.
Stumbled on this,very interesting what Kellys doing.
Farking hell!
Millions of people driving cars to an isolated spot with good waves already?
And Slater is trying to run a green line as an environmentalist?
Almost 2 yrs since this article, anyDAs lodged or earthworks started or.....anything ? Sept 2015 was wave pool completion date.
Forgot all about the link above from simba.
is sunshine park with its webber wave pool close to completion? a simple google search only returned 18 month old local newspaper articles and the webber website doesn't have anything nor does its facebook. sept 2015 was mentioned as a completion date but obviously hasnt happened. going on holidays up there and figured a wave at the wave pool might be more fun than trying to jostle at the points with 700 of my mates.
A question again from 2 years ago - Is Steven Schmied still a part of Webber Wave Pools ?
Anyone know...parted company...in the Court ?
@stuent wrote, commented above, WAY back on 18 Feb 2014...
"I got a respectful 'no comment' from the GM of the Kelly Slater Wave Company. So it would appear to be a two horse race - Wavegarden and Webber."
As we now know THAT wasn't the case, with KSW n Co "secretly" developing the Lemoore pool.
Such a contrast to the Webber ongoing 'announcements' and no progress approach.
Business strategy differences, IMO, will be the key to success. Better technology miss-manged will be surpassed by that with the better Business strategy.
Queenslander tbb reviews [Cairns] Wave Action
2015 Adventure Waters proposed a 'Full Blown Wave Pool' by 2019 ($1-4m?)
Their Promo video envisages a Flow Rider or AWM Flow wave.
(Update) April 2019 Adventure Waters is set back to 2021 (Standard setback in Qld)
2016 Tobruk Memorial Park Dual Flow Rider
24/Feb 2019 Cairns Flow Comp Vid ...featuring 'Flippin' Hellraiser # Dale Proctor'
Nov 2017 Crocodile powered Wave Pool swishes a pretty mean set of waves.
April 2019 Beachside Wave Pool Resort differs greatly from WaterPark model.
Select from Cairns wave menu...
Irukandji must be Wavepool trained
Box Jellies 2 per wave limit.
Croc Tow-ins are mostly Ok outside of Feed Times...Ask Lifeguard for your free chook!
Cyclonic upgrades may or may not include your board or surf buddy or oneself.
Festivals charge 2K/wk for tents... Wave Park 'Resort Plans' are all now in the the bin.
Theme /Water Parks now 'Adventure Parks'(eco cred-more handouts,profit less laws)
Cairns makes a lot of sense , maybe more than swell blessed coast's . Plenty of young travelers etc. Still all going to come down to an acceptable price point.