Watch: Praya Mentawai Stranded at Lance's Right

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Jared talks about the footage he captured of the Praya Mentawai becoming stranded and then wrecked on the reef at Lance's Right.

My first time traveling to and around Indo has been a TRIP to say the least!

Last Thursday, the 25th of November and Thanksgiving day back in the states…We witnessed the Praya Mentawai charter boat get stuck on the reef and ultimately get shipwrecked at one of the most famous breaks in the Mentawais, Hollow Trees/Lance’s Right. Fortunately, no one was injured during the event.

With the help of local efforts, Hollow Tree Resort, and crew the boat’s remains have been meticulously cleared and the break still remains alive and well!

Huge shoutout to @htsresort @mentawaisurfco for the AMAZING stay and orchestrating such a massive effort to keep the beach/reef clean and the wave “unharmed”.

*Disclaimer: I was awoken to the disarray and ultimately wasn’t prepared to film that morning but, managed to document the event. Hence, the fogging lens and not the crispiest shots…


A post shared by Jared (@jared.from.nugway)



Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 8:58am

"Meticulously cleared and the break remains alive & well...."
Except for the shit and oil and petrol and plastics and metals and other debris lying on the reef for eternity....
We humans are freakin delusional about the trails we leave behind.

Logical's picture
Logical's picture
Logical Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 3:40pm

but humans will always have an impact as me make stuff, travel etc.
So issue is harmony with nature.
That can only be achieved with global population reduction.
The greedy big end of town do not want you to know we are about to double our world pulation in about 50 yeras. As executive bonuses come 90% from revenue growth - which these days is only via more customers = more immigrtaion = more people.
So they fooled us into fighting climate change on carbon - instead of over population.

And big business, the media, politics all benefit from more people.
That is why these 3 all support carbon based climate change HOAX.

benwaa's picture
benwaa's picture
benwaa Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 6:53pm

Far from "logical" rant there Logical... you're all over the shop!

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 9:27pm

I dunno benwaa.....the illusion of infinite growth in a finite world I think is the point Logical is making. Climate change is just one outcome of unbalanced growth. We might win the battle of climate, only to find in the new cooler world that there aren't enough carrots to go around.....

benwaa's picture
benwaa's picture
benwaa Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 11:10pm

Ah - I love an impassioned argument as much as the next but "Logical" ran aground on the literal reef... good of you to attempt a "meticulous cleanup" but there are spelling issues and hyperbole leaching from the bilge. Hopefully in our post-apocalyptic world spelling will be a thing.. Also - no mention in this article of the Crowd Funding for the cleanup of this shit-show.. Hopefully the $$ went to the locals who probably did most of the work (including a barge pumping diesel from the ships tanks) and not just to benefit the Brazilian owners of the Praya Mentawai. Like most, I'm with the locals on this one.

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 2:24pm

I was about to try and make your argument walk the plank benwaa, but I was all at sea as to the sheer cyclone of metaphors and alliteration. I was sea sick with the dazzling brilliance, like water off a becalmed ocean. So I flew the flag of capitulation, hoisted the sails and moved on to new thoughts - new horizons, feeling like a veritable skiff against your frigate of metaphors.....
Free to fight another day, keeping my powder dry and happy to stick my salty sea dog face into other issues.
In thanks....

mattlock's picture
mattlock's picture
mattlock Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 8:26pm

His secretery probably misinterprated his dictation.

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 7:25pm


dandandan's picture
dandandan's picture
dandandan Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 1:42pm

This kind of Malthusian rubbish keeps popping its head up despite decades of scholarship tearing it to pieces. It might seem like common sense, but even a cursory glance at the issue at hand here should be enough to make you question it.

The world can sustain many millions more humans that live like those in the Mentawai Islands. Most of the world, in fact, lives with as little impact as they do - as you say, "in harmony with nature". But can the world sustain more boatloads of Brazilians/Australians/Americans/Etc who fly across vast stretches of ocean to go on a surfing holiday for two weeks and crash their oil-leaking boats onto reefs? No. The problem is not over population. The problem is over consumption by people like us - and yes, I'm as big a hypocrite as any. The annual output of carbon released into the atmosphere by the activities of a single surf resort in the Mentawais undoubtedly outweighs the cumulative impact of the surrounding villages across an entire decade. A tiny segment of the human population is responsible for the vast majority of negative environmental impacts.

This is still my go-to to bang the overpopulation myth on the head and is worth reading:

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Monday, 13 Dec 2021 at 4:35pm

Good on you Dan, and always inclined to be influenced by anything you put up, but over-population and over-consumption are two sides of the same coin. Either we populate less, or consume less. I think the capitalist pig-dogs just assume that us westerners aren’t interested in having less.

I suspect they’re right, although I hate to agree with a capitalist pig-dog.

Population increases are just another Ponzi scheme. The other side of it is that we will top out around 9 billion, according to most scientific articles I read on the subject, and that is without taking into account any future pandemics or serious effects of climate change.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 11:35am

The first 10 secs...
thats just water draw of the incoming set thats Rocking the boat ?
Hardly a big swell..huge amount of Force..

Blingas's picture
Blingas's picture
Blingas Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 1:03pm

How much does a boat like that cost?

epictard's picture
epictard's picture
epictard Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 1:15pm

In its current state? $7.50 and a bag of chips. ;-)

john wise's picture
john wise's picture
john wise Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 9:46am


seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 4:28pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 2:04pm

Second hand they go for as cheap as $30K but often need as much money in maintenance, so expect about $100K if fully operational and maintained, dont know new price but maybe $150-200K+ new for local built timber fitted out.

Don't know about this one but i know some other timber crap charter boats have gone down uninsured.

theinsider's picture
theinsider's picture
theinsider Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 4:24pm

I know a few of these guys, they seem like decent lads and have been at it for a few seasons now. I know that just did a major overhaul and update of the cabins & ammenities on the boat, so fingers crossed they updated the insurance policy as well.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 4:38pm

If they had it insured....
Marine insurance would be pretty much worthless on a vessel like that..

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 2:07pm

Crazy how fast it get ripped to bits, no judgment on these guys but there really is some dodgy boats and operators in the Mentawai's there has been at least half a dozen burn up sunk or smashed up on the reefs in the area or Padang.

Quite a few sitting in the river half sunk or close in Padang too.

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 2:25pm

Yea...Im not an engineer - but bloody hell - that looked like a matchstick and glue stick toy. One small amount of cross structural force and it looked like a piano accordion.
Are boats meant to do that? How does it survive a cross wave? Crazy.

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 2:27pm

Why is it anchored in the impact zone? So weird.

Iced vovo's picture
Iced vovo's picture
Iced vovo Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 2:31pm

A barge washed up at Shipwrecks recently as well

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Saturday, 11 Dec 2021 at 1:52pm

A most aptly named break to get shipwrecked on

Cockee's picture
Cockee's picture
Cockee Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 4:48pm

I doubt they'd anchor that boat as close at Chopes! Did it drift off it's anchor into the line-up?

dean maddison's picture
dean maddison's picture
dean maddison Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 6:23pm

The hassle at HTs starts way before you get to surf it . Skippers jockey there way into any semi vacant mooring in the channel. These boats arent small boats like chopes. Sometimes a new arrival will shunt another for position. The frothers on each boat from all nations are already in attack mode . Its a deep channel but im not surprised one went on the reef . Maybe busted anchor rope or engine failure or bad skipper .Who knows?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 6:59pm

100% everyone wants to get a good view of the wave and as close as possible.

Being small they pronely anchored closer to the wave than should have, possibly lost anchor somehow dragged or snapped and next minute they are on the reef, could happen pretty fast.

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Saturday, 11 Dec 2021 at 1:57pm

You're talking pre pandemic conditions regarding boat crowding.
Most of the boat charters are out of business or in mothballs currently.
And in november it's low season and a lot of the boats have wrapped up for the season.
There's no footage of another boat close by in that video.
Whatever the reason the incident occurred,it wasn't due to a channel packed with boats that can barely find space to anchor that's for sure.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Saturday, 11 Dec 2021 at 2:12pm

ndo-dreamingSATURDAY, 4 DEC 2021 at 8:43AM
Apparently boat load of Brazzo bodyboarders, last day of their trip, skipper just screwed up parking the boat and got to close to the reef.

Cockee's picture
Cockee's picture
Cockee Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 8:21pm

If that's the case the skipper should be court-martialled.

Charlie Brown's picture
Charlie Brown's picture
Charlie Brown Tuesday, 7 Dec 2021 at 10:06am

It's not a naval boat Cockee :)

SA Wetdog's picture
SA Wetdog's picture
SA Wetdog Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 9:04pm

Does Anyone know if Nusa Dewata will be up and running again once borders open up?

Komodo's picture
Komodo's picture
Komodo Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 10:03pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 8:43am

Apparently boat load of Brazzo bodyboarders, last day of their trip, skipper just screwed up parking the boat and got to close to the reef.

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 7:26pm

A boat load of Brazzo bodyboarders ay? Sounds like a gaddamn nightmare.

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 8:38pm

Or one hell of a fanfare.

Tim Mitchell's picture
Tim Mitchell's picture
Tim Mitchell Sunday, 5 Dec 2021 at 7:29am

Stuff happens! Can anyone tell me who that is on the soundtrack?

dean maddison's picture
dean maddison's picture
dean maddison Sunday, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:09am

Gotta luv a boat load of Brazzos. Hasslin' for the inside before they're even off the boat.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Sunday, 5 Dec 2021 at 2:18pm

haha dean, good one

bilbo's picture
bilbo's picture
bilbo Sunday, 5 Dec 2021 at 11:45am

way to many boats anyway the indo government should have a moratorium on the number of boats do the maths 3 full boats =
45 kelly slatter want to be,s , plus then add land camps oh and don't forget the locals = paradise lost

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 12:51pm

Made of balsa wood that thing.

spiggy topes's picture
spiggy topes's picture
spiggy topes Monday, 13 Dec 2021 at 12:36pm

Maybe a steel hull could have survive a couple of tides but a timber hull perched on a reef in an ebb tide is almost condemned fatally. Once the coral has gored a hole in the planking the structure (ribs, keel, floors, bulkheads) is completely vulnerable and one decent wave can break her in half. There was a beautifully built Aussie yacht destroyed near us on an offshore rock in next to no swell a few years ago. Bits of Huon pine floating around, it was a depressing sight. But it's lives that matter most and I'm sure this crew did their best in the circumstances.

dean maddison's picture
dean maddison's picture
dean maddison Wednesday, 15 Dec 2021 at 6:52pm

2014 me and my brother went from Padang to Nyang Nyang in an 8m indo dugout with half roof and 2 outboard motors. 6 hrs. Hit large palm trunks on 2 separate occassions . Mentawaii captain and guide restarted motors both times. Only reason the boat wasn't destroyed was that the bottom of the boat was carved from a massive tree , upper bits attached. A fibreglass boat would have been totalled. Seemed to me that the hull of the Praya Mentawaii may have been ok just all the other bits came apart when it rolled.