Watch: Ryan Callinan // Ripples In The Void
Though in internet terms this video is old - it was released over a week ago - there's been movement and machination since it was released. None of which is mentioned in the clip.
Since November, that Billabong sticker you see on R-Cal's nose has gone missing - the end of a 19-year relationship. However, rather than going the full Gentil this CT season, Ryan has found a replacement sticker for the nose of his board.
As of now, he'll sport the double VV logo of Rivvia Projects, but rather than the typical master/servant relationship, R-Cal has bought equity in the company Julian Wilson founded in 2021. R-Cal will be surfing as if he owns it.
As for the edit, the first song in particular is a stark example of what it takes to make the Championship Tour. Ryan is no classic stylist, your eyes aren't attracted to the aesthetics of a bent back knee or hand jive flair that'll subtly grease the judges sheet. He's nothing if not utilitarian: judge him solely on the moves and nothing else.
And those moves are outrageous in their contempt for safe surfing. Bigger than big, faster than fast, taken beyond the point of control and recovered again.
Just wish he brought 'em out in his heats more often.
Section from 4:47 looks like Occys left?
Spot on Stu. He has a great read on some difficult waves. I'll never surf close to his level. He's boring to watch on a screen.
Reckon he's got good style. Hope he and Jules do well.
I like his style too.
I’m sure the back knee helps you get through heats at Merewhether, they’ve got a mortgage on it!
damn he’s great
that cloudy section was fire,
the air rev in the first 30 sec was as good as any ,
he'll never win a world title but he still rips
hope him and julian kill it
That was great, nice one.
Intellegent, thoughtful, considerate, playful, a stylish Goofy and absolutely rips, yew! Lovely work Ryan! cheers
Smooth Criminal might have been a good music choice for the opening shots...
Good distinctive style. He used to really put the wind up the Brazilian goofies.
Ditto above...hope he and Jules do really well with Rivvia and he gets some good results this year.
To add to the above comments about seeing this surfing in heats and how his surfing is judged...I get to see him surf a lot living in thing that does surprise me is his inconsistency on a day to day basis...he seems to be either ON and nailing everything or have a whole session a little bit all over the place.
May be a contributing factor to his up and down results??
Enjoyed that, ripping!
He certainly has the right boards for him under his feet.
great video - i've always loved the way he 'goes for it' can generally rely on him to throw down big power moves which are just slightly/technically different to what others are doing - 19 years with bong is a credit to them both.
That Cloudbreak section was amazing. For an very average punter like myself doing those moves at Cloudbreak, when I have been there and got hammered, is to know how good he is. I wouldn't even go out there at that size.
Memla…I miss your old ELo profile pic
Whatever did happen to him?
I request a Swellnet investigation into his demise and whereabouts!!
Me too this is the new guy nowhere near as interesting.
Yep, not holding anything back. What a clip! And some of those heavy, round lefts. Wow.
Love how he stands tall in the pit!
Can watch R CAL .surf all day just destroys sections