Watch: Dane Reynolds and co.

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)

Most Marine Layer edits come with a long, often barbed, sometimes poignant, spiel written by Dane himself. It's always worth a read as a foot-in-the-door snapshot of Dane's World - the last hold out railing against the might of industry.

Alas, this one comes nude. No words, just moving images of Dane and mates surfing around home.


jacksprat's picture
jacksprat's picture
jacksprat Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 3:03pm

The only interesting person in the surfing industry. By the way, look up the meaning of spiel. You are using it out of context, unless you particularly mean to be catty.

wallpaper's picture
wallpaper's picture
wallpaper Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 8:10pm

If you're using 'interesting' and 'surfing industry' in the same sentence then context is not your strong point.

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 3:48pm

Out of curiosity I looked it up. What dictionary are you using?

From my 1984 copy of the Oxford English Dictionary:
"Spiel, (sl) n, (Esp. glib or long) speech or story"

Today, I would say most people would take it to mean a slightly long winded story. The glib not so much these days. Where did you get the "catty" from?

As for the clip, I felt it could have done with some of Dane's musings. The surfing was nothing particularly special.

Bob Hawke Surf Team's picture
Bob Hawke Surf Team's picture
Bob Hawke Surf Team Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 3:57pm

…or from Merriam-Webster: spiel (noun), a voluble line of often extravagant talk. Pretty apt.

Jaspo's picture
Jaspo's picture
Jaspo Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 5:53pm

how's the 2:57ish bottom turn. thing is so fast dane didn't even know where to go with it

tango's picture
tango's picture
tango Monday, 1 Nov 2021 at 10:11pm

That was like a 2:30am drink in a nightclub.

More Dane required.

surfer1971's picture
surfer1971's picture
surfer1971 Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021 at 8:56am

Dane still surfs well but you can see that he is slowing down compared to a few years ago. He never used to fall in the past. Still entertaining compared to the rest of the surfing going on.

epictard's picture
epictard's picture
epictard Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021 at 11:00am

Was good to hear some Femmes as a surf track. Suited the visuals nicely.
As for the surfing; I think that it was a refreshing change to see the reality with falls included. Maybe not suitable most of the time, but made for a relaxing and enjoyable watch.

simesy's picture
simesy's picture
simesy Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021 at 10:27pm

Anyone else notice the decent sized dorsal fin out the back at 9:25?! Probs a dolphin right?

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 8 Nov 2021 at 6:33pm

Nah. Turned off after 7.00 and the 500th one turn wave. Was that Rio?