DudeSweetDudeSweetThursday, 12 May 2022 at 12:15pm
Developing a backhand tube riding technique is a worthwhile pursuit.
crisoThursday, 12 May 2022 at 9:43pm
Before going on a surf trip
scrotinaThursday, 12 May 2022 at 12:19pm
barrel dodgers anonymous
dan@shorelineThursday, 12 May 2022 at 6:40pm
I was at raglan about 2mths ago watching a moderately ok cross chopped 4ft swell rollung down the points, of about 140 people in the water, 0 could actually surf, reminds me of these guys, but way worse
stunetThursday, 12 May 2022 at 12:19pm
Watched it and thought exactly the same thing. Few waves would have had entirely different outcomes if the pilots had an inkling of how to grab a rail.
dan@shorelineThursday, 12 May 2022 at 6:23pm
I always found backhand tube riding so much easier than forehand, locks the body in position grabbing a rail, pig dogging, but im pretty shit at that too, i should probably stop surfing
StokThursday, 12 May 2022 at 1:07pm
Plenty of crew would cruise through their whole surfing career without being able to crack back hand tube riding. BV's is also no walk in the park, shifty and shuts down. Good to see more regular surfers giving it a go.
richard187Friday, 13 May 2022 at 5:34pm
Bvs is looking quite easy in the video. But I agree it's not the most pleasant wave to surf. Pritty high consequence if you fuck up, and shifty as. I prefer surfing nipussy,
DudeSweetDudeSweetThursday, 12 May 2022 at 1:16pm
Guaranteed I’ve got a worse backhand tube technique than anyone on Swellnet. It’s legit like I’ve been blindfolded, spun around several times and am trying to hit a piñata with a heavy stick.
Awkward, ugly and dysfunctional.
Weirdly enough the bigger and more open the tube, the more likely I’ll pilot through it with my back to the wall.
StokThursday, 12 May 2022 at 1:42pm
Yeah its hard to stay high and tight on the backhand, easier if it's throwing wider I find.
Finding a user friendly wave which throws wide is even harder though!
freeride76Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 2:19pm
It's especially painful for me because my brother has Jedi level backhand pigdog tube skills.
fcalmonThursday, 12 May 2022 at 2:34pm
I wonder how many people get hurt really bad in those places with those skills. It doesn't seem to be an easy wave....
hangingtomatoesThursday, 12 May 2022 at 2:57pm
The reef there is hectic. Looks like a collapsed multi level carpark.
groundswellThursday, 12 May 2022 at 3:31pm
That place nippussy and lances right should be working a lot this year if wet and wetter article is on point.
loungelizardThursday, 12 May 2022 at 3:31pm
thats as friendly as ive seen bank vaults, think thats whats attracted some lesser talents. good on them for giving it a crack
crgThursday, 12 May 2022 at 4:40pm
It may be an overall commentary on my back to front zigged when I should have zagged life...but I've always found backhand tuberiding way easier.
dan@shorelineThursday, 12 May 2022 at 6:29pm
Yeah me too, grab a rail, lock in nice and tight, let the chips fall where they may, i seem to have way more stability/control like that
joesydneyThursday, 12 May 2022 at 4:49pm
How’s that first wave - make the solid drop, attempt to stall 5 times and miss the pit and then rewarded with 2ft head dip at the end …….
zenagainThursday, 12 May 2022 at 7:05pm
Bet the young lass at 1:25 was seeing stars after that one.
Love seeing average Joes and Janes having a dig. Makes me quite envious sitting here watching that.
DudeSweetDudeSweetThursday, 12 May 2022 at 7:13pm
The average level of ability in the Mentawai seems to have plummeted radically in the two decades since I first visited. Some of those people have no business catching those waves over dangerous coral a long, long way from proper medical assistance.
udoThursday, 12 May 2022 at 7:15pm
Spot on Blowin...
Zen for fooks sake book your first Indo trip...
zenagainThursday, 12 May 2022 at 9:06pm
Ha ha, I know Udo. I really should shut up. Farking hopeless.
groundswellThursday, 12 May 2022 at 9:15pm
I haven't been over in about ten or twelve years but apparently everywhere is ridiculously crowded. everywhere that has a camp even Bengkulu has a surf camp now where when i went there in two thousand and eight there were only three or four surfers in town. Waves not that good either unless you like shifty or logging waves that only break once a month. Beachies were good early morning though.In any case whereever you go, im sure you would be disappointed in what indo has become.
ps sorry my numbers on my keyboard aren't working.
lostdoggyThursday, 12 May 2022 at 10:28pm
We just watched a vid of mainly kooks scoring perfect waves.
groundswellThursday, 12 May 2022 at 10:47pm
Haha good point.
RemigogoThursday, 12 May 2022 at 10:49pm
Works for me.
goofyfootThursday, 12 May 2022 at 7:15pm
Looks like some of that crew should be on a more user friendly wave
Luke02Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 8:12pm
Did my shoulder at Bankvaults back in 2014 ... ended up with frozen shoulder and didn't surf for 18 months. Promised myself I would never surf it again haha
joesydneyThursday, 12 May 2022 at 10:18pm
I watched bank vaults empty and 8-10ft - went out on the tender and sat and sat and sat and I could not work the joint out so never left the tender……..
savanovaFriday, 13 May 2022 at 9:54am
Bunch of cool cats from the cool cat part of town. Cats don't like water.
saltmanFriday, 13 May 2022 at 11:59am
@ 30 secs Twinnies aren't so pretty for average Joe when it gets hollow
Cookie1Friday, 13 May 2022 at 12:20pm
Once surfed Nipussy for a while and got the tender to take me up to BV where some of my more accomplished mates were having a go at around 6ft plus. Watched for a bit and decided i would have a crack. paddling out , the sky went dark and a massive rogue set came through, wiped everyone out, broken boards and leashes, total carnage. Did a U-Turn, back to the tender and had a few beers. Best decision for me. Know your limitations.
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 12:51pm
Saltman heres a few of a Banksy twinny of me at two to four foot speedies. Handled well at super sucky speedies but a bit sketchy with big keels towards mid tide, i landed one drop and went over with my backfoot weighted on the keels too much just as it was throwing wide and thick.
Anyway these fishes and twin keels work in good small to medium indo barrels.
Banksy spent a lot of time perfecting the design and it worked all over indo.
And a two footer:
For going left i've never had another board that felt so good in a wide range of indo waves, just can't go vert though.
goofyfootFriday, 13 May 2022 at 1:28pm
Awesome gs
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:27pm
Thanks Goofy i hope you're getting some waves.
udoFriday, 13 May 2022 at 12:59pm
Its the Keels stopping you from going Vert ...yours have a real long base..have u thought about Plugging it so you can play with different Keels ... also plug it as a Quad ?
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:04pm
I left that board at my mates house near supersuck in 2010 and haven't been back since as i got the sack from my career as an electrician and never made it back to indo.
It had glass in keels so i never thought about getting plugs but it was annoying to travel with, i had to use a cut in half bodyboard with fin slots cut out of it to keep the fins from buckling under pressure on a plane or bus.
When i got back to work in 2011 i bought with my next tax return a quad and round tail fish from Banksy but it wasn't the same, it wouldn't handle bigger than five foot waves as it was so loose unless i put large futures controllers in front and stretch quad rears in the back to stop the looseness.
It would also go vert backhand and was a real fun board to ride but toe in of fins was set too toed in for turns rather than drive.
Next board i bought was a Gary McNeil when he was with Formula Energy and i asked for more drive less turn.It was a entity step up with a snub fish nose and rounded pin tail and carbon rails and hemp inlay deck to keep it strong. I had it designed for supersuck, speedies and desert point...the board went unreal down the line and you might have seen me post about it before...it was drivey like i asked for but i wish i got it asymmetrical so i could do cutbacks on lefts as it wouldnt turn at all unless your foot was on the edge of the tail.
I focusFriday, 13 May 2022 at 1:14pm
Hmm pretty harsh comments guys I have surfed BV's and its reasonable technical (still rate it easier than North Point WA tide dependant) and thought the girls actually did a fair job it does hand out a beating at that size.
Remember surfing BV the year the Ments was over run by Brasso's, a group were shoulder hopping down the end and kept burning me and a local, it was the end of the wave and totally pointless.
PS nice barrel GS.
Peter ReynoldsFriday, 13 May 2022 at 1:33pm
So funny listening to all these has-been surfers thinking they used to rip, the most common comment on here is 'look at all these kooks' hahahaha legends in their own lunchboxes probably.
Nick BoneFriday, 13 May 2022 at 1:52pm
Yeah. It’s kinda odd.
This video only makes me jealous of the waves these lucky people are getting to surf.
goofyfootFriday, 13 May 2022 at 1:56pm
You don’t think some look out of their depth?
Dx3Friday, 13 May 2022 at 2:00pm
Can nobody ever push themselves or have a crack at something that may not fit into a defined depth level?
If anything I'm probably a little surprised this 2 minute clip made it onto the site considering all the surf content out there in the world (cynic would suggest maybe to give everyone the chance to yell 'kook'), but here it is and here we are.
stunetFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:05pm
Cynicism ain't healthy.
I chose it because I reckon the waves look particularly appealing and Indo season is approaching.
Nothing more to it.
Ben HardingSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 9:59am
"Watched it and thought exactly the same thing. Few waves would have had entirely different outcomes if the pilots had an inkling of how to grab a rail."
Contradictory much. You watched it first and thought crew had no inkling on how to backhand tube ride or grab rail. Then decide to post up to the echo chamber with the very first (and following 5) comments confirming the bias lol. I think the original cynicism from old mate was justified and good to see some counter commentary from the rational.
goofyfootFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:14pm
Of course they can.
Not going to get better at something doing the same old thing on the same old waves. I’m just calling it how I see it and I know first hand that there can be serious consequences on waves like that.
I guess I’m also still suffering from some lingering ptsd from my last Indo trip when we were surfing pumping big Telescopes and clueless cunts would constantly paddle inside you then attempt to take off and eat shit EVERY SINGLE time even though it wasn’t their turn.
Dx3Friday, 13 May 2022 at 2:31pm
Fair enough. To me, they are all making the drop comfortably enough, having a crack at a quality wave, the chicks are riding them through without much issue, few blokes getting clipped trying to get pitted. I wouldn't say this crew looks so out of their depth they shouldn't have paddled out.
goofyfootFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:37pm
You know on watching it again your assessment is pretty spot on. Happy to admit I was too harsh on this one and got it wrong.
Peter ReynoldsFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:50pm
Some do, but so what? They are all young, fit, probably better looking than you and me and have accepted the risk. If they cut themselves up, they can jump on another boat heading back to port without cutting short other peoples trips. It happens all the time and is no big deal. You can't tell me you wouldn't be stoked as all hell if that was your missus charging that wave! I would throw a ring on that finger so bloody fast! I think a few people on here would be horribly surprised to watch footage of themselves surfing, I swear my backhand snaps were approaching vertical status, turns out I'm really incorrect. And the bloke having a humble brag uploading 156 sequenced photos of himself tucked into a ridiculously small tube 1/8 the size of this wave, come on mate I'm embarassed for ya! Hahahahaha
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 2:57pm
Fuck off loser where did you grow up on the northern beaches? Narrabeen? give me a fucking break.
Peter ReynoldsFriday, 13 May 2022 at 3:13pm
Bahahahahaha precisely the response I was expecting, "fuck off mate I'm a fucking legend ask all my mates"
I'm a queenslander cunt
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 3:29pm
What's your beef with me? i didn't call anyone a kook.
Peter ReynoldsFriday, 13 May 2022 at 3:52pm
Nah no beef at all mate, just a ribbing, but if I can refer you to your comment on the 12th May2022 at 10.47PM (what the fuck your doing on your computer at that time instead of dominating your mrs I don't know but anyway) you replied to another lunchbox legend stating that he just watched a bunch of kooks surfing perfect waves, your comment? 'Haha good point'
Remember mate, the internet is permanent, you have to own your cynical comments sometimes, but lets squash it here and now champ, I'm also a goofyfooter and really don't care about this conversation anymore
groundswellFriday, 13 May 2022 at 3:58pm
I live in Kalbarri the time was eight forty seven here. Im sick of arguments too mate but i accept the ribbing.
seaslugFriday, 13 May 2022 at 6:28pm
Hey GS, don't let the bastards get you down mate, I loved the photo's yeew
Rabbits68Friday, 13 May 2022 at 7:37pm
Funny how old mate Peter Reynolds’s is yet to post any pics of himself at G-land. Great stuff GS. Keep them coming.
groundswellSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 9:21am
Thanks fellas i have plenty more shots but I'll leave it there.
Island BaySunday, 15 May 2022 at 3:39pm
Naah, bring 'em on! Good stuff, GS.
groundswellMonday, 16 May 2022 at 5:33pm
ok ill post a few more two footers at speedies
and one on the lid
This one is one shot of my favorite thing to do on a fish, a highline drive down into the bowl
seaslugMonday, 16 May 2022 at 5:50pm
Slotted GS, good photo's mate
goofyfootMonday, 16 May 2022 at 6:27pm
Love it groundy.
I’ll look at photos of Gland all day. Whatever size
Rabbits68Monday, 16 May 2022 at 7:56pm
Looks like fun GS! Cheers. Love your stories too mate. Thanks for sharing :-)
groundswellMonday, 16 May 2022 at 11:31pm
Thanks fellas, good times...can't wait to get back.
Island BayTuesday, 17 May 2022 at 5:09am
Yeah, nice pics. And me too (return to Indo, please)
Dx3Friday, 13 May 2022 at 1:56pm
Probably a bit of jealously coming through they aren't out there themselves, and a fairly typical aussie attitude of punching down on others. The surfers in the vid are having a crack, good on them, I enjoy watching intermediate punters having a go on decent waves. Lip to the head at 2min mark would have stung the neck a bit
bbbirdFriday, 13 May 2022 at 8:32pm
"The older I get, the better I was....." rings true for most atheletes, even the greatest; thats why the Olympics is full of young'uns.
Being an average Joe myself, I like watching raw files like this and the average punter trying to get slotted - helps me picture myself being there and copping one on the head.
Have to give that a go one day at BV - hopefully sooner rather than later
RoadkillFriday, 13 May 2022 at 3:30pm
I'd be dodging barrels if I was there...I would also be shitting myself getting wasted inside.
I would also be happy as fuck with my useless barrel technique...but 1 epic ride a day and I would sleep pretty bloody good. If I got really really deep on 1 of those barrells, I could happily sit in the lineup and cheer everyone else for the whole day.
Awesome clip..loved it.
RoadkillFriday, 13 May 2022 at 4:07pm
I've watched this a few times now...foot placement and where they move their body weight...weight over the rail and weight over the center of the board makes such a difference...yet so very hard to do.
chookFriday, 13 May 2022 at 4:38pm
years ago I heard a great remark that seems to apply to pretty much everything -- a person was talking about, I think, protests at columbia university in the late 60s. he said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter how committed you were, how cool you were, who you knew or what you knew, all that mattered was whether or not you were there".
flowSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 10:44am
I didn't think they were total kooks. I guess it's hard not to judge. We all do it when we paddle out. Easy to criticise surfers less capably and also bemoan the pricks that are better and don't share. Sometimes you are the former and some times the latter. You soon get to know where you belong in the lineup.
Shaun HansonSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 3:37pm
A lot of poeple never get to surf waves of that size and power ...so fuknhell good on em for having a crack ...who cares if ya fuk one up ...every fkr is a critic ...would of been a hoot being there with everybody having a go ...oh yeah all you legends see how you go when your coming back from a bad injury or you get old ...youll be the fkr being called the kook
savanovaSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 4:40pm
Just a general comment , doesn't matter who is doing it. But I don't like the look of the 2 handed drag stall thing. Much rather watch a faded bottom turn to snap under the lip or an old fashioned tail breaking stomp stall. Just reeks commitment.
KomodoSaturday, 14 May 2022 at 5:08pm
Perfect summation,
PrideOfKookamongaSunday, 15 May 2022 at 2:52pm
I've been on a lot of message boards/forums in the last 20 years, and I've been reading this one for about a month.
In all that time, I must say that I've never run across one like Swellnet, where the commenters are so ignorant yet seem believe that they are intelligent. It's mind-boggling. (Not every single poster, but certainly the vast majority.) Keep it up--it's quite entertaining to watch a group of grown men embarrass themselves so thoroughly!
zenagainSunday, 15 May 2022 at 3:07pm
Slings and barbs from the sidelines.
Can you suggest any surf related forums that meet your lofty standards?
DudeSweetDudeSweetSunday, 15 May 2022 at 4:15pm
I think he’s talking more along the lines of responding to replies to his “space to rent” ads for his bussy on Grindr?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
seaslugSunday, 15 May 2022 at 4:51pm
Every time I want to get a bit more of that intelligence stuff, a good bing read of Viz magazine seems to help
velocityjohnnoMonday, 16 May 2022 at 5:50pm
what will happen is you'll post here a bit, and then slightly more, and then become one of us :)
velocityjohnnoMonday, 16 May 2022 at 5:49pm
Someone said it's a bit like North Point, could be interesting.
Loved the pics groundswell, time well spent.
I focusMonday, 16 May 2022 at 6:40pm
VJ that was likely me BV is nothing like NP as waves go I was just comparing the degree of difficulty.
smokeydoggThursday, 19 May 2022 at 11:26am
Hey Stu, any idea if the weekly Indo forecasts are coming back ?
JamyardySunday, 22 May 2022 at 8:57pm
BV's is heavier than it looks. Shifty joint, with a shallow inside. Good on em for having a crack. I'm sure they are out there, but I haven't surfed a break that makes you generate speed like Norths does.
Developing a backhand tube riding technique is a worthwhile pursuit.
Before going on a surf trip
barrel dodgers anonymous
I was at raglan about 2mths ago watching a moderately ok cross chopped 4ft swell rollung down the points, of about 140 people in the water, 0 could actually surf, reminds me of these guys, but way worse
Watched it and thought exactly the same thing. Few waves would have had entirely different outcomes if the pilots had an inkling of how to grab a rail.
I always found backhand tube riding so much easier than forehand, locks the body in position grabbing a rail, pig dogging, but im pretty shit at that too, i should probably stop surfing
Plenty of crew would cruise through their whole surfing career without being able to crack back hand tube riding. BV's is also no walk in the park, shifty and shuts down. Good to see more regular surfers giving it a go.
Bvs is looking quite easy in the video. But I agree it's not the most pleasant wave to surf. Pritty high consequence if you fuck up, and shifty as. I prefer surfing nipussy,
Guaranteed I’ve got a worse backhand tube technique than anyone on Swellnet. It’s legit like I’ve been blindfolded, spun around several times and am trying to hit a piñata with a heavy stick.
Awkward, ugly and dysfunctional.
Weirdly enough the bigger and more open the tube, the more likely I’ll pilot through it with my back to the wall.
Yeah its hard to stay high and tight on the backhand, easier if it's throwing wider I find.
Finding a user friendly wave which throws wide is even harder though!
It's especially painful for me because my brother has Jedi level backhand pigdog tube skills.
I wonder how many people get hurt really bad in those places with those skills. It doesn't seem to be an easy wave....
The reef there is hectic. Looks like a collapsed multi level carpark.
That place nippussy and lances right should be working a lot this year if wet and wetter article is on point.
thats as friendly as ive seen bank vaults, think thats whats attracted some lesser talents. good on them for giving it a crack
It may be an overall commentary on my back to front zigged when I should have zagged life...but I've always found backhand tuberiding way easier.
Yeah me too, grab a rail, lock in nice and tight, let the chips fall where they may, i seem to have way more stability/control like that
How’s that first wave - make the solid drop, attempt to stall 5 times and miss the pit and then rewarded with 2ft head dip at the end …….
Bet the young lass at 1:25 was seeing stars after that one.
Love seeing average Joes and Janes having a dig. Makes me quite envious sitting here watching that.
The average level of ability in the Mentawai seems to have plummeted radically in the two decades since I first visited. Some of those people have no business catching those waves over dangerous coral a long, long way from proper medical assistance.
Spot on Blowin...
Zen for fooks sake book your first Indo trip...
Ha ha, I know Udo. I really should shut up. Farking hopeless.
I haven't been over in about ten or twelve years but apparently everywhere is ridiculously crowded. everywhere that has a camp even Bengkulu has a surf camp now where when i went there in two thousand and eight there were only three or four surfers in town. Waves not that good either unless you like shifty or logging waves that only break once a month. Beachies were good early morning though.In any case whereever you go, im sure you would be disappointed in what indo has become.
ps sorry my numbers on my keyboard aren't working.
We just watched a vid of mainly kooks scoring perfect waves.
Haha good point.
Works for me.
Looks like some of that crew should be on a more user friendly wave
Did my shoulder at Bankvaults back in 2014 ... ended up with frozen shoulder and didn't surf for 18 months. Promised myself I would never surf it again haha
I watched bank vaults empty and 8-10ft - went out on the tender and sat and sat and sat and I could not work the joint out so never left the tender……..
Bunch of cool cats from the cool cat part of town. Cats don't like water.
@ 30 secs Twinnies aren't so pretty for average Joe when it gets hollow
Once surfed Nipussy for a while and got the tender to take me up to BV where some of my more accomplished mates were having a go at around 6ft plus. Watched for a bit and decided i would have a crack. paddling out , the sky went dark and a massive rogue set came through, wiped everyone out, broken boards and leashes, total carnage. Did a U-Turn, back to the tender and had a few beers. Best decision for me. Know your limitations.
Saltman heres a few of a Banksy twinny of me at two to four foot speedies. Handled well at super sucky speedies but a bit sketchy with big keels towards mid tide, i landed one drop and went over with my backfoot weighted on the keels too much just as it was throwing wide and thick.
Anyway these fishes and twin keels work in good small to medium indo barrels.
Banksy spent a lot of time perfecting the design and it worked all over indo.
And a two footer:






For going left i've never had another board that felt so good in a wide range of indo waves, just can't go vert though.
Awesome gs
Thanks Goofy i hope you're getting some waves.
Its the Keels stopping you from going Vert ...yours have a real long base..have u thought about Plugging it so you can play with different Keels ... also plug it as a Quad ?
I left that board at my mates house near supersuck in 2010 and haven't been back since as i got the sack from my career as an electrician and never made it back to indo.
It had glass in keels so i never thought about getting plugs but it was annoying to travel with, i had to use a cut in half bodyboard with fin slots cut out of it to keep the fins from buckling under pressure on a plane or bus.
When i got back to work in 2011 i bought with my next tax return a quad and round tail fish from Banksy but it wasn't the same, it wouldn't handle bigger than five foot waves as it was so loose unless i put large futures controllers in front and stretch quad rears in the back to stop the looseness.
It would also go vert backhand and was a real fun board to ride but toe in of fins was set too toed in for turns rather than drive.
Next board i bought was a Gary McNeil when he was with Formula Energy and i asked for more drive less turn.It was a entity step up with a snub fish nose and rounded pin tail and carbon rails and hemp inlay deck to keep it strong. I had it designed for supersuck, speedies and desert point...the board went unreal down the line and you might have seen me post about it before...it was drivey like i asked for but i wish i got it asymmetrical so i could do cutbacks on lefts as it wouldnt turn at all unless your foot was on the edge of the tail.
Hmm pretty harsh comments guys I have surfed BV's and its reasonable technical (still rate it easier than North Point WA tide dependant) and thought the girls actually did a fair job it does hand out a beating at that size.
Remember surfing BV the year the Ments was over run by Brasso's, a group were shoulder hopping down the end and kept burning me and a local, it was the end of the wave and totally pointless.
PS nice barrel GS.
So funny listening to all these has-been surfers thinking they used to rip, the most common comment on here is 'look at all these kooks' hahahaha legends in their own lunchboxes probably.
Yeah. It’s kinda odd.
This video only makes me jealous of the waves these lucky people are getting to surf.
You don’t think some look out of their depth?
Can nobody ever push themselves or have a crack at something that may not fit into a defined depth level?
If anything I'm probably a little surprised this 2 minute clip made it onto the site considering all the surf content out there in the world (cynic would suggest maybe to give everyone the chance to yell 'kook'), but here it is and here we are.
Cynicism ain't healthy.
I chose it because I reckon the waves look particularly appealing and Indo season is approaching.
Nothing more to it.
"Watched it and thought exactly the same thing. Few waves would have had entirely different outcomes if the pilots had an inkling of how to grab a rail."
Contradictory much. You watched it first and thought crew had no inkling on how to backhand tube ride or grab rail. Then decide to post up to the echo chamber with the very first (and following 5) comments confirming the bias lol. I think the original cynicism from old mate was justified and good to see some counter commentary from the rational.
Of course they can.
Not going to get better at something doing the same old thing on the same old waves. I’m just calling it how I see it and I know first hand that there can be serious consequences on waves like that.
I guess I’m also still suffering from some lingering ptsd from my last Indo trip when we were surfing pumping big Telescopes and clueless cunts would constantly paddle inside you then attempt to take off and eat shit EVERY SINGLE time even though it wasn’t their turn.
Fair enough. To me, they are all making the drop comfortably enough, having a crack at a quality wave, the chicks are riding them through without much issue, few blokes getting clipped trying to get pitted. I wouldn't say this crew looks so out of their depth they shouldn't have paddled out.
You know on watching it again your assessment is pretty spot on. Happy to admit I was too harsh on this one and got it wrong.
Some do, but so what? They are all young, fit, probably better looking than you and me and have accepted the risk. If they cut themselves up, they can jump on another boat heading back to port without cutting short other peoples trips. It happens all the time and is no big deal. You can't tell me you wouldn't be stoked as all hell if that was your missus charging that wave! I would throw a ring on that finger so bloody fast! I think a few people on here would be horribly surprised to watch footage of themselves surfing, I swear my backhand snaps were approaching vertical status, turns out I'm really incorrect. And the bloke having a humble brag uploading 156 sequenced photos of himself tucked into a ridiculously small tube 1/8 the size of this wave, come on mate I'm embarassed for ya! Hahahahaha
Fuck off loser where did you grow up on the northern beaches? Narrabeen? give me a fucking break.
Bahahahahaha precisely the response I was expecting, "fuck off mate I'm a fucking legend ask all my mates"
I'm a queenslander cunt
What's your beef with me? i didn't call anyone a kook.
Nah no beef at all mate, just a ribbing, but if I can refer you to your comment on the 12th May2022 at 10.47PM (what the fuck your doing on your computer at that time instead of dominating your mrs I don't know but anyway) you replied to another lunchbox legend stating that he just watched a bunch of kooks surfing perfect waves, your comment? 'Haha good point'
Remember mate, the internet is permanent, you have to own your cynical comments sometimes, but lets squash it here and now champ, I'm also a goofyfooter and really don't care about this conversation anymore
I live in Kalbarri the time was eight forty seven here. Im sick of arguments too mate but i accept the ribbing.
Hey GS, don't let the bastards get you down mate, I loved the photo's yeew
Funny how old mate Peter Reynolds’s is yet to post any pics of himself at G-land. Great stuff GS. Keep them coming.
Thanks fellas i have plenty more shots but I'll leave it there.
Naah, bring 'em on! Good stuff, GS.
ok ill post a few more two footers at speedies

















and one on the lid
This one is one shot of my favorite thing to do on a fish, a highline drive down into the bowl
Slotted GS, good photo's mate
Love it groundy.
I’ll look at photos of Gland all day. Whatever size
Looks like fun GS! Cheers. Love your stories too mate. Thanks for sharing :-)
Thanks fellas, good times...can't wait to get back.
Yeah, nice pics. And me too (return to Indo, please)
Probably a bit of jealously coming through they aren't out there themselves, and a fairly typical aussie attitude of punching down on others. The surfers in the vid are having a crack, good on them, I enjoy watching intermediate punters having a go on decent waves. Lip to the head at 2min mark would have stung the neck a bit
"The older I get, the better I was....." rings true for most atheletes, even the greatest; thats why the Olympics is full of young'uns.
If you push yourself to the limits, somethings gonna give...
Being an average Joe myself, I like watching raw files like this and the average punter trying to get slotted - helps me picture myself being there and copping one on the head.
Have to give that a go one day at BV - hopefully sooner rather than later
I'd be dodging barrels if I was there...I would also be shitting myself getting wasted inside.
I would also be happy as fuck with my useless barrel technique...but 1 epic ride a day and I would sleep pretty bloody good. If I got really really deep on 1 of those barrells, I could happily sit in the lineup and cheer everyone else for the whole day.
Awesome clip..loved it.
I've watched this a few times now...foot placement and where they move their body weight...weight over the rail and weight over the center of the board makes such a difference...yet so very hard to do.
years ago I heard a great remark that seems to apply to pretty much everything -- a person was talking about, I think, protests at columbia university in the late 60s. he said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter how committed you were, how cool you were, who you knew or what you knew, all that mattered was whether or not you were there".
I didn't think they were total kooks. I guess it's hard not to judge. We all do it when we paddle out. Easy to criticise surfers less capably and also bemoan the pricks that are better and don't share. Sometimes you are the former and some times the latter. You soon get to know where you belong in the lineup.
A lot of poeple never get to surf waves of that size and power ...so fuknhell good on em for having a crack ...who cares if ya fuk one up ...every fkr is a critic ...would of been a hoot being there with everybody having a go ...oh yeah all you legends see how you go when your coming back from a bad injury or you get old ...youll be the fkr being called the kook
Just a general comment , doesn't matter who is doing it. But I don't like the look of the 2 handed drag stall thing. Much rather watch a faded bottom turn to snap under the lip or an old fashioned tail breaking stomp stall. Just reeks commitment.
Perfect summation,
I've been on a lot of message boards/forums in the last 20 years, and I've been reading this one for about a month.
In all that time, I must say that I've never run across one like Swellnet, where the commenters are so ignorant yet seem believe that they are intelligent. It's mind-boggling. (Not every single poster, but certainly the vast majority.) Keep it up--it's quite entertaining to watch a group of grown men embarrass themselves so thoroughly!
Slings and barbs from the sidelines.
Can you suggest any surf related forums that meet your lofty standards?
I think he’s talking more along the lines of responding to replies to his “space to rent” ads for his bussy on Grindr?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Every time I want to get a bit more of that intelligence stuff, a good bing read of Viz magazine seems to help
what will happen is you'll post here a bit, and then slightly more, and then become one of us :)
Someone said it's a bit like North Point, could be interesting.
Loved the pics groundswell, time well spent.
VJ that was likely me BV is nothing like NP as waves go I was just comparing the degree of difficulty.
Hey Stu, any idea if the weekly Indo forecasts are coming back ?
BV's is heavier than it looks. Shifty joint, with a shallow inside. Good on em for having a crack. I'm sure they are out there, but I haven't surfed a break that makes you generate speed like Norths does.