Watch: Tim Bonython // Bombs We Love

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)

Tim returns to Tahiti, yet again, to film this pre-Olympic swell. With five-ring fever building thoughts were this swell might be one that catches the eye of the mainstream. Instead it barely registered, even within the surfing world.

Olympian Kauli Vaast threw caution to the wind and grabbed the rope, swinging into the biggest wave of the swell.


Major kong's picture
Major kong's picture
Major kong Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:28am

Surprised me too that it hardly registered... Thought for sure the channel that's got the rights woulda blew it up with anticipation of Olympic drama and glory...

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:39pm

Because it’s not a competition,so there’s no interest

TheWhoSellOut's picture
TheWhoSellOut's picture
TheWhoSellOut Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 12:16pm

Too bad Drollet didn’t get the other spot for France. Can’t imagine Duru will make it as far as Drollet would.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 1:11pm

Duru goes ! Don't count him out.

More tubes please's picture
More tubes please's picture
More tubes please Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 12:28pm

Is it too far out to be getting excited for the 2nd half of the Olympics waiting period? This morning’s update is looking juicy.

gnomen's picture
gnomen's picture
gnomen Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 1:25pm

I wonder if the boats will be regulated during the Olympics? At least one of those boats looked overloaded. Great venue though for the Olympics, will there be WSL Judges and criteria?

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 5:35am

Apparently no local boats allowed in the channel.

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 3:01pm

music from Masterchef

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 11:06am


blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 6:34pm

Kauli Vaast's wave is a beast. Around 6 mins to avoid the fluff.

badWAves's picture
badWAves's picture
badWAves Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 7:09pm

Absolutely ridiculous. How's old mate with the worlds most optimistic duck dive at 14:25

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 3:14pm

that silhouette through the lip is chilling

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 4:04am

You reckon he should have been swimming for the bottom , and trying to grab the reef, ? Not that I’ve ever been in that situation.

t-diddy's picture
t-diddy's picture
t-diddy Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 8:23pm

Never ceases to amaze...

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 10:58pm

Tahihians rule at home...
Some Olympians guzumpt..., except Griff & Leo going for it!!!

Pseudo AI sucks more.... beware.
Hello, hello, helloo, hollow

Macho Oz version

2023 predictions...

Fear not....AI wouldnt create "Zomby Woof"

or atempt to reproduce in front of a live audience...

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:00am

Sounds like the artists and record labels are going to be bypassed, and not much we can do about it.
Do they know what Frank Zappa was on when he wrote his music? I can’t see the relevance to Tim Bonython and Teehapo though

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:23am

That's easy: more zappa, quantum stocks and robots.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 5:02am

Not sure they were around 50 years ago, seems more like an experimental drug synthesised my NASA to prepare its astronauts for a trip to Mars.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 10:56am

Frank Z lived & recorded in Laurel Canyon LA; next door were musicians, grass roots & love.
FZ released 62 albums; "Overnight Sensation" was his pop album.

I overeacted to AI psuedo music....,
pub pokies & DJs doof replaced live music, concerts & feastivals cancelled, etc

Thanks Tim for the great footage & epic surfing!

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 12:37pm

Amazing what you learn on a surf forecasting site. So much music history coming out of Laurel Canyon, inspired by excessive drug taking and free love , which is always going to end in brain damage, addiction and jealous rage.Jimi Hendrix opening for the Monkeys, everyone hanging out with Frank Zappa ,and then there’s Mick Jagger and Alice Cooper still touring today!

mattlock's picture
mattlock's picture
mattlock Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 2:40pm

And Neil sang about wanting to shoot everyone there.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 10:59pm

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:13am

Captures a moment in time, even though she wasn’t there.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:38am

And the emotion of a forced adoption?

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 10:52pm

The USA & Oz conscription of poor youth into the Korean & Vietnam war's, focused the idealists, dreamers, low classes into the music, protests and /or drugs.... better than being killers or fodder.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:31am

And the emotion of a forced adoption?

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:42pm

live vibe

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:12am

Raising your own lonely dental floss in Montana , nothing like ambition

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 11:25pm

at the time it was better than fighting and dying for naught

Marshall Islands Bikini Atoll 7km2 blast in 1954 was estimated to be 100,000,000 degrees celcius... = 15 megatonnes of TNT

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:00am

lead petrol fumes didn't help

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:55am

The British nuclear tests in Australia , went from 1953 to 1963 and was the reason Robert Menzies became a sir. The tests on Montebello Island off Australia’s North West coast, registered in Fiji. And the famous Cactus surf breaks are only 300 kms South of Maralinga , so would definitely have copped some fallout, as would most of Australia

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:05am

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:30pm

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 8:54pm

meanwhile .....boomer were also conned,.... sold a golden age via endless clever TV marketing & cheap chemical resources ... a creative illusion that...
"your in a desperate need of change.... "... & "success is temporary" reference below from Madmen (NY Madison Ave advertising men)

....this idea has has evolved or just copied into selling us more rubbish ... 'better than ....x,y,z'

Yendor's picture
Yendor's picture
Yendor Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:13am

Those takeoffs by Eimeo are nuts! There were a couple of times I was sure he was gonna eat it but he manages to pull the rabbit out of the hat.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:17am

X 2

Insanely good tube rider amongst a cohort of insanely good tube riders.

The MIDdleman.'s picture
The MIDdleman.'s picture
The MIDdleman. Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 10:22am

I'm wondering what the consequences are of those pin drops.
Are you for sure getting sucked over or is the pop through possible.

Ray Shirlaw's picture
Ray Shirlaw's picture
Ray Shirlaw Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 11:59am

Someone* said once "its actually pretty deep out there". Maybe its so hollow that a regular pindrop/ aborted liplauncher just gets instantly spewed out the back as the wave moves on...mostly

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 11:04am

Why does TB INSIST on ruining his clips with such shithouse muzak?? Sounds like the soundtrack to some movie about a pimp or something

badWAves's picture
badWAves's picture
badWAves Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:19pm

I'm a music industry professional and not a pro surfer or industry guy but have been around a minute. I've been racking my brain trying to think of a way to fix this problem and combine my two loves but unfortunately the royalty free behemoth reigns supreme and the audience doesn't seem to care quite enough yet for content creators to find other solutions.

The worst thing is you hear the exact garbage (the same 5 tracks, big drop, claps, vocal wo-oahs) across Nathan Florence, TB, Koa Rothman, JOB and all the main Youtube pundits. Great music elevates great surfing and vice versa, look at Russ Bierke's film or all of the Need / Torren Stuff with bespoke music, Chapter 11 with all the local Cali Punk bands etc. It grabs attention, stays in the zeitgeist and stands the test of time. Here we have one of the most hectic Chopes swells in a few years and its a blip on the radar because it's presented in a format we're all bored of. There's a reason the usual Youtube suspects have been missing the last few swells, it's over cooked in the current format. The issue is the pace of release, if it's not out that week it's dead and if it's not art it's not good enough. Maybe it's time for a muso / surf filmmaker meet and greet.

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:51pm

Amen to that. Surely TB's well connected enough to come up with something better... his taste is atrocious... sounds like a failed dj. Great surf footage deserves great music. (Yes music tastes are subjective but many of us share a taste... and many complain of TB's woeful efforts)

badWAves's picture
badWAves's picture
badWAves Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:54pm

Probably should have mentioned that the genre ain't the issue, although wouldn't be my first choice. The mood of all the royalty free stuff is very similar and it's fatiguing.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:22pm

not sure how Crag H goes about it, but the surf on mars stuff seldom doesn't work.. I still have a song called tammy in my head from a little adelaide pop-rock band because of its positioning in a clip showing crowded gc.. amazing.. reckon that was a year ago.. I still have ear worms from its beats, pauses, lyrics..

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:34am

ANYthing would be better... even Johhny Farnham...

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:45am

Unless you’re prepared to pay for the royalties yourself HC, then perhaps you need to stop telling other people how awesome you’d do their life, if only you had a chance….

Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 10:31am

Well said mate,

Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto's picture
Trentslatterphoto Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 10:31am

Well said mate,

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 10:44am

Well said mate

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 10:03am

The soundtracks might be AI generated, 'freee' with no copyright...drove me into a rabid hole.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 12:56pm

Music is such a subjective thing. I seem to remember Tim started out as a DJ around Adelaide and was never scared to play experimental type techno etc. I personally thought the audio and visuals fitted well and were so mesmerizing the wife thought I was zombiefied while watching it. Personally, I'm a bit over the standard thrash bash head banging stuff that many surfers still dig.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 1:13pm
quote (from a year ago):
Tim’s next, long-form project may be his most ambitious yet. He wants to make a new, big-wave movie where the soundtrack is supplied by live musicians. “I want a real feeling of the music,” insists Tim. “If it’s really dramatic and scary, then the music needs to be dramatic and scary. If it’s pumping, it needs to be kind of a real cool electronica… Ideally, I’d love to have someone like Tom Carroll reading out, you know, a 40-second poem to introduce the segment. I’ve actually created the rough cut of what it is, and I’ve shown it to a few people, and we’ve got some really good investors that want to put money into it.”

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 9:31pm

4/9 "stop dat train", ...."wont be tooo long, if Im right or wrong...."
"some stand aside, to try they're best,.... some cant cant find no food at all"
