Watch: Shippies during lockdown

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)

It's been five years since Talon Clemow released 'Thundercloud' and scooped every surf and action movie award in 2015.

Since then, Talon's moved south from his native Gold Coast, set up home in Tasmania, and begun work on another film equally as wide-ranging and cinematic as 'Thundercloud'.

Adamant he wasn't going to make another version of the same film, Talon challenged himself with a focus on people. In this case it's a documentary about Marti, Mikey, James, and Tyler - Tasmania's four-pronged surfing spearhead. The movie charts their rise out of a surfing backwater, but also shines a historical light on the waves that propelled them onto covers and clips around the world.

Talon doesn't have a finished title yet - at least not one that's he's willing to share - and a distribution deal is mid-negotiation, so talk of a release date is a little early. Likely it'll be some time next spring or summer.

What he does have is a closing sequence, and that's the session captured in the clip above. With the country in COVID lockdown and a huge swell hitting the bluff, Talon knew he had a closed set. His was the only film team and no-one else was coming, making each wave an exclusive.

The above clip is a bit shaky, it's a behind-the-scenes look after all, and the very best waves aren't shown - Talon's hanging onto that exlcusive footage - but it gives an insight into the difficulties of the process. Keep it in mind when this coming summer you're applauding the polished version of Talon's latest masterwork.


Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 9 Jun 2020 at 6:39pm

Epic. Raw footage like this is a million times more enjoyable than all the slow-mo, zoomed in, shit song clips out there.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Tuesday, 9 Jun 2020 at 7:05pm

I feel seasick

boxright's picture
boxright's picture
boxright Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 7:29am

Same. Pass the ginger.

Good to hear abut the film. Thundercloud was hands and away the best surf film of its age.

blower's picture
blower's picture
blower Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:46pm

Sick, a bunch of mates having a ball.

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Friday, 12 Jun 2020 at 7:31pm

Lucky buggerz...

chris.mcguire's picture
chris.mcguire's picture
chris.mcguire Monday, 15 Jun 2020 at 1:05pm

We were lucky enough to drop in mid fishing trip! It was a great spectical and thanks to the surfers for getting out there.