The growth of surfing in China: At what cost?
Surfing corporations and governing bodies see China as a huge new market and potential audience. Former Association of Surfing Professionals CEO Brodie Carr recently claimed by way of a press release, "China is a powerful athletic country, a vast country and marketplace with a potential billion-strong audience for us." By 'audience' I reckon Carr means 'consumers'. Given declining surf product sales in the West eyes have turned to the emerging middle-class and new rich in China. To enter the Chinese market and generate interest in surfing consumption competitions have recently been held on Hainan Island, in the South China Sea.
I went to Riyuewan Bay, Hainan Island – where the contests were held - following the last competition. As an expat surfer living in China I have been to Hainan four times – three times prior to any competitions. My recent observations have led me to have some concerns and suggestions I would like to express to the broader surfing community. These are matters you will not read in the surfing organisations' press releases and see in the surfing corporations' advertisements and advertorials.
The Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) and International Surfing Association (ISA) have run The Swatch Women's World Longboarding Championship; and The Hainan Wanning Riyuewan Bay International Surfing Festival Presented by Quiksilver – made up of the International Surfing Association's (ISA) China Cup and the Association of Surfing Professionals' (ASP) World Qualifying Series' Hainan Cup.
The ASP and ISA have claimed that the move into China is about the sustainable development of surfing and sharing the 'surfing lifestyle'. The male and female competitive surfers are to be role models for Chinese youth. When professional surfer Cori Schumacher boycotted the 2011 Women's longboard championship in China on human rights grounds then ASP CEO Brodie Carr contacted her and suggested that Cori, "proactively go there as an ambassador of a sport that possesses the unparalleled ability to empower people". Following the competitions, President of the ISA, Fernando Aquerre, said, "Without a doubt I can say that China has made a grand entrance into the surfing family."
So what does this "grand entrance" and "unparalleled ability to empower people" look like on the ground at Riyuewan Bay?
One of the most significant effects of the contests I noticed has been the building of a permanent contest site. The contest site includes large sheds, media centre, competitor 'hang out' area, and judging building. A large bitumen car park has also been built. The natural shoreline has been turned into a built environment (see images 5-8 in gallery).
These facilities are only used during the contests. There is no access to them or use of them otherwise. I am sure the locals could find a 101 uses for these facilities for the 48 weeks of the year these eyesores ruin the scenery for every other surfer, tourist and local.
A local homely restaurant owned by 'Mama' has been torn down, and her land reclaimed by the government – a common practice in China when government officials can see money being made and want a grab at it themselves. Mama was compensated. However, she lost her income stream.
Mama now runs a small drink stand in a new 'surf club' (owned by a businessman/government official) built on the site of her old place. This warehouse-type structure houses a large new restaurant and the 'Surfing Hainan' surf shop.
One of the local surfers is now part owner of the restaurant. That could be seen as a benefit stemming from the development borne of the surfing competitions. However, the restaurant is doing poorly. Outside the contest periods there are not enough customers to support such a large restaurant facility. Poor trade at the restaurant has caused friction between the co-owners, and the restaurant is likely to close down after only one month of business.
This transformation of natural environment into a built environment and small businesses into large commercial enterprises is consistent with the growth of Hainan Island in general. A new resort and condominium complex seemingly opens each week. New highways cut across paddy fields. Private beaches have been established. Golf courses cover huge swathes of land. The goal in the government propaganda brochures is to make Hainan the 'new Waikiki'.
Many surfers would not appreciate the model of development being pursued.
Further to changing the natural environment into a built environment, another environmental effect of the competitions has been trash from the competitions ending up on the headland. Piles of garbage have been dumped a few metres into the vegetation (see images 2-4 in gallery). This environmental vandalism is barely a blip on the radar of the environmental destruction taking place because of over-development on Hainan (and industrial waste and construction in China, more broadly). Yet, it doesn't cry out 'sustainable development' either.
Surfing companies, organisations and competitors had (and still have) the chance to show how the environment can be managed to benefit tourism, rather than be destroyed because of it, as tends to be the case in China. To date, they have failed to do so.
In addition to the environmental concerns, I also saw how insufficient effort is being made to make sure benefits flows directly into the local community and the development of a grass-roots surfing culture.
A lot of money was sourced to pay for the meetings, trips by Chinese government officials to Australia, buildings, competition running costs, publicity, car park, etc. One extravagant example is how for The Swatch Women's Longboard World Championship the competitors, media, officials, organisers, and the like were housed at Le Meridian Resort. This is a five star resort located a few kilometres north of Riyuewan Bay. One hundred rooms were booked. The cheapest room at this resort costs five hundred U.S. dollars.
Money was sourced from the local Government and the Chinese Central Government, as well as corporate sponsors. As tends to be the case in China, quotes for services were over-priced and the excess government money ended up in a few wealthy individual's pockets. These businessmen tend to be the ones who have government connections (some successful businessmen also tend to be part of the government). This is common practice in China. It is not called 'corruption'. It is simply 'doing business'.
I am not saying the surfing organisations can avoid this way of doing business in China. My point is more about how the local people received no direct benefits despite the spending of government funds drawn from their taxes.
A way to address this failure to provide direct benefits to the local community is to make demands for increased accountability. This will help ensure that as many benefits as possible can directly reach the local community. This demand can be driven by the surfing organisations. A bit of pressure from outsiders has been known to work.
Very few locals were employed for the contests. Event management and other staffing requirements were primarily supplied by non-local companies and businesses, some from as far away as Beijing. It can be argued that the locals do not have the necessary skills to work at these contests. However, it can be countered that these contests would have provided valuable training and experience for those wishing to learn, and so in future be able to have the contests driven and controlled by the local community.
I didn't hear of any money going directly into developing a grass-roots local surfing community. The young people of the area cannot afford surfboards. Most cannot swim. No surfboards were donated or left behind for the young people to use. No swimming lessons paid for. No money was invested in a community-driven surfing collective whereby young people could come to learn ocean safety, hang out, learn how to surf, learn about how to care for their local coastal environment, get to ride a surfboard, etc. Again, it was/is a case of the surfing corporations and organisations simply wanting to take rather than given anything back.
ISA president, Fernando Aquerre, said about the ISA move into China, "Bringing it [surfing] to 1.3 billion that barely know surfing is part of our mission. Surfing is good for the world". However, surfing is not inherently 'good'. Any benefits from surfing must be worked on and developed. Planned and thoughtful action and decisions have to be taken in conjunction with surfing. Reason works better than blind faith.
For surfing communities to grow and be sustainable they must be grass-roots to begin with. Thinking that the emerging Chinese middle-class will see a contest or two and suddenly have the interest, money and leisure time to take up surfing is misguided.
The majority of the new rich in China exist in cities far away from beach culture. Young people are still encouraged to put leisure last, and education and work at the forefront. They are, after all, the first generation with such wealth, consumption ability and even a modicum of leisure time. Mind you, the vast majority of the Chinese population are far from being middle-class. The fact is, young Chinese of whatever class still have considerable family responsibilities that militate against hanging at the beach and surfing. Beach culture, as those in the West know it, is still very foreign to many Chinese, and even if they do know about beach culture it is a distant dream.
Surfing is still an exotic curiosity, and will remain so for a long time. Evidence for this is that there was only a smattering of spectators at the contests. Spectator numbers were at their highest when they were bussed in by the government, including schoolkids. VIPs were driven to the contests to observe the first day of competition and the festivities, never to return.
If the surfing organisations and the governments really want to sustainably develop surfing in China then barging in with surfing competitions is not going to cut it. They have to invest in building a grassroots surfing community.
Another thing I heard about was the presence of drugs at the ASP WQS contest. Now, I make no moral judgment about drugs. Personally, I don't care if people do drugs or don't. But it is hypocritical that the ASP recently touts their Drug Testing and stand against drugs. A word of warning, in China drug penalties can be as severe as the death penalty. You get caught in China and the offence cannot be swept under the carpet or covered up by the ASP or your surf sponsor.
Look, I am not saying surfing competitions are inherently bad or that developing surfing in China can only be negative. Some local surfers and expat surfers enjoy the opportunity to surf in these and participate. However, there are various ways the entry of surfing competitions can be less exploitative and more beneficial.
Surfing competitors and organisations have an opportunity to set an example by demanding environmental care before, during and after their presence. Money can be set aside to directly support the development of a local coastal care and surf tourism organisation. A surfing for development program could be set up for the young people of the area e.g. do well at school, come see us, and you get swimming lessons and to use a surfboard. Documentation of ethical international surf tourism examples could be brought in to show local officials and community members what can go wrong if the built environment is not managed and how surfers prefer eco-friendly and community-driven development. Surfing representatives also have a rare opportunity to have a word in the ear of government officials about such matters. It's an opportunity most of the local community will never have.
On Hainan there is an expat surfing population and a dozen or so local surfers who could be paid to manage this process. In my humble opinion, this is a group of people who have not adequately been incorporated into the development of surfing on Hainan. This group of surfers understand local ways of getting things done, can provide on-the-ground reports, and already have wonderful ideas about how to move surfing forward on Hainan in a sustainable and ethical way. For example, Brendan who owns the surf shop 'Surfing Hainan' and runs the Surfing Hainan Open – a locally-driven contest – has shown how a surfing competition on Hainan can be responsibly run, community-sensitive and environmentally sound.
What now?
One could begin with a series of workshops with the expat and local surfing population, as well as local community elders, to work out what is good for the grass-roots community.
I write this article to serve as a warning and a faint hope that a necessary discussion amongst key stakeholders regarding the development of surfing on Hainan can ensue.
Thankfully, it will be a long time before the surf industrial complex find some of the other locales my stickerless friends and I surf in China - beachies that are carbon copies of South Straddie/Duranbah/Blacks, pointbreaks that peel for hundreds of metres, and a few reefs that'll keep you on edge. Surfing is already in China, just not as the corporations/organisations know it.
Acknowledgment: I would like to thank Cori Schumacher for her discussions with me about the matters in this article. You can read some of Cori's opinions about China and surfing here and here and also here.
Clifton Evers is a researcher/writer living in China. He works for universities, government departments, sport organisations, and community groups. He is the author of Notes for A Young Surfer (2010, Melbourne University Press).
Great job for posting this Swellnet, and thanks for reporting it CLif. Let's face it, the 'front' of environment friendly image of surfing is mostly, another way for the big businesses to earn more revenue. Deep down, how many on the board of those *clothing* (not surfing) companies care? I'd like to wage they don't.
Having been to Hainan myself before (but not surfed) I would say the island is unfortunately already doomed. At one time there were prime tropical rain forest on the island and a population of Oran gutans. It had a lovely unmolested beauty to it. Then the Chinese government decided they want a 'Hawaii of China' and the bull dozers moved in. Within a few years, the concrete resorts started dominating the beach front. Now it is just another Gold Coast.
And the unsustainable practice is everywhere - reef fish are collected without restrictions. People capture beautiful specimens such as Porcupine puffer just to watch them 'blow up' and die in agony. Corals (dried then bleached) and sea shells are collected and sold as souvenirs everywhere, there are even turtle shell decorates.
These people are literally destroying their own future, and most tourists (locals from other parts of China), don't give a damn - as long as they had their 5 days of 'tropical paradise fun' by sitting on a beach, molesting fish and buying corals, they don't care.
It will be a paradise lost. No doubt about it.
But it's still upsetting to see a good chance for promoting environment sustainability lost by well, 'do as the locals do' at this surfing comp.
As for some of the competitors, cheap booze probably places higher on their than eco-friendly.
Now go pat yourself on the back guys.
Absolutely appalling, it's all that can be said. If the ISA/ASP are planning to make the contests yearly then this is a bud that needs nipping, efficiently and expediently. As Clif says, this is an excellent opportunity for surfing to do something worthwhile for the local community at very little cost.
Great reporting Clifton, from someone who's enjoyed your work from Uni of Syd days.
PS: Is that a 'Kelly 11' poster I see in one of the photos?
Katsura, it is depressing to watch. I have seen the actions you mention. It is very sad. Nevertheless, I would hope a minor alternative could be showcased via surfing at Riyue bay. Tourisma nd care can work together. Although, I am probably being wilfully naive and it is just wishful thinking.
heals, thanks for the props. That is a Ke11y poster in one of the photos. When I got home I noticed it there. Pretty trippy, but seems appropriate.
Looking forward to going back to some other China surf locales. There is one place that keeps me intermittently barrelled, and subsequently sane. Thankfully, these haven't been found by the organisations/corporations, yet. Mind you, they don't start coming to life until May, caaarn May ...
Have you spokdn to anyone at the ISA or the ASP about the issues? I'd be keen to hear what they hadhave to say.
It 's a good idea abc-od. I am not a professional journalist and don't represent anyone. So I doubt very much they would speak with me. Maybe Swellnet could hook me up. They have some kudos I don't.
I will try to email Aquerre. His contact details should be on the ISA website. Not sure who to email at the ASP as Brodie Carr is gone and they have no helmsman, as far as I know.
Anyway, if readers help provide contacts/ideas I will chase them down the rabbit hole. My time is limited, as this is not my job. However, I will do my best.
Thanks, abc-od
clif, don't go getting yourself locked up.
I appreciate its ugly, but surfing can't save China from itself.
At best, you'd be tinkering around the edges, whilst putting yourself at risk.
a little perspective...
Thanks for getting this out there clif. Not much to add but leaves me shaking my head at the predictability of it all. I guess it's not history repeating but the outcomes seem to be. What was the quote? Surfing is good for the world or something? Well yeah surfing could be but competitive surfing ain't necessarily so. Maybe just deliver some boards and leave em in peace if they really wanna make a difference. Rather like what Duke did all those years ago.
And hats off to Cori S for taking such a principled stand.
Great article! Reminds me of the story in Stab(?) after the Rip Curl Search event at La Jolla Mexico. Why aren't we reading about these stories (and others like them) in the mainstream surfing publications? What's so wrong with this type of reportage? The positives of transparency are self-evident in this article. Better environment? Greater local involvement? Seriously, who loses??
My only complaint is the lack of information regarding the 'pointbreaks that peel for hundreds of metres' :)
So, I now have the email addresses of Dave Proden (ASP) and Fernando Aquerre (ISA).
@sidthefish there is no risk of being locked up.
@benski I'm with you. Just leave boards and let surfing develop organically. Although, that isn't going to happen because of $ to be made. I'm shaking my head, too. And yeah, hats off to Cori. I wonder if anyone will ever boycott Australia for its human rights abuses e.g. refugees? Or the U.S. e.g. Guantanamo?
@prg1972 I imagine mainstream surf publications have certain advertisers who would be adverse to publishing certain stories. Anyway, I like the open-access of Swellnet, Inertia and the like i.e. punters not having to pay to get this information. And no, you can't know the locale of the points ha ha. They are a bit like the points in Sri Lanka. Never get big, but plenty of fun.
Stoked people are finding the article informative.
This article is well written but I found it awfully one sided, like someone else said why didn't you speak to the ASP? The you said you didn't know who to contact, c'mon mate. You're saying you managed to track down Cori, but couldn't go on the ASP website and click on contact info...
I'm real suss on Cori Schumacher. Where does she think her wetsuit neoprene comes from ? Her fins ? The chemicals her boards are made from?>>> Boycotts China... only when it suits her - she rides china everyday she surfs.
(Side note: yanks hate China except when it comes to funding their deficits, or supplying them with manufactured crap for not many dorrar.)
One of her biggest gripes is the unequal purses for women's surfing vs men's surfing. One paragraph she wants smaller surfing, next paragraph she wants bigger womens surfing. ?
And specifically bigger womens longboarding >>> her agenda?
go figure.
@whs I take your point. As I explain in the comment above, I am not a professional journalist. The article is not an attempt at investigative journalism. As I state in the article, these are simply my observations following my latest trip to Hainan. The ASP and ISA have had many chances to have their say via their press releases, advertorials, etc. They did not address or raise any of these issues, even though they are glaringly obvious. It is they who have the responsbility of going back to check on outcomes following their presence, and not an average punter like me. Despite this not being my job, I have offered to follow up by getting responses from the ASP and ISA. Cheers.
Now, Sidney, you're getting all yerself het up for no good reason. Clif isn't T'urd and Cory isn't the Idiot Bunny.
First up, Clif is not espousing a Sino boycott per se; simply pointing out the opportunity for Ripahurlthenaquikbong to do some good. Ultimately, to their bottom line; the point of market capitalism, after all, is to make the most of limited resources. And China is not really about capitalism, is it? Mercantilism, yes; capitalism? With a central planning structure, still - hardly.
As for Cory; she's not the only one amongst us with mixed motives and conflicting principles.
@whaaaat Not Capitalism but mercantilism? Zizek recently called it 'autocratic capitalism'. I don't think central planning means a place cannot be engaged in capitalism (or 'communism with Chinese characteritics', as it is want to be called here). The way I see it working here seems like capitalism, albeit with a different governmental structure. Although, I am not familiar with the differences between mercantilism and capitalism ...
And if enough of us were willing to put the effort in to letting the ASP and RHQB know that they can't just play fast and loose with a) surfing's cultural legacy; b) the environment at large and c)contest surfing, we may just see real behavioural change. That's the upside to them being corporations - shareholders and consumers can hold sway. Even if your shareholding is through your superannuation fund.
Check this story out.
Fer yer readin' pleasure....
They're in trouble, no doubt about it whaaaat, but I'm pessimistic about influencing corps from outside or as a shareholder. AFAIK the greenies who own shares in Gunns haven't been able to stop pulp mills or logging. And Stephen mayne hasn't had much success with news corp either has he?
I dunno, maybe I'm too pessimistic. But one thing I do reckon is that Ripaquikbong will survive the next few decades by invading china (and cultivating brazil) so I fear we'll see more of what clif has described here.
Goodness me. The Industry IS bad. :(
whaaat, I find the BIGSurf Inc.'s move into the no-logo sphere interesting,
confirming their new found irrelevance?
quik is opening stores that deliberately have no quik branding.
undercover BIGSurf Inc. ? covert Black Op retailing ?
So much for brand equity.
rottencramps, YA BACK, where you been?
I was genuinely concerned for your wellbeing.
Hmmm, dunno if I quite agree with your pessimism. Gunns still haven't got a partner for the pulp mill and the issue itself was at the heart of the Lennon government's demise.
And things have never been quite as tense at News Limited as they are presently. Sure, not the result of Mayne's campaign but for sure the result of British voter backlash, but aren't voters in a parliamentary democracy the equivalent of shareholders in a corporation?
Or we do nothing....
Didn't the ANZ Bank pull out of Gunns Bell Bay pulp mill because of shareholder concerns?
No one ever said the so-called Industry was especially good, particularly the main players.
But it's one thing to say the corporations are, well, corporations; it's quite a different thing to allege criminal conspiracy and manslaughter.
But I digress....
Sarcasm, Brewser? Your standards have dropped.
I'll repeat my offer: I'll publish your story on Swellnet - even pay you for it - but I require evidence or verifiable facts.
Simple as that.
similar to Clif I am also an aussie expat surfer in China and was at Riyue Bay on the weekend.
I can only back up the things he says, there didnt seem to be any care for the locals at all, and I didn't see any local chinese surfers, except for 1 guy that was attempting to learn.
Lots of rubbish on the beach, 1 guy even had a turtle in a bucket for tourists to take photos with.
I have been many places in China, that when i first got there were virtually unknown for tourism.
Then a few people find out how nice it is, the government builds a hotel and its all over. Unfortunately, once the government makes a decision there is nothing you can do about it. Thats good for getting railways built, bad for highway and tourist access to once pristine areas rich in traditional custom and lifestyle.
Last weekend was my first trip to Hainan, so I can't say how it used to be, but with the amount of construction I saw taking place the nice clean seaside will be overun with resorts in the near future. As is already the case in the Sanya area.
Im not going to argue politics, ideologies or ism's. If I was really passionate about that I wouldn't be living here.
Sid, you're way ahead of me on the no-brand move, but, yeah, that is the marketers' entirely predictable response.
And I agree that the question of brand equity becomes a real issue. I still think that authenticity counts. Banging on my usual drum, I know, but it's interesting that noone is talking about the (ir)relevancy of, say, O'Neill, which has been around for a lot longer than Bong, but seems/feels to have stayed true to surf values (whatever the hell they are).
Good on you Clif - your account could be mirrored billions of times across China - I've seen it first hand myself - money and unbridled wealth is the new rule. The only hope I've seen is a younger generation, who are getting a lot more exposed to western ways and beliefs, who look at their parents and the powers-that-be with an amount of disgust. If you are right and the ASP/ISP have not set up proactive programs to bring young locals into surfing then they've completely missed the point and will end up like a large number of western companies who think there's a pot of gold there - skunked, empty pocketed and heading for the exit.
hey rottencramps, you know that extra (1) twitter "follower/ignorer" you picked up?
it's surferjoe's dog, Shan. she's a siberian husky and has over 300 "followers".
Well, I shall stand corrected thanks fellas.
But I think it's time I left for the day now that B+R has arrived. I don't think I've got the stomach for his narcissistic rubbish today.
@thelostclimber where you at in China? Could be waves closer than you think. email me. By the way, did the swell hang in for Saturday morning?
@whaaaat cheers for the economics reading pleasure, I think ;)
@gopatter Ain't that the truth. It's a pot of fool's gold. China is a difficult place to make it as a foreign company. Even the biggest and 'brightest' are leaving bloodied and bruised.
@blasphemyrottmouth I'm stoked the legendary Brewser glanced at the article. Your turn, Brewser. Bloody that keyboard.
clif, rottencramps will be going for broke twitting your article to @huskyshan .
@sidethefish: Let's see... neoprene is Patagonia (uses bluesign technologies, tracking production through the entire supply chain). I wish more surf companies had the same ethical standards in producing their products. Hard equipment currently riding: Ashley Lloyd-shaper (biofoam blank) and Micah Wood-shaper; many of the products are made in the USA (Lloyd's fins and Wood @ Moonlight glassing) and I do my best to seek out those products that are USA made or, like Patagonia, use technology that tracks the process from start to finish. I met the Webers of Bluesign Tech. recently and am incredibly impressed with their work. I ask a lot of questions. I don't hate China or the Chinese people. I do, however, take issue with accepting money from the government in this situation and question the ethics of the surf industry as they move into China, India, Sri Lanka...
"One of her biggest gripes is the unequal purses for women's surfing vs men's surfing. One paragraph she wants smaller surfing, next paragraph she wants bigger womens surfing. ?"
To be clear, my "biggest gripe"s are the hypersexualization of women's surfing and the fetishizing of surfing-the-activity. When I point out gender inequity in the surf industry, it is to highlight the abject lie that women surfers are somehow better off than they were in the past, as touted by mainstream surf media and the large surf brands. Sorry you missed this point. I think surfing-the-activity is being done a disservice by Big Surfing. Pointing out how and where, does not automatically equate to wanting an even larger Surfing (noun).
As I do not accept sponsorship, my sinister supposed "agenda" for bigger women's longboarding is mildly amusing, especially since I do not plan to participate in the ASP in any capacity.
And thanks, I fully support healthy cynicism and questioning of motives.
cori-s, well a great big FUCKEN HALLELUYA for you, aren't you just the little mung bean.
Chicks comp surfing gets less $$$ because, and I'll be really polite here, its not as good standard as the blokes. Sorry you miss this point.
-hypersexualization of women's surfing and the fetishizing of surfing-the-activity.- dunno exactly what you mean there, don't see it myself, but I do know companies target chicks cos chicks buy more crap. Sorry you miss this point. Its more reflective of chicks than of the surf industry, sorry you miss this point.
Most of the chicks who buy BIGSurf Inc. stuff, don't surf, its fashion to them, nothing more, nothing less. Your surfing-the-activity is a non-event to them, so don't try and make it one.
There is no disservice, surfing-the-activity is doing just fine, is owed nothing by BIGSurf Inc. People like you, BR et al, seem unable to seperate the two.
Business is business and nobody is at gun point to buy anything.
Please get off your high horse before the years slip by and you end up a pair of bitter saggy old tits like surfings' Germaine Greer.
There are heaps worse things happening in the world, now go suck some of them Made in the Yoonited States fumes down at Moonlight Glassing, cos they are just a toxic as the ones Made in China.
@thelostclimber - your story of the turtle reminded me of this horrid place at Hainan, where about a dozen turtles are enclused in an ugly concrete pool too small for the number of them. Ready to be taken photos of. That was back in ...2005/2006 I think. Back then I'm sure no one surfed there, and expats haven't discovered it yet.
@Clif: We can only hope right? Even knowing it's an uphill struggle and the obstacles are enormous, if we don't hope/ try to do what little we can, then it really would be a lost cause. So thanks for doing your part.
On the whole, the younger generation is far more environmentally aware and more concerned about animal welfare as well, let us hope for the best.
P.S. I'm a Brit Chinese now making Australia my home, so a bit of an opposite number of yourself, quite interesting to see China through your eyes. I do plan on surfing there the next time I have a chance to visit!
@Cori: I agree with some of your points (not specific to what you posted here, but your posts at your blog) but that is for another discussion.
General comment:
On the point of 'promoting' surfing to the population in China, Clif hit the nail - It may be beneficial for the clothing brands by promoting their wear, but I doubt many kids will take up surfing as a sport after watching a few comps.
Granted - watching great surfers in their natural element will inspire some, but like said in the article - most of the population live in urban areas and far away from surfable beach.
For those that do actually live near a less populated beach region, surfing might be the last thing on their mind as those are the poorer areas where people spend time on generating income rather than pursuit leisurely activities.
Finally there is the traditional Chinese values to content with - generally, parents frown upon extreme sports. If there were any danger, most parents will forbid their kids from doing it.
Arguably, skateboarding as a sport is far easier to promote in China than surfing - the large urban areas makes perfect grounds for skating. Yet since the day I skated in Shanghai on a trip there 10 years ago, to this day, I still only know a handful of skaters in that big city. And by talking to the local riders, I gathered the growth in skating population had been minimal in those last 10 years. This was despite heats of X-Game Asia etc, being held in China for the last decade or so.
Cheers for posting Cori-s. Well said.
Thanks for chipping in, Cori. As the saying goes: "You wanna be bad you gotta be the best". If you're gonna challenge the status quo you better have your argument in order cos it'll be heavily scrutinised for flaws and hypocrisies.
I think yours holds up very well indeed.
Surfing in China, regulated by the surf industry, THE PERFECT STORM.
They don't need Chinese surfers they want chinese consumers to buy surf-wear......a completely different proposition.
So it's a moot argument about whether surfing the activity catches on in China.
It just has to become cool enough for kids to buy clothes.
One can't but think of Peter Drouyn who went to China and started a surf school in the 80's.
Everyone thought he was stupid at the time, a bit like when he suggested man on man surfing contests in the early 70's.
@freeride Chinese want to watch Chinese surfers. Watching Westerners surf is not going to cut it 'cool'-wise. Many Chinese don't look toward Western, can be very nationalistic.
i.e. It is not worthwhile unless Chinese do it. What forieigners do is but a mild curiosity. They may admire certain individual sport stars in the big sports (eg Tiger Woods) but that alone doesn't get them to consume.
You mean to say they're not enamoured with our Anglo good looks, athletic stature, and superior intellect?
@stu Not in the slightest. Ha ha. Laowais! ps. typing on iphone on packed bus on dirt road is playing havoc with my spelling and grammar. Girl next to me doing this with one hsnd, while eating and smoking. Crazy skills.
"Girl next to me doing this with one hand, while eating and smoking. Crazy skills."
Good thing I don't have a filthy mind. Might have taken this the wrong way.
clif - meanwhile, back home, the chinks are buying the very soil from under your feet, and the food off your great grandkids table...
and it ain't for mining, they want the land, the water and the food.
"Chinks" Show those true colours Sid
yeah shaun... chinks, yanks, poms, wogs, japs, spics, whatever
so what, get over it.
really, which is the bigger issue...
saving our limited farmland/foodbowl from foriegn ownership, or saving some beach in china from bad evil BIGSurf Inc., and the Chinese themselves.
some rubbish on a beach in china, that may have been partly deposited at a BIGSurf Inc. event, but is much more likely part of the Pacific Trash Vortex, sorry to disappoint, it wasn't cause by BIGSurf Inc.
or me calling chinks, chinks. cos I love chinks.
in your rant, how did you fail to include us seps mentioned in the article?
..."but is much more likely part of the Pacific Trash Vortex, sorry to disappoint, it wasn't cause by BIGSurf Inc"
How do you explain the 'Kelly 11' posters in the rubbish? Pretty big coincidence.
And Sid, this isn't an either/or argument. Saving farmland may well be valid issue - in fact I'm sure it is. However it has nothing to do with surfing and we are, after all, a surfing site.
It is?? Damn! No wonder those pills I ordered from RSVP haven't turned up yet.
i was surprised when I first arrived in Shanghai 6 years ago there was already a Quiksilver brand store at the local shopping mall.
There wasnt 1 surfboard in the whole store, just clothes.
I have also since found genuine and not so genuine (ie real gear that left by the backdoor)Quiksilver factory outlets in China.
I agree that it will be quite some time before Chinese get into surfing, its just not in their culture.
The same goes for other Xtreme sports. I have been rockclimbing here for some time and whilst numbers are up slightly, the cliffs arent exactly overun with billions of adrenalin junkies.
I am quite good friends with a former Womens national climbing champion, she was handpicked in her early teens after displaying talent and taken off for training and comps around Asia. She now has a husband who doesnt like her to climb and she now hasnt in over 2 years.
China also did quite well at the last winter Olympics in womens freestyle snowboard, but like surfing to get good at it, you need to leave China and go where conditions are good. Both the women that did well have very rich parents allowing them time to practice.
The only other current successful athlete (that I know of)that has stepped outside the state system is Li Na the tennis player and she struggled to gain enough sponsorship for many years.
As for admiring western sports, unless its basketball or soccer forget it.
@lostclimber seen those stores. They are always empty. Imagine asking one of the shop assistants about surfing. Ha ha. Bewildered looks, for sure.
rolls, its mainly Asian money buying up the farms. And domestic real estate, for that matter, with money they borrow at a quarter of the interest rates we pay.
sorry, if I'm not over excited to save some two-bob beach in China.
and for the record, one of my greatest idols, is/was the late great Ray Kunze, the person, not the movie character. If you know your US surfing heritage, you'll know who he was. Loved that guy, yeah I love seppos as well as chinks.
stu, simply suggesting some perspective. the Assault on BIGSurf Inc. is so trivial, on the scale of evil, the surf industry is a cuddly toy, -sure a Made in China cuddly toy- but a cuddly toy nevertheless.
To be honest, the assault is a sliding scale of bullshit from rottencramps down.
and re: the rubbish, go to your local footy ground the day after a local fixture, its no different, rubbish everywhere.
Clif, you obviously know heaps more about this than me but isn't it true that the emerging Chinese middle class are gobbling up western brands in an effort to "show-off" new wealth, individuality and style?
If these brands can be marketed to the fastest growing wealth segment in the world then why couldn't surf brands attain a cache of cool for Chinese people?
Are they somehow different to Japanese and Indonesians who have embraced surf culture?
Maybe not now, but in 10-20 years?
Comparing the high stndards of Moonlight Glassing operating since 1979 under the strict environmental regulations of California to a surfboard factory in China is comical.
@clif I also tried asking about surfing in tne store, bewildered looks were my answer.
@freeride my experience is that those with money will line up for hours (or have an assistant do it) in Hong Kong to buy a Louis Vitton handbag, but aren't interested in surf/outdoor culture.
My Chinese friends that are into outdoor sports (who are all from the "emerging middle class") are far more likely to buy the Chinese brands of clothing eg Kailas
they are however willing to spend money on foreign brands if its specialised equipment eg Black Diamond climbing rope, shimano brakes,
Thanks LC.....obviously the surf corps are betting that by using Hainan Is and Taiwan as gateway drugs they can get a critical mass of Chinese consumers hooked on surf brands.
This clip of Ry Craike at a conny in Taiwan seemed to show an enthusiastic reaction to the "Surf star/surfbrand" model.
@freeride Yes, you are right. They are gobbling up luxury brands. These brands do not simply represent 'cool' but fulfil aspirational signification (as you state). A sign one is 'making it'. Surf brands have no such cache or signifying ability in China. The culture here is so very different to Japan and Indonesia, so reasons for and desires about consuming function differently, as many Western companies are finding out. I am doing work with Shanghai Uni on consumerism 'with Chinese characteristics'. The mix of culture and consumerism here is unique. To learn more, the book 'The New Rich in China' by David Goodman is great. 10-20 years? Hard to know. Maybe next gen. Things are moving around so much here!
@freeride Taiwan culture and outlook and social mores are sooo diff ti China mainland. Generations of diffs.
surfy-surfy - derived from the petrochemical industry, the fumes still stink, and are the same toxicity.
congrats on the cleanliness of your factory, EPA compliance and quality craftmanship.
Thanks Clif, heard that bloke on the radio which is where I got the questions from.
freeride - that's nothin', if they saw craikey sing karaoke during a nite on the jagerbombs, he be a supa megastar.
that boy knows how to murder a toon.
My word, Freeride and SidtheFish ambiguously and overtly plugging The Industry. Whuddathunk. Thus article and the comments are all so new to me. It's like nothing I've ever heard.
I'm picturing a Confucius line of boardshorts by Billabong coming to a store nowhere near you. Fuck the Rising Sun and all that it signifies (RIP AI), the corpos have to go further East! Made of the finest faux silk with exotic embroidered characters on the pocket these things will march out the door.
But that's not the end of it, the cultural mining is just beginning: Great Leap forward shoes by Globe; Silk Road boxer shorts by Morkova; Chairman Mao peaked hats by Hurley etc etc
G'day rottencramps, have you got any more pets "following" you on twitter?
cats? budgies? ferrets? hamsters?
The 'Dim Sim' and the 'Chopstick' by More Surfboards.
Mrs. Palmers 'Censored' Wax?
BIG QUESTION FOR CLIF - re: the photos, specifically the rubbish shot with the ke11y poster + the cute little roxy logo on the broken table base.
the wider angle shot of the same rubbish doesn't have either poster or roxy logo fronting either broken table bases.
now, wouldn't be a bit of clever coincidental "product placement" to fit the story, would it ?
were those particular items removed for the second shot? or placed for the first shot ?
I submit the wider angle NO POSTER shot was actually taken first, and next, close up -with the POSTER placed- was taken.
"They are gobbling up luxury brands. These brands do not simply represent 'cool' but fulfil aspirational signification (as you state). A sign one is 'making it'. Surf brands have no such cache or signifying ability in China."
And there, barely hidden, is the reef on which the good ships Bong and Quak will founder in their respective tilts at the Chinese market.
1.3 billion (mainland) Chinese people does not a ready market make. Particularly if those consumers have no point of reference against which to assess a brand's value or even understand a cultural activity. When the Beach Boys released "Surfin' USA", the Chinese people were still dealing with the Great Leap Forward. Tiananmen Square took place in 1989. That's less than a generation ago.
For most of us, particularly if you've surfed for most of your life, surfing still retains elements of individualism and breaking free from the strait jacket of the working life.
These are concepts that are simply not yet present in the average Chinese mind, and won't be for a long time yet. For Dog's sake, it took 2 generations for these concepts to become significant features in Japanese counter-culture, notwithstanding the huge influence on Japan and its culture weilded by the US after WW2!
In short, an overwhelming majority Chinese don't get surfing and won't get it for years to come, if ever.
And it's not as if China is especially short of cheap clothing, either.
If the intrinsic value of a branded item is not enough to make you fork over its asking price, the item either gets marked down to a price that the consumer will pay, or stays unsold.
If surf brands (Bong in particular but any of the big players in general) have been convinced by their marketing departments that China is the silver bullet for their current sales woes, they have been sold a pup.
Your willingness to connect dots when they don't matter v when they do is cute.
Same applies to you. Lmfao!!!
spot on whaaat, the chinks will buy an ounce of silver over a quiksilver t-shirt any day.
rottencramps, just spotting some "fabrication" like most of your crap, now go find some hamsters on twitter.
yeah good point whaaat. I guess that fits with what I understand is the collectivist nature of the society and culture in China. Individuals don't matter, society does, evidenced by the demolition of the local restaurant and construction of a virtually useless contest "site" on the beach in Hainan.
Is that about right do you reckon clif?
Ah, IB. If I was a director, shareholder or financier of either Quik or Bong, the dots I'd be joining would be the ones that, joined up, show a pretty obvious picture of an expansion strategy leading to financial ruin.
Or I could just come up with a weird conspiracy theory. Lots more fun, but hardly the best use of time and synapses.
Yes. Andy Irons being fed by Michael Tompson, Stapelburge, and Naude is soooooooo hard to believe. Like Bobby's rant, marketing managers selling bullshit to their bosses about China, etc...
tsk. whaaaat not whaaat. Sorry mate.
@sid You are right. Good snooping.
I did move the ke11y poster into the frame for the close-up. It was there in the same pile of trash, as were numerous other Quicksilver logos/stickers/posters. I unfolded that poster. I wanted to show how Quicksilver is connected to the mess.
I don't think this matters, though. I mean, the posters/stickers/etc were a part of the pile of rubbish. I did not add them.
Initially, when I took the photos I wasn't going to be writing an article. The photos were for my own reference and to show my friends. I didn't go to Hainan to specifically write about this. It was an after-thought.
If I had of taken an even wider-angle photo you would have clearly seen, just to the right of this partiuclar pile of trash, the large contest site emblazoned in huge print with 'Quicksilver' and 'Surfline'. My shitty camera couldn't zoom out far enough though.
The piles of trash are from the contest not from the 'Pacific Vortex'. The stuff in them are found at the contest site and locals explained to me that the food packaging etc. was what was used during the contests. The locals also told me they saw event staff doing the dumping.
BR wrote: "Yes. Andy Irons being fed by Michael Tompson, Stapelburge, and Naude is soooooooo hard to believe."
It's easy enough to believe, it just doesn't MEAN ANYTHING without proof. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
@benski pretty close. Although, the restaurant was demolished and rebuilt for the benefit of a 'more conencted' indvidual.
@whaaaat I agree. I also think these businessmen think there are more 'new rich/middle class' than there are. Most people struggle to get by and won't be forking over money for surfing brands. The younger people making shit wages, even the middle-class ones 1000 to 1500 USD per month for the better paid. Not a lot of spare cash from that as property/rent/food etc. is very getting very expensive where they live - in the 1st and 2nd and even 3rd tier cities. Inflation is a big problem.
Take it to the FBI. Or the Australian Federal Police. Or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Or, better still, The Men In Black.
They exist, right??
Yep, dead right, Clif.
And I hate to be a party pooper, but the China miracle may well be on the skids anyway. When 3rd and 4th tier cities and towns start building their own skyscrapers just because, well, they can and not because of demand for the space, you can bet that the end is nigh.
See also:
Noted the correct spelling, thank you Binskew.
thought so, deliberate placement for max impact.
If contractors dumped rubbish, take it up with them, or get Quik to take it up with them. Quiksilver would contract that stuff out, same as security, scaffold, PAs and so on.
No matter how low you think of Quiksilver, they would never deliberately leave that sort of rubbish behind, and sorry, that's what that shot was set up to insinuate.
The beach, carpark and contest site, look pretty much spotless. Obviously the garbo contractors failed, maybe that's how things are done over there, hence the Pacific Trash Vortex.
The dots you chose to connect v the ones you demand "proof" for are cuter than a bunny made of kittens.
He said it was in the same pile. You see what you want. Clif sees what he wants.
I find your stance, and Freeride's very intriguing.
Woah there, Sid. I am being polite and honest. Nothing I wrote or took a photo of is 'set up'. Everything I have taken photos of and said can be verified by locals and expats on Hainan (more reliable than your opinions based on a few of my poorly-taken photos). I explained my reasoning for the photo. It was not about 'max impact' for the story. Again, writing story was an AFTER-THOUGHT. The photos were not taken for the story.
The carpark and beach are not clean, despite what you claim to see in the photo. There is building debris everywhere. And the environment is still now a built environment rather than a natural environment (with temporary structures that could be put up and then taken away). A large permanent unused bitumen carpark and contest site are there in plain sight. They ARE the issue, whether 'clean' or not.
Of course much of the evnt-management is contracted out. However, Quicksilver could be more expediant at checking things are done properly. I mean, it is their brand attached to this. Also, ASP/ISA have responsibilities too. No-one is excusing the local brands either. For comparison, I mentioned Brendan's well-run Surfing Hainan competition which afterwards no-one would know was even there. Beach clean-ups are arranged during and after, and everything carefully checked before, during and after.
You seem to be deliberately nit-picking to obfuscate the bigger issues and for some internet kicks/lols.
Re-read the article. It is all explained in there.
Anyway, enough explaining from me. You will make of it what you will, regardless.
fuck off rottencramps, amongst that rubbish is old table bases, dead palm tops, all sorts old flotsam and jetsam.
Amongst Quiks many brands and businesses, last time I checked, they hadn't made any take overs of Chinese Waste Contractors.
To deliberately unravel posters and place stickers in shot, as in "this rubbish was 100% dumped here by Quiksilver", is disingenuous fucken horse shit that only YOU could come up with.
@sidthefish So now you are me a liar? Why? Am I the right target?
That rubbish is ALL DIRECTLY from the contest that Quicksilver sponsored and ASP/ISA organised. Nobody said it was "100% dumped here by Quicksilver". That is you being "disingenuous" - pacific vortex, etc. Gimme a break. And you seem to want to obfuscate the bigger issues, which I have repeatedly explained.
In the article, I offered solutions and did not simply attack Quicksilver or anyone.
All sorts of companies contract out the making of their products, events management, etc but people still hold them accountable for labour practices, waste, finances, impacts etc. That is because they have a responsibility because they are involved. yes, I am sure Quicksilver may be appalled at how things have unfolded, maybe not. Regardless, the article was a request to check on these things.
How do you know no-one is taking the issues up with the event-management teams, contractors (waste or otherwise)? Do you read Chinese? FYI, an article is being drafted for the press by a Xinhua journalist I am in contact with.
Clif, I seriously doubt unless you went there and took the shot and wrote the story that this would have got out at all.
Shows the importance of citizen journalism and the sham that this statement "a sport that possesses the unparalleled ability to empower people" represents.
clif - you deliberately presented and branded that rubbish "quiksilver".
Not Coke, not Pepsi, not McDonalds, not ASP, just Quiksilver. 100%. Front and center.
Selective ? Yep, just like the rest of the assault.
Definitely Quiksilver will be appalled. Definitely Quiksilver wouldn't let happen again. They aren't evil, they hold events all over the globe with the lightest footprints.
Give them a chance to apologise, rectify the situation. They will.
@ Sid,
Do you, or any one close to you, have any association with Quik???
You appear to be defending them quite passionately.
As the stories unfold this year, you will continue to see people play their hands. We know where Sid and Freeride stand. Whaaat, is just pretending he can't connect dots when it comes to surf corporations... meanwhile, he connects algebraic dots he doesn't even realize based on pure faith.
Um, yeah, thass right.
I mean, no, thass not right.
Ah, I mean, whaaaat???
In this article, Cliff did 8 specific things that Freeride did NOT do at Teahupoo this year.
Care to take this further Mr. Gonzo Journalist?
Brew, even when it's not about you , it's about you isn't it?
This is about China.
You seem to have very little understanding of that.
You have heard of China, right?
fitz, been a fringe dweller for many years.
Just balancing the scales.
There's whole lotta bullshit currently in circulation, as I say, on a sliding scale from rottencramps' down, weighing against organisations that aren't evil, but are being portrayed as such.
It's an injustice.
And yet... I am right... again...
Yes. I've lived there.
Hmmm, you're onto something, IB. Whilst I found Clif's article quite well written, it was not quite as elegiac as Freeride's. Pretty persuasive for all that, though. Spelling was fine, too.
Mind you, there was quite a difference in subject matter. And Freeride WAS being paid to entertain, not editorialize.
But, no, you're quite right.
What article by Freeride are you citing?
All of the Outsider articles he wrote whilst at Chopes this year. Pick any one. All bloody well written. Entertaining. Engaging. Emotive. Elegiac.
You know what I mean.
I'll interupt Steve by saying I lived for three years just South of Bejing.
Fact: The roads to from villages to the city were made to pund rice on.
So what?
Well written is easy. Meaningful is another thing. Something that lasts longer...
Meaningful? Do you mean like when you wrote, apropos of Erica Hosseini: "I Would Burgle Her Turd", followed by "In my world, yonder temptress is a beautiful, velvet soft, protruding trunk. Her teardrop face and come-hither eyes glisten, pearl-like, above a keister of exquisite proportion – which points the way to the only place on earth that is heaven. This Eden is followed by a dark, putrid, moldering sewer hole – filtering fecal matter through twisted, curly hairs, and a streamer of paisley toilet paper festooned to a garish carbuncle drifting to and fro in the rank exhaust that wafts forth unceasing from its puckered maw."
Just stay away from my daughters and my wife, you potty mouthed fucker.
And stop hijacking an interesting debate with your drab dribble.
ha ha ha An "injustice". Balance the scales! Poor Quicksilver. Poor surf industry. The scales are unbalanced. Unfair! A multi-million dollar corporation is somehow being bullied. Occupy! Occupy something!
It was a 'Quicksilver festival', as such I believe they bear significant responsibility. Further, the article is on a surf website, hence the focus on the surfing organisations/companies.
Quicksilver was never portrayed as evil. However, do they come across as irresponsible and careless? Yes. Were they involved in the decision to change the shoreline from a natural environment to a built enviornment? Yes. Did they fail to adequately support the grass-roots surfing commmunity? Yes. Was all this necessarily deliberate? No. It was/is, however, irresponsible and careless. They could have, and hopefully will in the future, do better.
Suggestions have been made in the article.
I will follow up and try to get feedback from ASP/ISA. I'll even try Quicksilver to comment, when I get the chance. I will send out some emails on Saturday after work.
Coke, Pepsi and McDonalds were not present and had no connection with the event. If they had, the photos woudl have included their logos, also. The Chinese companies who were also present and connected to the event will also be questioned. I have photos of their logos. I am getting help from a Chinese journalist to do this.
Your inability to discern satire from reality is not my problem.
I'm fine with balanced scales Sid. I was interested because of your defence for Quik was repeatedly strong. I'm just understanding peoples position in this debate.
I personally thought Clif's article was very well written and offered solutions to an obvious problem, also looking at all posible sides.
Have always enjoyed your wit in some of your posts over the years Clif.
Oh, sorry, of course - you're right up there with Jonathan Swift. My bad.
If you understood John Swift, please don't pretend to misunderstand my words.
Sit down, hold on and strap yourself in. We've off on another Rotty ride.
clif - waves looked ok.
Don't be surprised if you end up with the mack mother of all quik events next year. Have fun.
ps. there is coke cups everywhere in those rubbish shots. Didn't you see them, too busy setting up the shot.
And those broken table bases, they quiksilvers? What about the dead palm bulb?
Get you a little agitated and your agenda rises to the fore.
fitz - I'll defend Quik as much as I'll defend Bong against rottencramps AI bullshit.
So your scruples are played.
"My agenda" lol Noting a less-than-stellar effort by those involved in the contests and asking them to do a better job next time? Hell of an agenda.
By the way, the broken tables are from the Quicksiler contest site. "Too busy setting up the shot"? ha ha The same way Quiksilver were too busy being connected with building a permanent contest site, laying a carpark, ignoring local needs, mismanagement of waste, etc I guess.
You are nit-picking me about including a Quiksilver poster in the shot (which was already in the trash pile) and wilfully ignoring the real issues and what I have written and explained previously.
Keep trying to obfuscate. Some of us will get on with dealing with the real issues, and actually invest some time into improving things.
why is that rottencramps?
cos I won't buy your snake oil and join your 900 "followers" ?
Sid / Freeride,
No. I have NOTHING to prove. You prove to THE 99% how The Industry is right.
Go ahead...
Right now,
Prove The Industry is right.
99% don't care about this website or pro surfing. So flailing away.
Clifford's article still stands.
"Sid / Freeride"
Sid has his point of view and I have mine.
Conflating us like that is a cheap little trick favoured by Fox news watching douchebags.
I stand in agreement with the thrust of Clifs article here.
clif - I'll bet you, the contract for that rubbish was to be removed properly, not dumped. Yeah someone fucked up, most likely a state run waste contractor.
you've taken everything that is wrong with China, and hung it on Quiksilver/ASP/ProSurfing.
Seriously, what is different from that contest venue than the rest of China ?
They don't clean up their rubbish. yeah we know. They don't respect people. der. They overbuild and railway the local communities. yep. The list goes on.
"you've taken everything that is wrong with China, and hung it on Quiksilver/ASP/ProSurfing"
I did no such thing in the article.
Anyway, just because such things happen in the rest of China does not make it OK.
I will now let people actually read the article and make up their own mind.
You are entitled to your opinion and to make excuses for the sponsors of the event.
I disagree with your interpretation of my article. And I will leave it at that.
Mind you, you get some points for being a QLD supporter.
clif - Agro, hysterics and perspectives aside.
I will say this, and swear it will be true...
Quiksilver would NEVER had knowingly left that rubbish behind.
Can't wait for that Surfer's Journal.
Published today: The Super Bowl... the most popular sporting event in America got 2.1 million streams.
Boy, that ASP sure has tapped into a lifeline. They are going to be bigger than GOD after Shearer's article gets published!!!
Earth to rottkamp, are you pilled up and drunk on hard liquor again?... This is the very first year the NFL has streamed the Super Bowl to the net, so those numbers will surly grow. Just like the streaming numbers for professional contestable surfing events will grow from here. Surfing, which by the way, and unlike the Super Bowl, have been streaming their live events for years now.
Now Rottymouth Rottkamp, what ever you do don't go tuning in the live stream from the QS event now going on at Burleigh... Or the Quiksilver spono'd CT event at Snapper starting towards the end of Feb.
Last time it was checked, people in China do not roll thru towns cities and villages naked, so surf related companies are being business prudent by selling their wares to various countries across the globe.
And with China's problems with pollution, which is about 50 years behind western countries in respect to where we are in profitably dealing with such issues, selling brand name clothing, and environmental clean-up are nothing but growth industries!
But don't let theses facts get in the way of our own lil miss negger,..
...old Rottkamp's pilled up and drunk view of it all.
Thanks clif great read.
Sid your just not getting it are you.These companies dont give a shit about anything accept profit thats it thats all. They are sitting back laughing at you for defending them they dont need your help.
And thanks for showing your true colors your a racest piece of shit.
"Published today: The Super Bowl... the most popular sporting event in America got 2.1 million streams."
Over a 100 million watched it on TV.
Why watch it on the net when you can watch it on TV?
Aussie Open Tennis Final got 10million viewers on TV in Aus.
Anyhow, that is an irrelevant aside.
2.1 million was "the largest ever for a single sporting event."
An important quote in that little article.
Our garrulous correspondent says:
"2.1 million was "the largest ever for a single sporting event."
An important quote in that little article."
And once again, I am forced to introduce my face to my palm.
It's hard to determine whether he is a boringly bland attention seeking troll or just blind to the incredibly obvious. There is certainly evidence for both. Freeride, good luck trying to explain to him the distinction between simultaneous and unique.
Read the article chipmunk. 2.1 million unique IP's with an average view of 39 minutes. You want to go simultaneous? The argument gets even weaker.
The more you break down the number, the LESS the number actually means.
And trust me, I know all the ins and outs of manipulating numbers.
And Freeride can't explain anything to me regarding IT. He said so himself on Twitter that IT talk nauseates him. Ironic that he is going to publish a foolish number in Surfer's Journal regarding a subject he knows NOTHING about.
OK, so apparently it's more likely that he's blind to the incredibly obvious.
how much is a ripaquickbong going to sell a surfing item for in china ? i cant see them selling a pair of boardies for over $100- .
Chris Bryan got 500,000 views on Vimeo in 12 hours for footage of Chopes with no advertising or prior marketing. So why is it hard to believe that Billabong could get 2.3 million in 11 days for a widely advertised contest that included a one-in-ten-year-swell that every connected surfer on the planet knew was gonna hit?
I mean, Swellnet forecast that sucker 10 days out, Surfline spruiked it to their US audience and Magic Seaweed to the whole Euro contingent. I reckon a large majority of the claimed 2.3 million would consist of web traffic from the the big morning, yet it still counts in the total.
So, I'll ask again: If a lone photographer can get 500,000 in 12 hours without advertising why couldn't Billabong - with international reach and a budget to boot - garner 2.3 million?
This isn't a question of right or wrong, or good versus evil, it's a mater of assessing how plausible the number is. Me, I think it's entirely plausible.
and stunet gets the gong for pointing it out!
Now the crowd waits with anticipation to see if our loquacious rabbit can open his eyes long enough to read and understand English. We know he does Braille, but can he actually read with his eyes? Many gave up hope long ago and this may be his last chance to show them up.
A hush has come over the crowd...
rotty,everytime I answer ask you something,you disappear like a rat up a drainpipe........can you explain your maurice cole /sarge conspiracy theory.and that there could be a gay element taking over surfing.....
or are you so homophobic that facts do not matter.....
as for china..the struggling surf industry needs a China/india to keep sales it good for surfing....probaly not...but could be a great country for wave pools.....but will we then get an invasion of chinese poolies invading aussie beaches,who have no idea of surf etiquette......???
500,000 views on vimeo could come from 5 people. Relating Vimeo to a live webcast is ludicrous. Believe the IT expert Steve Shearer's number if you want. As soon as it's published you'll get the response you're looking for. It's not hard for you to believe it because you don't understand IT and the business of webcasts in the tiny world of surfing. Neither does Steve. But Marketing Managers sure do.
Maurice Cole and Nick Carroll repeatedly attacked Fred Pawle in the Realsurf forums for publishing the Sarge story. That website is an archaic mess and I don't have time to find the link, but that thread still existed as of a month ago when someone sent me the link. Why would Maury Cole and Nick Carroll want to sweep molestation under the rug? No answer to that question is correct in my opinion, but it's one in a long list of things The Industry doesn't want regular surfers to know or think about.
There hasn't been ANY transparency in surfing for thirty plus years.
But that is changing.
Regular surfers now have a voice. And this past year, The Industry heard it and they're going to get what they so richly deserve sooner than later.
I was at least 10 of those "views" on Vimeo. Does that answer your retarded comparison?
And that clip was published on every single surf blog that exists... so don't tell me it wasn't "advertised."
Nooooo! He missed it! I can't believe it. He just can't manage to understand what everyone else can. And to think some people thought him somewhat of a messiah. Well, at least he himself did anyway.
Turns out he doesn't use his eyes at all. Or if he does, he doesn't use his brain straight after. Well that's sure to be a disappointment to a lot of people but sometimes you've just got to let em go folks.
Well, it's been a wild ride here on blottmouth-TV but I think it's time we packed up and moved on. The wascally wabbit has shown himself to be surprisingly inept after all. Such a shame. All the best and be sure to take care of yourselves and each other.
If by people linking to it you mean 'advertising it' then, I suppose, yes, it was advertised. Albeit, after the fact and for a very short amount of time.
Amazing how you can twist words any direction as long as they suit you.
I haven't managed to see what "everyone else" manages to see? You mean the massive number of people who read and comment on this website? Heh heh.
Yes Stu, that is advertising. Little known fact: he had to pull the clip briefly because he didn't ask for permission to use the original song. Then every surf website out there link to it. 500,000 "views" on Vimeo in 12 hours could mean 50 people looked at it or 5,000 or 50,000. I guarantee you most people watched it more than once, and a "view" counts is someone clicks and watches for 2 seconds and turns it off. I guess the point is that there is no point in pointing out a pointless point.
In addition to the Sarge Story, the tiny number of people who care about competitive pro surfing is The Industry's big secret. If they had something to brag about, they'd be publishing numbers all the time and would have sponsors fawning over them. Basic logic, no?
Yeah, well saying 1,200 people view this website is one of the more stupid things you've ever said. Granted, it's a tough list but upon reflection I'd put that statement somewhere there near the top.
Hence why I question everything you say.
And BTW, your 'little known fact' is wrong.
Anyway, about China...
The mantra of a true surf politician: Question Everything... except for The Industry.
Perhaps it was a slow day when I checked your unique IP stats ;-)
Oh, and that photog just changed the music "for fun?" That's not what the copyright threat he got said...
And yes... I'd change your email password again.
We are Legion.
This article is a deliberate cook up and anything but a casual observation.
Be honest Dr Clifton Evers, you've had issues with surf culture for a long time, wrote a books on it, did a PhD.
Something along the lines of your manhood being handicapped by surf culture.
whs asked - why Clif (Dr Evers) seemed to be able to track down Cori Schumacher, but not track down the ASP or a representative.
The answer is easy whs, is because the article was all but co written by Cori Schumacher, who also has major issues with surf culture, particularly the surf industry and it's "-hypersexualization of women's surfing and the fetishizing of surfing-the-activity ".
Not sure they are exactly real words, but basically she sees the surf industry as exploiting women surfers, even though most of of the women who buy surf fashion, don't surf.
Now, Cori Schumacher's feminist crusade - and I wasn't far off with the Germaine Greer of surfing call - dovetails perfectly into Dr Clifton Evers other role as editor of
whs, Cori and Clif most likely go way back. Cori didn't turn up by chance, she was in cohorts with the production of the article.
Ah, now the rubbish, the Quiksilver branded rubbish.
Stu, you wanted me to explain how the ke11y poster got there. Dr Clif, when pushed, explained that for me. The author put it there. Deliberate product placement to, in his own words..."connect quiksilver to the rubbish".
But Stu, you would have already known that, cos you too are in cohorts with Cliffy at .
I'll even take a crazy stab that there were phone convos when the shots were taken.
So thrillseekers, this was no casual observation, this article was as calculated as the product placement in the photo.
No-one contacted the ASP, no-one contacted Quiksilver, no-one contacted the Chinese town planners re: foreshore developement, no-one investigated anything at the Chinese administrative end of the operation.
China is one fucked up place, that's a given. Foriegn companies don't dictate terms over there, that's just another of Dr Clifton Evers touchy-feely dreams.
Cliffy has taken everything that is wrong in China and hung it on Quiksilver/ASP/ Surfing, he denies it but that exactly what he's done.
Without the rubbish issue, this is no more an expose on the steamrolling developement of China Inc. and the squashing of the little people.
Oh, and an opportunity for Cliffy and Cori to unload some of their baggage, and a fabricated bone for rottencramps to froth over.
And I'll maintain my call - Quiksilver would never had unknowingly left that rubbish behind.
What, exactly, do you think the Marketing Manager (the only people who comment for these companies) for Quiksilver, and the ASP (A dummy organization that's run by Quik/Bill/Rip/French), would say that would enlighten everyone?
You have 30 years of their propoganda in every magazine and blog to see for all the evidence you need.
Clif knows the truth about The Industry. He knows the bullshit they foist on the environment and empty headed groms.
He went to University.
I don't see University in your past or future. Possibly parole or house arrest. And a severe beat down the next time you make a racist comment around the wrong person.
Clif and Cori take dumps with more IQ in them than you'll ever dream to have.
With all due respect,
Blasphemy Q. Rottmouth
Hmmm. People who have interests in common are in contact with each other? Uh oh, this is a first. What could be next - people who work at the same surf magazine/company or even within the industry more generally start talking or emailing each other, or (gasp!) collaborating on projects! Who would have thought that The Internet could lead to such things!
Let's get a response from the ASP, ISA and/or Quiksilver.
And Sid, I lived in China for three years. Your comment about it being "fucked up" is as naive as your Bob McKnight blow jobs.
rottencramps - spare your bile, I don't read your posts, I'm not one of your "followers".
Uno problemo, amigo. I ain't selling anything. Unlike Stu and Steve.
 The article was not cooked up.Â
There were no phonecalls to Swellnet.Â
The initial article is my observation and thoughts following a surf trip during the Chinese holidays.Â
The logos/posters/stickers were part of the trash.
The article is about more than the trash.Â
Cori did not co-write the article.Â
In the article I asked questions. I did not ask any group to leave or stop participating.
I have said I will contact those involved ISA/ASP/Quiksilver.Â
I will try to find out more at the Chinese end. Although, lack of access to authorities here militates against this.Â
In the article I made suggestions for changes to open up discussion amongst stakeholders about possible improvements.
@sidthefish is trying to discredite the article through fabricating a conspiracy and playing the man not the ball. Further, his claims about how China works are based on his never having been there, not speaking the language and calling the people 'chinks'.
Fortunately, other readers at Swellnet are smart enough to read the article for themself and make up their own mind.Â
And for those keeping score at home, Stu can tell you how many unique IP addresses I've logged here today alone.
rotty,so you backed the ASP disciplinary board and your claim of molestation is so far off the truth.....
you are a truth molester,Nick C did not comment on the Fred pawle piece,and MC went into bat for Sarge,as he found it gutless of blakey to not deal withthe situation himself and ran to the ASP which is what claim was the right you are an ASP supporter ,disguised as a bitter twisted truth molesterer .....once again you do not have any fact to back up your claims ,just your poisonous mind...
you seem absolutely infatuated with the industry and ASP........sounds like you were sacked from the industry and are merely an ex-disgruntled employee
By crikey these things can get off track. Media 2.0 is a bit of a con I reckon. Someone writes an article then the punters draw their battle lines and start the slanging match. I'd save your energy clif, it seems that sidthefish isn't interested in a chat, just a platform to sling mud. Fair enough for you to defend your integrity in the face of said mud but gees it seems futile to engage in debate on pages like these. It's not often someone acknowledges a point or manages a series of sensible measured posts. It's just a boring sh!t fight time and again.
Media 2.0 is great for the dissemination of news where it wouldn't otherwise get out (like this and other examples) but it seems to me that this "participatory" rubbish that apparently goes along with it is as much "media 2.0" as Allan jones and his self aggrandizing rants.
Please read the entire thread. Nick Carroll and Cole commented multiple times.
And you're calling Fred Pawle's article a lie? Slurp Slurp Slurp... That Industry cock must taste nice.
If you know anyone who has been molested or raped, you would know the intricacies of the power struggle that take place. Read that as you may.
Cliffy - "I have said I will contact those involved ISA/ASP/Quiksilver.
I will try to find out more at the Chinese end. Although, lack of access to authorities here militates against this. "
You did NO investigation at that end, whatsoever, other than talking to the locals and your closed shop password coded , all who, like you have an agenda.
Doubt Quiksilver would own or have designed the contest site. And sure as hell isn't responsible for the velocity of developement across Hainan. Or the squashing of the little people.
The people responsible for this, would be the same people responsible for the rubbish.
If anyone is playing the man (Quiksilver/ASP/surfing) and not the ball (China Inc.), it's YOU.
Now fuck off and do some proper investigation at that end.
Rightio, who's mum should we thank for the rabbit?
Your grandmother. Yes, I'm an old fart.
The chinaboardriders site? There nothing on it. I was going to help a friend start a site up to help out other expats but we decided we had better things to do, like go surfing. Keep on keeping on with the conspiracies. You are doing grand. lol.
@benski good call.
-Acknowledgment: I would like to thank Cori Schumacher for her discussions with me about the matters in this article. You can read some of Cori's opinions about China and surfing here and here and also here.-
-I will try to find out more at the Chinese end. Although, lack of access to authorities here militates against this.-
-@sid You are right. Good snooping. I did move the ke11y poster into the frame for the close-up. I wanted to show how Quicksilver is connected to the mess.-
Your words not mine.
Clifton, I suggest you know fuck all about doing business in China or anywhere else for that matter because you are career academic hack.
who the is this sidtheweasel? he has admitted he has ties to quiksilver. enuff said. he has no credibility.
broome, I have no ties with Quiksilver, in fact they would be stunned I am defending them.
sidtheweasel you are connected to quiksilver. i have been reading the whole thread and you have done nothing here except abuse others and argue stupidly. no credibility.
ok whatever Broome.
why do you guys have to go on such rants and so way off topic, that it gets to the point that I feel that to make a comment on the original piece is out of line.
your arguments are just going round in circles for about the last 20 posts
there is a forum topic Politico and another called wax off. Please go and have your rants there.
Sorry Sid, but with reading all these posts and you not answering my question with a simple yes or no, I am not convinced you don't have a vested interest in Quik. Simple.
Brutus, I may be wrong, but I thought you are MC?
ROTTY - YOU CAN put away your prozac pills because the ASP is coming to town -- in fact it's in town --- you feel their precence don't you! You'll be able to watch it for hours with your obsessions and look for and find faults in everything and hate it and reminess on your ASP 3 time WC idol Andy and blame the ASP and industry for his death...You'll feel all better --- You and Backbitch should link up!
Rotty Rottkamp,
Not only has professional surfing added yet another new spono, Land Rover, to the upcoming Snapper Rocks event,... one of your heros who was like you, spouting this 99% OWS bullshite has completely changed his mind.....
Bill Maher.
“Let me ask about another occupation because this is, and you would be good on this, too, panel — the Occupy Wall Street. Because similar to Afghanistan, when you occupy anything too long, people do get pissed off. And as I watch them on the news now, I find myself almost agreeing with Newt Gingrich, like you know what — get a job… Only because the people who originally started, I think they went home, and now, I think it’s these anarchist stragglers. And this is the problem when your movement involves sleeping over in the park. You wind up attracting the people who were sleeping over in the park anyway. And I think that’s where we are now with the Occupy movement. They did a great job of bringing the issue of income inequality to the fore. But now it’s just a bunch of douchebags who think throwing a chair through the Starbucks window is going to bring on the revolution".
So yea, plumbers gotta plumb. Drillers gotta drill. And a pilled up psycho rolling with bunny ears gotta bring attention to himself.
Drive thru.
Rotty.....the Liar!
Please read the entire thread. Nick Carroll and Cole commented multiple times.
And you're calling Fred Pawle's article a lie? Slurp Slurp Slurp... That Industry cock must taste nice.
If you know anyone who has been molested or raped, you would know the intricacies of the power struggle that take place. Read that as you may.
Nick Carroll never commented on fred pawles article....maurice cole only commented on how the incident was handled..there was no molestation,no have made that up,like you do most things...anything to support your views the end does justify the means....which means you have little or no moral integrity.....sounds like you git raped and molested by the surf industry...hope th ol ring hasn't got too many calouses.....
Read this Peanut Head:
Just a tiny sample of the bullshit being spewed by you propogandist heroes:
by Nick Carroll » Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:20 pm
Bloody hell, shock horror, someone on tour was propositioned by someone else. Imagine how often this has happened, an adult human tries to crack on to another adult human. Thousands of times this very weekend in our own fair city of Sydney.
Until and unless the person involved is charged with a sexual crime -- ie rape, sexual harrassment, child sexual abuse, trafficking in under-age porn or the like -- this item is nothing more than homophobic gossip.
Re: New Stab - Sarge story
by Maurice Cole » Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:18 pm
I have just been contacted by a friend of mine,who said I would be interested in this post.
I have just read all the posts and there seems to be a ballsy journalist out there with one of the supposed biggest surfing coverup story's being exposed by a wannabe surfing journalist.
I have known Nick Carroll and Tim baker as friends and journalists ....for ..too long! Their moral integrity for me is beyond reproach...I do not talk to many so called journalists as they are just interested in sensationalism,and surf reporters can comment an anything unless its derogatory to the which one are you Freddo....your posts here suggest that you are questioning the integrity of nick and Tim...while you tell every body that you are some kinda investigative journalist,writing about a sad incident that can have no commercial rammifications for you or Stab magazine....ballsy....?? or just sensationalism??
you talk about dark secrets and journalism is all about the this just in surf media or do you include all media? Truth in journalism is a misconception unless all journalists are always right...Alan Jones..deryn Hinch...John Laws.....steve smith...and Fred Pawle! Illustrios company!
As for poor old Sarge, who I have known and worked with for 25 years,we have known about his transgressions for eons...and when he gets pissed...he has sometimes misbehaved..and shocked a few people...because of his sexual orientation..his misbehaviour ..has..been seen as inappropriate and rightly so...the ASP is an industry controlled organisation and has always been at loggerheads with could not possibly think that they were completely objective in their treatment of Sarge...if you knew the whole inside story! What has really got me going is the sexual innuendo that has been thrown out there in the public everything..the truth...what was the sexual trangression??
the Australian media is famous for its trial by media...Nick Darcy...Johnsy...wayne carey....tall poppy syndrome! if you were really serious about investigative surf journalism....try a few stories on....contract rippoffs,insider trading,drugs in upper management,sexual vilification..the ASP being run and cotrolled by the industry to the detriment of the surfers...pandoras box? or the truth!
to comment on the brands is career suicide! can't wait for you to fire up!
Re: New Stab - Sarge story
by Nick Carroll » Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:31 pm
I think you will all find that Paul Sargeant's exclusion from the ASP WCT and WQS tours was reported at the time in several surf magazines and on several websites in exactly the fashion suggested by stamos. Ie flat affect.
Youse all really want to use this as an opportunity to examine your own interest in the whole thing. Do you, jimbo71 and turbopooch, both of whom joined this forum within the past two weeks, oddly enough since this particular thread began to flare up in such a potentially offensive fashion, really place your own supposed Right To Know above the psychological and physical welfare of a number of people you've never met? In other words, who the fuck do you think you are? Ever been sexually assaulted? Ever considered suicide as a result? Feel like making it public in order to satisfy a journalist's hopelessly insatiable desire for a story? Consider the consequences?
Get a fucking life.
This was a matter for the police if it was a matter for anyone. The injured parties chose not to go down that avenue for reasons of their own. I felt bound by their choices and like I said I can live with that. Throwing them to the wolves for your pitiful momentary satisfaction would be an act of utter foulness. Your suggestion that it was somehow my duty makes me want to hunt YOU down and beat the shit out of you.
Re Fred, I've got no argument with his freedom to pursue a piece, as I mentioned I thought he underreported -- although maybe he just didn't go far enough in the research, it might've changed his choices. But trying to take the Moral High Ground...jesus christ almighty. Yeah right. I've been a journalist too long to think there's any such thing. I know the feeling of being on a big story -- you chuck all moral qualms away because you're obsessed with it. What happens afterward, the excuses you use for it, revealing the "truth", it's just a pile of crap. Crap crap crap.
ASL helps surfers understand and enjoy their sport, we do it as well as we're able. We do not destroy people's lives.
Biggest LOL?
Nick Carroll claiming he knows the feeling of being "on a big story." Name one Lil' Nicky. Just one.
And a "journalist, Nick?
The fuck you mean? You'd be flipping burgers in Newport if it weren't for your midgest brother winning Pipe a few times.
Pussies. The lot.
Maurice Cole is a moron who trips all over himself in his comment trying to justify Sarge's behaviour and equivocating it with "anti-homosexual" behaviour in the ASP. Bullshit.
No industry has been more anti-homosexual and racist than the surf industry in the last 30 years.
"as for scandals & stories from surfings inner sanctum... I would not, as it would be incredibly destructive..." ~ Maurice Cole
And you think I'm just about "conspiracies"? Bwahahahahahaha!
Maurice Cole is a bitch. A dainty little bitch in every sense of the word. Nick and Tim need no explanation as they've never written a single thing that MATTERS.
Rape and molestation are the most underreported violent crimes in the world.
You say no rape or molestation occured?
No charges were pressed? The incredible insular and incestuous Surfing Industry aside, in the real world, you do realise how many incidents of molestation and rape are snuffed by $$$ and fear??
So why would Fred Pawle NOT report it?
And why would Maurice, Nick and Tim defend Sarge so hard? They're "good friends" with him?
Do you know how many "good friends" rapists and molesters have that had no idea or just slight worries about their friend? Fred is a reporter. He did what a reporter should... follow up on a story that SHOULD be told.
60% of all rapes go unreported. In the bubble of surfing, where people CAN'T lose their jobs because they have NOTHING else to fall back on? Logically, I'd say that percentage would be much higher.
And to tie this into China:
This is what The Industry cares about. $$$. They will exploit anything they can at this point as they swirl the toilet into oblivion. Maurice, faux rebel as he is, along with Tim Baker, all just want $$$ just like everyone else. Standing up for Sarge, muffling Branson, and the squelching of the Dengue Fever bullshittery is just the tip. The taint tickler.
You can't see the darkness because you're blind.
Learn Braille.
It took me three years of running my own blog, gathering emails, watching IP addressess, and seeing Media 1.0 slog through The Nothing to see the whole picture. But you can learn faster.
Just open your mind.
Stop worshipping your heroes.
so far BIGSurf Inc. is responsible for...
drug addictions, murder and rape (as per rottencramps),
sexist oppression and exploitation of women, resulting in anorexia, bulimina , +China Inc. (as per Cori Schumacher),
handicapping young boys manhood development, environmental destruction, human rights violations, corruption in state run enterprises, +China. Inc. (as per Clif Evers).
and rottencramps...
Fred Pawle. Murdoch Press. say no more.
the closest you'll get to truth in the Murdoch Press, is Jonathan Cainer's horoscopes.
good luck. have fun.
Hi Rotty. Welcome back. Just in time for Friday afternoon beers!
sorry, forgot racism and gendercide.
You mean the Murdoch Press that has published articles lambasting Mitt Romney, Haliburton, and your mother's carnival carousel of Down's Syndrome patient's of a womb?
yeah, the one up before Parliamentary Inquiry in the UK.
the one paying out millions in damages for illegal and unethical conduct.
THAT Murdoch Press.
Fred Pawle.
connect the dots.
You are so right. Rupert Murdoch, being the avid fan of the surfing world (less at .001% of his circulation), really put the clamps on Fred Pawle writing an article about a surfer confessing to being mollested by another surfer. I mean, that makes complete sense.
Like, there's EVERY possibility that Fred Pawle was influenced by one of the most wealthy media baron's of all time vs. Tim Baker and Nick Carroll being influenced by a surf industry that is tiny, insular, and in COMPLETE control of the ENTIRE narrative.
Connect the dots?
Just think first.
ah foresure, and he's on twitter ya know, surferjoe's dog is "following"
anywho, get frothing over the Goldie, you ol' !surfing junkie, you.
tho' really, no-one with a brain reads Murdoch Press, except the star signs.
certainly no-one with any self respect would work for them, so good luck if Fred Pawle is your Revolutionary Man.
No one with self respect would work for Rupert Murdoch?
Who would you consider "self respecting" to work for?
Surfline? Surfer Magazine? The Surfer's Journal? Swellnet? Enron? The architectural firm that designs for a developer? The toilet cleaner from Lennox who grasps every dollar from The Industry he can (see first three questions)?
I sell nothing.
I have ideas.
I think.
And you may not agree with it... but you have to admit no one has brought shit to the mild fan of Surf Media 1.0 like WE have.
You look like a fool with each comment you post.
Stu knows.
He can't even figure out if I am one person or 10 with different IP addresses.
not you.
more like he can't be bothered figuring YOU out.
you know the art of catch and release fishing, you're the fish.
doesn't matter how many you are, you're just a sport.
and thanks, I'll add ENRON to the above list of charges against BIGSurf Inc., any others let me know.
and the bait is cheap.
WOW!!!! 2 dickheads going toe to toe on the internet, sorry fellas did not read a word of it, just seen rotten ,sid, rotten sid and figured that was the end of that
hang on rottencramps, stay on that line, don't spit the hook, I've got a bite on the other rod.
You gotta admit, that IS funny!
Who am I Stu? It would make Sid's day. Cmon. Spill it. Which IP is real? Which comment us real? Sid had hooked someone... Right?
Tee hee.
'cramps, don't flathead yourself, no-one cares.
"catch" you tomoz,
You are right. No one here cares. That us the point.
Welcome to irrelevance!
Zenagain's comment is beautiful. It was funny. About 10 years ago. Back when surfing was still cool. Welcome to NOW.
Sorry Rotty...I gave you wrong advice...stay on the Prozac for a few more days...until Kelly arrives in Australia and then you can get all obsessive about and follow every bit of it and even bring up 3 time champ Andy irons...we've taken yoiu off medication a few days too early
That's quite alright mate. I've never been cool and I'm easily pleased.
It's a blessing and a curse.
You stay beautiful now.
rotty....more lies and confusion......thanx for chasing up the fred pawle story for me......saw sarge the other day at a funeral,and great to see him back in top form again,after dealing with his illness and a few demons along the way...... have no proof as pawle only had a bit of rumour an innuendo to go off.......sarge did more for Australian surfing than most....but your claims about Tim Nick and MC are just you on your angry pills,insulting everyone,putting everyone offside,because you are so insanely infatuated with the industry and the people that make up the industry......
hiding behind your ID spewing poison on the world,your dressed up as the queen of verbal diahorea.......
everything you say about the surf industry is relevent to western capitalism ......there is no conspiracy ya wombat.....its just the way the world don't have to like it.......ya can leave or as most of us do learn to live with it.....and not consumed by hate and are you ol rotty......
point" deinition of stupidity........making the same mistake continually,but expecting a different result" alienate everybody,but expect people to listen to you.......chuckle!!!!
Oh, you're a friend of Sarge's?
That explains everything.
Btw, way to use your real name champ!
rotty...who's a dainty bitch and a faux rebel....MC...?
Would ya say it to his face?....based on probably the only contact you have had with him was on the sarge story......faux rebel....huh...character assination,based on what....??
have you ever contributed anything positive to anything...or you just enjoy alienating everybody??
I thoroughly enjoy alienating everyone. Because "everyone" who comments on surf blogs is such a small fraction of real surfers it can't be quantified.
So I've alienated you and your five buddies who comment here?
Do I care? No.
I care about the truth.
And you exemplify the very attitude as to why there has been no truth or transparency in surfing. You and your "bro's" sticking up for another "bro" in The Industry and ripping on a reporter who had the balls to call you silly little twats out for it is exactly who I aim to alienate.
Not just alienate. I aim to completely and utterly abolish the existence of everything you and Old Surf Media and the good ol' boys club stood for. I'll fuck everything you ever loved up from the comfort of my basement.
Tell Maurice Cole this is 2012. We have evolved. If he's pissed, tell him to punch his computer screen. Or, better yet, go to school and learn how to think and act like man.
but Rotty...all is good, Kelly arrives this week and you can catch up on every bit of Gos and watch online all day and come up with conspiracy theories. We know you do this because you come out with all the facts. What a sad contradiction you are to yourself. If I disliked something, I'd walk away and spend my life doing positive things, but you can't , you're entrenched in negativity and you love ASP 3 time champ Andy. Up your dose of Prozac pills!
I'm watching Dane rip the living hell out of Rincon right now. #Winning!
Plop .
today I think I'll add BULLYING IN THE ARMED FORCES to the list of charges against BIGSurf Inc.
Class Action pending, QCs will have a carnivale' on this one, and the Media frenzy, phew, wait till Freddo gets his gums into this.
oh rotty, Nah you are just whinging about us "the 5 buddies",but who is your audience except us...then you threaten that ya gunna fuck us up from ya wonder you are soooooo out there......destroyin the world from your basement......its called bein a gutless,spineless coward.....
as for Mc ...punch his hiding behind your ID,and threatening people is your mantra.....MC has a saying if ya can't back it up shut up.......youse just some nerd that might have been molested by an aussie....and Danes ripping......have you ever thought how good it is to surf,and not be a spectator!
brootus, for this specific platform, kindly refer to the objective as...
seeking the troof.
the whole troof, and nuthin' but the troof.
so help me allah.
World Governments are being crushed by people on the internet, Brutus.
The world turned... and left you Maury, Sarge, Shearer and Stu here.
My audience isn't here. It's "out there." Where everyone else is.
rottencramps, do you know what a Freddo is in Australia? and do you know what kids do to them?
ah 'cramps, give it up,
world governments are getting crushed by the same MI6, CIA, Mossad, and Banking Cartels that have always crushed governments.
So the galvanization of people in the Middle East via Twitter, Facebook, and carrier pigeons is all just a conspiracy by secret agencies?
I thought that wasn't allowed... at least, in the surfing world that would NEVER happen.
And what if what WE enjoy most is hating?
There’s no question that some of us basement troglodytes have raised dickishness to the level of art. So by your own logic, you can’t hate the hater haters because hate hating haters hatey hatehate.
BOOM, BITCH! THAT JUST HAPPENED! ZEPPELIN!!!!!!! Did I just have a stroke?
galvanization? bah, and you call me naive.
twit and FB doing the work of evil.
it's all going to plan, have another swig of the koolaid.
nah, its all above LOVE now, hence my new pic.
I've been brainwashed by Cori's prosse.
I'm starting a movement...
you can call us ILLA.
we are freedom fighters for oppressed women living under Sharia law.
WE are legion.
We are goin over there to burn burquas, hand out doulble ended dildos, strap ons and surfboards.
Are you with us ?
rotty...nuttin but da govts crushed by da troof...the USA had a coup d'etat 4 years ago called the GFC,where bussiness took over the USA......all the countries you mentioned are mostly muslim...are you saying the internet favours the people not in western countries......praise be to Allah!
so funny how you think you are some lefty that is having an affect on world politics......a legend in your own alienate...are you an alein?
Back in the early ’70s, after a stint as a mercenary working to infiltrate a leftist Turkish organization based on the Anatolian Peninsula, I decided to take it easy for a while and moved to Corinth for the summer.
I had a small tin-roofed shack I rented for the summer at a cost of about 50 Lira. It had nothing in it but a cot, and a small crate to sit on. Sometimes I’d catch a fish and cook it over a fire outside my shack. Most meals I took at a cheap café nearby. Each morning I’d go down to the beach for swim and to bathe in the ocean. It was at the beach that I met Callipe. She used to sunbathe naked 3 or 4 days per week, and would often join me for a bottle of Retsina; sometimes something more if she was bored. I was running low on funds for my evenings of Retsina with Callipe, and so I asked her about finding a job for the summer. She told me to apply for work at the leather tannery in town because she knew they were hiring.
So the next morning I put on a work shirt and some jeans that would have made Shearer drool, and headed into town to apply. What luck! This was the only tannery in Corinth, and Chrysler had to buy a certain amount of leather from them for every car they sold. The story goes that the add guys had no idea what Corinthian meant. They just liked the sound of the word. But after some left handed Zionist figured out Chrysler was just putting good ole’ American cowhide into their cars, there was a lawsuit, a settlement, and an unexpected windfall for the Koumos and Sons Tannery of Corinth, Greece. I did not participate as I am not, nor ever have been a licensed practitioner of the law.
The Koumos family could not keep up and, sure, they would hire anyone willing to do a bit of hard work.
Papa Koumos, as we affectionally called him, could tan a hide smooth as butter, but he had no idea how to run a business. His elder boy, Alexander, was the hard worker of the two siblings… sometimes actually bothering to show up. I never saw Olek, but I learned he came in at least often enough to skim some money from the shoebox Papa Koumos used as his accounting system. Mama Koumos was a huge brick of woman, didn’t speak a word of English, and was in a perpetual state of fret over the misdeeds of her two boys.
I spent about 2 hours a day scraping hides and stirring the big vat of lye. That was considered a full day for anyone other than Papa Koumos, who was a workaholic and put in at least 5 hours every single day of the week.
I had been at it for about 2 weeks when it all went to hell. I came in one morning to find Alexander standing over a bloody, battered, and naked young boy. The boy ran off as I turned to confront Alexander. “Hush,†he told me, “this is nothing for a Greek,†and some nonsense about how he was a mentor to the boy, teaching him about love and life. “Just don’t tell Mama,†he said, “you know how she worries.†That was it for me. I can’t tell you much more about my last day in Greece. But if you are driving a 1975 Chrysler Cordoba, take a good look at the seats. It might just a have a little bit more of the Koumos family Corinthian leather in it than you were expecting. I did a fine job on that last hide if I do say so myself. Every bit as good as Papa Koumos.
Just don’t tell Mama Koumos. I’m sure she misses her sweet boy, but she’s better off not knowing.
**Say hi to Sarge for me**
rootencramps, was the mercenary gig before or after graduating Law at Yale.?
twitter revolutions over throwing govt.s .?
silly boy, no revolutions have happened in any countries that haven't been first visited by JPM stooge Tony Blair making sure the proper infrastructure is in place.
troof ? bahumbug, go grab a fresh koolaid from the fridge, those electrolytes are incredible.
All your answers lie with your mother.
damn, I thought Dane Reynolds had all the answers.
fuck lookout 'cramps, !surfing on the 6 o'clock noos, Mick Fanning going sick in the breaka on the goldie.
Log in and suck it up, we know you can't help yourself but froth.
Sid, is that a set of balls between those legs in your avatar???
Copying and pasting posts from such a quality website as and claiming them as your own Rotty? I'm so confused right now....
It's not copying and pasting when it is your own all along is it P?
Think before you twink.
So, old rottkamps, the self proclaimed surf rebel who was so wrong in his predictions over the last few years that professional contestable surfing would end two years ago that he's now revised and stretched out his nostradumbass predictions to sometime in the next 5 to 10 years, now states his idea of surfing is WATCHING Daynolds riding waves?
Yes, the same Dane Reynolds he's been "proofreading" for?....
The same Dane Reynolds who's been given a sponsorship exemption to compete in the ASP Quiksliver Pro @ Snapper Rocks?....
Rottymouthed Rottkamp, voyeuristic kookmeyer too the max,....
Enjoy the steaming heaping helpings of his Hypocrite Eggs!.
Watching Dane freesurf Rincon on a perfect offshore day is a billion times mire fun than watching robots try to meet all 80 pages of the ASP criteria in 30 minute heats judged by people that have no clue how hard riding switch stance at heavy Pipe or doing a kick flip on a surfboard is.
That's just me.
And 99% of the rest if the regular surfing population who doesn't watch any ASP related garbage.
I wasted three years watching it.
It's over Johnny.
Kind of like how Bin Laden went on and on with an idiology base on telling everyone else what to do, yet when he met up with his real maker/breakers, Seal Team 6, the world was expose to yet another hypocrite.... and his stock piled porn stash!.....
Your game is the same... come off as some sort of "rebel", with your !Surfing vs iSurfing..... But when the facts meet your meaningless opinions, you are not an original, or a rebel at all!
You are a retread. Copying someone else.
So yea, it's Over.
Over for you.
That's funny Roller. You've been the one predicting I'd be over for what, three years running?
rotty the mercenary,thinks killing young boys is sorta cool....yeah its over rotty.....the rot of your delusional mind has come forth and been exposed for all.....
so ya don't surf,ya just watch,and critique from your armchair of bitterness......and seem to have a weird fascination with Dane....hmmm,maybe your homophobia is hiding your obvious attraction for young male surfers...and ya get jealous of the ASP..because you only have access to any event as a member of the public,and just can't get near "the boys".....
its over rotty,you have declared your true colors...a closet,without his boys! have exposed yourself as a groupie to the ASP and that must really work you on the inside. Take more will work for you. BTW...Lindy irons is in town Rotty....something for you to froth on!
I'm waiting for the day when Rootencramps starts telling Brutus that he is a racist and !surfing is all white.
Lindy is in town? It'll be much more fun watching her drown Billabong in court. She's entitled to everything they own... including their worthless stock.
Ha, Lindy and Axel are staying at gordon's Mt Woodgee property.
Cannibals call that "fattening IP for the kill."
I second Shauns comments.
@ I-B
"It'll be much more fun watching her drown Billabong in court."
I'll hate myself in the morning but I am going to ask: what, precisely, is/are Lyndi's cause(s) of action??
And don't just bluster, deride, dismiss or evade. It's a reasonable question. You say you're legal-trained. Answer it. Precisely, as if you were drafting the outline of the Statement of Claim/Complaint.
@Whaaat : Wrongful Death.
Any other questions, genius?
Hmmmm. Causation will be a real problem, methinks. What about his underlying mental illness?
Why would I argue with a bunch of Industry Apologists here, Whaaat.
Wrongful Death would be a cakewalk for Lindy based on the MT, Naude and Andy connection alone. All admissable in a court if law and not squelched by pussies in Surf Media 1.0. His previous "mental illness" actually plays in Lindy's favor.
I'll call Brooce to the stand.
OK, fair enough, although I am not an apologist, merely a disinterested onlooker curious to see how/if this plays out. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Ultimately, as you know, it's not about what you, me or even Lyndi thinks; it's about what can be proved. The standard of proof is lower, though, which should help. But causation will still be a major hurdle.
Anyway, I'm off for a surf. Ooroo for now.
It's all good Whaaat. Enjoy the waves. I've been a land lubber for three months with a broken scafoid and wrist.
In other news: Billabong's Spokesperson / Doctor just announced that Whitney Houston just died due to complications from Dengue Fever. *
*credit to @V_For_Vanguard for the news so P Funk can save some Google time.
Billabong should have dumped Whitney Houston years ago, all the money they spent putting her through re-hab was a waste.
Rotty, Julian Wilson won the Breaka Pro at Burleigh, just in case you didn't know. My guess is you already knew. You would have been watching the computer, beating off with the hand that's not got a broken bone! Was the vinegar good?
Yup. you've been wrong for as long as you've been posting up your opinions on surfing, rottkamp.
And all of your overacting jumped the shark long ago.
It's getting way to easy to administer the bitch slapping, bitch.
And this latest story concerning the entertainer Whitney Elizabeth Houston proves it once again, even rehab cannot cure stupid.
seems to be getting off the topic a bit eh! this is about the money hungry companies that have already made the waves too crowded.i once read a quote that said"if you think its crowded now wait untill the sons of china start surfing "its bad enough now with brazilans,russians israelies stinking the worlds waves up now the chinese who's attitude wont be much better.have spent 30 odd years surfing asia its happened everywhere from bali to lanka. the companies through greed have helped to destroy paradise.whats just happened in china is fn typical of the so called search,more aptly search and destroy.the search for more product sales $$$$.just because my legropes made in china doesnt mean the guy who made it has to surf ,good on the chick who bouycotted the contest due to chinas shocking human rights record .just like tommy c when he wouldnt surf in sth africa in the80,s ,she is standing up for something she feels strongly for the companies ,clean up ya mess ya pricks,youve been shitting in the back yard for years!
Damn right, brother! Why should those bloody chinks, brazzos, jews, ruskis and other kooks enjoy themselves doing what we anglos invented, eh? Fucking taking advantage of OUR precious. They don't know their bloody place, eh? It's not as if those waves in indo belong to or should be enjoyed by the locals, is it? Get back to the kibbutz, rice paddy and the gulag, upstarts!!
Thanks for your input.
grumpy - you are a perfect case study of the " the racist white heterosexual male surfer 'power block' " who Dr Clifton Evers hopes -quote- " his 'research' will undermine from within ".(just thought I'd warn ya.)
Enjoy the waves man, don't forget to leave the kids at home, we don't want them stinking up the waves, well not 'round here anyhow.
I'm with ya too, brother.
I didn't watch a single heat or highlight from the Milk Product pro (hard up for sponsors anyone?).
I watched Dane surf Rincon live and do things that make any contest look like Nickelodean. Of course, Brodie Carr thinks The ASP has killed free surfing (see STAB Mag). So yeah, Brodie Carr knows what's up. Or down.
Anyone else notice STAB's website is suddenly lacking any Bong banners?
'cramps, didn't notice, didn't care.
yeah you watched the milky pro at Burleigh, couldn't help yourself.
in between the whipme circus out the front in midtown.
you been tagged, they got ya car make, model, colour and rego.
and please, don't for one minute think you can slip off grid up there where the steelehead run. The place ain't that small.
Ask Stu to tell you who I am. Ask him how many IP addresses I've used here. NO ONE knows who I am. Prove me wrong. I dare you.
I can tell you more about Stu than you know.
That's the life of a nerd. I can tell you how many times Ben Matson has begged The Industry for $$$.
Same with Shearer (who has been paid by half the companies in the Cartel).
Does it matter? No.
The larger matter... the biggest fish, is the goal. And THEY already know it.
more the merrier.
so who is ratting on who ?
and who is ratting on you(s) ?
rooty,no one cares who you are,your words tell us who you are.....a rejected Industry worker,disguised as a truth molesterer ,nobody listens to your point of view,because you simply are not bright enough to know how to communicate with people,and at least get them to listen,so your biggest enemy is....good ol' rotty!
His Tweets are building the Fat Man and Little Boy that will fuck up everything you ever loved.
Rolling in the mud with swine does no good Brew but this: "Same with Shearer (who has been paid by half the companies in the Cartel)." is just an outright lie.
Just correcting the public record.
I make a fairly healthy living doing the opposite of everything you just said in a grammatical and syntactical mess if a comment.
Ever considered opening a third eye?
Or will you be happy eating the same crow the ASP has eaten over the last year?
got a mate with land up there.
a bit further south, the enforcer had land long before Jackson Browne and co. them was the days.
you missed that boat, but the North Pacific mist better suits your fair skin.
You've been paid by Surfline, Surfer Magazine, The Surfers Journal, and Swellnet.
That's half if the Great Whore.
Does that make you uncomfortable?
So what?
You've never reported anything that mattered anyway. Just embrace your role Nick Carroll Jr.
Just explain again how that money you make contracted by a studio in Burbank writing entertainment for the masses is so morally pure again????
Yes, the ones owned by wonderful humans like Rupert Murdoch and Co.
Be careful you don't throw your back out as you contort yourself though, although you might like to suck yourself off while your in that position.
I've never been employed by any of those mags. I'm a freelancer. I say what I want, if they don't like it I go elsewhere.
Oh, and that contract writing mush for the masses is exclusive isn't it?
Which is the real reason you won't put your balls on the line and write your great expose.
Your just a little slave to a different machine.
Your moral equivocation is amusing Steve. Stop now.
Oh, a little sore point.
Sorry, back to defending your man Rupert hey?
There's a boy.
The 2 great mysteries of modern surfing...
Who is Rottencramps and What happened to all the money in the AI Family Trust ?
*neither are that great a mystery.
Being a freelance writer accepted by the fucking whores that have published your pablum means what?
They liked it, nitwit. Get it? Now? They LOVE YOU!! They are using you. Just like I told you months ago.
Have they published my name anywhere?
Being freelance only means something to those naive enough to think they are independent and shackel free.
Being accepted by Surfline and Surfer is YOUR badge if honor.
That's a fucking shitstain on my record if that happened.
I don't want them publishing anything with my name attached to it.
If you are so independent, go ask Wayne Lynch why Bong fired him. Interview MT. Interview Naude. You know, people that matter.
"They LOVE YOU!! They are using you. Just like I told you months ago."
bwahahahahhaha......priceless Rottmouth.
Sometimes, just when I think there may be some rudimentary humanistic intelligence at work you go and destroy all my illusions. Boohoo.
Oh Brew, the only reason you haven't bought your fantasies into the real world is because your not allowed.
Contractual obligations.
Little chicken stuck in a cage crowing that the sky will fall in.
Cluck, cluck.
So Steve,
The fact that nothing you've written has been rejected by the Industry makes you what? Independent? Gonzo?
Or a tool.
Am I a tool in surfing?
If you can't answer the surfing question without going Hollywood, then you've lost.
Nothing rejected???????
I've had shiteloads rejected/edited etc etc .
Thats why I'm freelance and not paying off a house.
I'm an amateur/part-time who makes some pocket money to buy chickens/veggies so I can get off the grid.
Now go write some more mindless trash TV for the benefit of the American mind: they could use some distraction.
In 2012, dear Steve, you can publish whatever you want. Obviously, whatever you got rejected wasn't worth publishing for free on a blog.
Now, you seem curiously eager to turn this into a Hollywood vs. Competitive Pro Surfing debate.
Perhaps that laugh us, indeed, on you.
Your noble attempts to connect to the modern man as a freelance, Gibson, free thinking journalist has been embraced by Big Surfing.
Why? Because its an unoriginal approach. Derek Hynd had enough flaws to make him the current parody he us. you come off as a sad sap trying to milk that vein.
You don't own a TV and hate IT stuff, yet you are going to publish the mist foolish article of all time if The Surfers Journal.
No... Sesame Street.
Laughing alright.
Now please, again and slowly: how is that Hollyweird money so pure again?
You know, the stuff you earn by the bucketload which enables you to sit on your throne as the emperor of SURFING.
I know it's late there and your tired......but could you put Rupert Murdoch in the answer please.
Thanks in advance.
And if you are trying to get off the grid, why bother whoring out useless articles to The Machine? Just sell weed like everyone else in that hick town. Or tell your beloved ASP to run a contest there, line your pockets and retire? Your hypocrisy starts in Lennox.
Hollywood money isn't pure. As said from day one. Is your point comparing Hollywood money to Big Surfing Money?
Please say yes.
Ah yes the grand old days when a man could make an honest living selling weed..........don't get me all misty eyed over that one.
Ruined by hydroponic factory farming.
Now, you keep neglecting to tell us how this Hollywood moolah is so pure?
"Hollywood money isn't pure."
Oh, god. Mortal soul wounds. The great Blasphemy receives impure money.
He is corrupted.
A high paid whore working for the greatest Babylon ever conceived in human history....
Every day bringeth some cruel disillusionment.
have you ever though about quitting Hollywood and growing some vegies?
'cramps, the hicks moved out years ago, you're livin' in the past.
Back when Byron had nothing but a train track, abatoir and the stumps left from killing whales.
hicks left on the last train.
That's cool, the yups have more money to spend on weed... beats sucking 'wood in LA.
Nowadays, you'd fit right in, too bad the rajneshees beat you to it.
Steve Shearer,
Meet Blasphemy Rottmouth.
Understand the difference?
Now explain your eagerness to compare Hollywood money to Surfing Industry moneys.
This should be fun.
same same.
No need to explain Brew.
The hypocrisy and moral confusion is front and centre.
And yes, we get the picture that your an anonymous gothic rabbit: thats your standard go-to position when someone lays one into that sore point of yours.
Delicate little flower aren't you?
I woulda thought someone who made a career out of slinging as much shitt as you would be a bit more robust.
hollywood 7 rooms to rent...
till your name goes up in lights...
hollyroom 7 rooms to rent...
hollywood 7 dream your dreams...
for seven bucks a nite.
cramps, you dirty ho.
Is that why you fled Twitter? Where there's an audience paying attention? Where your wit is shown for what it is? Where everyone else is watching?
Grand Central Irrelevance surely must be ...
12,933 twits.
I'm the delicate Little flower even you can pounce upon.
Your big smoking gun is that I work for Hollywood, therefore my critique of you Industry blowjobs are invalid?
Hee hee.
My email box is full if wet dreams.
Is start put down the own and start selling more veggies.
It will make you feel better, and leave surfing free of one less tool.
"Is start put down the own and start selling more veggies."
Once more in English please.
And Dane surfed a contest on the weekend at the "Con.
Guess he's getting in practice for Snapper.
So much for the purity of the free-surfer.
Oh well, one more sacred cow down the drain.
I was watching him free surf.
His love for the ASP is unbouned.
Was he on a shitty board?
he surfs so much better in comps on modern equipment compared to that junk he rides from Alex Knost.
But you already know that.
For the record, this is zblaspemy rottouth number eleven. The real one is on Twitter.
In Hollywood, you must rip the heart of of your competition to survive.
In surfing, you can get ANYTHING published that THE INDUSTRY approves.
Steve Shearer has published NOTHING outside of Industry Approved propoganda outlets.
You are their tool.
Sleep well.
And enjoy writing that recap of the Snapper contest. I'm sure 2 million people will be *ahem* watching every word...
Bragging that none of your words have been edited is like submitting an anti-war song that the Military Industrial complex says, "hell yeah, let's print every word."
You've never said a word that challenged ANYTHING steve.
And yet you galavant around with this "Gonzo" scheme and mumbling about growing vegetables in your backyard and driving a bus and cleaning toilets.
You are the heart of the disease. Worse than the stooges who are on the active payroll. You are a tool being used by The Industry to rope in the numb nuts who think you are a rebel from The Outside.
Write something important Steve.
Or else stick to the funny Matt Branson's Cock Ring Moniker you used religously at my blog.
Gee, that time in China really helped you get a leg-up with shrill propaganda didn't it?
You keep thinking your thoughts Brew and writing those TV masterpieces.
Just try growing some food and stepping out of that rat-race sometimes though. It might help you regain some humanity.
No Rotty...I know you watched it and the vinegar stroke happened for you right on the siren and julian won. we know're addicted to ASP and it eats yiou out. You dream of AI 3 time ASP champ.
I didn't watch a second.
And thus is delicious, people that think connecting Michael Tompson to Paul Naude, Andy, Kaiborg, and Blair Marlin is some sort if "stretch" are asking me to question Fred Pawles integrity because he writes for Rupert Murdoch.
I would fellate the entire Bronx Zoo if you could prove that Rupert Murdoch even knows about Fred Lawless article on Sarge.
Twitter is so much fun. Caio.
no rotty...we know you are addicted to ASP/reading The Outlaw/Andy irons 3 time champ and prozac, the next few months for you are the best of the year. you love it
What a load of wank! What is it about you morons who continue to feed not just your own egos, but also that of the foot and rottmouth disease?
Fair dinkum, it's just getting ridiculous. I truly hope that all of you blokes really aren't part of the surfing fraternity.
That is all.
There will always be these type. Hells bells history shows there has always been these type.....
Guys rolling around town attempting to sell their heaps of fears wearing bunny ears.
The only difference between the old days and now?.... They have a tiny little twittie feed they constantly need to promote.
Actually, since we now know old Rottkamp has been WORKING FOR, "proofreading" for the minor league professional surfers, the ones who are sponsored by the very same corps who sponno the top shelf ASP touring pros, it's easy to see how smart these folks running the surf related corporations really are at playing every single side of the game.....
Hiring folks like our extremely ghey little bunny eared non surfing kookmeyer to further run the farking hype.... With the same end game of sell tons of togs, and sweet drinks....
!Surfing and or iSurfing... all the same marketing ends to a means.... And it's good to see the old bunny eared boy rottkamps up on the team, promoting it all!
Capitalism 2.0!
Get 'ya some!
Yup, and now that we know the gayme,.... and as i've pointed out the fact that these corporations are genius.... It's clear to see that professional contestable surfing is not going out of business during any of our lifetimes.
Cheers bunny ears!
Rottkamp said.... "watch a single heat or highlight from the Milk Product pro (hard up for sponsors anyone?)".
Break is a division of Parmalat. Revenues for 2011?... 4.5 BILLION Euros. Which equals close to 6 BILLION US and or Aussie Dollars!
More proof that the old boy does not know what he's talking about....
Yet one more example in that constantly growing list of Rottymouthbunnyears, queen of the Rottkamps being WRONG!
rotty,at it again,Wayne laynch was never sponsored by the bong,makinit up as you go again!!
I make a fairly healthy living doing the opposite of everything you just said in a grammatical and syntactical mess if a comment.
Ever considered opening a third eye?
Or will you be happy eating the same crow the ASP has eaten over the last year?
rotty,you think you are the only one that sees and understands what the industry/ASP was and has become. As you are an outsider,you join all these delusional dots that you claim are fact,your latest faux pas, wayne lynch and the Bong......get it right will ya.
just for the record rotty,the surf industry/ASP are now just business's that either make money for shareholders or a couple of famillys ...there is very little creative,innovative people left in the company's,and they are essentially marketing and branding company's,and the ASP is one of their main marketing tools.
Thats why there is a lot of pain at the moment for the surf co's ASP,as they try to deal with ever increasing competition from the real pros ..NIke.......and why the ASP does not have a global TV/ or sponsor...yes the industry controls the ASP..always has....but who controls the industry??
Since no free market trade or exchange ever takes place unless both sides individually and separately agree that's it's in their OWN best interest to do so,... how then can the "industry" be immune from this?
Therefore, does not the marketplace control the market?
Stick your market speak up your arse, Rollerbloke.
Hmm.....does the marketplace control the market......explain the difference between the two..?
if paid enough, you'd be surprised how many folks would put any sort of what you're requesting up their arse.
same as it ever was... the market clears pretty much anything at a proper price.
Wes Layne.
Who coined the term SURF INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ?
a. blasphemy rottmouth.
b. cori schumacher.
c. clifton evers.
d. someone else.
When will the penny drop that the "marketplace" isn't about surfing, its about fashion retailing .
BONUS - Here's 2 pics to make Cori's blood boil, Murdoch Press no less...
Fred Pawle.
Michael Tompson.
Graham Stapelburg.
Paul Naude.
Say no more.
It's about as clueless as Billabong sacking Wayne Lynch.
Kelly Slater.
Blair Marlin.
at the library,
you'll find it all in the 'fiction' department.
Lindy Irons v Billabong = Wrongful Death
More Coke Division.
Art Brewer.
Brad Melekian.
Gonad Man.
Captian Goodvibes.
Sarge and Ronnie Blakie.
Useless tools like Carroll, Shearer and Baker.
Tom Curren and Bobby Martinez. Same sentence.
Michael Petersen, Cheyne Horan, Buttons, Bertlemann, and Fletcher.
A preview... of everything you ever THOUGHT you knew... about to end.
blasphemy rottmouth and Germaine Greer. Married.
Michael Petersen and smack cut with ajax.
Billabong will die this year. And this website will be the mirror reflecting the naive tool of The Industry.
Billabong will net 100+ mil, more than Quik.
'cramps will squeel all year long.
rotty.....maybe its democracy and capitalism that will die this year,and you are the fooltool...or toolishfoolish!!!!
hows wayne doing with bong...maybe ya got rab and WL confused?
Good Dog!! A bloke dashes out for a quick surf and all this happens!
Clif, I blame you. Thank your mother for the rabbit.
Clif, don't spose you've heard from Quik or the surfing bodies re the Hainan comps in particular and the (no-doubt very responsible) plan for China generally??
blasphemy rottmouth works out which one of the eleven assholes is the leaking rat.
Wes Layne.
BAD TWITTER... doing the devil's work ...
its the TROOF.
here's your PROOF.
your 2.0 saviour is a hoax.
The truth has been spelled out on Twitter. Those that know... know. Those that don't are tools being led like famished horses to a dry trough.
@FSU_CEO has spelled it out clear as day. Even challenged Sunny Garcia to a PPV fight to prove his point.
Who backed down?
Because FSU is twice his size and 10 times smarter.
And Sunny KNOWS it.
Wake up.
Hey Sid,
Do me a quik favor. Go on Twitter, under your real name (racistfuckwit) and call out #Anonymous as a hoax. Wait 19 minutes, check you bank account and email, and then tell me that the headlines over the past three years on AP, Rueters, CNN, Fox, and your mothers carnival cunt . com are just a hoax.
You're so dumb you can't even link the right article...
the chinks hacked the twitter account racistfuckwit, and diverted me to your(s).
coincidence ?
connect the dots.
twitter/Libya ok.
twitter/Greece NO GO.
connect the dots.
you're such a selective lil' wabbit.
@whaaaat ASP emailed me back to say they not want to do an interview based on this article. ISA and did not respond to my email/questions.
The first time I read the term "Surf Industrial Complex" it was written by Derek Hynd or Nick Carroll.
I think Cliff has good observations about surfing in China.
Having been working in china and living in China on and off for 10years, i have a actionsports company based in China that run skateboard events and x games events for the chinese sports orgs.
I have build large skateparks in China for the government and most are not even open.
Its all about local officials getting kickbacks for new projects and skateboarding, surfing etc are new so they try for it.
About surfing in Hainan, i attended a comp there in 2005 and it had no chinese in it i believe, most chinese cannot swim let alone surf.
Youth are too busy studying fo hobbies, I do skateboard coaching in china and its a similar problem, parents think extreme sports and their only child may die or get badly hurt.
Surf brands all want the china business but are struggling bigtime, most of the stores they are in are mixed in with other sports clothing branding in department stores and are not even noticed.
I am about to build the world biggest skatepark in China, 20,000SQM located right in the middle of housing of 160,000 students.
Chines sports brands are getting very big in china and there profits are better then Quik or bong and growing, one of these brands that have over 6000 stores in china want to start and actionsports label ( footwear and clothing ) and getting international top riders, so look out the chinese are coming.
Rottkamp the rottmouth said.... "watch a single heat or highlight from the Milk Product pro (hard up for sponsors anyone?)".
Breaks is a division of Parmalat.
Revenues for 2011?... 4.5 BILLION Euros.
Which equals close to 6 BILLION US and or Aussie Dollars!
More proof that the old boy does not know what he's talking about....
Your right Captain Vic, the tog and surf industry is very competitive. And if ZQK or Bong or Rip happen to experience sliding sales revs due to poor product offerings, others can and will take advantage of these changes.
The global consumer is flush with crumbs and ready willing and able to make purchases they deem worth trading hard currency for.... And all sorts of stuff will be on offer at compelling prices...
Capitalism 2.0.
Hilarious..... Little bunny eared Rottkamp has been outed, "proofreading" for the minor league professional surfers. The guys and girls who are sponsored by the very same corps who sponno the top shelf ASP touring pros...
And it's quite ammusing to see how smart these folks running the surf related corporations really are at playing every single side of the game.....
!Surfing and or iSurfing... all the same marketing ends to a means. And it's good to see the old bunny eared boy rottkamps up on it as a team player..... I told you these surf corps are smart....
Nothing new here, Blasphmey Rottmouth is on the team, pumping on behalf of the minor leaguers.
Capitalism 2.0!..
Or maybe we should market as it something snappy and compelling like,.... Capitalism 2.0i.
Have you ever lifted the needle off the minute record player in your cavernous skull?
only a week to go Rotty until the ASP BANQUET!!!! red carpet Rotty....ASP 3 time world champ Andy rons will be remembered...start frothing ROTTY
rottmouth, ran into wayne lynch today on the goldy, .....straight to the point have you ever been spons by billabong, no never he said, take no notice of rotten arsholes rants he's full of fucking shit that cunt. nice guy wayne is..
brutus heard ya chuckle when ya read that,you know how it sounded when it came out and the facial expression he he he,,,
Wes Layne.
Wes layne or wayne lynch,rotty?? same kinda guys easy to confuse for our court really are quite entertaining....just that ya get ya facts mixed up with ya suppositions..
there's an old marketing adage" perception is reality,as are your perceptions....the trouble is your credibility is always in question as you continually make up stuff like the Wayne lynch claim...oooops,more humble pie for rotty..
He also claimed it was Ronnie Blakey involved in the Sarge saga. So much for truth and facts. Just chuck any name out there!
Do we expect anything different from a guy who's continually proving himself wrong?... With his latest dropped trouser public displayed epic fail mistaking Wayne Lynch for WES LAINE?
Taking seriously anything that comes out the pie hole of a crazy schizophrenic psychopath is nuts.
What's next, lil miss bunny ears mistakes nat Young for Nat Young?..... (who's currently flairing hard at the Australian Open)?
I'm guessing old rottkamp will now mistake Alex Chacon for Chicaine.
Wes Wayne Layne Lynch Beachley.
Wes Layne.
TransWorld SURF Business: Which sales reps departed?
Bob Hurley: Wes Laine, Tim Finlay, Jon Kleintop, Gary Clisby, Jimbo Gaskin, Rob Willis. How many is that?
TransWorld SURF Business: Six.
Bob Hurley: And Keoni Watson, yeah.
TransWorld SURF Business: These are all long-time friends.
Bob Hurley: Yes.
TransWorld SURF Business: Do you miss them?
Bob Hurley: Uh. Miss them? Uh.
TransWorld SURF Business: Are you still friends with some of them?
Bob Hurley: I’m still friends with Rob Willis.
TransWorld SURF Business: Wow. So it got a little ugly?
Bob Hurley: Well, not really. I just think different people handle different situations in different ways. Unfortunately for those guys most of them are younger than me and they probably haven’t been through as much as I have. They didn’t handle their situation in a professional or even a friendly way. And it really hurt my feelings to a large degree. I wouldn’t say that I’m not friends with them, it’s just that I haven’t talked to them. None of them have bothered to call.
TransWorld SURF Business: Was there some sort of official avenue for saying which way they were going to go?
Bob Hurley: Yeah, they all sent Federal Express letters.
TransWorld SURF Business: All of them?
Bob Hurley: Yep. On the same day.
TransWorld SURF Business: So it was kind of a conspiracy.
Bob Hurley: I wouldn’t say that.
TransWorld SURF Business: Were you surprised?
Bob Hurley: I was devastated on a personal level. On a business level I was glad. But on a personal level I was devastated.
TransWorld SURF Business: Who have you found to replace Wes Laine?
Bob Hurley: Brad Harrell now does Wes Laine’s territory and is really doing a good job. Denny Reardon replaces Jon Kleintop in Florida and Seth McKinney replaces Keoni Watson in Hawaii and Mark Weber replaces Gary Clisby in San Diego and Dean Quinn replaces Jimbo Gaskin in Orange County and Mark Simpson replaces Tim Finlay in Northern California. Oh and there was another one who left, Mike Green in Seattle. Tim and Jennifer Schwab replaced him.
Wes Laine...ah thats who you meant..not Mr did ya get Wayne you even know who wayne lynch is??
OK,I bite ,WTF has Wes laine got to do with anything...?
Wes Laine...ah thats who you meant..not Mr did ya get Wayne you even know who wayne lynch is??
OK,I bite ,WTF has Wes laine got to do with anything...?
and ronnie blakey...WTF????
Yea, and after Bob merged his private company, the company he started from scratch to Nike in 2002, Hurley had revenues of a mere 70 million, (fiscal year 2001, Hurley had sales of well over $200,000,000),
Oh, and Wes LAINE decided not to stay on as a sales rep with Bob's new upstart , Hurley International....
Wes?... He is currently running a surf school, sponno'ed by Quiksilver....
So, how does that second thousand serving of your foot taste, ms. rottkamp?
Yea, and after Bob merged his private company, the company he started from scratch to Nike in 2002, Hurley had revenues of a mere 70 million, (fiscal year 2001, Hurley had sales of well over $200,000,000),
Oh, and Wes LAINE decided not to stay on as a sales rep with Bob's new upstart , Hurley International....
Wes?... He is currently running a surf school, sponno'ed by Quiksilver....
So, how does that second thousand serving of your foot taste, ms. rottkamp?
I am teaching. You are learning. Baby steps.
Wes Layne. Ronnie Blakey. Stewart Needles.
Got you thinking... eh, ol' chap.
Living rent free in your mind. You'll connect the dots.
Tell me why Wes Laine was fired from Billabong?
Meet your strings.
Now... DANCE!!
Wes LAINE wasn't fired. He quit.
After pulling down 100 grand per year for several years as a Billabong VP of sales, (aka the east coast sales rep), He thought it was a good decision to NOT go with the new upstart in surfing,... Hurley Intl.
And that was a bad choice on his part.
KInd of like you, poor 'lil rottkamp. Your big, supposedly scary ears keep getting in your eyes, and blocking out reality.
'cramps, another non-event in your puddled mind.
by christ you are a handbag.
rotty,you are teaching me nada!
i have been connecting dots all my life,but the dots are facts not supposition as you seem to post,or sometime ou are so wrong....your credibility in posting your conspriracy theories,based on rumour and innuendo,makes you very airy fairy in the "real world stakes."
have you ever admitted to being wrong.....?
sid the dish..can you please take down the photo of my wife....very distracting here with a hardon upsetting my keyboard!!
Read the whole article. He did not "QUIT." As you know, in the corporate world, "quitting" means much more than the initial implication if you so choose to do your research... which WE have done. Again, do you KNOW why he was fired?
Something tells me that you drew the shortest straw when “Positions and Partners†were announced at the Doggy-style Olympics.
Tell me specifically, Brutus, where I have been absolutely, unequivocally WRONG.
'cramps, Les Wayne... no-one cares.
... please go change your tampon.
And Brutus,
You and everyone commentating here besides the Roller, has betrayed their "bro-downs" with The Industry and receiving paychecks from The Industry (Freeride hasn't published a word unfinanced by Big Surfing)... doesn't help anything you say when the 99% read your bullshit.
My word, It's as if someone took a loosened wire coathanger, shoved it firmly into my right nostril (which is less spacious due to a deviated septum from birth), hooked onto the front of my brain, and pulled out a sizable chunk.
I feel numb when I know people like you actually steal oxygen fro the rest of us sentient beings.
I feel detached and insipid after having read all of your posts. I really can't come up with anything clever after being forcefully lobotomized in such a mannner. I feel no rage, no bliss, simply... bewilderment? As if something were taken from me and I'm not sure what... a vague sense of loss...
I mean, did you graduate before you learned to read?
@ BR
"Something tells me that you drew the shortest straw when “Positions and Partners†were announced at the Doggy-style Olympics."
Now THAT'S more like it....
Wes got very used to making 100 grand per year in sales commissions, and like most sales reps, did not want to take a pay cut with the new upstart. If you knew anything about business, there were MAJOR risks, and there was no guarantee that Bob Hurley's new start from scratch firm would be a success. Hells bells, back in the day, no one knew what the brand Hurely was!
So, yea, Wes did not want to take the risk. He was replaced....
Which now looks almost as lame as an adult guy with funny bunny ears.
You, my children, are learning...
So keep asking questions. Or read @FSU_CEO on Twitter.
Ben Matson knows the answer.
That's why he's silent right now. Mr. IT specialist has met his match. And he never gave Steve Shearer the proper advice before sending his schlocky, self-congratulatory piece to Surfer's Journal.
Stu Nettles just wants to keep the boat afloat.
Can't blame him.
He'd be making pancakes in Newport with Nick Carroll if it weren't fledgling little surf sites like this preying on naive mutherfuckers like SidtheFish.
Can you answer WHY he was now "replaced" instead of quit. You are backpeddling faster than a midget from Nick Carroll's teeth.
Tell me specifically, Brutus, where I have been absolutely, unequivocally WRONG.
that wayne lynch was sacked by Billabong!! you were wrong
rottencramps, on Monday there is a chance Hurley/Billabong will announce merger/buyout.
Hurley Billabong Aust Open.
Billabong today in Trading Halt.
Connect the dots, 'cramps.
might be a Cap Raising, might be more cooking.
booger booger boo.
100 G's a year and he just walks away because of some "risk?" Really? And what risk? From Billabong or Hurley? What did he know? Jordy Smith's dad knows Bob Hurley pretty damn well... and he wouldn't let his son go near that motherfucker.
Questions, people.
Question Authority?
Is that now taboo in surfing?
as for "broing with the industry"....I am and have always been at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to the surf industry,as I have a lot more personal contact,and was part of the ASP circus for more than 20 everything i say is from first hand knowledge,not as an outsider wannabe connecting ficticious dots into your conspiracy theories....
shit it feels like we are going into a penis syndrome debate!
this whole 99% shit is bollocks.
In every single sector of society, from those who make it on the top shelf tour, to those slogging out a living as sponno'ed "free surfers"... to the guys and girls who strike out on their own and start companies... to barkeeps, to those who write about any subject you can name, to each and every job classification and or business classification, each and every one is made up of well less than 99%.... the truth is pretty much EVERY single job or ownership sector is made up of well less than 1% of the population.
Just like a guy who CHOSES to wear funny bunny ears,.... this hype about 99% is a farking hoax.
Fortunately, this 99% hype will pass as well.
Billabong and Hurley were spawned from the same seed. Ironic eh?
If I would have initially said Wes Laine instead of Wayne Lynch... would you have even listened?
Now you are.
So tell me where I have been categorically wrong about something that MATTERED.
graeme smith,had a solid offer from Nike,but chose O'neill,as he thought is was a better surf co.....nothing to do with Bob hurley!
"as for "broing with the industry"....I am and have always been at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to the surf industry,as I have a lot more personal contact,and was part of the ASP circus for more than 20 everything i say is from first hand knowledge,not as an outsider wannabe connecting ficticious dots into your conspiracy theories...."
Read that statement five times again and tell me how that qualifies you as part of the 99% of Outsiders.
Well, The Roller just tapped out... fucker still can't stay on topic after five years...
preying on sidthefish, baha.
'cramps, I'm just here jiving your turkey whilst a couple of my shitty stocks shoot the lights out...;rang...
YOU are the enemy!
Everything you say validates everything THE REST OF THE SURFING POPULATION is saying to the ASP. FUCK YOU!
You know nothing but what you've been told by the dick's you've sucked.
If I would have initially said Wes Laine instead of Wayne Lynch... would you have even listened?
Now you are.
So tell me where I have been categorically wrong about something that MATTERED.
oh so now you quantify your statement with" something that mattered?".....
are you saying wes laine is not worthy....and that you are a liar when it comes to attracting attention,as you will say anything to get peples attention??
thats why you have shown no moral integrity!
First hand knowledge of The Industry means this: "I am a corporate whore."
End of story.
Prove me otherwise.
And to think, Brutus will someday soon be the proud prodiginator of a family tree that will resemble overgrown Magnolia. Feeding the addiction to Corporate Surfing.
I best get back to my conceptual designs for the new ButtFuckers restaurant chain that’s soon to take the nation by storm. That’s right, imacapitalize ondismu’fucka!
Hurley was a start-up. Most people avoid risky start-ups. Especially sales reps who are used to pulling down the easy crumbs.
At the time, rottkamp, Billabong USA, (thanks to Bob Hurley), had heaps of established accounts... a time tested success rate of product design, and a time tested success rate of product turnover... and an established name and customer base.
Huley had none of these.
Connect the dots.
In the long run, Wes sure wished he did. Instead, he's running a surf camp.
You?... Now that is a completely different story.... you still have bunny ears. Heh.
so personal insults are the order of the day, now you are out of your depth and can't respond with out trying to denigrateand thatsays a lot about you rotty.....and your obvious lack of any real morals....just a loose cannon with a keyboard and rotten chip on his shoulder!
Leave it to an Insider of The Industry that's controlled the Surfing Narrative for thirty years to tell an average surfer like me that I have no moral integrity.
You learned your argumentative skills from Steve Shearer.
The Lennox Hillbilly revered by sub 50 IQ farmers. The Lennox Hillbilly who refuses to write about anything surfing related unless he gets paid. Or, he keeps all his "rejected pieces" for some epic book deal ala Tim fucking Baker.
You people are atrociously retarded.
That's your opinion of why he just "quit." Your dots make way less sense than say... "I'm making 100 G's a year working for these blokes. They must be smart. So maybe I should trust one of them."
So tell me... do you know for a FACT why he was fired?
Corporate whore?... Heh...
Brutus, ask old Rottkamp the name of the corporation who signs his paychecks.
He will not answer.....
And it will be game over. End of the story.
Personal insult? For me to call you part of The Industry?
Now THAT is telling.
... price check on tampons, aisle 3, please.
I can't answer, because different people sign my paychecks every month. None have anything to do with surfing. If you want to roll out the straw man like Simpleton Steve Shearer... go right ahead. But you know Hollywood is scrutinized at levels that would have destroyed competitive surfing long ago.
First hand knowledge of The Industry means this: "I am a corporate whore."
End of story.
Prove me otherwise.
duhhh...what about if i have been around for 40 years surfing,shaping and have seen RC/Q/S go from 3 workers to todays largesse.......I have always stood up for surfers against the you even know what its like to have QS/BBG/RC etc at a table and have to argue and put ya commercial arse on the line for a principle???
have you ever done anything real,instead of just words...what actions have you accomplished in pushing your ideaology???
'cramps, I know for a FACT, I couldn't give a rats cracker why Les Wayne was fired.
Nitwit errrr... SidtheFish, this is all off the cuff. It has to be as I am otherwise occupied by furiously masturbating (thank God I'm ambidextrous). Your belief that these simple words require much thought and planning is, itself, kinda sad in that it betrays your own limitations. Sorry about "ambidextrous," I know it must be a big word for you.
Look, I understand that life must have been rough for you; most kids ran to the corner to meet the school bus whereas the driver pulled the short bus right up to your door. The point is, we're trying to help you by stamping out a cultural plague through mockery. Just like your Mom helped you by telling you it was a "football helmet" and lots of kids had to wear football helmets to bed every night.
Sleep tight, little man. Big boys are playing.
Well, one of them is.
rottmouth about 11 hours
Personal insult? For me to call you part of The Industry?
Now THAT is telling.
personal insult is calling someone a cocksucker,or when you say Fuck You,or....blah blah blah....where I come from,those is fighting words.....
I am part of the industry,but not your corporate world....
'cramps, for sure, definitely no drugs or nepotism in Hollywood.
you fuckwit. Golden Globe fuckwit.
Look, it is clear you never went to school.
Here's a fact: actions speak louder than words... if you lived pre-1970's.
The world has changed.
Words are more effective and affective than any action.
Witness: The Cold War.
Words are providing the MEANS to the end.
'cramps, keep typing, keep frothing, ya fucken jibberer.
Surf Media 2.0's words have changed more in surfing during the last year than the previous 10 years combined.
That's why Shearer, Stu, Baker, Carroll, etc... hate Twitter. It requires quick wit and some semblance of intellect. Non have either.
Join the revolution. Or stay here in this black hole of a thread while you watch from your Insider Position as Real Surfers take the reigns.
rotty blah blah blah,you have no actions just empty rhetoric....ya can't back it up...i have shredded ya idiotic ideaology,and proven you to be a liar,with little or no integrity...
words are the ideas...actions are what makes the words real!!!
Admit this Swellnet Sheep,
It's not often that you’re persuaded - nay, converted - by an author with a sublime gift for rhetoric, regardless of his or her verbal charms.
But I’ve woven a golden tapestry of prose that seems to speak directly to your soul. With a mere sprinkling of simple words, they have moved you... to laugh, to cry, and to THINK.
Is this my EGO talking?
But what if I told you that YOUR EGO is the one talking right now?
And while you must admit that you had to read my blog a few times before its dense layers of meaning began to sink in (perhaps never fully), you would have to compare the experience to tackling Joyce's "Ulysses" for the first time (and clearly, the attentive reader will quickly pick up on my work as a brilliant homage to Joyce). Perhaps even early-period Pynchon, personally, but of course Pynchon clearly reference "Finnegan's Wake" in his last book, "Against the Day," so maybe the two are merely juxtaposing the same tropes?
In other words, yes, ‘tis difficult material; but you, dear dense readers, will be rewarded exponentially by your efforts.
I hope I have at the very least, rekindled your love affair with the written word.
Real Surfers?
you're not even a real person.
you're a fucken Hollywood kook.
Grand Central IRRELEVANCE = 13,164 twits
Hard to compete with Swellnet's 550 followers.
I don;'t expect you to ever understand, rottkamp.
You live in a fantasy world, pulling your checks from major copoorations that pay you to write fantasy.
you truly are in the the less than one percent!
on a nicer note,brutus glad to hear you can still get a of health to you....if rotten felch gets no replies maybe he'll just fuck off.....he knows he's getting beat, hence the nasty personal up brutus--get fucked rotty...over and out.
At some point, it would be nice to hear someone here state an opinion starting with "I'm NOT an Industry apologist..."
Only instead of continuing that sentence like Brutus with "I've been in the Industry for 20 blah blah blah years..." let's hear people who just surf, stickerless, with no shoulder-rubbing associations with their "heroes."
All I've heard in these comments sections is people who "know so and so" and those who "knew so and so" tainting their opinions with the smell of elevator fart.
Again. Is it Taboo to question authority?
Is it sacrilegious to question windbags like Derek Hynd, Nick Carroll, Tim Baker, Glen Winton, or your mother's hairy 70's snatch?
They were puppets just like you. Ever thought of that. Genius?
'cramps, no one gives a fuck.
Work it out.
you're just a loon on the twitter street corner that we kick as we pass by.
My only genuine concern all week, was George the dog.
Er sid..not letting him get to you are ya?
You're sounding a tad agitated and not so lucid anymore.
And let's give three cheers that George the Dog found her way home, eh Sid?
I'm still wondering about a female dog called George, but then I had a female dog called Dave so I 'spose I shouldn't talk.
My Granny had a male Australian terrier called Sue, no doubt inspired by the Johnny Cash song and my bro had a female Peach face parrot called Gordon.
Here's to George making her way home and to a welcome respite from joining the dots.
Onya George.
and what about them dots...
Hurley Billabong Pro.
BBG trading halt today.
merger? buyout? or just cap raising?
rottencramps' hamster wheel will blow a bearing.
blasphemy-rottmouth about 7 hours
Admit this Swellnet Sheep,
It's not often that you’re persuaded - nay, converted - by an author with a sublime gift for rhetoric, regardless of his or her verbal charms.
But I’ve woven a golden tapestry of prose that seems to speak directly to your soul. With a mere sprinkling of simple words, they have moved you... to laugh, to cry, and to THINK.
Is this my EGO talking?
rotty its your ego,your desire to feel needed and your intellect(not much)needs to be assured that "you da man",shows areal lack of self are entertaining at the court jester.....its just the lack of any real substance or foundation for your conspiracy theories...
I personally luv conspiracy theories....but yours do not even rate,as you have too much supposition.....but do carry on...and insulting people continually,shows how low your self esteem really is....
Texas Pacific Group making informal tilt for BBG.?
'cramps, get ya froth on,
don't forget to rig the hamster wheel for DC current to sell back into the grid.
rottencramps, got bad news buddy.
Billabong just sold half Nixon and wiped out their debt problems in one foul swoop.
bugger, eh?
* brilliant move.
You obviously didn't read @FSU_CEO this morning on Twitter.
Time to catch up on what's REALLY happening. Bong's just pulling the oldest corporate hack job in the book. Nothing we haven't seen a billion times before.
I can smell their burnt flesh from here.
stupid 'cramps, it ain't billabong that got burnt here, its them sucka private equity firm that valued Nixon at half a trill, not that PE ever uses its own moolah.
Billabong bought Nixon for a 55 mil down payment, they just sold half for 285 mil ...
and you think they got burnt?? you dickhead.
stick to creative bullshit writing.
you reckon I can't read, but even sid the dumbo can count.
What's the saying - the market is always right?
BBG stock just jumped 60% on the open this morning and is currently up 50%. There'll be some burnt flesh around that's for sure. BBG has been the most shorted stock on the ASX recently and looks like a bunch of people just got their fingers burnt.
Better stick to Hollywood BR - looks like corporate finance isn't your gig. Might just be a temporary reprieve but it sure gives them some breathing space.
thick cunt rottencramps...
billabong bought Nixon for 55 mil down with 95 mil deferred till 2012.
Total cost 140 mil, just sold half for enterprise value ~560 mil.
it's called a 3 bagger.
*brilliant move.
thanks uncle gordon i just made a killing.
connect the dots rotty....
So Bong, a brand that has been losing the cool factor for years sells their most valuable asset after pulling the old bluff about "leaking" interest in a company wanting to buy them.
Hmmmm. Where have we seen this happen before?
The money you are talking about is a fart in the wind.
Food for thought: will Paul Naude keep the Carnival Cruise afloat long enough to get to J Bay.
And still not one commenter on this site who isn't an Industry Apologist.
Maybe now Ben Matson can afford a Bong Banner for this Huff Post wannabe blog.
@FSU_CEO predicted ALL this before it happened. So did @another_loobs on Twitter. Months ago.
Surf Media 2.0 predicted everything, right down to Nixon being sold, months ago.
Way to catch in apologistic Industry ball swallowers.
Read the old timelines of @another_loobs and @FSU_CEO on Twitter to see who Quik will be selling next and where Rip Curl has fucked themselves beyond belief. Crystal ball.
Meanwhile you suck off the Corporate balls and fail to see the forest for the trees in these predictable press releases.
rottencramps, you kooked out again.
sqeel piggy squeel.
The reason Surf Media 2.0 can predict these things? It's made up of doctors, financial advisors, bankers, engineers, architects, builders, entrepreneurs, etc... who care more about !SURFING than what famous pro they know and what surf writer wrote the most disengenius version of surf history.
People who get paid well to THINK for a living.
Excellent retard... I mean retort Sid.
eat your own shit 'cramps, for predictions, here's one of yours from 2 DAYS AGO....
>> Billabong will die this year.
ha, they just crystalised 210 mil , debt issue SOLVED in 1 deal.
It's February.
my bad 'cramps, you're more a squeak than a squeel.
twit ya tits off, go hard squeaky, with your 20 man twitter circle fuck.
I knew you'd blow a bearing on your hamster wheel today.
check ya.
Ask your countrymen where their sense if humor went.
Aussies used to be drunken penile colony rejects with acidic wit.
Over past thirty years, in the surfing worlds, they've morphed into this robotic Corporation indulgine machine if benign benevolence and bourgeoisie bumbling ball-lickery.
Your beloved Steve Shearer, the humble Lennox toilet cleaner won't publish a word unless its indorsed by The Machine.
Whither the wit?
squeak squeak squeak.
blah blah blah.
cramps, blow it out your arse.
you got us confused with someone who gives a fuck.
a great big DILLIGAF to you.
Not wanting to rain on your parade Rotty, but its hardly rocket science. So you guys predicted this only last year? Shit mate - have you had a look at the BBG share price history. Its dropped 90% from 2007. Most people worked out BBG was a steaming pile of turd long before that. Like I said, the most shorted stock on the ASX.
But good on you for working it out last year. Hope you're twit buddies made some money shorting it too along with the rest of the whole fucking universe. And you reckon we're just catching up????
For what it's worth, I'm a drunken colonial reject with acidic reflux and penile dysfunction. Any good??
I am not a member of the "surf industry". So, i am a complete outsider who reads balance sheets, and notices companies that are severely undervalued.
Rottkamp?... He is a total insider. A total tool pulling his crumbs, living the life with the Hollywood crowd. you, the same "industry" that signs his fat ass checks.
Besides, here where rottkamp lives, the surf was pumping, with straight offshore conditions.....
And where was old rottmouth today?.... Not in the surf.... He's once again, pilled up on psychotic meds,..... Prescription pills combo'ed with hard alcohol,.... yabbering on over his typical BS....
Pure Kookmeyer to 'da max!
Most people?
Meaning the ASP, Joel Parkinson, Taj Burrow, STAB Magazine, Ben Matson, Stu Nettles, and nearly EVERYONE here who thinks Bong has NO connection to AI's death?
Who predicted months ago that Bong was selling Nixon and Quik was selling ________ ?
It's all on the record.
And if you got it all figured out since 1997, then you damn well know The Industry as a whole us collapsing.
sid ,rotty may have some hamsters in the wheel but saves the gerbils for his date. what will the bongs price by monday morn priscilla rottmouth-------$3aud plus .......fuck yeh... rotty how much per annum does uncle gordon donate to skin cancer research ?
Stu... Rotties On Fire
B.R.E.W. @Rottmouth
joe32_blow @FSU_CEO Nettles is the fearless frontrunner of the fearful and frothing fellator's of the fallacious Surf Industry at Swellnet.
With broken wings, we remain tethered to the earth, never experiencing the flight of liberation that comes from allowing both destiny and free will to exist simultaneously. Slicing our life down the middle, we endlessly debate the virtues of both, with the assumption being that one will emerge victorious, and finally, we will have our very neat way of looking at the world.
But that never happens.
Although eventually we accept one and reject the other, the universe is not that cavalier. It honors both destiny and free will and grants them equal status. By adhering to its governing principle of yin/yang, the universe joins two seemingly opposite points of view and creates something far greater and more magnificent.
You choose to be submissive to the narrative you’ve been spoonfed since you first likely picked up a surfboard.
I choose to question that narrative. In EVERY way. I have no surf heroes.
As Shearer can attest, Andy Irons was no hero of mine.
His death is more than about HIM. He was just a super talented surfer and rare breed of power and agility. His life and death, however, illustrates EVERYTHING that’s wrong with the concept of competitive pro surfing and its very structure… the foundation… which we all can agree is one massive incestuous conflict of interest.
Add into that mix the heavy circulation of narcotics on the Islands and the ability of the WolfPak and Hui in collusion with corporations with vested interest in keeping certain athletes “narcotically happy,†and you have the perfect storm that was brewing for years… claiming lesser known surfers along the way until… UNTIL… DUH DUH Duh DUHHHHHH… it claimed the life of one of surfings greatest athletes in his prime.
Something never seen in ANY other sport.
And all you pecker-noggins can do is bend over, drop trousers, and comment here straight out of your Corporate stretched assholes in a diarrhetic spurt of The Company Line.
Where is the Thought?
Where is the Wit?
Twitter is alive.
You are all dead.
Wake the fuck up and start thinking. If you don’t agree, at least put forth an argument that resembles something coherent in a non-insider sense.
And for Laird’s sake… Fuck The Industry and all that it Loves.
hey joe, I was knew it would blow a bearing today, lmfao, either way the BBG halt went.
vic, hope you had a good take. methinks there is more TPG upside now a slab of debt has been retired.
there goes another hamster wheel bearing.
it better damn well be plugged into the grid for a green rebate.
Again BR - you're stating the obvious. The industry IS collapsing, worse than almost all other retail. Even the mainstream media are all over it now so the horse has well and truly bolted I'm sure you've seen all the press in the last month or two since Bong pulled there last profit downgrade.
How many profit downgrades in a row is that? How many times have they missed forecasts? Why has there share price been on the decline since 2007? How long can it continue? Will they manage to stem the bleeding?
There's serious doubt even with todays bailout. The ships still leaking.
Don't think I'll be asking Taj for investment advice anytime soon either. You've got a point there
And don’t worry, The Roller will soon get busted, as he nearly was this past year, for insider trading and the judge, after having a bad day will decide to make an example of him and toss his longboarding ass into one of those gladiator school kind of prisons. You Aussies should be able to relate… those places where a couple of skinheads turn The Roller’s pimply corn shooter into their personal playground for 3 to 5 years.
Or better yet, they’ll leave him on a boat with a negligent captain who forgoes turning on the bilge blower after a long day of luxuriating with fantasies of date rape ahead of him. As the engine turns over the spark ignites the unvented gas fumes that filled the engine compartment consuming the yacht in a glorious ball of ironic fire deep frying The Roller’s snake-oiled skin to extra crispy for the bottom dwellers of sea to feed upon.
@Surfer Joe,
"Nettles is the fearless frontrunner of the fearful and frothing fellator's of the fallacious Surf Industry at Swellnet."
Tune into ABC Radio National for The Media Report at 5:40pm tonight (2hrs time) to hear me 'froth' on the surf industry. The topic of the program is 'The art and politics of surfing journalism.'
All the media has done so far is reprint press releases. You call that in-depth covereage?
The mass-media could care less about a company called "Billabong" shaving a few hundred million. No big investigation will happen from the financial sector.
What is HAS done... is highlight those from the OUTSIDE who have already started investigating Bong because of something more important than a few hundred million bucks (the amount Howard Stern makes in a couple years)... and that is Andy Irons LIFE.
THAT, is what the Bong situation is leading to.
You notice the press release mentioning "Due Diligence" and "Investigations?"
Uhh huh.
Ben Matson should plop his coveted Bong Logo on this shitty blog while he can.
Why would AnYONE believe a word you say about Surf Journalism when you've never done a SINGLE piece of real surf journalism?
wun wabbit wun .
Fellate fish, fellate... I guaran-fucking-tee you Stu Nettles will say NOTHING that implicates anyone in the Cartel and does NOTHING to jeapardize major sponsorships for this website.
I'd bet your life on it.
Stu is not a journalist. He's never been a journalist.
He's a fucking puppet.
Someone send me an MP3 of the interview. This may be more fun than the upcoming Surfer's Journal bullshittery.
Sure, I'll send it you.
'cramps, no need to guaran-fucking-tee me nothing.
don't own the shit, don't buy the shit, don't give a shit.
I'm just here to jive your turkey.
Thanks Stu.
I hope you aren't as deluded as Steve "I only publish if The Cartel Approves" Shearer with your own EGO.
Re-read my statement from last night.
My EGO is blatant.
Yours, may be quite a bit larger than you think. And that is still HALF the size of Shearer's.
Email it to me.
I'm at or
The rest of the IP's using my name here are attributed to "others."
'cramps, never trust "others",
you dumb cunt.
twit twat squeak.
the DC current from the hamster wheel could power a small country town.
.."It's made up of doctors, financial advisors, bankers, engineers, architects, builders, entrepreneurs,"
Sounds like a fun party.
Any dentists involved, I could use some work on the grill.
Hey I've got an idea, lets entrust the soul of SURFING to a new bunch of suits led by a well paid Hollywood screenwriter.
And Brew, check ya Twit followers.
Hear that sound of cheap fiddles?
That's you getting played like an egg sucking dog.
Not hard when when dealing with a minor megalomaniac it must be said.
Heh, heh, heh.
Like the bit about free will and destiny though....where'd ya rip that off from?
Love, the Lennox Hillbilly.
freeride , youz ain't no hillbillies.
come up here where the men drink moonshine and pull their own teeth.
this is ozark country.
They have them nimbim cookies with their morning coffee.
rottencramps is whining about the small demo(graphic) of swellnet, surfline, inertia et al.
??? no mirrors in the world of hamster wheels.
get a microscope, and wave to your 20 man circle jerk, go 75x and try to find your willies.
SS, he ripped it from a Chandra Alexander self help book. She's known as the 'Doctor Phil of Tampa Bay, FL'. She's even Oprahs life coach of choice.
I knew it couldn't be his writing, it was too grammatically correct for that 'ol Yaley.
Rent free Brew, rent free.
Just for the pure fun of it, 'cause only a convict scumbag hillbilly knows the feeling.
Any shrinks in that circle jerk of yours?
They were conspicuous by their absence: guess their the only ones with steady work in the states right now.
No time for surf media 2/0. Who could blame 'em.
Don;t forget to go outside sometime and connect with nature, it can be healing. Hint: leave your crackberry at home.
Another pre approved Industry Sookling comment.
Grow up.
Sorry, I can't hear you over all your Industry paid writing pieces. The Industry applause for your words are deafening.
Steve Shearer hasn't published a single word about surfing that hasn't been bought and paid for by The Industry.
Except for his Matt Bransons Cock Rung Pieces at MY blog.
boohoo brew.
try not to betray your emotions, it's not seemly for a well paid member of the elite.
save it for your shrink.
Comparing Hollywood to Surfing.
Steve Shearer... PLEASE write THAT article.
Lemme clue you in... Lindsay Lohan, Blair Marlin and your "contest if the century" will be a major part.
rotty, mate im with ya now.....fuckin bong ,ripcurl and quiky are behind the disappearance of' AZARIA' low life cunts....and that bloke looking at princess marys tits.....thats fucking uncle gordon merchant.
Oh Brew, you're a special shade of fantastic this evening.
Now go check your Twitter followers and see if you can guess who is the convict hillbilly yanking your chain and occupying Rottmouth rent free.
Remember what Mao did when he suspected insurrection in the ranks?
A pogrom if you please.
It's not FSU_CEO because he fucked up your entire world view long ago.
And tell me, which one of my 900 followers is you? And which one if Swellnets 500 followers is you?
Also, will you ever publish your "rejected writing?"
All in fun Brew.
All in don't get much of that these days do you?
Don't take it so serious.....they're only anonymous names on a computer screen.
heh heh heh.
I pray for insurrection.
You couldn't bring it on Twitter. My followers grew once your wit and humor was revealed to be les than terrible. No matter how hard I try to kill followers through dark humor, it keeps growing.
Like your Boner for the ASP.
This is more fun than fucking an empty flashlight. You'll never get that Steve, because you're a surfer who tries to write.
Which is why no Surf Journalism has ever existed.
Golden Brew.
You been suckah punched by a hillbilly using your own medicine and you not smart enough to realise it.
Your a smart little bunny.
heh heh heh.
I'll say no more.......bring on the pogrom.
Chapter 1: Blasphemy Rottmouth enacts a pogrom on his Twitter followers to try and find the double agent.
Clue: Read Macbeth.
If this doesn't make it to 520 comments I'll eat my hat
Hey @Sid
I am going to recomend you highly to ASIO FBI DEA SAS MOSSAD etc etc for ur Brilliant Detective Work in working out that @HuskyShan is "The" Industry Plant... You think she is a Dog?... Really She is The Industry Spy Furtively Following the Brewsters Every Move and Reporting Back to ASP HQ and Their Masters at RipQuikBong
Your Connecting of the Dots is Outstanding... as @HuskyShan would say Arrrroooooo!!!
Bark later Woofers its a Husky Pawty ^..^
The "Industry Plant" is on facebook too Tirelessly Carrying out the Unthanked Task of Keeping a Very Close Third Eye on the Surf "Industrys" Bane... The Brewster!! and She is Winning... nearly 1000 friends... Sorry Brew ... I know her Circulation "Figures" Make u Jealous and Jizzy.... I nearly had a Multiple Orgasm just thinking about it..... "Wooo Wooo Wooo" said Shan ppps... I am selling the "Images" at cost!!
welcome back, joe.
Hey Sid... How they Hangin? Like the Camel Toe... Its So... You
Brewster will be also happy to know the the Non Contest... Aust. Open of Surfing in one foot junk at Manly is Live on Fuel TV
You would be not be able to contain your Hard On within your Panties Brew... as you guessed it... Your bff, Mate and Favourite Surfing Commentator... The Justin Bieber of Surfing JOE TURDPAIL is the Star of the Show!!.... (Excuse me while I Projection Vomit).... At this Very Moment somewhere in So Cal Brewsters Monitor is covered in Jizz as he Jerks Off to the Unmelodious Meanderings off his Surf Hero "Smokin" Joe Turdpail.... Orgasmicagorical...
missed the program on Radio Nash Mate... If u could please email me the MP3 I would much appreciate it
On another note I forwarded your email To Mark and told him u liked the image... he answered "But he said its Bullshit??"... lol...
I explained to him... Mark, that means good in AusSurf Speak Lingo!!! Had to Laugh!!
Can someone make sense of this for me:
"You been suckah punched by a hillbilly using your own medicine and you not smart enough to realise it. Your a smart little bunny."
If I've been sucker punched, then you better swing harder because even though I'm frail, I didn't feel shit. Everyone from Surf Media 1.0 has fled Twitter or created other names so they can "follow" those who have something to actually say because its exposed their every flaw. 1 out of 900 followers is 0.1%.
Barton Lynch is a smart fellow. You'll be hearing from him soon, methinks.
That's not even ASP math.
I have never been involved in insider trading. Nor have i ever as rottkamp claims, have been in court for insider trading. Hells bells, other than as a juror, i have never been in court period.... So, one more example old rottkmap has become unhinged, and standing on a ledge..... such actions seem to happen to pilled up boozers suffering mental delusions.... on the verge of "making the leap"...
So, back off the edge old boy, get some help with your addictions and illusions, and get some professional help.... Your kids deserve it.
As to corporations experiencing variable earnings reports, welcome to the real world. Where nothing moves in a straight line. And corporations come and go in the surf industry....
Anyone remember OP? Or a whole list of other previous corps providing sponno money?... yea, sponno money even for the minor league players, you know those same folks who old rotty "proofreads for?... including the editor of Trans World Surf...... good capitalist, rottkamp, good capitalist you are.
And one remember when Coca Cola was a sponsor of surf contests?.... It was a great deal for them. At the time, forked over several grand from their massive pile of crumbs allocated to advertising only to have their name brand fixed to some historical contests in question in perpetuity.
Rootkamp, it's going to be a long 5 or 10 years while you wait for your next wrong call!
The only thing left?.... wondering who the big name sponsors will be on the impending Kelly Slater Brand man made waves?..
And as all the crumbs fall into the lap of the hard working innovators and doer's?.... the minority of whinging neggies will still be there, flapping their pie holes.
I got a copy of the interview from my IT guy this morning. He says I'll get some mileage out of it if I can get over all the "I think this" "I think that" "me" "me" "me"... that's just his opinion. He knows nothing about surfing.
I'll give it a whirl this afternoon.
DM me on Twitter or email me if you want the file.
You are right S-Joe,... the Aussie Open of Surfing is a complete success.... surf. skate. music....three forms of entertainment wrapped up in one.
What a genius mash-up.... Titans of Rock, and Sneaky Sound System!
Too bad grandpa rottkamp can't buy a clue up in here.
Rottkamp Frail?
More like Epic Fail!
You needed your IT guy to get you the file, my brother?
you need your IT guy to click on the link from the frontpage of swellnet for you???
you're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you buddy?
as for mileage...i predict you'll take one of two tracks, either the usual puerile rants that roughly translate to:
"Miss, they're copying me!"
"i said it first! i did!"
or secondly, the self-deluded tack of:
"my message is getting through and I'm proved right again, even if they won't admit it."
i predict you'll completely miss the fact that youre just catching up to the intelligent world on this stuff. it can't possibly be true that anyone without an IT guy could have worked it out, unless of course they had the the help of your invaluable contributions.
How about this prediction:
Stu Nettles will not say anything that will keep him and Ben from landing any of the Big Surfing sponsors. He will espouse all the ideas that everyone else has talked about ad nauseum, and never once cite a single article he's written that comes anywhere close to be called "Real Journalism."
And yes, my IT guy is named Rochester and he also cooks for me and gets me dressed in the morning.
He also can hack into any computer he wants and has access to files that people thought were deleted from the internet.
All around good bloke to know.
Just because everyone's been "talking about" the problems in surfing doesn't mean anyone of Stu Nettles stature has DONE anything about it.
That's the embarrassing thing.
I'd rather say, I knew nothing until yesterday, than say, yeah, I've known all about the dark side of surfing but never did anything REAL to stop it.
That's where Media 2.0 comes in.
Just regular surfers asking those who write for advertisement websites like this, to take their job seriously. Just as we in Media 2.0 take our own jobs seriously... be it engineering, writing, investing, killing people, and raping small animals.
When old rottkamp says media 2.0, he's really taking about him rummaging around the neighbor's recycle bins, and setting up a blanket at the local boot sale.
Oh, once he gets permission from his blech-tech guy.... and cashes his paycheck from Big Hollywood.
In the mean time, professional surfing, whether it's contest surfing, or minor leaguers paid to free surf, will continue to roll....
And drug addled schizophrenics will continue to illegally mix their sauce with prescription drugs, and continue on pissing up their own leg.
Right Rottkamp?
rotty,which other forums give you uncensored access???
I think you are a plant by swellnet,to keep us all are worth a fortune to them,as is any court jester,
but seriously are there any other forums you visit that has such a great group of antagonists and frothing bubbling intellects,that rise to your baiting and your obvious passion for long chit chats,about .....the downfall of democracy and capitalism!
keep it up rotty,you are actually now part of the entertainment industry......
If you want to listen to the interview you'll have to get Brewser's IT guy to hack the emails of the ABC, find the password to their server, stealthily download it while bragging about Anonymous contacts, and then upload it to your computer.
Or you can just listen to it here:
Brewser IS a plant on Swellnet. Only he doesn't know that yet. I mean, really, if Ben Matson or myself felt threatened by his words do you think we'd let him comment? We'd do what STAB, ASL and many other sites have done and ban him.
But that's not going to happen, Brewser is good entertainment plus he doubles as our social media marketing chimp on Twitter. I just wish he could get more followers. In six months he's added just 30 followers - The Wiggles add that many each day! Seems people aren't tuning into Brewser's rants.
I'll have a word with him about that...
Apparently while Brew "questions authority" he only appeals to those paragons of virtue at the top of the heap.
Yep, those dastardly revolutionary enemies of the status quo : " doctors, financial advisors, bankers, engineers, architects, builders, entrepreneurs,"
Those paid top dollar to "think".....and boy haven't they made a fine fist of it.
Questioning authority by those at the top of the tree making big bank by ripping off the little man.
Now, THATS a piece of conceptual cobweb spinning that'd make a propagandist in China blush with pride.
Ignorance is strength.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery.
The big money elite are challenging the status quo.
Fits perfectly.
I actually feel far more sympathy for the 400 workers getting the sack from Bong, than some scumbag prescribing ritalin to the kid who can't sit still in class and taking his free lunches from Big Pharm.
But no dentists in there Brew? No man can be happy with a busted grill.
Pass me those oxy's, I can't afford a root canal.
You more than right on in this last post of yours.
Unlike here at, on his now defunct site?... old Rottkamp banned, blocked, and barred many people who had opposing viewpoints than his.... Me being one of them.
stu,my conspiracy theory is, rotty is too much of a draw card and enormous entertainment ,once ya get by his personal insults etc...
at the end of the day,being insulted by rotty is sorta a is rotty really Tim baker or nick Carroll....join the dots.....???
sid sees Clifton Evers, Cori Schumacher, Blasphemy Rottmouth and Stu Nettles co-parenting a Love Child in the not too distant future.
Thanks Stu I will listen to it on your link but Brewsters Biggest Fan @HuskyShan insists on BR's IT guy waitng on her Hand and Foot... She never "follows" the "crowd"... She is an Independent, Non Label Wearing Husky who sees all and Bows to Nobody.... Therefore She Was a Shoe In for the "Industry Plant" Position recently Advertised on dare I say it... Surf Media 1.0... As we Speak She is on Code Red Alert Shadowing BR's every move like HMS Ulysses Shadowing The German Fleet... Be Afraid... Be Very Afraid Mr Blaspemy Rottmouth, who is casually and unsuspectingly, sitting on his Porch Slurping on another Bottle of Maynard James Keenan of Caduceus Cellars - excellent Primer Paso Caduceus Cellars 2008, in a Nyquil Induced Illusion... Because We the Saviours of the Surf Industry... are watching your every move!!
Your sympathy for the "little man" is as transparent as who you decide to publish your words. Little ol hillbilly awe shucks bald add bloke from Lennox just trying to make some innocent change writing propoganda that's eaten up like Skittles by The Industry.
If you saw how much money I donated to real charities last year you'd shit your pants.
You are a tool of The Industry.
And Stu thinks I'm trying to gain followers on Twitter... just like my blog. Provide some evidence Stu.
You will, however, find many instances of me asking people NOT to follow me. The only people I care about following me were doing so long before I reached 500 followers. And I'm on lists made by everyone in the industry.
So my war was won long ago.
This year is the ticket tape parade.
If I wanted more followers on Twitter I'd just link to my work account. Which has 1.5x as many followers as Kelly Slater.
Kelly has 150,000 followers in Tweet and Shearer thinks 2 million people watched Chopes.
BTW Brew
Pleased to hear that You Listen and Learn... Last time You me And Shan were talking... I mentioned Barton Lynch and you said Pardon? Que? ... I had to School You... Then Shan patiently explained... like a Mother explains to her errant Rug Rat... Affable and witty yet uncompromising Barton was 1988 Billabong Pro and the World Title Holder in the same year.... Did your people... Your Research Team Fail You on this one Brew?
joe, shouldn't huskyshan have a swellnet account ?
Sid The Fish,
Do your spurs match your Gaybling Saddles?
Did you blow the sheriff but you didn't bent the deputy?
Have you ever been ravaged in the Wild Wild West at your own behest?
Do you enjoy chewing tobacco and smoking cock?
Is it true you were the first Goatranny in your family's long line of Cowboys?
When your spurs spin does your asshole cling?
Did you come here for your usual spurious accusations?
When you ride Perez Hilton do you wear swarovski spurs?
I heard they electrocute retards in Australia. Are you a fugitive?
I've been in touch, vicariously, with Barton for some time. He's got some potential. Could be The Man. If not... there is a laundry list building of people willing to talk.
And it won't be published here.
Ye Gods!
What a suprise.
forget us here,... PLEASE, for the sake of your wife and kids, buy a clue and get a hold of yourself and get some professional help with your drug and alcohol addictions, before someone blames us all, and stick with the blame for your serious drink and pill addictions.
'I've been in touch, vicariously, with Barton for some time. He's got some potential. Could be The Man'
Oh yeah? Keep talking.
He not only quite clearly lives in his fantasy world, he makes his living writing meaningless fantasy.... Paid in full by Hollywood elitists.
And quite clearly, he IS a full time pathological narcissist.
This link will explain it all.
Oh, and arguing with a crazy person is nuts!
Rottkamp, get help before it's too late.
I don't say anything here that hasn't been said on Twitter... days ago.
@Sid @Ben @Stu...
Good Idea... Unfortunately Shan is a Fickle Pretentious Diva who will demand "Appearance" Money$... Yes She is a Wanton Mercenary... I will have My People Speak to Your People Ben and Stu re the delicate "Negotiations" Necessary to Attract a Personage of Her Stature
For the dumb cunts who need their IT guys to email the MP3 of Stu's RN foray....
By the way Steve,
Since when are regular, everyday surfers, who decided to get educated, and become doctors, engineers, architects, and professional writers, not entitled to rip on the "little men" who willingly work as cum receptacles for an Industry awash in bullshit?
You seem to think everydady surfers have to be retards like you who can't do anything besides clean toilets and mimic Jeff Spicoli when they walk into a room.
The 1%.
The rest of surfing... the 99% is made up of normal people. That includes the educated class that NOW has a voice that's not controlled by the Cartel.
You keep writing for the Cartel. It's all you got.
The rest of us have more options.
Enjoy those veggies.
I just drank a half pint of whisky. Because you and I are dying since the day we were born. So fuck the liver. And fuck The Industry.
They've done SHIT for me.
And there you have it folks, the "industry" creates all sorts of useful products. all of which not one consumer makes the free choice to make a purchase unless they think the product is better for them than keeping their crumbs in their own pocket.
Not only that, on offer are free local entertainment events, as well as FREE online streaming of test matches from all parts of the globe.
All the while, kooks like rottkamp whinge on and on that the conditions were not perfect.... the eaves were not epic,... and that the minor league sponsored guys who he's been "proofreading" for could not make the competitive cut, are not included in the top shelf events.
What a fucking freeloading loser!
Know what?... I feel sorry for his wife and kids,... (as Rottkamp downs yet another fifth of sauce with his prescription drugs).... After all, even George Carlin explained it all to old rottkamp decades ago,.... and due to his narcissism, once again rottkamp epically fails to heed his advice.....
I think tobacco and alcohol warnings are too general. "Warning! Alcohol will turn you into the same asshole your father was."
-George Carlin
Incidently, the 1% in surfing are mostly uneducated, barely coherent, mostly unemployable outside The Industry neophytes who cling to the lie they've been sold for three decades.
The same lie Stu Nettles bkathers on about in his interview, yet has done ZERO to change... because then he may be relegated to driving a bus with Shearer.
I don't feel bad for a single person laid off from Billabong... a company profiteering on slave labor in Brazil and Indonesia. Off the death of its biggest asset, and run by coke heads trained by Michael Tompson to keep their champion narcotically sedate.
Go ahead Shearer, feel bad for those test suckling employees of the Snake. Most were ex industry hose jobs doing nothing anyway.
Feel bad for the fucking millions out if work because of politicians fucking over your immigrants... and mine (see Arizona).
Cry yourself a river for your beloved Bong Shearer. Just enjoy the fact that Ben can now afford their adds on this blog.
be honest joe, you just don't want to share huskyshan.
I understand, she's a bewdy and I bet she's a real good kisser.
Classic Brew
'cramps, how many kilowatts has the hamster wheel generated in the past 24 hours?
what's the going rate for the green rebate over there?
She @HuskyShan is a Jealous Wench... and if you could see the Assassin like Methods by which she Dispatches Possums to that Great Tree in the Sky you would not take her Covetousness Lightly
#Dead Possum Images for Sale at Very Reasonable Prices
#Easy Affordable Payment Plans Available
#Ring Now
'cramps, I know your on the piss, but you'll have to tweet harder, the volts in the grid are waning, so-cal will suffer brown outs worse than the enron days.
I write for a living. I do this in my spare time. We are in the process of writing Season two of a successful cable show and I have a bi-weekly column for a SyFy website that gets 30x the unique views of Surfline.
This shit is the easiest gig I ever had.
That's why I've never asked a dime for it.
'cramps, that's all good, but can you peddle and tweet faster please.
There have been many surf companies over the years that have come and gone..... Yet, the surf industry, and competitive surfing is still here. And will be for generations to come. Note, BKS -Bob Kelly Slater and partners will soon own and operate the field in which many of the comps will go down.... Man Made Wave Machines and the arena in which they are held.
And if the folks running Billabong happen to curtail or discontinue sponsoring surf test matches, that just provides opportunities for other competitors in the biz to step in.... the gaming breaker opportunity many other companies have been looking for.
So yea, rottkamp?.... And at the end of the day, which of the big ten multinational entertainment corporations signs your checks?
Glass house. Meet stones.
Rotty,the only cartel is in your mind.........
By Rotty........
You keep writing for the Cartel. It's all you got.
The rest of us have more options.
Enjoy those veggies.
I just drank a half pint of whisky. Because you and I are dying since the day we were born. So fuck the liver. And fuck The Industry.
They've done SHIT for me
********** Profiling our rotty is becoming rather easy,when he lets slip the above comments.....
you see the glass half empty,so you are dying,barely living,and fuck the industry because they have done shit for you...shows an egomaniac hell bent on badmouthing the industry,because he has been Michael Tomson.....thats me putting a few dots together based on what rotty has said over the last week.
bloody entertaining... blasphemy jestermouth...especially his comments about BL having potential......he's actually working for nike/hurley doing commentary on Fuel TV on the aussie he infiltrating the cartel on rottys behalf,as an undercover ......court jester.....?
Rotty,the only cartel is in your mind.........
By Rotty........
You keep writing for the Cartel. It's all you got.
The rest of us have more options.
Enjoy those veggies.
I just drank a half pint of whisky. Because you and I are dying since the day we were born. So fuck the liver. And fuck The Industry.
They've done SHIT for me
********** Profiling our rotty is becoming rather easy,when he lets slip the above comments.....
you see the glass half empty,so you are dying,barely living,and fuck the industry because they have done shit for you...shows an egomaniac hell bent on badmouthing the industry,because he has been Michael Tomson.....thats me putting a few dots together based on what rotty has said over the last week.
bloody entertaining... blasphemy jestermouth...especially his comments about BL having potential......he's actually working for nike/hurley doing commentary on Fuel TV on the aussie he infiltrating the cartel on rottys behalf,as an undercover ......court jester.....?
Oh we have been marginalised?
B.R.E.W. @Rottmouth
People who think I am trying to win over hearts & minds in The Surf Industry have completely missed the point. Fuck You & All That You Love!
Love you and all that you fuck!.
Signed, That long, long list of those Hollywood folks who've OD'd on drugs and alcohol, (which outnumber the one person who have done the same in ALL of professional surfing)... (and yet, Hollywood still carries on)....
Yup, Hollywood's entertainment corporations, the same one's who signed Rottkamp's massive checks....
( Who's relegated to playing the part of the Nancy Grace of surfing on surf blogs the world over),...
Funny thing? I can only find one single surfer on this long list of entertainers succumbing to drug and alcohol overdoses.
Don't hold your breathe though.... Even though he never actually surfs, old Rotty is my prediction to turn up to be the latest addition. to the list...
It's just a matter of time.