The Crowd
This is a community service announcement brought to you by blindboy.
It's that time of year. We are all part of the crowd, but in some weird schizoid manifestation of our primitive instincts, we all loathe it at the same time. So in the spirit of reframing (discuss this with your personal psychotherapist) and trying to see something positive in even the worst of circumstances, consider the few, pathetic, advantages that come from that seasonal swarm of humanity that, with you firmly embedded, sweeps down upon your local surf spot at this time of year.
1. They are a constant reminder that YOU can surf. No matter how inept you may, from time to time, feel in your efforts to surf, you are guaranteed, at this time of year, to be in the top 10% every session. 2. They reduce your chance of shark attack. Simple statistics. Hungry shark. Ten surfers. Ten percent chance it is you. Fifty surfers? Two percent chance it is you. Yes indeed, the crowd could save your life. 3. They help your favourite shaper survive these lean times. Let's face it, they're just about begging on the streets these days. That three month wait used to be a pain in the arse and we're very glad that they can deliver next week at a reasonable price but we don't want them to go out of business completely. 4. They ensure your local corner shop sells wax. We've all been there, done that, in terms of last minute wax deprivation, resulting in undignified slippage at critical instants. 5. It is character building. This is not something that can generally be said about surfing. Mindless, hedonistic self-gratification is usually a much closer fit. Consider the on going spiritual benefits of the self-restraint necessary to survive a typical Sydney Sunday session. Buddhist monks sitting for decades in damp caves draping themselves with bat shit achieve less spiritual progress. 6. You meet old friends. Natural selection, having had a decent interval to operate, has dealt with the dickheads. They are in gaol, dead, suffering cognitive decline or otherwise athletically dysfunctional. You only meet the nice ones. 7. You save the energy that you would have otherwise used surfing your usual quota of waves. This is handy since you will probably have to walk to the beach given the shortage of parking and the abundance of Council rangers stalking the area. 8. Listen up. In Sydney the water is full high level traders gossiping about their investments, such as when to go long on copper or short on the retailers. Like Christmas, this only comes once a year. Just think how much you could have made selling those Billabong shares at the right moment. 9. It being summer, you will have great opportunities to exercise your aesthetic appreciation of the human form. 10. It feels so good when it goes away. Without the summer crowds we wouldn't appreciate the only slightly smaller and marginally more competent winter crowds. //blindboy
Hahaha, I can truethfuly say that each of those 10 points have crossed my mind at some point.. Crowds are so awesome!!
No. 9. You mean perv on chicks, right?
Hmmm Patty sounds a little sexist to me, I mean people enjoy the human forms of those they prefer as sexual partners.
So every girl I wish I was having sex with I'm allowed to ogle.
We on the same page?
Of course by ogle I mean admire.
Self-restraint, Patty. Spiritual progression. You need to focus on point number 5.
patty There are a range of behaviours that could be described by the words "perve" and "ogle", starting with a fixed stare, with drool running out of the corners of the mouth accompanied by low animalistic noises and vigorous movements intended to simulate some sort of sexual activity. This is illegal, or if it isn't it should be. At the other end of the spectrum is the simple unavoidable situation of someone crossing your field of vision resulting in a noticeable elevation of mood with zero to minimal sexual overtones. Now if you are offended by the latter there is really nothing I can say. It is an unavoidable aspect of our culture. If you would like to describe exactly where along the continuum I have described, you start to take offence, that would probably help further the discussion.
Sup, BB, you readin' braille? Enjoyed the article. Your latest reposte: incomprehensible.
The glass is always half full... good writing mate
Thanks Ben. Sorry whaaaat I may have been taking patty the wrong way but I thought there was a disapproving tone in there somewhere.
well said blindboy.
sure beats paying big dollars to see a shrink,
i wonder if any surfers have actually gone to a shrink about it?
Doctor: 'So lie down, tell me your problems Jim'
'Well doc, you see, I used to go surfing and catch waves and be able to experience this amazing feeling of carving the waves without any thoughts in my mind. It was my special place, my zen. Doc its gone, i feel restless without it and dont know if i can go on. Particularly at summer. I paddle out at summer and the only thing that keeps me sane is perving at the chicks in bikinis that are frollicking in the shoreline.'
Doctor: Go on
An extra thing: A mega crowd can be camoflage. I.E. there can be 25 guys out but only 4 can actually surf! so it is really actually uncrowded!
Yours in surfing! (& I hate teh crowds!)
Agree with you in the main, Dumpster, but for the fact that most of 'em don't understand the part of etiquette that says you must cop it on the scone rather than get in the way of the bloke coming down the line.
Soooo True Whaaat, so many are like deer in the headlights, but also "etiquette" seems almost none existant, between the guys who think they own the break, the inexperienced who just don't know, the five guys who think they can just share your wave. It's called respect, if we all showed a little respect and tolerance we would all enjoy ourselves alot more. Sometimes people drop in by mistake, it happens, just chill, locals don't have to snake every wave, if you want respect then show a little respect. It goes along way, Chill, be happy
I've found that (except for at Snapper where I've only surfed a few times) once it gets above 4-5ft, the crowds really thin out and the guys that are left do follow the etiquette. Even at Dbah, the talent will just out surf/paddle you, not dog you; if you're the deepest then guys will hold back.