Watch: Tim Bonython // For The Experience - Shippies
Tim takes the Cullen groms - ages 12 and 13 - from his hometown down to Shippies, hooks up with bodybasher Corey Sainsbury, plus the usual motley crew of local and north island regulars on a strictly paddle day at Shippes.
Later this week, we'll have an interview with one of the organisers of a local initiative: the Shipsterns rescue ski. The ski and equipment are all paid for by surfers and on hand in case of trouble.
With so much film of Shippies out there wasn’t going to watch, but glad I did , even just for the enthusiasm of the groms & liking the style of the body surfers, the little bit we did see. Good on the groms for having a go, heart in mouth stuff for them, , we’ll see them there in the future ripping it up I’m sure.
+ 1 mick
Similar to Trestles ? asking for a friend
The locals have that ledge wired. Ledge decides who stay and who goes.
Sure do have it wired, total hellmen. Just never understood their obsession with filming and promoting the place , most local surfers are protective and secretive but not those shippies locals, they love the attention
Yeah mate exactly right. Was mid 90s I first surfed here after a mate showed me footage of them surfing it. Befo4e that dave guinee, mick skur and another local charger on booga i think who got stuck right into the captain and his mate at a pub one night because they proliferated lies in that they found shipternes 20 + years ago..the masses believed them with plenty of other under ground chargers basically left thinking wtf absolute blokes are full of shit wankers. One of the so called founders ran to indo afterwards and has never been seen back here since. True. The actual general consensus is that a few of these blokes are humble good blokes on land but the rest basically the biggest bunch of up themselves tools that Hobart ever produce.d thinking that their shit don't stink. Go the southern lourd-esses bahahahaaha homos
THX looking flash on the paddle - stand out.
I do believe that Damien Wills was the first body surfer to have a dig.