Watch: Nathan Florence and the Teahupoo Horror Show
"Teahupoo goes psycho on Friday the 13th!"
Nathan Florence rolls two horror movie titles into the description of his latest blog. If it seems at odds with the blue water and bright Tahitian sun, wait for the seven minute mark when the bottom begins to drop out on those west bowls.
It's twenty minutes long but worth your time to sit and watch.
He was able to fly in during a state of emergency or whatever. I can’t move 5km. Go figure
My first thought too.
Compelling viewing, but not a spoken thought for the locals whose homes are being damaged.
No acknowledgement that he's been to Mexico recently, then back to Hawaii, then to Tahiti, very possibly spreading Covid along the way.
A child trapped in a man's body is the only way to perceive most of these guys...
Hey NB, I’ve Commented on this topic below. Getting ridiculed lol. People need to wake up. We’re in a so called health emergency where countless Aussies are stuck abroad, some for more than 18 months, unable to return because of the scary covaids, meanwhile planes carrying Afghani nationals are landing on Oz soil. Clown world mate. About bloody time people grew some balls and turn their backs on these insane govt mandates. Stop complying and the tyranny will disappear, acquiesce for too much longer and we’ll be living the communism dream (nightmare).
Hmmm, yeah but I wouldn't equate rich pro surfers making more content with evacuating people who would otherwise be hunted and killed for helping the 'Coalition of the Willing' to do what they did.
More Hazares and less influencers would vastly improve Australia, IMHO.
We should be allowed to travel. Not hating on the Afghanis. Definitely not hating on the pros. Good on em. Lucky bastards. But why not the plebs? Because of the covaids that’s killed less than 1000 people in 18 months? Meanwhile, in 2019 the 23rd highest cause of death in Oz was some liver condition with a bit over 1300 deaths. No destroying the economy and small businesses then. No “papers please” and border checkpoints then. No threats of forced experimental mRNA injections then. We are living in some sort of mass hypnosis brain wash of the willing and compliant.
You've been on the algae again, have you Banquet?
Some of those guys looked like they summitted Everest, others like they'd fallen off it.
reminds me of Bribie shore break, not.
and, how do (more) people not die out there?
Watching Nathan watch one of those first tow waves - bloke gets totally eaten up and the guys are just hooting and smiling.
If that was my mate I'd be freaking I'd just witnessed his death!
Probably just thinking that's one less bloke in the line up to deal with.
'I love the smell of napalm / avgas / diesel / petrol in the morning'. Take your pick, they're (nearly) all in the frame here.
Nuts of steel.. great viewing..
Couple of thoughts:
- there really is nothing like Teahupoo
- Nathan looked so much more solid than any of the other natural footers out there, absolute demon (small waves withstanding)
- these travelling Hawaiian, Brazilian, American pro free surfers appear to give zero fucks about where they go despite the situation in the world
My first thought is how the fuck are all these surfers travelling around the world ? Clearly a whole crew of fly ins there. Think i saw Fanning at lowers today - how and why.
Second thought - that wave is fucking madness. I'd shit myself just sitting in the channel.
Rules for the “elites” and the bread and circuses mob (film/entertainment/sports industries). Rules for the plebs (us). The answer to your question is that orchestrated tyranny is being imposed on everyday people via medical martial law. Ffs the covid has a 99.97+% survival rate across all age groups. These bullshit lockdowns and muzzling have nothing to do with “health” and everything to do with control. The CDC stated a month ago that the PCR “test” can’t differentiate between influenza and COV SARS-2. It’s a scam. The quaccine companies have indemnity when it comes to any adverse effects and deaths. Most Oz politicians are corrupt and drunk with power. George Christiansen is an exemption. His statement in parliament yesterday explains it all. We Aussies need to wake up. And quickly. We as a nation and a world are in deep shit if we don’t. Have a skim over Klaus Shwab’s Great Reset and the rest of the World Economic Forum’s plans. “The year is 2030, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”. Follow the money. Turn off your TV.
AB - Are you Eddie Wearne from shed 9?
You sounds as cooked as he is.
Haha, funny. It’s a simple warning mate. I don’t care whether you believe a word. IMO if we collectively don’t turn this ship around we’ll be running aground on the razor sharp reef of communism. The lack of surfing in our lives at that stage will be the least of our concerns. Just saying. Good luck GF
yeah and maybe you should start turning off the internet garbage you refer to as 'research'
It’s coming boys and girls. Keep your heads in the sand if you want, trust the pollies, listen to the nightly news, enjoy your delusion, it’s your choice. If you reckon the new normal won’t drastically impact our surfing lifestyle and our kid’s future freedom then you’re in for a big shock. Good luck.
Sorry AB you're cooked. Anyone who refences George Christiansen, the minister for manila strippers, loses any shred of credibilty instantly. Go home, turn off the computer mate.
Ok mate, I better turn that TV back on and start gobbling the brainwash. Thanks for the advice lol! Re: George C, yeah I understand your point, but there are very few political representatives standing up for us the people and opposing the corporations. Speaking of which, you do know the Aussie govt is a corporation registered in Washington DC don’t you?
Uh oh. A sovereign nutter. All good tiger, I'm out. Good luck with your court challenges, peace
Yeah I’ll do alright in court when the time comes, see I’ve be paying attention to what’s been going on. Good luck with what’s coming mate. If we stand together vs the corruption we stand a chance, divided we fall. Ffs we can’t even cross the border to Qld. And if you reckon getting quaccinated is the solution, you might be rethinking that when you’re being forced to have your 6th booster haha! Anyway, my motivation is to alert my surfing brothers and sisters so our lifestyle continues way into the future because I’ve a feeling the commies will be clamping down on our “frivolous” passion. Just saying.
Lmao nutter. You don't even know what communism is. Rofl.
Fucken old baby boomers ruining the world blindly bowing down to a government. Your the reason Australians are the softest most stupid people in earth. I bet you invested in coal, invested in pharmaceutical and were rewarded all your life by the banks. What could be wrong? You are blind to the reality of the majority of humanity and the pressures associated with even having to get through a day. Covid while real is politically a load of shit
I'll take those bets, Numbatt.
Knowing Clif, your description and assertions couldn't be more wrong, so I'll take the small leap and apply that to every other aspect of your post.
Apologies for the attack on character, I'm sure he is a nice hearted bloke.
Seperation is a greater issue in modern day society than disease. I just get so frustrated when I see people bad mouth others for having the guts to tell it as they feel it is. I came to the defense swinging. I'm sure future generations will hate on me for having to make do with what we think is right today being wrong tomorrow. Freedom!
Ahhaha, such a funny reply Clif. We as a free country are in deep shit. We’ve got to stop blindly obeying the corrupt psycho politicians’ rules. They’re not laws, they are unconstitutional rules. If we keep going along with it Australia will fall. All this track and trace bullshit leads to one place: CCP style communism with social credit scores, etc... which eventually leads to Bolshevism. It might be wise to open your eyes a bit mate.
Dude, those who live in comfort and have been rewarded all their lives by remaining compliant will happily attack others who speak for the greater good of all humanity on Earth.
Good luck.
Wow, you think your view is that important? I can assure you that you do not speak for me. Get vaxxed, stay home, wear a mask and then I’ll agree that you’re doing your bit for the greater good of humanity. If not, you’re just another misguided FrEeDuMb fighter.
You get vaxxed mate. Keep getting your boosters like a good little boy when the all-knowing govt tells you. Keep wearing that mask 12 hours a day depriving yourself of oxygen and reabsorbing your exhaust fumes. The main cause of death during the Spanish Flu “pandemic” was actually from bacterial pneumonia associated with all the excessive mask wearing. The “great” covid expert Dr Fauci wrote a paper about it in 2008. Keep hiding in your house because some public servant on $600K/year says so. Your choice. Me? I’m going to take my chances with something that’s got a 99.97+% survival rate, fuck their tyranny.
I was curious about the Fauci claim. I read his 2008 paper and it does not attribute deaths to masks. Have you read it? Here's the paper:
(an easier read:
In the US, Brazil, UK, Italy for example, about 0.2% of the population has already died of COVID. Assuming that *everyone* there has already had COVID (unlikely), that makes the survival rate at most 99.8% - and that is with vaccines and lockdowns. Without them, the rate would be way lower. At just a 0.2% fatality rate, for Australia that means at least 40,000 would die. Without vaccines and lockdowns that would be many many more (collapse of medical infrastructure). For you, what number of dead Australians is acceptable to trade for a lockdown? More like 2,000,000, or as low as 100,000?
You don't speak for me or anyone I know, mate.
In fact....and here I'll make an assertion....I'll wager you've been compliant your whole life; never deigned to care about anyone's freedom. Doubt you've ever considered it. Never cared for North Koreans, bored with Burmese, wouldn't even know how to pronounce Uighur. For decades of your adult life there have been people oppressed, living in fear, and you haven't done a damn thing about it.
Even in lockdown, Australia is a utopian dream for vast swathes of people, but now you want to be considered the saviour of "all humanity" because your docile existence has been stirred.
You need to get a grip on yourself.
I’m sounding an alarm because I genuinely care about this country, the people and the surfing life. Believe it or not, it’s 5 mins to midnight on our freedoms here in Oz. “Show us ya papers!” Where have we heard that before? “Quarantine” camps opening up across Australia. Latest one next to Wellcamp Airport outside Toowoomba. Writing is on the wall people. The concept of continually complying till we get our freedoms back is absolutely absurd in its naivety. Lockdowns, masking won’t ever go away if compliance is your attitude. This segregation of society into the quaxxed and unquaxxed is no different in its design to the segregation that occurred in 1938 Germany. Soak up that up utopia while you can mate. Because, If there’s too little resistance to the tyrannical govt mandates it’ll be gone before we know it and will never return.
I ain't a fan of the Libs, but if you think they're setting us up for Communism you've spent far too long on Facebook.
Turn it off, mate. Go outside. Read a book....maybe not Orwell...the same debate happened in 1983 with the Australia Card and it was built on the same misinformation being peddled now.
Thanks for the advice. Ditched fascist book 6+ years ago. Yeah, I’m well read. Funny you don’t recommend 1984 considering it’s pretty much what’s happening and about to happen here. 2021 is a different kettle of fish to 1983 mate. Look around. I’m sounding an alarm nothing else.
That's kinda funny when you think about it:
We're about to revisit 1984, but it's very different to 1983.
Take it easy, mate. Hope you get a few hollow ones.
I had a chuckle At that myself haha! Good on ya Stu! Planning on getting as barrelled as I can for as long as I can.
I'm out. This is way too agro extremist, sorry for being a part of this. Peace
AB I’m happy to poke fun at you and your numpty logic, but as soon as you compare a health crisis with the deliberate extermination of 6,000,000 people you go from being a harmless tool to an utter fwit. Give yourself an uppercut and a 12 months ban off YouTube FFS
More great advice. Thanks Surfalot (may soon to be surfnotalot lol). Listen mate, I’m trying to help here. Just giving some measured advice based on critical thinking, logic and observation of history and the current world around us. If you disagree with me, that’s fine, you’re free to do so. Unfortunately, soon we may not have the “freedom” to disagree with what the govt says. Is freedom dead at that point? Maybe you agree with Arnie when he quoted this week, “screw your freedoms”? My opinion: fuck Arnie, fuck the govt.
You wouldn’t know anything other than freedom.
Hmm?.... Quaccine passports, mandatory muzzles, mandatory experimental injections, lockdowns (house arrest) with one hour exercise per day (within 5Km), helicopters and drones monitoring distancing and behaviours. Is that freedom? People in this country are now living under medical martial law. Do you honestly reckon the govt will just roll back all these rules once the magical 70-80% get jabbed? Most people I know will never submit to the shot. What happens to the unjabbed? Do they end up in the camps? Are they To be considered a lesser class of citizen segregated from society?
"I'm trying to help" - nominating that for quote of the year. I'd hate to see you try and f*ck things up, AB.
But I'm truly glad there are freedom fighters like you ready to lay it all down in the name of liberty. I'm sure you think Medicare, disability pensions, Workcover, the pension, the public hospital system, local councils, the ambos....they're all just the man owning our collective arse. Freedom, brother.
Yes, seems to be that way mate
You are 100% right.
Lucas Chumbo's wave at 11:17 was a well ridden mental warping beast.
He catches an edge at one stage and if was any less of a rider, or without straps, he would have gone down.
So much happens in a millisecond.
To briefly touch on a previous comment , without starting a heated debate. People from the US and other countries do appear to be able to travel abroad without the restrictions and red tape that we do in Oz. Lets hope they are taking precautions to keep everywhere and everyone safe when they travel.
It feels like another lifetime ago that travel was simply a luxury of time and money, not a dream that has become a frustrating nightmare.
Yeah, but just because you can, should you?
Considering Nathan's other option is to stay in his own slice of paradise with slightly less content, wealth and massive tube count than his already substantial amounts.
The Millenium wave!
It takes a lot more to be the first, that to replicate!
I still remember Laird riding this wave, being broadcast for the first time. Absolutely mind blowing!!!
I guess its similar to Roger Bannister being the first to run a mile in under 4 minutes. No one had EVER done it in history, but now on average 25 people run a sub 4 minute mile each year. Record is down to 3:45.
Laird opened Teahupoo up to the world, to the masses. Made us see what was possible, and what was on offer.
How's the lack of boats and people in the channel and in the lineup?? Insane. Very different to today.
As for the priveleged few travelling the world like nothing is wrong - its mind blowing. I've barely left my postcode this year, but some of these guys are somehow travelling the planet like nothing ever changed.
One thing is for certain, we are all (well most of us anyway) looking forward to a world functioning as we used to know it!!!
Lairds' mack session here was really something... and every mack session each year since has been really something...
Looks as though I too will continue to enjoy this waves spirit for a long time through the lense of other ... lucky buggers!
How perfect was it. Just sensational.
And his surfing for the time was something else. He was mucking around on half those straps.
2000 ...geez that long ago now...went and saw that movie when Jack was showing it around and was blowin away by Lairds waves/wave like everyone else at the time....but funny how things change ....Lairds wave is still an awesome wave but what the local guys and a few blowins are taking on now are on another level again....
that was mental. compelling viewing. I couldn't stop watching. They're all fucken mad!!
Seems like a good human. The whole Florence clan does. Eye of the tiger. I'd be stoked paddling out with him in any sort of solid surf. He seems like the sort of dude that would push you way beyond your own fear and limits just from his pure froth and stoke levels
Fuck that place has to be the 8th wonder of the world. Loved the Brazzon Chumbo's wave too. One of the best stand tall arms outstretched poses i've seen on a wave that round from all the footage over the years. Iconic.
I was holding my breath watching that. Loved the ski angle in front of it, makes it even crazier.
The violence, though. Mad. It must be the flogging of a lifetime.
AB save your breath mate. You just can't wake everybody. If they haven't done the work to join the corporate and political dots by now they never will. Personally I'm aligned with your views and have never hoped more in my life to be wrong. At this point all you can control is your own thoughts and actions and position yourself best you can? I'm sincerely hoping the lie is exposed and we adopt the Thomas Borody model and the Schwab mob get their desserts at Nuremberg 2.0. Take care aye!
Tahiti is in for rough ride-
"Of the 463 virus-related deaths reported in French Polynesia throughout the pandemic, most took place over the past month.
Vaccine scepticism, high obesity and diabetes rates, and the decision to reopen to some tourists have been among the explanations for the current health crisis."
I hated that