Surf Abu Dhabi Pro: Day Two

freeride76's picture
By Steve Shearer (freeride76)
Photo: WSL/Geada

Surf Abu Dhabi Pro: Day Two

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)
Form Guide

The history of pro surfers making political statements is a short but noteworthy one. For the sake of the argument, it begins with the most impactful example. In 1985, World Champion Tom Carroll boycotted three ASP events in apartheid South Africa, likely costing him a third world title. In 1987 Cheyne Horan surfed in South Africa but with Free Mandela stickers prominent on his board.

Trumping all of those for mainstream coverage in the age of the internet was Tyler Wright's statement during the 2020 Tweed Coast Pro where she took a knee with fist raised for 439 seconds (one second for every Aboriginal life lost in custody) with BLACK LIVES MATTER in texta on the bottom of her board aimed at the camera. It made worldwide news and was explicitly supported by the WSL. Black surfer and action sports commentator Sal Masekela said he was moved to tears by the gesture.

“I never thought,” he said in a 2022 ESPN piece, “I would see any top surfer be brave enough to take a stand."

Tyler (WSL/Diz)

This was just under a year after Wright publicly came out as gay in the WSL event in Maui, Dec 2019, following a long hiatus from the sport due to illness. This also had the explicit support of the WSL. Chief of Sport Jessi Miley-Dyer claiming, "It was important to let her know we support her."

"Tyler will be a leader for other women and men," continued Miley-Dyer, "and I want other people who are thinking of making the same decision to know we will also support them."

It unleashed a wave of activism from the two-time world champ which has come to define this second act of her career.

She said following the Black Lives Matter protest that she felt, “extremely lucky to be in this position, and to have the platform that I have and to be able to use it in this way,” and that “I don’t agree with being apolitical. It’s a human rights thing and human decency and I just don’t see how anyone can really argue with that."

Her vision was quite unsparing: she looked at surfing while she was ill and she didn't like what she saw. “I will continue to be vocal regardless of what anyone really thinks. I think surfing has views and I want to challenge some of them. We’ve done a good job marketing ourselves as counter culture, rebels, progressive, but I think surfing is on the conservative side and has a dominant hetero-patriarchal ideology at its core.”

Patriarchal systems come in many flavours of course, none more hardcore than the monarchies of the Middle East Gulf States.

Tyler (WSL/Diz)

Explicit in all her statements was a pledge. “I believe in inclusivity and equality,” she said in a 2023 Sydney Morning Herald article. “It doesn’t just come and go when I like it."

"Being out of the sport made me look at surfing with honest eyes," Wright said in a 2021 ESPN profile. "I realised if I'm coming back, I am going to show up with who I am as a human first. Surfing needs people who are going to get into boardrooms and have hard conversations. I'm asking for equality for women, equality for the LGBTQ+ community, equality for black and brown and indigenous people. I honestly don't care about winning more world titles. But I know what gets me in the room."

Equality is not a feature of society in the Gulf States. Emiratis run the society and collect the oil receipts, white expats do the well-paid white collar work, and poor, brown people do the labour that builds the skyscrapers, the artificial islands and now the wave-pools. Mostly south Asians: Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalese, Phillipinos.

Is it slavery..? Depends on your definition. Labourers are bonded to an employer and subject to incredibly hot, brutal work with a very high unexplained death rate. Quite simply, they are worked to death.

Gay people, if it needs to be said explicitly, stay firmly in the closet.

Tyler (WSL/Diz)

The WSL may have backed up Wright's Black Lives Matter stand saying: “Surfing is for everyone and the WSL stands in solidarity to proactively work against racism and fight for true equality,” and I'm sure those words sounded great at the time.

Surfing is not for everyone though, especially in the UAE. Let's be honest, migrant workers aren't getting within miles of the Abu Dhabi tub unless they are in high viz holding a shovel.

It sounds like I am castigating Wright for selling out her principles for a handful of shekels. I am not. Who could say they would not do the same? Holding and expressing principles which cost nothing is great and who could truly say if it came down to sacrificing career goals or livelihood they would not modify or abandon those principles, even if just for a short while?

All I know for sure is, once I'd taken the money I'd have to keep my mouth shut because if I did continue to try and have the “difficult conversations” it would sound so hollow and fraudulent I couldn't keep a straight face.

Tyler surfed solidly but without distinction (highest scores 6.80 and a 5.77) to be knocked out in the night session for a 9th place and $13,500 USD. The pride flag was absent from the jersey, there was no statement made and the board was blank. We are left with the counter-factual to ponder over what impact a boycott or statement would have made, à la her Black Lives Matter protest.

The day was more entertaining, with a handful of excellent scores starting to show up. This tub is vastly harder to surf well than Kelly's Lemoore version. There was an excellent ride in the first heat of the last competition there in 2023. At the equivalent stage of the 2023 event (following the night session) there were eight excellent rides from the men compared to zero from the Abu Dhabi tub (five-zero for the women). Unless you can argue pro surfers have got measurably worse at surfing since 2023, it says everything about wave quality at the new tub.

Apart from Erin Brooks, who attacked the tub with a viciousness that was almost alarming, the girls surfed conservatively with no excellent scores awarded for either Round 1 or the night session Elimination Round. Gabby Bryan looked powerful, Caity showed some flair and creativity in her lines, and Pickles had the best attack backhand on the left. It's a tricky tube to ride backhand, speed control is crucial as the space is tight, but some of the women surfers lacked even basic backside tube-riding skills.

In the world as it is, with wavepools dotted about the planet, not to mention actual real waves that barrel that seems astounding to me. Why wouldn't you pay the money, at least, and build a competent skill set for backside tube-riding, knowing you will need it to perform your job?

Pickles (WSL/Diz)

It was Heat 2 of the Round of 16 - about 4 million waves into this event before we finally saw an excellent ride. Oldest guy on tour, Jordy Smith, went back to 2011 and pulled out a Superman air mid-ride, then followed it up with some hacks and an alley-oop for an 8.17. It didn't quite feel like excellent surf but you could sense a fatigue in the judging panel over the endless parade of 5's and 6's.

What followed in the next heat was true excellence. Rookie Jackson Bunch showed the incredible power of having the opening two rides when he opened the right with a 6.50 then absolutely lacerated the left with turns, a mid-wave air and a lofted and greased alley-oop that had to go 9. Jessie Mendes said it was the best left ever ridden in any tub, anywhere. I think Gabe Medina might have a rebuttal to that.

Kanoa proved how insurmountable two solid rides laid down early were when he put so much scoreboard pressure on Filipe Toledo that he crumbled. An 8.17 and a 7.60 on a sparky, carbon quad made Toledo oversurf and choke on an end section alley-oop on the right and on a regulation turn on the left. He makes the oop, he makes the heat.

Jack Robbo looks solid. It's job done for him, making the Quarters. He can relax now after offsetting the early Pipe exit.

A wave pool Finals Day with no Medina no Toledo feels strange. Only Italo remains from the Brazilian Storm heyday, which now seems a long time ago.

Italo (WSL/Diz)

All the hoo-hah about human rights and illegal homosexuality will be long forgotten this time tomorrow - it already is.

The event will be looked at as a huge PR success for the UAE, the sheikhs will be pumped.

Will they take the next step and takeover the entire tour?

Athletes will not object. Willing workers are easy to find.

Have to be at least a 50/50 chance the pitch will have been made over the last 48hrs.


Surf Abu Dhabi Pro Women’s Qualifying Round Results:
HEAT 1: Bella Kenworthy (USA) 11.77 DEF. Brisa Hennessy (CRC) 10.66, Lakey Peterson (USA) 9.07
HEAT 2: Caroline Marks (USA) 12.67 DEF. Isabella Nichols (AUS) 12.07, Luana Silva (BRA) 7.74
HEAT 3: Caitlin Simmers (USA) 12.23 DEF. Bettylou Sakura Johnson (HAW) 9.50, Macy Callaghan (AUS) 9.24
HEAT 4: Molly Picklum (AUS) 13.83 DEF. Vahine Fierro (FRA) 12.84, Johanne Defay (FRA) 9.63
HEAT 5: Gabriela Bryan (HAW) 13.34 DEF. Tatiana Weston-Webb (BRA) 12.33, Sally Fitzgibbons (AUS) 9.07
HEAT 6: Erin Brooks (CAN) 11.80 DEF. Sawyer Lindblad (USA) 10.40, Tyler Wright (AUS) 10.30

Surf Abu Dhabi Pro Women’s Elimination Round Results:
1 - Sawyer Lindblad (USA) 7.00 
2 -  Vahine Fierro (FRA) 6.70
3 - Bettylou Sakura Johnson (HAW) 6.67
4 - Johanne Defay (FRA) 6.57
5 - Tatiana Weston-Webb (BRA) 6.47
6 - Tyler Wright (AUS) 5.77
7 - Lakey Peterson (USA) 5.70
8 - Sally Fitzgibbons (AUS) 5.30
9 - Brisa Hennessy (CRC) 5.27
10 - Luana Silva (BRA) 5.17
11 - Isabella Nichols (AUS) 5.07
12 - Macy Callaghan (AUS) 3.43

Surf Abu Dhabi Pro Men’s Round of 16 Results:
HEAT 1: Ethan Ewing (AUS) 13.60 DEF. Deivid Silva (BRA) 8.80
HEAT 2: Miguel Pupo (BRA) 13.34 DEF. Jordy Smith (RSA) 11.50
HEAT 3: Jackson Bunch (HAW) 15.73 DEF. Griffin Colapinto (USA) 10.17
HEAT 4: Rio Waida (INA) 13.90 DEF. Connor O'Leary (JPN) 13.33
HEAT 5: Italo Ferreira (BRA) 15.17 DEF. Mateus Herdy (BRA) 12.60
HEAT 6: Kanoa Igarashi (JPN) 15.77 DEF. Filipe Toledo (BRA) 12.60
HEAT 7: Jack Robinson (AUS) 13.83 DEF. Liam O'Brien (AUS) 13.00
HEAT 8: Yago Dora (BRA) 13.67 DEF. Joel Vaughan (AUS) 12.67


Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:15pm

Lets not forget the photographer incident with Felipe - the highlight of the event for me. He was gone long before it but it was nice to see the WSL under some pressure and having to deal with it on the spot. Lots of raw emotion. Fun times. We need more of it.

Vunerable's picture
Vunerable's picture
Vunerable Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:25pm

Agreed,hope he survived the cutback.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:44pm

@lostdoggy posted this on the day 1 wrap,
all's well that ends well.
Brazzos dummy-spit hard,
but they man-love just as hard.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:43pm

The extreme contrast of cultures; labourers, lords & lifestylers, reminds me of this tune...

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:43pm

I’m not a huge Flippy fan but I thought he got screwed on that call. Not so much the score on that wave but you can’t tell me having to change from a magic quad to backup thruster and the change in emotional mindset didn’t effect his next ride. He should’ve had at least an opportunity to reset before surfing his left…it’s not like they can’t make another one…

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:50pm

Did Fil - world Champ Fil - not have a proper backup board? Fucken hell, even the top pros are amateurs.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:00pm

yeh, I was floored by that - blow-outs are no doubt uncommon in a tub, but sheesh..

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:40pm

Sure he should have a backup quad to match…but even then it might not be the same “magic” one.
And the damage was done by the Woz employee’s incompetence.
And it still doesn’t address the issue of the Woz caused change in focus and concentration.

Mexican's picture
Mexican's picture
Mexican Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 12:59pm

Sheiks owning the WSL? They’d probably drop the women’s tour.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:11pm

Some athletes & Govt's set up a foundation for supporting under privileged children

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:16pm

I made a bet to myself that FR couldn't not mention 'that wetsuit' and I lost. Remarkable restraint exercised there.

I kinda enjoyed the comp as long as I was awake for it. I especially enjoyed watching the womens. Gab Bryan was impressively poweful but let down by her tube riding and little Erin Brooks- that little chipmunk farking tears.

And I'm not sorry to say- that wetsuit looks fucking stupid regardless of who wears it.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:20pm

I wonder if Tyler got advice from WSL to keep a low profile and not stir up any shit?

Either way it's a smart move keeping a low profile and not trying to push any limits.

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:26am

yeah coz keeping a low profile and not pushing limits moves society forward ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:37pm

Yeah particularly the top echelon of the sport if they were hard core re' beliefs they could just skip this event ala TC and resume at the next one. My take is that none of them feel especially hard about it and it isn't in their face on a day to day basis. Let's face it none of them are going there for a holiday anytime soon - not even Tyler. I disagree indo if anyone should be pushing the limits it is Tyler - she is well heeled and on the slow down hill to retirement - she can afford it.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 1:49pm

But im with Zen above about the wetsuit.......can anyone explain it are Rip curl thinking letting her wear that....wouldn't do their brand any favors ...........hideous

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:14pm

Great writeup FR, particularly the research.

I don't know how you sit through the entire telecast, that there is dedication. I myself have watched less than 5mins in total.

Regarding Tyler. I have been struggling to get my head around her decision to participate, particularly with everything FR wrote above and her vocal stance on so many issues close to her heart. I keep going back to money over morals, but I'm more so wondering about the contractual aspect of the WSL. Is there something in their contracts that states they must attend all events unless they are injured (or similar) to try and stop the "athletes" making a stand? The cynic in me thinks this may well be the case. The sterile and scripted post heat interviews is just one example that lead me in this direction.

peppa bluey's picture
peppa bluey's picture
peppa bluey Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 3:56pm

Or something in sponsor contracts?

R00ney's picture
R00ney's picture
R00ney Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:27pm

This exactly.
Well said fitzroy-21

wally's picture
wally's picture
wally Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:48pm

From the WSL Rule Book.

kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 8:22pm

1.17(a) Unless said CT surfer is Robert Kelly Slater or other bigger than the tour personality.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 8:25pm

Apparently on the tennis ATP, if any competitor pulls out due to inequality, the whole tournament must b cancelled. Id imagine similar legalities are across the board with all major sporting organisations.
Dont take this as gospel, just from a good source.

troppo dichotomy's picture
troppo dichotomy's picture
troppo dichotomy Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:37pm

In this day and age the moral compass should be pointed at the WSL,prostituting the sport to the highest paying customer!

R00ney's picture
R00ney's picture
R00ney Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 11:03pm


Whatsinaname's picture
Whatsinaname's picture
Whatsinaname Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:48pm

I only watched this snoozefest to see how the female progressives would do. Molly pushed the envelope the most, while Erin was a little bit more naive. Did LIV golf not teach the WSL anything?

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 2:56pm

Whatever they paid Tyler, if it means we never have to see her take a knee again or bark about inequality from her high horse, then hoo fucking ray! Gonna look pretty hollow from here on. Disappointing.
And great article FR. Someone had to say it.
(ps Tyler pic in article cracked me up).

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:54pm

reckon Lillie's curled up inside that medicine ball?

12345678's picture
12345678's picture
12345678 Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 3:01pm

Managed to watch most of the past couple of days. Definitely not the most entertaining. I’m definitely not Felipe biggest fan. But the way that incident with the camera man played out how nothing was stopped then just straight into he’s left without any explanation I thought was pretty poor form seems a bit unfair. Either way though I still think kanoa was gonna win. But still didn’t seem right to me personally. Should be good good quarters today. Would love to see Ethan take it by surfing he’s sharp smooth rail work. instead of these other guys constant premeditated alley poops

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 3:03pm

And the patriarchy prevailed with it's iron fist and bottomless pockets, and they all lived happily ever after.

J W's picture
J W's picture
J W Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 3:21pm

Filipe should have had a backup board ready, especially if he tries to lineup the camera man on the end section in anger after taking the piss for a large portion of the wave.

Then to spit the dummy was just classic brazzo bullshit

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 10:00am

100% JW

seahound's picture
seahound's picture
seahound Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:12pm

Another excellent report Steve. Delving deeper to expose certain things while also raising questions about the sport and those involved at top level. Certainly more so than any other surf journalist. Keep up the good work. I always enjoy your take on things around the event, as well as the comp itself. Even if Tyler was contracted to appear at Abu Dhabi, as all the athletes supposedly are, she still could have done a Kelly and suffered one of those mysterious opportune injuries, to boycott the event. But maybe wearing the yellow jersey again, with the golden allure of winning another world title, proved too hard to resist, despite everything else she stands for etc. That's a serious competitor! Sadly, from the little footage we saw, she looked a lone figure there without support. Still, I expect she'll bounce back.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:22pm

If Tyler wins, should make for an interesting speech at presentation time.

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:39pm

I'm thinking it all comes down to how much she wants to keep her job and how many more world titles she wants.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:43pm

Tyler is out, didn't make it to the quarters.

3vickers's picture
3vickers's picture
3vickers Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:39pm

jackson and erin highlights for me….honourable mentions to jordy and gabby as well- ‘twas much more entertaining than the first day

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 10:02am

I'm adding Vahine to that list. Loved her style and she throws buckets

scott.kempton's picture
scott.kempton's picture
scott.kempton Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 4:40pm

The WSL losing coin at a rate of knots , what choice but to go to the pool in the Middle East it’s probably propping up the whole tour one event . The surfers just go cause what choice do they have either And what’s an event without a brazo having a dummy spit normally it’s italo .

Thanos S's picture
Thanos S's picture
Thanos S Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:04pm

bloody hell, more boring write up then the comp itself. I had to skip thru all the gay and black lives matter stuff. You had one chance to finally write something entertaining based on Filipees cameraman rage incident and totes missed it. I mean , u have one job dude. One job. Writing a world tile campaigner can make quarters now relax job done shows a very poor understating of a WCT season and what it takes to win.

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:21pm

This isn’t fox sports mate. People are here for the between the lines stuff. WSL site has the results.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:29pm

haha.. b'pole? perfect wrap. gives international community an insight into tyler and perceptions of tyler.. after all, she's ours, and everyone globally was talking about how she'd go and what's her deal. maybe this more what you were after?

peabo's picture
peabo's picture
peabo Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 9:42pm

Worst comment award goes to....

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 10:03am

Geezus. Point missed completely. A brazzo blowing up over nothing to try and gain an advantage is hardly newsworthy

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 18 Feb 2025 at 8:22am

Yeah .... nah.

Always a great read from Mr Shearer...

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:02pm

Highlight for me was Flick The Limey explaining that the surfers, while sitting on the exercise bikes, would be telling John Dorys to each other. Second time I’ve heard her pull out some good rhyming slang. Forever fan.

Oink's picture
Oink's picture
Oink Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025 at 11:37am

she also likes to "suck the marrow from the bone" it appears

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:16pm

So someone who has stood up against injustices (whether one agrees or not) and is on dangerous ground atm becomes the case study? And not all the other competitors who are complicit and have always hidden behind the “oh, I’m just having fun” mantra?

hope the same political critique is brought to bear on surfing competitions in for example the good old USA given its human rights record (which is in overdrive right now).

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 7:58pm

Why wouldn't she be the case study Clif when she has made so much of her principles in standing up for oppressed peoples and gay rights?

We are only left with the what if's had she boycotted - it would have been huge international news. Thats about all we could be sure of.

Would the WSL really have dared to sanction their only openly gay athlete after making it so explicit and public how much they supported her?

That would have mired them in a PR nightmare and made an absolute mockery of their progressive bona fides.

Tyler chose to go- despite it being in flagrant contravention of her stated principles which she claimed were more important to her than world titles.

I guess they weren't.

Itsmemickyb's picture
Itsmemickyb's picture
Itsmemickyb Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 11:49pm

shouldnt we all boycott the event?

gggiiibbbo's picture
gggiiibbbo's picture
gggiiibbbo Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:34pm

I certainly have. Somehow, wave pools make surfing look boring.

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 12:14am

Why should someone already in a vulnerable position bear the burden of speaking out? The silence from others in more privileged positions within the field is telling. If those at the top … male surfers for example … had shown the same courage she previously demonstrated as an ally, sanctioning them might have sent an even stronger message. As the saying goes - remaining silent in the face of oppression effectively means siding with the oppressor.

While Taylor's situation draws attention, perhaps the more pressing question is: Where is everyone else? Why haven't they taken action? This extends beyond individuals to institutions like the WSL, which claims to stand for certain principles yet remains passive.

Her case is noteworthy, but the consistent inaction from others - especially those in positions of power and influence - is perhaps even more significant and worthy of scrutiny.

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 12:16am


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 12:31am

You're missing a crucial point.
If you re read the article, Tyler is the one that came making claims articulating how she was going to stand up and be her true self this year. Fight the fight consequences be damned....etc etc.
That is the point of this article. Got nothing to do with any position she's been put in. If she's true to her words, and strong words, then why isn't she following through when it really matters?
Seems this point is lost in alot of the comments.

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:14pm

I did get that point. But my thinking was: A person can accept that they have the power to cause change and try to do so but that acceptance does not necessarily equate to having the responsibility to (depending on one's circumstances). While someone might have the capacity to make a difference, the primary responsibility should fall on those with greater privilege and resources? As such, any criticism, I imagine, could be directed accordingly?

juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 7:21am

Whether she should or shouldn't is irrelevant. She literally wears her gayness on her sleeve! Standing up for what you believe in is easy when it's easy, the fact that people do it when it's hard or injurious, financially or otherwise it's what makes it stand out and make news internationally, or decades on. Both are true in the Tom Carroll example! He also didn't make a big song and dance about being against racism, virtue signalling if you will, he just fucking did it.

MLK, Harvey Milk, Mandela, the black Americans that raised their fist when getting their Olympic medal, Muhammed Ali(!) and a hundred others that are on the right side of history. Those people put their beliefs above all else and are historically remembered as such. Should they have done it or left it to the powerful?

Broady Daz's picture
Broady Daz's picture
Broady Daz Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 4:57pm

I don't think its easy at all honestly, I think its one of the most difficult things a human can so if what they believe in defies the status quo that is,

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:31am


don't necessarily disagree with focusing on Tyler's attendance, but certainly a point could also have been made about the silent majority

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 8:21pm

What change has her previius virtue signalling actually brought about?
Id argue she's a terrible role model for young females, and males as she happily throws grenades from her privileged pedestal about equality when it suits her, but when it comes to conviction in her beliefs, she's proven herself to b a flake. Just do gooder words that don't mean shit.
What a terrible role model for someone who prides herself on her outspoken agenda, as highlighted in the article with all the bullshit she says.
Words and actions. Two vastly different things.
Self sacrifice is the ultimate show of conviction....especially when thats your shtick (as pointed out in the article)

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:19pm

Plenty of great points made by Steve. Does make you think doesn’t it?

In my book this whole event says much more about the WSL than Tyler. I feel sorry for her that her employer is forcing the athletes to support a country that has the human rights history that they have.

She’s between a rock and a hard place. I didn’t realise they took the flag off of her jersey, that says a lot. It’s just ‘keep quiet, do your thing and everything will be ok’……..this one could just be a ‘too hard basket’ for her. She’s older/wiser also. For those following, seems much more level headed in her interviews this past 6-12 months.

We also talk as though there wouldn’t be other gay people involved in this tour. I’d be flabbergasted if Tyler was the only one.

Nothing has changed, the WSL is f@$ked

z s's picture
z s's picture
z s Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:52pm

"In my book this whole event says much more about the WSL than Tyler."

Agree - while it does say a lot about Tyler it really says so much more about the WSL. From Dave Prodan's furious woke ranting on the WSL podcast to their stated positions on equality and oppressed people...they are not to be taken seriously...just another organization of self-righteous virtue signalers most of us are tiring of.

juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 7:26am

When there's people around the world that are forced to work with a literal or metaphorical gun at their back, especially in the UAE! I challenge your definition of 'being forced to by the WSL'.

Personally I'd do the same as Tyler but I'm not virtue signalling either. You can't have your cake and eat it too in those matters. Her credibility moving forward is shot. I'm pretty sure the gays will remember too.

Broady Daz's picture
Broady Daz's picture
Broady Daz Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:24pm

It is horrible what they have been able to achieve there with low labour costs; they have been in that appalling desert for 1000 of years and lost any compassion for humanity; however, we could find an alarming amount of comparisons in Australia, we are just behind them, we are already mining the fuck out of our own country, and a selective few are benefiting, in 20 years no children will be able to leave home except for the elite who will own all the housing. Are we taking a stand on this or just turning the head as our lifestyle of big V'8's and airconditioned living rooms is too hard to walk away from

Oink's picture
Oink's picture
Oink Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025 at 11:49am

"we are already mining the fuck out of our own country, and a selective few are benefiting"
including the Chinese owners?

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 6:26pm

The WSL has set the bar so low with this event they're going to need James Cameron to find it.

nextswell's picture
nextswell's picture
nextswell Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 8:21pm

Appears Tyler’s conviction for equality and the betterment of the human race is not as strong as Kelly’s decade long stand against surfing shitty waves at the will of the wsl.

juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 7:29am

Kelly needs a flag on his shoulder of a perfect glassy 10ft barrel and claim that as his ideology. Anything else he will take a stand against!

rj-davey's picture
rj-davey's picture
rj-davey Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:42am

haha true conviction!

gnomen's picture
gnomen's picture
gnomen Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 8:42pm

FR, you've educated me on Tyler Wrights position on human rights, it seems to me she can stand tall. She's stated her position, the public and the officials know it, the owners of the pool know it. She is brave to go there and compete, her beliefs and sexuality will get jail time in Abu Dhabi. No other competitor has made any statements about their beliefs, we know her stance. Why critique her beliefs? Its not a sell out.

LeroytheMasochist's picture
LeroytheMasochist's picture
LeroytheMasochist Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 9:06pm

Some pro Tyler comments and a couple Bintangs have roused me into this quagmire shit fuck of a conversation.

Common dick bags, a lot of commenters here disregarding that Tylers 30 years young, has improved her P.R game, and in addition we got some real fuck knuckles talking like homosexuality ain't no hard road to hoe even in this comparative paradise.

This situation not comparable with T.Cs absence from South Africa. Different.

Showing up is victory here. Slow, it shows the shieks are shifting. Like sands on the bottom of a slightly slippery mechanical monstrosity.

LeroytheMasochist's picture
LeroytheMasochist's picture
LeroytheMasochist Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 9:22pm

In addition, and I'm on the cocktails now, but anyway yeah, there were other talking points. Miggy got a sick one. Jordy needs a bigger version. Tall people are being royally fucked at this size. I guess the ladies come that little bit easier so got to take your licks you tall fucks.

A few of the boys fessing up to minor punting on the sidelines, and J.P having to smooth things over. Classic.

Personally I'd love to see a little turban wearing Persian in the mix, or a Chinaman for that matter.

I'd be lying to say I wouldn't love a wave like that. One wave. One before you take me.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 9:24pm

Who could say they would not do the same? Holding and expressing principles which cost nothing is "great and who could truly say if it came down to sacrificing career goals or livelihood they would not modify or abandon those principles, even if just for a short while?"

For $13,500 ?
9th place?
Me Steve, I wouldn't abandon my principles for what I could make in a few weeks painting houses.
No fucking way.
Not even ten times that.
In my younger days I did abandon my principles to advantage myself.
Self loathing kicked in at some point.
So my principle ever since has been to never abandon them for anyone or anything, even if it meant I lost everything I had or had to gain, which I have a couple of times, (nothing to do with principles) because that taught me I can always start again.
But compromising my beliefs, for anything, made me feel not like a man, but something else, something I hated, in myself or when I saw it in others.
And it lingers. It lingers in your soul. It did in mine anyway.
So if I was a lesbian pro surfer who took that knee, that principled stand, taken some leadership about something I believed, I wouldn't have shown up and fuck the consequences.
People compromising their principles is in part why this world of ours is.....what it is. Leaders in particular.
" Any man who changes his principles depending on whom he is dealing with, is not a man who can lead a nation"
Nelson Mandela
I know I'm sounding like a fkn wanker here, but I live by that sentiment these days, my version of it ends with "is not a man", or "who can lead" and I would add "to be admired, liked, or trusted".
I didn't watch this comp., not based on principles, it was just boring and I lasted about a minute, and I would kill to surf that wave but even if I was being paid, I wouldn't go there, for some of the reasons you mentioned about the place which go against my principles. I'd regret not riding that wave, but I'd fkn sleep at night.

And I was really looking forward to hear what you had to say about the Filipe incident, maybe next write up?

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Sunday, 16 Feb 2025 at 11:38pm

I reckon enough is enough with the negativity it's just turned into a whingefest now.
It's 1 event only and with a little luck (for all those whose lives are seemingly being altered in some way by this event's existence),there won't be another one next year,or any other year.
If there is,stiff fking shite.
There's 365 days in the year,this event is taking up 3 of them.
I've certainly seen quite a few CT contests over many years held in 'real waves' but crappier than the pool waves.
It just is what it is,if you don' like it,don't watch it.
And for the author,don't report on it,just ignore it.
I mean if there had of been no event at all between Pipe and Portugal,would there be a story on here shitcanning the WSL for not having an event 1 week after Pipe and a couple of weeks before Portugal?
It'd be much more likely there'd be no story on anything at all during that time i reckon.
A bit of whinging and negativity is standard for the pool events i know,but when it becomes so over the top it's seemingly some kind of mission to alert the WSL that 'everyone' hates wavepool comps and they'll read the comments here and decide never to hold another pool comp again based on Swellnet readers vote of no confidence comments,then i think some heads need to be pulled in pretty drastically.
Yes the pool comps are overall pretty crap and boring,but they're here and there's only 1 a year,and not even every year since they first appeared.
Deal with it,or totally ignore it.
Moaning and groaning about it so intensely just makes it seem like those doing it don't have much of a life outside of watching surf contests it seems to me.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 12:03am

If you think this 'whingefest' is exclusive to Swellnet you really haven't been paying attention.
Former pros, most of the best surf journalists, the average punter on the street, are all aghast at the direction our cherished sport is being taken.
The overriding sentiment is, how the hell did these fkers get control of our sacred sport/lifestyle.
I reckon it's completely fair to stick the boot in, in the name of standing up for our beloved surfing.
Whatever it is you're trying to say in this comment, goes completely against that.
Hang your head in shame sir!

jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover's picture
jetson.rover Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 1:57am

Yeah i've seen the comments about it on various forums,all overwhelmingly the same.
They were 5 years ago too,and what did they change?
Personally i don't give a fig if they have another pool comp again or not,i didn't 5 years ago either.
As i write this the comp just finished and is done for at least another year,maybe forever who knows.
So everyone can calm down now after blowing off all their rarara blablabla lol.
Hang my head in shame for what?
Not being a chronic complaining negative keyboard warrior?
I reckon the WSL don't even read the comments on their own website,so this one and the others?
I'm not defending pool comps as i said i don't care,but i'm not gonna endlessly shit can them too when there's only 1 a year.
Besides,Jack Robbo just got 3rd in it and got his start to the year back on track.
So i'll bet any money you won't hear him slagging it off like some other comments i've read saying he hates it and wishes it didn't exist.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 8:57am

easily the best thing about the tub leg, showing a monster competitive ocean surfer like robbo can make a comeback after the pipe disappointment.

DeXtrus's picture
DeXtrus's picture
DeXtrus Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 7:00am

Just saw that clip again, Fil was losing - he knew he didnt have the score - don't tell me he didn't see photog - these guys are used to massively crowded line ups Inc photogs - he couldve taken high line - he hit him deliberately and claimed interference. There, I said it.

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 8:43am

Ahhh, principles. “Who you do business with is just as important as what you choose to do.” “If you can't see yourself working with someone for life, don't work with them for a day"

garry-weed's picture
garry-weed's picture
garry-weed Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:06am

When are they going to deduct points for forced ugly landings after airs? It seems like some surfers are still paying for making things look too easy.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:17am

you feel it in your ankles, thighs and gut when they land one smoothly, hey?

NDC's picture
NDC's picture
NDC Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:10am

I feel for the position tyler is now in and simultaneously I've found prior positioning pretty high handed

This is so easy to say in hindsight and from a personal position of zero public scrutiny
but here's an imaginary counterfactual...

When Tyler came out as gay and in support of Black Lives Matter say she expressed it with more humility? Something along the lines of:

"this feels really important to me. I'm doing my best to support others who may feel marginalised. I'm feeling secure and clear headed in my life right at the moment so I have the courage to speak up. I'm going to try and continue to operate that way. But I haven't always felt so secure and I can't promise I will always feel and act in ways that feel this aligned in the future. I'm just trying to raise awareness and encourage everyone to think about what they can do to help, and where possible act"

I reckon a lot more people would have compassion for her now in this time of relative silence... I would say there's a fair chance arab oil money ends up owning pro-surfing. Surfing has been the only career she's ever known. I would guess she has few (no?) other options that would offer her the same security and benefits that pro-surfing does. If she disses them hard here, there is a v strong chance she get's quietly but firmly marginalised in the closing chapters of her career. I imagine she still harbours hopes of achieving long heald childhood ambitions such as a further world titles in those closing chpaters.

I get that people call her out and I guess it's the role of a good journalist to remind us of some of the facts which I think FR has done. She does looks like a hypocrite right now.

Think of issues like climate change though - it's almost impossible to care about climate change and live in the first world without being a hypocrite on the issue. Almost impossible to not compalain about crowds in the surf, and yet you are the crowd in the surf (not my line, but one on here I read once and loved).

I hate the degree of wealth inequality in the world, and that this means that the best option that millions of people from places like Bangladesh etc. have no better options, and find themselves trapped in positions like they do in the midddle east. I give some money to charity... but I spend more on overseas carbon costly family holidays to the third world we take most years. Like kicking your dog and then donating to the RSPCA? Hypocritcal? Yep, guilty as charged.

Who here can honestly look in the mirror and say differently of themselves.

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Monday, 17 Feb 2025 at 9:36am

oh my god whoever is in charge of stitching together the WSL highlight reels needs to be boiled in acid. what in the fucking fuck is this bullshit:

super loud dramatic music, 2 second clips of exclusively not critical surfing, 90% filler shots of the pool. i hate it so much

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 18 Feb 2025 at 7:49am

I noticed this in Pipe, the highlights provided no real narrative to the day or the performance climaxes etc.

the-u-turn's picture
the-u-turn's picture
the-u-turn Monday, 24 Feb 2025 at 9:12am

....still, great writing, Steve.
The highlight of the whole non-excitement event.

57's picture
57's picture
57 Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025 at 3:40am

Wave Pools, I don't get it, why make a copy of mother nature ALREADY perfect wave. Why not make something more unique that stands apart from Real waves. Kind of like the transition from half pipe to skate park???

Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben Wednesday, 26 Feb 2025 at 11:22pm

Hypocrites and respect don’t go together very well

surf.rat's picture
surf.rat's picture
surf.rat Sunday, 2 Mar 2025 at 10:23am

I feel Tyler had her heart in the right place most of the time, but it seems now her head [$$$} got in the way.
I was looking forward to her making a stand at this event but, History will remember her for selling out instead.

Not enough money Tyler? Not enough flashy cars, houses?

The worst thing is I now have to strike another legend surfer off my fav list. I know we watch these people for the surfing but they are human and that's impossible to ignore.
That Abudabi wave pool has now caused a second legend surfer to loose all my respect. [Kelly was the first for getting greedy and selling out to those fucks]
Fucking sellouts!