Watch: Von Froth // Biggest Nazare Ever
"I always thought that the day would come where we would see a huge, huge swell with clean offshore winds."
"Since I remember looking at weather and storm maps I've never ever seen a forecast of conditions like this and Mother Nature delivered some of the craziest cleanest waves ever seen at Nazaré."
"A day for the history books, swells like this happen very few times in a lifetime. So happy to witness this day and see everyone back to shore safe."
The Euro swell of the decade subsides and now the clips mount and flourish.
First up, NvR with all his own waves, most of the day's biggest ones ridden by other surfers, and some good drone footy too.
those few rare shots from water level in front of the waves...
How's your knee health?
Bring back the biff!
"Apparently, a disagreement got physical after two crews disputed priority and wave count. As the driver of one ski pulled up alongside the other team’s ski to talk to the driver about etiquette, the surfer on the sled behind stood up and jumped on top the other driver in a rare physical confrontation in the lineup at 60ft plus Praia da Norte on Wednesday."
Full report on 'Wavelength'
Nasty looking drop in by the Frothmeister
you would be reving so hard that this type of interaction would be considered normal.
did we ever get to a working hypothesis of why people can tow surf 50ft Jaws and rip and yet when they ride Nazare they can only go straight?
Fear of getting avalanched by the wave, then copping the next one etc with no channel to wash into? I'd say that's probably it. Consequences of getting caught inside and heading towards the cliffs are none other than death. Whereas at Jaws you can keep getting pushed inside and come out fine.
A) Lack of bottom tension and concomitant extension of the wave's trough to the extent the base of some waves stretch out for hundreds of metres.
B) The 'wave' is effectively the constructive interference of two waves...two very big waves, with large periods, travelling very fast through open water, and if the surfer is to outrun them they need to be going faster again.
A + B means it's fucking hard to put a rail in.
That's my working hypothesis.
Yeah that as well.
In english Stu?
Was thinking the same. Peahi looks more cupped out. But the cliffs too. Bugger that!
Has to be one of the most boring waves to watch video of.
I'd rather watch 2ft spitting TOS than 100ft burgers.
sprout - normally i agree with you but it was bloody mesmerising the other night
Yeah fair enough Jacko. I tried some live streams but just couldn't get into it, being there would be incredible though.
likewise- fair enough. agree that being there would have been amazing. hearing the crowd on the livestream added a lot to it
that angle at 6:20 is best by a long shot.
and if that's clean, i'd hate to have to deal with any mess on it....
Looking forward to Nick visiting Toonalook Point
most fun watching Nazare I've had was the paddle-in comp in glassy 20-30footers.
otherwise, every tow wave looks the fcuking same.
True that
“We’re in for a good run, let’s go”
Don’t you just love that feeling, when you don’t know, but you do know, you’re about to have a special session
In awe of what Mother Nature is doing there. Just not sure having someone ‘surf’ that wave enhances what I’m looking at. Feel like watching someone go straight on a snowboard would be similar.
Watching it live was sick, this clip doesn't really do it justice. Big sets were frequent and visible k's out to sea, ski's were scrambling and surfers having a dig all over the place. Some getting worked and going mia for a while inside. It was mayhem at times but compelling viewing.
Anyway, Mullaghmore was the place. One for the ages and its cool that there's not a lot of footage.
So the consensus is we wanted to see Mullaghmore, but we ended up being Mullaghless. Disaster.
Three days after the 'swell of century', the waiting period for the Naz Tow Surfing Challenge Opens.
Poor ol' Woz...
The Wozzle - "Massive Swell Already Lights Up Portuguese Wonder Wave "
That's one way of putting a positive spin on things.
..and what's the story behind the drop-in..Nic should address it IMO..always 2 sides to the story..keen to hear he's not just another self-entitled wanker...
In instagram post Von Krup does get challenged few times about "that" drop in
He was adamant he had priority - despite the other guy taking off way inside on the peak
Although, watching the vid on Nic's Insta gives more of a view of the tow in - and it looks like Nic started deeper (going by jetski trails) and then the other guy whipped in behind him doing the ol' snake.
Maybe Nick's ski driver got confused when he yelled out "2nd wave of the set or the 1st one?"
Someone yelled "no" and it was heard as "go".
Watching Nazare makes me think the two best big waves in the world, daylight third, are Jaws and Cloudbreak.
nothing else comes close.
I'd say Mullaghmore comes pretty close to those two.
Agreed Jono. I'd say there's a handful around the globe you could throw in that convo but that wave of Connor Macguires was much bigger and thicker than anything that's been ridden at Cloudy.
Size doesn't's about Local Respect...
Point of Miracle is the first big wave Surfing Poster.
Here you see Portugal celebrate independence with Mary as protector of the sea.
Mary watches over Nazare's fearless Big Wave surf crew / Navy / Mayor.
Over the years, town's Fishermen shaped custom (rocker) surf craft to surf this wave.
For 1,000 surf seasons wait for the swell to rise & start surfing the big waves.
The bigger & deeper the waves they surfed the larger the haul from the canyon.
If crew pike out & camp on the shoulder, then the town starves...(Extra pressure!)
The whole town lived & surfed on the beach, gromz toughened up in the Slam Shorie.
Evil co-op ran the town & forced the surfers into Late Drops each Big Wednesday.
1,000's of Slave Surfers were sent to their death surfing Nazare's biggest waves.
Town pleaded with their evil masters for a lay day...nuthin' given...surfjustsurf!
Women in black are the widows of these brave forgotten surfers that wiped out.
The town wore surf attire...not trendy surf branded attire.
Clifftop women flashed 7 coded petticoats to countdown 7 Nazare Set Waves.
Spotters alert Women to wear petticoat count as to the daily set wave count.
Nazare is famous for these surfer dolls of 7 waves of 7 seas petticoats
Surfers wear custom 'no pocket'n'buttons'- cuffs'n'tabs > pioneered wettie designs.
Here's a traditional Surfer with his custom Nazare rocker pod Surfcraft
Women's head scarves quickly tie with surfers waist bands as rescue lines.
Past locals surfed longest sessions during biggest days & tsunamis for 1,000 years.
Nazare Tsunami surf sessions of note...
1755 (Nov 1st early morn') One of the largest surf sessions on record.
tbb is just saying that Nazare Big Wave surf fishing was prime during Tsunami era.
To discount these renowned big wave surfers of this era is a grave injustice.
Obvious to all, that 100's -1000's of past Nazare Surfers rode bigger waves!
Early Nazare Surf Vidz
1929 " Praia de Pescadores "
1930 "Maria do Mar" [10:00-] Big Wave Wipeout (Excellent re-enactment)
1952 "Nazare" The Big Wave Bloody Surf Movie / Poster
1960's Big midday shows the last fleet of super rocker trad surf craft.
Fake Trump Surf Media claim Locals were afraid to surf the wave. ( Inhumane Insult.)
Fake Trump Surf Media claim Hero Pro Surfers put backwater on the Map. (Untrue!)
Here's a photo of epic bodybasherz beach on a big day...(Much larger crowds)
2011 (Pop-15,158) First Astronaut Space Station Surfers invade Nazare.
2019 (Pop-8,993) Canyon is full of Plastic Everything & locals are priced off the Map.
(Reality) Surfers are resort enclaving Nazare from the Map.
Boyz toyz marina is too flash for original surf fishing crews
The Headland is being trampled by Show Ponies with no care of 1,000 yr surf history.
The view of the wave will soon be lost to all without a Pro Drone Academy.
Locals want POM Mighty Moose gone.
Nazare's Mayor & Jet Ski Museum glosses over gutsy Surf History of real Surfers.
No surf Memorial or 1,000 yr Big Wave craft replicas here... just the Pro Desert Bar.
Town's Gromz are deprived of true surf heritage & culture & vote with their feet.
Pro Surfing Nazare Tour Guides are Mary's VIP beast slayers at Point of Miracle.
Not one word of tragic town surf history for visitors...All about our plastic Heroes.
tbb cares little for today's fake surfers but grows tired of lies, arrogance & ignorance.
New wavers are pile driving Nazare Big Wave Surf History into the canyon.
Not one has the decency to spare a minute for pioneering fallen Slave Surfers!
Today's Nazare surfers give surfing a bad name, the sooner they're gone the better.
swellnet crew's " Biggest Nazare Big Wave History Ever " (Biggest Wed' Version)
Call it for what it is!
Nice work TBB. I visited the town back in the very early 90's at a similar time of year but no waves. Can't say I even noticed any evidence of surf culture there. Pretty quiet after the summer tourists had left, so I can imagine the local business peeps are happy to exploit the influx.
Good work TBB. Longtime Portuguese surf journo, and newly recruited Swellnet contributor Joao Valente just posted this on IG:
Thanx for sharing blackers...
Another telltale sign of mega Nazare swell is the Town itself.
Past Epic Swells run up over the beach berm to swamp the Town.
Now given the world were sunbaking & waving from the headland ....
Hazard a guess to say the town was not packing sandbags.
We can assume the "Biggest Nazare Ever" never lapped at the Town's toes.
Sure! That surf is mighty really is huge & none dispute that.
But nowhere near as big as our Hero's Toy Boy's biggest ever arm span.
Sorry! Not the biggest Surfed Nazare Waves...not in the last 100 or 1,000 years.
Scientists continually warn that days of even bigger swells are approaching fast...
Dig deeper for Biggest Ever Leggo Lighthouse gift Shop to beam even bigger claims.
...just saying the big wave surfers could gain cred with a welcome to sacred site.
Each session respect the 1,000 years of surf sacrifices that cushion thy arses.
Ok! Sure..Brizzos also lashed Convicts to surf The Big Wet swells at Goldie WSR.
Equally OZ surfing will keep whitewashing The History of Stickers! (Let's skip that!)
tbb estimates surfers need a million more "Biggest Ever Days" to belt respect into us!
As for crediting a World Record Big Wave Ride in 2020 Nazare...Good Luck!
Toxic Resources of 10,000's laboured hands from 7 seas & continents & Earth's core.
Support Space Stations of every Dr No, Madman, Monster & Machine.
Untold layers of goop & condoms inoculate the crew from icky Nazare wave droplets.
Makes doing the dishes seem like a surf safari...
To claim wot exactly, not an ounce of credit & will never stack up in history of Nazare.
Today's hero claims...have least local Nazare surfing connection in over 1,000 years.
Town is recording this time as the most selfish, destructive, cowardly Nazare surfing era...
A time when none surfed with local resourced surfcraft or town's interest at heart.
Just who are these Toxic Overlords & why did they disintegrate Nazare Townsfolk.