Watch: Tim Bonython // Terror Vault

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)


Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 10:59am

I would be fascinated to know if there is anyone in this SN community that has actually been dragged across the Teahupoo reef (or one of those slabs) at crazy size. I still dont understand how the human body survives that force. What actually happens? What does it feel like? Do you just get pinned to the reef for eternity or are you constantly tumbling and getting dragged? Do curl up in a ball? Do you rag doll? Insane.....SO surprised more people dont die.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 3:22pm

That's for sure... 1 cubic metre of water = 1 tonne... 1000kilos!! I had a 3x roll underwater y'day when u think yr coming up only to be sent to the bottom again... in 6ft waves on a sandbar!! Was about to breathe in water. God only knows how these mortals tough it out?

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 7:48pm

Yeah right
I think a lot of people could surf those waves, especially towing in ,if they wanted to,
But don’t think it’s worth the risk .
In my limited experience of bigger waves
the worst thing is the hold down
When you’re busting to take a breath, but still underwater!

caj's picture
caj's picture
caj Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 1:17pm

Would love to see at least half of these at regular speed. 4 minutes in and only slow-mo, so I'm pulling the plug... is it only me? Everyone else prefers to their surfing vids slowed down?

soz_punter's picture
soz_punter's picture
soz_punter Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 1:36pm

@caj, just set the playback speed to 1.5.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 3:25pm

Maybe turn down the vol as well... depends if u need hypermanic DRAMATIC MUZAK to go with yr visuals (had to say it... TB's stuck in a muzak vortex).

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 5:31pm

G’day Harry,
What are your thoughts on Australia’s settlement history, where the new Australians have persistently tried to make First Nations people fit into their European culture? Pretty crazy way to behave isn’t it?

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 7:00pm

Lol... what an interesting yet totally irrelevant tangent! You havin a laff??

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 12:23pm

I reckon SN might need to invest in some fake account AI bot-busting software....

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 6:13pm

Or maybe, maybe Tim ain’t interested in Harry’s persistent demands to conform to his idea of livin. Tim obviously doesn’t care about you mate

Harry would make a great coloniser. Desperate to take over and make it in his likeness

Harry, telling artists how to do their art, is laughable

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 7:12pm

Lol... nah mate. Big difference between colonising and critique. Im just repeating what many have already said about tb's muzakal tastes ...they suck bigtime. He definitely ain't no artist dumpy. His repetition of manic and drama filled musical shit proves he ain't no artist. With all his equipment, all his flitting around the globe and all his (historic) privilege you'd think he'd have more imagination ... break the mould a bit, at least for his audience. Artists innovate. TB don't. (But great footage at times!!)

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 7:43pm

So you don’t think the Hawaii 9-0 videos were innovative? What about running the big wave project through cinemas when no one else really was?
Have you even seen them?
Looks to me like he has 72,000 subscribers, a couple noisy critics there too. Critique away, if that’s what makes you feel better about yourself

When are you going to stump up the money for the music you want? Your the expert at this remember

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 7:57pm


shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 7:58am

In psychology, criticising is linked with ego-protection, which means that people criticise others because of a perceived personal weakness.
No one says you have to like the music, but maybe its time to grow up and find other solutions to your problem (there’s some tips below in the comments)
No more baby man Harry, take responsibility for yourself.
At the end of the day, Tim has to take a profit or else the videos cease. Think about the costs. Camera, housing, computer and software, flights, car hire, ski hire, hotels, skunked missions. You want to add another cost. Then there’s the hours chasing and hours editing (both more than you realise) when you account for the modest sum he’d be making, he’s probably earning $15 an hour, but you want to make it $10.
Try to understand others perspective instead of just focusing on yours.
Show some gratitude in life

Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 7:56am

I think it's you that sucks big time harry you're too young to be bitter. Like Timmy b could give a fook about what a present like you says lol

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 8:13pm

Does anyone know if Laura Enever is still alive,
after that wipeout, looked like Shippies?

mick-free's picture
mick-free's picture
mick-free Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 9:40pm

shes a charging. said her cloudbreak wipeout was heavier. #noslowmo

mr mick's picture
mr mick's picture
mr mick Friday, 6 Sep 2024 at 8:40pm

12.25, wonder if he got his sunnies back. Why would you wear those out there

delay_pdl's picture
delay_pdl's picture
delay_pdl Sunday, 8 Sep 2024 at 9:10am

Servo sunnies, multiple pairs. Either that or he's livin' large on a sunglasses sponno..

Reform's picture
Reform's picture
Reform Sunday, 8 Sep 2024 at 1:50pm

"You've got to be in it to win it"
But the more you invest, the odds of winning are so limited! Especially with the offshore wind updraft, classic!

yvdreh's picture
yvdreh's picture
yvdreh Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 11:37am

Zac Haynes tumble at the right is nightmare fuel what the fuck.

rj-davey's picture
rj-davey's picture
rj-davey Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 1:53pm

As predictable and pointless as the fb community page poster asking why there's a helicopter flying above is the reliable complaint about TB's choice of music.

Hit mute or don't watch. It is honestly that easy.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 7:19pm

That's true...but an audience anticipates a package. With so much criticism you'd think he might try something different... well recently he did... he just let the natural sound flow for a while ... i was shocked at the improvement.

nolocal's picture
nolocal's picture
nolocal Monday, 9 Sep 2024 at 7:53pm

anyone hear those sirens?

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 9:22am

I can see how if you watch and listen to Tims clips on a mobile phone the music could sound like an annoying background noise. I watch his stuff on a big screen with surround sound and get totally immersed in the cinematic experience.
These days everything has been done to death, and TB has done it all.
I personally really like hearing new sounds, instead of the same old crap, and think the electronica and techno beats with their moody and dramatic sounds fit perfectly with the visuals and enhance the overall experience.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 10:41am

Totally Old-dog, with you there.

If it's too slow, double the playback speed. If you don't like the music, mute it and put your own backing track to it. If you like it the way it is- kick back with a beverage or whatever of choice and immerse yourself in the vision.

Personally, I reckon TB does amazing work and has brought to us some incredible footage from around the world. Hope he continues it.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 12:17pm

We are so spoilt these days. I remember as a grom the only surfing we ever saw was in the background of Hollywood Elvis and Gidget movies or a once a year grainy out of focus surf flick at the local hall.
Now we get a daily free front row seat at the best breaks and death slabs on the planet in 4k and people complain about the backing music.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 2:37pm

Taste is subjective of course... I'm just reiterating the point that many people dont enjoy tb's soundtracks. Of course it's easy to mute and whack on whatever you fancy and enjoy as the footage is often phenomenal. What I don't understand is how a person with such resources can just keep trotting out the same ol' recipe? It diminishes the actual drama of the action. Like a failed dj trying to excite an empty room with the umpteenth rendition of his "artistic" grooves. It's not about colonising like dumpy reckons, it's not really about complaining, it's just an aesthetic critique of a product which could be Art. With the little extra piece of imagination. But then again, there's a lot of redneck surfers out there who don't give a f. Surely tb has mates out there who could help him? Anyway... I just mute and imagine what could have been.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 2:50pm

" it's not really about complaining"

Mate, you've complained every single video, now you're dressing it up as some highfalutin art criticism..?

Tickets or what?

I don't particularly like the music either, so here's a tip. Go to Tim's YouTube channel and pull up his videos. Now click a few of them, maybe the first one, then another a few rows down, another a few more rows down again.

What you'll see is that on each video there's between aboout 50 and 200 comments - call it 100 as an average - and within them there's maybe the odd one complaining about the music, but....and it's a very fucking big but, those complaints are in the vast minority and they have no bearings on the popularity of his videos.

Now are you beginning to understand..?

Your opinion doesn't matter.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 4:36pm

Neither does yours

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 4:51pm

He knows that Harry, that’s why he’s not constantly giving it to TB

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 6:54pm

Good point. It's turned into something of an obsession of mine... each new clip "c'mon tb, show us what u got"... Muzak starts... *groan*...

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 6:56pm


wally's picture
wally's picture
wally Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 3:40pm

I have no problem with the music in Tim’s videos. Sure, I can think of some banger favourite tracks of mine that would enhance my experience. But then again, my banger tracks would almost assuredly not be liked by everybody and the time and the cost to get and pay for the copyrighted music would be totally prohibitive.

No doubt, Tim mostly gets his music from free music sites or from sites that offer generic music in a range of styles for a modest subscription. Yes, it is mostly muzak.

Tim is just running a little husband and wife business. He and his wife do a great job. The expense and effort to record the footage must be significant. Tim seems tireless and he always produces a very well crafted edit. I don’t know of anybody who is quite doing what he is doing. We are lucky to have him.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 3:53pm

so much to think about while watching this, I'm with Bungan33, agree too, that in the 'good old days' we might've got 2 black and white grainy stills from these combined sessions, in broadsheet Tracks. Unbelievable stuff. re: the music, there were nice little breathing spaces of not-slo-mo, and live sound, but there's nothing wrong with the soundtrack in this one, it is a suck-your-balls-into-your-diaphragm drama.
1 min - classical electro; 5 min - substance electro; 8 min - retro electro; 10:30 - man2man electro; 13:30 - viking electro. All worked well. Cheers for the thrills and spills! Glad no-one was mortally wounded.

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 6:41pm

For a minute I thought I stumbled on my wife's Fairhaven's Fantastic Femmes Facebook page where they discuss abhorrent fashion worn in town by the ladies they dislike. Turns out it is grown man who like to surf measuring dicks. Time to take another toke and watch the vid again with volume up. After all that's how TB likes to portrait his observations of what is the magical realm of surfing. Like or leave it.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 6:58pm

English Mr Toxic? Lol...

thebeard's picture
thebeard's picture
thebeard Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 7:20pm

I’m an immigrant taking your job, what’s your excuse mr. Obtuse (see what I did there excuse … obtuse … that rhymes. Pretty nifty for a foreigner I’d say)

And I’m high, there’s that as well

PhilSpearman's picture
PhilSpearman's picture
PhilSpearman Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 at 11:14pm

I'm with 'thebeard'. How did this thread get to this? My awe of humans defying death, has been addled by my concern with humans arguing over semantics and soundtracks. From an outsider who may choose to look in, we sound like whingers. Let's get back to the waves, it's what brought us all here.

caj's picture
caj's picture
caj Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 at 9:15am

I feel like I might have inadvertently set this negative thread off. So much content is in slow motion that I was wondering if I'm alone in thinking there should be more of a mix - that all the slowed down footage actually takes away from how fast all this happens. A sense of how quickly and deeply you'd even get a breath, for example that is lost in the slow mo.
Given there was no real response to the speed comment, I assume most people prefer the slow mo, which is fine. This issue seems less subjective than music, which nobody is ever going to agree on, so just turn the volume down or up depending...
Of course, worth mentioning that the footage kicks ass.... I'd just like to see at least half of it at real speed. But I'm 52 years old and don't hold any misconceptions about the importance of my opinion.

Yendor's picture
Yendor's picture
Yendor Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 at 11:54am

There's some parts where I enjoy the slo-mo as I try to break down what, if anything the surfer has done wrong and if there was any way in which they could have righted the ship. Kind of a useful clinic. There can definitely be too much of it though.

I find it bugs me more when it's all at one wave, then I'd really prefer if it was only a few highlight moments. With wipeouts it's kind of prolonged anguish. I'm sure it appeals to his target market which isn't all dedicated surfers (applies to the music too).