Fiji Pro 2024: Day One

freeride76's picture
By Steve Shearer (freeride76)
Photo: WSL/Dunbar

Fiji Pro 2024: Day One

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)
Form Guide

Huge opening day for the Fiji Pro, orchestrated to run the maximum number of heats to squeeze as much juice as possible out of an undersized lemon, that being a lack of swell for the back half of the waiting period.

We got through Men's Round 1, Women's Round 1, and the Men's Elimination Round. Any thought of some Kelly Slater wildcard run through the draw was swiftly kneecapped as the GOAT was summarily dismissed in straight sets after two uncompetitive performances. We'll come to that heat in a short while but for now, all you need to know is that Kelly blamed the swell direction (too south), the swell period (too short), the reef itself (it wasn't breaking where he knows it best), and the wind (too strong).

Slater (WSL/Hughes)

He described it as a “really frustrating day” said he was “happy for Yago”. He then thanked the staff of Tavurua, said he had surfed his last heat at Cloudbreak, but by failing to thank fans as a final sign-off was not able to announce an official retirement. A betting man or woman would put money on Kelly showing up at Pipe (high probability), Snapper (medium probability) and Abu Dhabi (dead certainty).

The two best guys out there today were the ultra-experienced John Florence and Gabe Medina. The best gals were a little harder to discern. Experience didn't seem to count as much, as only Tyler Wright with previous starts was able to win a heat. The anticipated teen wildcards Erin Brooks and Sierra Kerr failed to sizzle as an ultra tricky line-up proved hard to decipher. Only newcomer and world number one heading into Trestles Caity Simmers looked at home after a poor start where she confessed she had to “get my head out of the gutter”.

As for the pole position heading into Finals Day at Lower Trestles, Caity called it both “not real” and “super real” before waving off the pressure by claiming she was “trying not to think about it at all”.

Erin (WSL/Dunbar)

Once again it seemed shocking how many pro surfers confessed to having surfed Cloudbreak for the first time. This is their stock in trade, isn't it? Being able to parse complex reef systems, finding positioning and being able to garner scoring rides in a thirty-minute chunk of time. But they can't be bothered showing up beforehand to get their specs in?

Sometimes I think pro surfers don't deserve surfing in the ocean, especially at these marquee spots that working Joes and Jills bust their arses to go surf. To paraphrase Marie Antoinette: “Let them have Huntington”.

That said, it was a highly entertaining day. Anyone who has done Cloudy campaigns has been dry-docked on the Shish-Kebabs section at low tide, wondering how the fuck they will get back out as sets steamroll down the end section. There was an abundance of schadenfreude watching pros end up in that war zone of coral heads, ledges, and sharp-edged reef valleys, marooned beyond the salvation of jetski rescue. Confirmed Final Fiver Griffin Colapinto translated a nervous start against Fijian wildcard Tevita Gukilau with constant commitment to end section hits on the kebab, later declaring he “broke a coral head with my butt”.

Well OK, I guess, as long as Griff plants ten more baby corals somewhere as penance.

Griff (WSL/Hughes)

Completed tubes came at a premium as wind and short-period swells clamped exits shut, sometimes after extravagant travel time, as in the case of Connor O'Leary, who was awarded a 2.87 for a near 10-point ride after he was bucked off on a final foam ball negotiation that turned violent. There were a lot of violent wipeouts. And with four-man overlapping heats, a lot of waves ridden. Ryan Callinan spoke honestly for all pros who surfed through those wind-strafed afternoon heats when asked if he had figured it out.

“Not really," he said laughing. They earned their money.

Connor (WSL/Dunbar)

Controversy was largely absent after the Olympic scandals, except for the denouement of the Rookie of the Year race. Both Californians in contention, Crosby Colapinto and Cole Houshmand, did the biggest turns of the day, throwing big bodies into big sections and carving off huge fillets of saltwater into the full-strength trades.

Crosby got through a tight heat with Leo after a last-minute make from Leo came in under (justifiably).

Cole was fully cooked in his loss to Seth Moniz. Both his rides were critically under-scored but especially the first 6.33 which featured two huge turns and a full stand-up tube with a Hollywood exit. That was a mid to high-7 all day long. It's over now and Crosby gets Rookie of the Year. Definitely a big year for the 2%-ers.

Crosby (WSL/Hughes)

Of the Final Five contenders, only Jordy was knocked. That has to be the end of his World Title aspirations. Four years of Final Five showdowns at Trestles with no Jordy. No Olympic medal. The 'best surfer to never win a title' is a fiercely competitive category but Jordy has to be a contender, if not top three. Julian, Jordy, and Taj.

God, Medina was amazing. As was John. And yet whilst watching and being thoroughly absorbed by these masters operating at the peak of their powers I was troubled by intrusive thoughts. Medina will likely not be there on Finals Day. He has one appearance in four years. John has never made it.

Insane thought: Have they under-achieved?

The most dominant surfers of the last decade not fulfilling their potential, via injury, family dramas, whatever. John's epic run with a World Title, Eddie, and Triple Crown was eight years ago! His last title seven years ago. Caity Simmers had probably never heard of him the last time he won. John has failed at consecutive Olympic attempts and Gabe has only managed a bronze medal, despite seeming the best surfer at both events. These two should have locked up every title, not this sparse record of thinly-sprinkled titles between them. How to explain this?

Gabs (WSL/Dunbar)

It certainly makes Kelly's run of titles seem more extraordinary. That said, his were during a period of stability, and you have to wonder if they changed the format so markedly during his reign if perhaps he would still have the eleven.

7.07 and 10.93 were the heat totals for the GOAT today. These brutal numbers don't conceal much. A vertical hit and a nice roundhouse cutback but nothing that troubled any of his competitors. Dora, in particular, was ruthless. Exercising priority on Kelly for the ride of the day, a deep threaded tube for a 9.33. He held the champ in deep combination for the last 15 minutes of the heat. The dynamic with the fan base has changed. Where we used to feel some combination of awe and admiration watching Kelly: he could draw magic to himself like no-one else, the emotions he elicits now are closer to pity and even hostility. We feel sorry for a man who can't let go of the sport which gave him everything and which is now in the long overdue process of letting go of him.

By form, this contest is Medina's to lose. But he can't close the way he used to. A weird power vacuum exists at the top end of the sport, at least on the men's side. The best guy at Trestles will be sitting on the sidelines. No big names are coming in to replace the superstars of Medina and John and titles seem up for grabs to whoever is willing to claim them.

Cloudbreak won't give us any clues to that struggle. It's simply too distinct from the soft cobblestone wave to offer anything more than a last sorting before Finals Day.



Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:28pm

Hahaha. My number one question was how did Kelly explain his losses -

“We'll come to that heat in a short while but for now, all you need to know is that Kelly blamed the swell direction (too south), the swell period (too short), the reef itself (it wasn't breaking where he knows it best), and the wind (too strong).”

Seriously, it’s like Slats can only ever lose, but never can he beaten by others.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:33pm

Need someone to better articulate the bottom sentence for me please.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:35pm

I believe Mason Ho said it best: "We never lose heats, we just run out of time."

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:41pm

I don’t think Slats has used that excuse before and that’s saying something, cause there has been a fuckton. Mason would be first in line to acknowledge he got smoked by his competitors in a heat.

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:40pm

I think you’re trying to say: ‘he comes across as a little bit of a wanker’

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:42pm

“Slats can’t be beaten, he only loses?”


What you said.

Fatso's picture
Fatso's picture
Fatso Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 11:31am

He didn't was stolen.

nextswell's picture
nextswell's picture
nextswell Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:42pm

JJF following straight after slats made it even more poignant. Conditions similar, still tricky, inconsistent, slight bump and waiting for the trades. Difference John made conditions look good.

Le_Reynard's picture
Le_Reynard's picture
Le_Reynard Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:48pm

I mean, the Final Five mess affected their Title numbers, for sure. Even if they hadn't made the 5 of a particular year, the (de)motivation to wiggle at Pip's place surely affected them.

Scrap the Finals day, FFS.

If you omit the Smelly aberration, their numbers are...ok? Only MR got to 4.

nextswell's picture
nextswell's picture
nextswell Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 7:51pm

Also with a partner that’s about to drop if not already. Just makes it all the more sad really.

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 1:02pm

They’ve had it. Unnamed or un nicknamed as yet

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 8:00pm

Thought of you Steve and had a chuckle when Strider was saying Kelly was still better than 99% of tour surfers at cloudbreak early in the elimination heat. 5 mins later Yago had him comboed. Geez Strider’s commentary didn’t age well!

3vickers's picture
3vickers's picture
3vickers Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 8:01pm

bang on steve- medina was amazing, jjf too…it looked a little different to other times - lots of waves ridden with foam on the face- by the by tho the standard was pretty good all round- special mentions to col, ee and yago- hoping conditions hold out

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 8:14pm

haha speak for yourself about Slater FR.
I don't feel sorry or pity for him at all.
Still admire his surfing. As for his character, don't know him, have never met him nor conversed with him so will reserve my judgement on that.
Externally though...
He's just another actor in the circus of professional surfing.
Nothing more, nothing less. And definitely not something worth getting personal about.

hazcam's picture
hazcam's picture
hazcam Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 5:36pm

pity hostility and feeling sorry are things ive never felt for KS, do you hate him FR? you rip into the old fella every contest he is in haha mate give the man break and there can be no denying his 11x, what do you mean by more stable

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 5:47pm

Hate the Goat? Good God no!
He's not competitive anymore and even the WSL commentators are starting to pity and condescend to him.
It's just life, Father Time is undefeated.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 8:11pm

You gotta admit though, you and most possibly most on here that rip into poor ol Jimmy probably tune in for all his heats, turn your head and listen whenever he talks, and take an extra interest in what he rides More so than probably most other surfers on tour. And if that's the case, you can't say he's not relevant.
I thought that huge vert hit he did yesterday was only superceded by one other surfer in the draw, and that was the rookie of the year. How's that. A 52 year old and a rookie are the only two hitting the lip that savagely amongst the worlds best in 8ft surf.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 8:26pm

Interesting to note kaipo or richie stated John has missed 24 event due to injury 2 full years or
That's three to four years or there abouts long did Gabe have off half a year and almost qualified.
Have to agree on next generation call
Stuck with the "Retreads" on the challenger series ? Interesting times surfing is in a strange place atm.

Nate1212's picture
Nate1212's picture
Nate1212 Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 4:47am

The challenger series for sure needs a revamp to bring through guys/girls who will actually do well on the CT.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 8:40pm

Kelly sucks.

dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 9:09pm

“That is a coral head in the middle of the ocean, a perfect place for a fly away pull out”!

dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 9:14pm

Munga and Butto, v Sean Slater and … another seppo I can’t remember

Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 9:19pm

I think JJF would definitely have had two more titles except for the injuries. That’s a conservative estimate. Could have been three. I think he has over achieved though. On his early days on tour I did not think he would be able to put a competitive comp together - let alone a whole year of them. Hats off to him in my eyes. He has come a long way.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 8:17pm

This is a great comment and had me thinking all day today after i read it. Maybe John has overachieved....competitively speaking. He's just that good, he managed to get through on sheer natural talent. Everyone knows he's the best surfer in the world, and the titles are just little trophies to add to his legacy, but i tend to think you may be onto something there.
Alot of similarities to Ryan Callinan in that way. Except R cal just can't seem to harness that competitive drive when he needs it. Probably one of the most naturally talented surfers to come out of Australia but just gets lost in a heat. And it happened again today!!

Jesse J's picture
Jesse J's picture
Jesse J Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 9:29pm

Not anymore.. Jack Robinson is easily the best surfer in the world now ..

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 9:44pm

First thoughts are I love they have the opportunity on a down the line left. Makes me wonder how the tour would look if you swapped all the rights for lefts - Gabe and Yago would likely dominate.

It’s a funny vibe though isn’t it? There plenty of people in this comp without skin in the game. No pressure for the have nots.

John and Griff sweet, Jordy gone and that’s after two rounds. So that leaves 3 or 4 men with anything to prove.

Little hard to get excited. Your write ups help though. Thanks Steve.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Thursday, 22 Aug 2024 at 10:02pm

Little clip on insta of kelly explaining things to yago after their heat. Some excuse. All he needed to say was ‘well done - you were ripping and hope you go deep in the comp”

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 12:01am

The full moon highs and lows of surfing Cloudbreak;
thanks Steve, for another insightful reflection on pro surfing today!

Fiji potentially the best surf spot on the WSL tour... in July; Bali Padang Padang in August?

Standingleft's picture
Standingleft's picture
Standingleft Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 12:26am

Yeah, I like Yago, he's really patient with old people

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 12:48am

Great Day one review & dare say equally audacious comments.
OMG...Tryin' hard not laugh at the goat excuses...reckon there's a book deal there!
Sound's like tbb is Judge Mental maybe he's digging deeper to expose something beneath the reef!
Why not consider it a prize...leave it with tbb...something new to spike the crew!
Back in a minute...

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 1:24am

Classic and cryptic tbb!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 2:03am

Damn! Got busted by Lanky Dean during the Witching Hour...he's got my number! Again!
Cheers for keeping tbb true to his word! Eyes on You! Hooroo!

Ok! Now this took some doin' but it's worth the tripout coz it's New!
Stu : 2020 Cloudbreak Judges Tower
Standard 8 Legged beastie.

All recall the fuss made over a Teahupoo's hacked to bits smashed up Reef Tower Footings.
Well this Endangered Turtle Reef Tower now sprouts 15 legs & none said nuthin'...Why is that!

17th June 2024 & Larry's Tower was barely even started...
Feel free to click thru to study the novel concrete free "Wild Boar" ~ Rocky Earthquake Footings

WSL Googly Larry's Tower of Power [Mach 2] Stats :

WSL stoked up F $60,000 ( AUD $40,335 )

Cost NZ $500k-$1m (AUD $457k-$915k)
Construction Time : June-July 20 days
Hand Tools / Drilling? @ Low Tide/s (Live Reef Habitat Restrictions!)
15 x 12m 1 ton Poles ( Barged > Jetski towed into place ) Presumably Rope Hauled upright!
15 Stainless Steel Footings
Drilling / Driving 240 x 1.5m Stainless Steel Micropiles (Spikes into the Reef)

Here's some more progress...

PS Might pay to check if any crew got Rotten Apple watches that chime with Larry's Google Tower
Motion to check Teahupoo Tower sponsoring French Coach / Team's WOTD Watches...(Very Chic!)

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 1:33am

Really feel yago surfed the best competitive heat of his life yesterday.
Had the phone on in the background whilst I was work yesterday, missed some heats.... caught some.
Yago VS Kelly
Yahoo went for the throat,
Kelly caught some funky set that put yago in priority then to me rather than go the next set yago waited and took Kelly's next pick of the set waves. Yago sitting futher inside gave kelly a masterclass in use of priority
At one point it was so savage i posted "finish him Yago"
No one got lucky , Yago a student of the game just earnt his diploma.
Yago surfed so smooth yet radical . If anyone gets a chance watch that heat .

surf.rat's picture
surf.rat's picture
surf.rat Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 5:01am

When I first saw the heat draw for Kelly against Yago, I knew Kelly would loose, even if it was pumping. I feel Yago is better than Medina and Italo put together. I can't find a fault in Yago's surfing or his competitive skills. He should be world champ soon enough.
When Kelly and his wife's child is born, It may hopefully give us a break from all his bullshit. Please learn to let go Kelly!

peabo's picture
peabo's picture
peabo Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 4:37pm

Pretty sure the kid has been born very recently. Should be home changing nappies.

Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:10pm

100% agree with you on Yago. so nice to watch, too.

Jesse J's picture
Jesse J's picture
Jesse J Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 9:34pm

Yeah Yago just clearly smoked him .. be good to hear Kelly say “Yeah Yago just smoked me out there” ..

juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre's picture
juegasiempre Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:18am

Medina, JJF have been the best. Italo 3rd and Toledo just behind them.

Generally the results shake out to reflect that but surfing is so random, to it's absolute detriment as a 'competitive sport'. As you said, Medina looked like a lock to win an Olympic gold but didn't. Only the waves let him down, that's not even to say he isn't the best at grovelling at chopes, because he probably is. But you do need at least as good a wave as your opponent.

NDC's picture
NDC's picture
NDC Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:37am

Agree with you freeride …. why haven’t more of these ‘professionals’ ever ridden this wave before they paddle out there in a heat.

Surely their sponsors would loved them to have gone. Prepared better, tied the prior preparation trips in with content creation.

It’s got me beat

Nate1212's picture
Nate1212's picture
Nate1212 Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 2:03pm

Because it’s not been on tour since 2017 and since it was announced most have been focused on chopes and the Olympics. I think that will change going forward.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:44am

loved the way Yago is trying not to laugh as he gives Kelly a hug ...he cant help smiling though .....

surf.rat's picture
surf.rat's picture
surf.rat Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 9:51am

Rio Waida = One of the most under-rated surfers on tour
He also seems like one of the nicest and most respectful guys on tour. He always seems to be so happy to just be on tour. All the other surfers could take a leaf out of his book.

McQuartzie's picture
McQuartzie's picture
McQuartzie Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 10:06am

Listening to these WSL commentators continuing go on about how eco-sustainable they are during the broadcast makes me want to spew. Do they honestly believe that crap. Turn the sound down.

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 1:07pm

Fascinating discussing Kelly’s personality. I surfed with him once and we had a run-in. He sat on my inside at an impossible part of the wave. When he didn’t make a barrel he muttered indirectly to me “ahhhh, you crumbled my wave”. I didn’t (and would admit if I had), but it was fascinating to see him not own his mistake.

Balbero's picture
Balbero's picture
Balbero Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 5:58pm

Have no idea what flick is doing on the commentary team, she's cute but there's no wisdom for the audience at all.. an embarrassment most of the time, but i could be wrong.

Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:36pm

disappointed we won't get to see Cole from this point on in the comp. hope he makes next years Finals, we need to see him in more pumping lefts. there's definitely a heavyweight class in the CT at the moment.

can't see Gabs being beaten (if there's enough set waves in his heats).

and Italo's surfing made my eyes bleed. how is he so good yet so shit at the same time?

Joshy2000's picture
Joshy2000's picture
Joshy2000 Friday, 23 Aug 2024 at 6:39pm

Gabs is out.

Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee's picture
Nick Gee Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 12:16am

yep. colour me surprised. been catching up, watched day 1 today and just spun through day 2 and watched him implode... judges tried keeping his FF chances alive, overscoring that rail bog and air... or not, certainly not my favourite type of his surfing.

no slouches left from here.