Olympics 2024: Finals Day
Olympics 2024: Finals Day
We'll leave the philosophical debates about Olympic surfing for a future article, but for now, let’s get the sportswriting done and the bald facts down of the Finals Day at Teahupoo which decided gold, silver, and bronze.
A couple of pre-emptive comments to start which are obvious to us, but which have eluded the mainstream media coverage and which need to be included in this first draft of history. First up, they missed the chance of an epic Finals Day by one day. Instead of sleepy heats where whole majorities of the alloted time were spent waiting for waves that never came, we could have seen insane displays of skill and tuberiding.
Second, at least as far as the men went, they got the right three guys on the podium. No-one can deny that. With the women's side of the draw not challenged by proper Teahupoo the podium seemed a little less convincing, especially after very mediocre final's performances from gold medallist Caz Marks and silver medallist Tatiana Weston-Webb.
Did they jump the gun by starting at 10.30 TAHT (Tahitian time) when it was obvious the swell had barely showed and they had more hours to spare?
Probably, but it didn't matter to Kauli Vaast. He went straight to super scrap mode against Alsono Correa, spearing little tubes that would not have troubled any intermediate surfer. By not leaving the result in the hands of an inconsistent and weak swell, Vaast showed he was fully ready to embrace the big moment. A deep but playful tube and two turns for a 5.83 was the heat-winning ride, with a marginal 4-point backup enough to slightly best Correa with a 5.67 and a 3.77. It was a straight-up QS-level grindy heat.
Alonso Correa (ISA/Ryder)
Medina and Jack was the Semi-Final we were salivating over. The surf failed to show and it was another strategic masterclass from Jack that won the day. Medina took the inside and Robinson did not peacefully concede the position. He sat in Medina's pocket, paddled all over him. Some of the exchanges were borderline physical but both men refrained from contact. Robinson refused eye contact, a continuation of the strategy whereby he negated to mention Medina's name in a presser. Jack broke first, scrambling around Medina for the opening ride. A dud 0.5, but he had successfully prevented the runaway start from Medina by the softening up methods he employed.
An opening exchange closely followed with four searing Medina turns for a 6.33, an almost 2-point spread to Robinson's three-turn 4.50. Priority Robinson.
Jack's CT superpower has been an ability to ice high scores from anywhere in a heat, especially during times of scarcity or in the dying moments. Absolutely impervious to pressure. With 12 mins down, 18 remaining, the wave of the heat came through and Jack burrowed in, with a full body stall maximising the tube time, followed by a conclusive closeout smash. That 7.83 left him with a lead and was high enough to prevent Medina from roaming around the line-up looking for a score - it was a set and it had to be answered by a set.
Gabriel Medina and Jack Robinson waiting (ISA/Ryder)
Medina had no choice now but to sit and wait. Agonising airless minutes followed as the clock ticked down. For fans watching it felt like being slowly suffocated as the ocean refused to offer up the relieving wave. 5 to go. He sat. 3 to go. No change. 90 seconds. Flat as a millpond. Nothing came and in the end the strategy of Robinson to prevent a fast start from Medina and ice the best wave of the heat won through. That's 4-3 to Robinson.
A decade ago it looked like the JJF and Medina rivalry was going to define the sport. That never happened, for reasons of injury and temperament. Turned out it was Jack Robinson who was the missing link able to form a three-way tussle between those competitors which has defined pro surfing in waves of consequence.
Women's Semi-Final 1 with Caz and Johanne seemed to have more waves. Defay went to work with backhand turns. Judges had shown by Medina's 6 (an excellent score at any other venue) that a ceiling would be put on turns. That left her vulnerable to Caz's propensity to find almondy barrells on set waves. The wave of the heat featured a tidy tube ride for a 7. That was one of only 3 rides for the day over 7 and Caz had two of them. When Defay threw priority away paddling for a nothing wave the heat was over.
Brisa had an even more inexplicable priority error, blatantly burning Tati when Tati had the P1. No doubt in real life from Brisa's perspective it happening quickly but on the broadcast it seemed to happen in slow motion. Like a learner who paddles in on a wave she just...didn't look. Total brain snap. A stony-faced Kahea Hart in the channel put his head in his hands. With a 0.0 for her second ride the heat was over before the halfway mark.
Tatiana Weston-Webb (ISA/Ryder)
A Medina choke looked in the offing after the crushing Semi-Final defeat. He was beaten by over a point in the opening exchange with Correa. Suffered two non-makes for sub-1 point scores and everything seemed to be melting down for Medina. An extra five minutes had been tacked onto heats (35 vs 30 for Semis) and this extra 5 seemed to allow Medina to reset.
The crucial exchange occurred roughly halfway through the heat. Correa took the first wave and surfed it well for a 5.60. Medina on the wave behind for a 7.50 with searing turns. Both men ended up standing in ankle-deep water on the inside shelf. Correa launched first and began loping back to the line-up. Much is made by the Brazilian's of God's Will and God's Plan etc etc. After being so ruthlessly abandoned by the higher power in his Semi, Medina decided to take matters into his own hands. He took a daring inside track and started sprint paddling back to the lineup. He must have been unnoticed by the Peruvian for crucial seconds, during which he made up an astounding amount of distance. By the time Correa reacted it was too late and Medina won a crucial, controversial priority call. Correa protested vigorously but to no avail. Medina took the next available set and slaughtered it for a 7.77 with a deep tube and Houdini exit out of the whitewater. Followed it up with another set of insane turns for a second 7.77. It was, in the end, a dominant performance for a bronze medal. Two Olympics where Medina was clearly the best surfer and didn't medal would have been unthinkable. He restored some dignity to a disappointing campaign.
Gabriel Medina (ISA/Jiminez)
The women's bronze match was uncompetitive. Brisa Hennesey could not regain composure after the brain snap and ended with a sub 5-point total heat score. Defay was solid with a 5.83 and a 6.83.
The crucial decision by Robinson to contest the inside against Medina was reversed against Vaast in their Final. He allowed the Tahitian uncontested access to the inside. Five minutes into the heat a thick insider came, Robinson was in perfect position, Vaast too deep. Vaast faked to ride it, keeping Jack off the wave. Jack gesticulated to the Judges, appealing for P1, then was seen muttering to himself.
Within a minute the best set of the Finals came through. Vaast looked too deep, but pumped through multiple sections and emerged in a full flex. Robinson on the wave behind for a much shorter tube. Another paddle battle ensued.
Kauli Vaast (ISA/Jiminez)
Result: Vaast won the opening tussle for positioning, the opening exchange (9.50 to 7.83) and the paddle battle. With less than a third of the heat over, these three decisive wins sealed the heat win. Jack was now forced to do a Medina, sitting out the back waiting for a wave that never came while Vaast threaded another insider for an 8.17. Jack waited 20 minutes while the clock ticked down.
Higher power, Polynesian mana involved? Sure, but the battle was already won by the decisive action from the Teahupooan and a friendly call from the priority judges.
No such controversy in the women's gold medal match-up. Both women flubbed opening rides and were out of position for a bomb. With almost half the heat gone, 0.5 played 0.33. There was one good tube ridden and Caz got it. A peachy wave for a 7.50. She failed to find a meaningful back-up, not exiting a small deep runner and ending up with a 3 as her second score. This left her vulnerable to counter-attack from Tati but her last ride on the buzzer was too shouldery and flat and despite ending on the bricks came in under the requirement.
Caroline Marks (ISA/Ryder)
Much pomp and flag waving followed and a very fruity medal ceremony as Tahitians in white flat caps and linen awarded the medals in afternoon sunshine.
So close to being epic. So damn close. Just needed more surf.
Congratulations to the medallists. Happy times in Tahiti, joy in France and the USA as another gold medal gets added to their respective tallies.
Eloquent summation as always. Lots to cram in for just a few heats.
Overall a very enjoyable spectator experience.
Nailed it as usual FR.
Jeez the $35 I paid for Stan was money well spent. No adds, no shameless promotions about soy milk or ladders and the incredible drone shots during lulls to really soak it all in. As a bonus, you could watch full heat replays with no spoilers.
I really hope the wozzle were paying attention, I’d be happy to switch to a PPV model if it meant a broadcast of this quality for every event.
You still had to listen to Shannon though.
Just about wore the sticker off the mute button!
Agree. Give me that quality of broadcast and a quality roster of locations and I would pay to avoid the Harvey Norman/Bonsoy/ladder ad carpet bombing.
The actual surfing is insane to watch from the big dogs.
I'll take Jess and Ronnie Blakey though as commentators.
Agreed def worth the $$, also the rest of the Olympics and in 4K.
Can share with 4.
Nein is hopeless.
Can't you just sign up to 9now for free and stream via the app? Has every sport available live for you to choose from.
Also keeping the commentators of the screen was a highlight for me. Would love the option of PPV with those improvements
i watched through CBC (Canadian) after someone here made the recommendation. $0.00 if you have a VPN. I'm now watching most events through their web site, it's pretty good. every single event is available. i reckon 9 are providing dodgy coverage to send people to Stan (which they own). who knows if that was the plan? seems to be working for them.
Not only that Nick, but while 9 is playing these bullshit games to get subscriptions, they are also laying out full page ads in SMH, and ads on TV about how Albo is going to kill free to air TV. If the punters had a clue they would blow up about this hypocrisy.
Absolutely. An abundance of Olympic competition on replay. But then there's the footy, so another sub req'd.
The vision though, spectacular. Drones and all the angles in 4k slo-mo with no voices over the top...just the sound of the waves.
WZL never got that right ...maybe a couple of mikes in the lineup would add to it.
To add balance to the discussion and in case anyone from WSL is listening, I would certainly not do PPV for surfing and actually I reckon the broadcast quality is pretty good considering it's a free YT webcast (Turpels not-so-dulcet tones notwithstanding) I don't think even the frothiest of my surfing mates would consider PPV either, even if it meant not having to hear about ladders/bonsoy.
Never before have I been able to dial up any replay from any sport at an Olympics.
Streaming sure beats FTA in that respect.
But, oh, the humanity! It is serioulsly a lot to cram into two weeks.
WZL do replays well, but not in 4k and they miss stuff for ads.
With 15+hrs of live sport a day, that's a lot of top level competition with top quality broadcast production values ....IOC do not miss a skerrick of action.
WZL need to lift their game.
A few line-ball calls from the priority judges that didn't seem to follow a pattern. Felt like Correa did enough to hold priority against Gabby (from the one angle shown on the broadcast) then it felt like Vaast did enough to lose priority against Jack.
In general it felt like they were more willing to judge that a surfer had lost priority, at least compared to a WSL event, but then sometimes not at all. Jack seemed to have that call made against him in the final, but maybe had a similar one go his way against JJF if I'm remembering correctly.
Yeah, priority judging was controversial today. Some real cause for complaint by those on the wrong end.
Good stuff, Steve. Thank you, once more.
Same tasty bits, for sure, but could have been so much better. Was good to see Kauli Vaast really stepping up to beat Jack, but terrible to not see another set come. We so wanted a proper contest, but didn't get it.
Same in the Gabe-Robbo semi.
I was barracking for Jack but I’m fine with a non CT surfer winning gold , maybe not the best surfer in the best waves but nothing can take the gold medal from him , well done son .
Mixed emotions. Definitely the best three men were medalists. Great for Kauli and Jack, but overall my non-surfing friends found it unwatchable other than day three. This could have been huge as a spectacle, but it wasn't. Couldn't ever be with the short runway. On a side note, once the dust settles surely Fearlipe can't come back from this? Italo must be bleeding
i dunno. depends what he needs to come back from. for his competitive career, there's not enough slab comps on the tour for it to be an issue. this comp only had one day that was a problem for him. but yeah, unlikely he'll garner respect from the punters.... but he was cooked on this level since his Box heat years ago and won plenty of comps after that with next level surfing.
Thanks for the write ups fr.
I got to watch a bit today otherwise I've only watched snippets of the good morning.
Ultimately a disappointing contest because of the lack of waves on finals day. Good waves make good contests.
Viva la France.
Bronze medaliist born in France but surfing wise from Reunion.
Gold medalist from Tahiti.
Kudos to all the medalists.
Jacks strategic masterclass only works if there’s waves, pity it didn’t preavail in the final though .
He didn't employ it in the Final.
It was done to him.
But yeah a few more waves would have made it a surfing contest and not a scrap for position and priority.
Jack couldn’t employ it in the final, because there were only 3 waves , and he got a bad call at the start of the heat , yes pity the waiting period wasn’t until the end of the Olympics .
Extremely suss call at the start of the heat. Although Jack’s been on the winning / lucky side of that before. Priority system needs a good look, if Kauli pulled back like that in a free surf he’d be straight to the back of the line.
It was a definite block.
He was too deep, Jack was in the perfect spot.
Little nug too, that would have been a great tube-ride.
I think Kauli still gets that 9.5 though.
Which means it probably didn't alter the outcome.
Locals always get priority, ha ha !
Yes but if no one has priority are drop ins allowed? And if there were more sets in the final, the block wouldn’t have been so consequential.
Not at Snapper!
Expectations were running high for this Olympics surfing in Tahiti; and it was an underwhelming result, due to overall lack of very good surf. I think there was one good day? Can’t imagine the average Olympics viewer, who watched today’s contest, wasn’t bored out of their skulls, and flipping to watch break dancing instead.
So, 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. Will it be at a pool in Leemore or Palm Springs, Huntington Beach, overcoming state park and coastal commission rules to run at Trestles, or maybe Casey Wasserman can convince the celebrities to hold it at Malibu. Of course Puerto Escondido or Pasquales would be the better option, but no chance it will be held in Mexico, and Puerto Rico is flat in July except for tradewind swell. Maybe the best option will be to hold it at El Porto and have the world’s best grovel in chest high closeouts on the shore, and have it sponsored by Costco and make them ride wavestorm soft top foam longboards
I've seen this kind of comment multiple times throughout the event, but who cares what the average Olympics viewer thinks? Why do we want to impress them so much? I don't think participants in any of the other niche sports give two shits what the viewers think. It's the pinnacle of their sport whether people watch or not. Maybe the problem is that this isn't the case for surfing.
I think that is broadly true Peabo.
"Why do we want to impress them so much?"
I've been perplexed by this response too. Who cares what other sportspeople, and just other people, think about surfing?
Are we that insecure that we're looking for approval?
Surfing is beautiful and unique and struggles to fit into a regimented system like the 'Lympics, but so what. Let its difference, its quirky reliance on nature, be the thing that sets it apart. And if people don't get that then their loss.
Sailing? But not so reliant on nature.
Yes I remember they tried to introduce surfing into the Olympics in the 90s , and I wasn’t all for the idea then , can only increase crowds, which have always been a problem.
Viva la différence!
Hawaii still part of USA?
lets celebrate the good. fearlipe got knocked early, i would have hated to have seen him progress in shitty waves then bash his chest like he's a god.
Although i didn't watch, I'm happy with the outcome.
thanks for documenting this day in surfing history ... articulate, accurate and non-nationalistic. I am so happy for the locals to have one of their own win the gold medal. It might make up just a tiny bit but not enough for the invasion of the French colonisers, invasion of the Olympics behemoth and impact of increased kooks in their neighbourhood forever. The reef will suffer. The human residents and the precious values and ecosystem of the area will suffer.
Some other time I will relate a story of being put under arrest by the French Government on my sailboat on a remote island in french polynesia for supporting some members of the separatist Pomari Parti who had seceded from french rule and claimed this previously uninhabited island for Polynesian people. The French like other colonialists can be cruel and uncaring. That said I was also put under boat arrest by the US navy but it was in international waters off the coast of Guatemala. They had no right but they arrested me and my 3 crew and I will never forgive the US government for their domineering self proclaimed right to pull us over in the middle of the ocean that didn't belong to them. Sorry about my rant, the olympics has actually been a lot of fun to watch.
Geez, man. Probably best to ditch the cargo when that happens.
Good to see Jeremy Flores enjoying the moment and having fun .
Seemed that Jack should have been given priority. Unless there's different rules for olympics.
Channel 9 showing a replay of final right now. They began the replay with 21 minutes remaining in the heat. Just a whole lot of bobbing going on
And so it was that normal people saw that bobbing and didn't understand surfing and never took it up. Thank you Channel 9.
Hahahaha! This is gold VJ! Medal worthy
But at least BL was able to describe in detail to the worldwide Olympic audience what a "lull" is.
Good points above. On BL and co, does the limited action make it the most difficult Olympic sport to commentate?
No disrespect to Kauli and family but those full flex gorilla claims weren't easy on the eye.
Agree FR it was even worse when he didn't commiserate the opposing surfer just paddled straight past him the poor guy had to slink off. Get him on the QS and see how long he lasts with that attitude it would be a lonely place. There is a whole world out there that is not Tahiti .
I’m watching that too. Zero waves ridden!
Surely they could have spliced the action in at the beginning.
Prime time.. 20 minutes and no one got to their feet, but they hand out some medals at the end of it. non surfers ccompletely befuddled.
this is a fckn bizarre sport we love
There's no other playing field in Olympic competition, like a surf line up .
The kayak rapids maybe but they're repeatable, surf in the ocean has an element of chaos the Olympics very much try to remove.
The pommel horse, its just going to sway backwards and forwards gently, rhythmically.
How about 'its low tide and the pools a bit small today so we're going in the 10m'.
The rowing, that needs a sweep and get rid of the lanes, now you're talking, chaos.
We're going to hold a surf comp but no waves will come for 20 minutes. Next level.
Kauli had the greatest home ground advantage in the history of Olympics, I dont begrudge him, he knows his reef and he's the best out there, actually wondering if Jack would've squeezed through that same barrel ? It was pretty tight even for the silver shaman
Shame it's not repeatable.
Plenty of engagement here, thx steve
Yeah, I can't think of any other sport that is so random and dependent on factors (in this case, waves) beyond the athlete. Best surfers are defined over averages and single events are only a single sample. Knowing how hard some professional surfers work, it's always heartbreaking to see surfers who have been the mind-blowing stand out suddenly lose in the next round because of waves that didn't come.
Thanks for the recap, FR. Congrats to Kauli and Jack. Well deserved!
Probably in the wave pool next time where it can become synchronised Surfing with a mandatory criteria like Gymnastics yawn.
At least they won't sit there for 40 minutes waiting for something to happen
Amazing write up Steve & yer Spunky Monkey Claim wins the day.
Huge thanx from the crew to Steve & swellnet for Ideal comp/booth calls & Reviews!
Thought ya might prefer yer Apex Ape Man dominating the Dance Floor.
You do know Kauli backed up with the Break Dancin' Gold Medal
Bonus for Wave Pool Olympians...First ever KX Foxy Surfing Duel...raised the roof.
Mum gives it a bash > Whole family of Olympic Medalists Smash the Wave Pool to bits! Legends!
Check out what an Olympic Wave Pool Arena / Gold Medal Final Fever looks like!
great event. perfect result in the Mens category. felt to me like was all over after Vaast popped out the end of that wave. massive score. not enough waves for a proper reply from Robinson.
always happy to see Medina get out hassled. by rights karma says he deserves a daily figurative kick in the nuts for all of his "tactical" antics over his entire pro career. conversely, i was glad Robinson didn't pull the same hasslefest in the final... just a shame about the priority call.
and what won't Flores punch?
Good call.
I have heard his father is a real psycho so was trained well.
As I recall he and Sunny Garcia got involved in a dustup (on a hapless local?) at Burleigh? after a drop in ...call the cops!
Great stuff FR and SN.
Happy to see Jack walk away with a silver. The first Olympic silver for Australia in surfing goes to WA. Yew!
The Olympics are a different kettle of fish to a surf comp. Elevates it to a level of prestige thats not replicable in any other format, but reduces it to a set of arbitrary rules, time limits and an unflexible framework that stifles the soul of what it should be.
Not sure it''ll ever truly work but i'll tune in anyway.
Cheers for the epic wraps post comp days,
Good write up Steve, shouldn't Jack have pushed / cowded Kauli deeper on that 1st wave once he lost the inside position?
Probably should have, but didn't want to get the local Aunties offside by hassling their boy, Kaulli.
Did it to Medina though, so that was good.
Trying to workout if all Competitors wore an Apple Watch.
Wondering if crew could check on universal coverage if all got watches.
Seems like maybe some WSL crew wore them + VIP WSG crew ?
Also if these watches are contracted to Tower of Power deals...
We might just have another inside rort running with Wave Set Tip Offs...
Don't hurt to ask! Just got an icky feeling!
Perhaps some competitors we're tuning into a different wave length about where to camp & when?
Starting to think that tower played a vital role in proceedings...ya know wot tbb's getting at!
tbb covered near everything in the years up to this + that tower.
Being honest...never once read of Apple Watches being allowed in an Olympic Comp.
Coz that's one hell of an interference...you press the right buttons & you got this line up on a string.
Totally hot wired...Please if any know more about these Watches & wavelengths!
Foamie Tony's Tower of Power might just harbour some more dark secrets...
tbb is leaving this chapter open...just important to seek clarity given Judge Switcheroos!
Anyhow! Firstly wanna say Kauli ripped but others also had a chance if all things being equal.
* We know IOC / ISA cooked 1-5 Seeds to favour Latin / French
* We know IOC/ ISA cooked majority / head judges Latin / French
* Google rode IOC Chinese Games rights to Bypass Aukus & hook 70yr Tahiti Land Banks & cables
* Why is Olympics Forecaster / Watch Deal played down...Silence!
tbb tried hard to get intel on Official Forecaster + these Dawn Patrol devices...Silence!
Just saying...this is not about the result...tbb went looking earlier on!
* First establish if all Olympians got a Watch.
(Request if any crew can easily check on Subscription / which WSG seeded Competitors had them)
* Is this an Olympic ideal or Olympic breach
* Is it hooked up to that Evil Empire Tower (Equally to all Nations surfers / Same Bandwidth!)
* Are they different > hooked up to Team Coaches / Wave Callers?
* Which other sports share apple watches with home town heroes!
Just its not fair that this was never outed by commentators...all are quiet on this!
Yet all crew know this was a huge deal in WSL
* Did new competitors get a brief on how to use them
* Why not one protest of a watch misuse amongst newbies?
Please carry on...tbb is merely enquiring about Pushing Priority Olympic tech...not protesting...
Please understand...all viewed easy Tower Sighting of Massive Clock + [P] from Line up!
So why did they need these 'Corp sponsored' Watches in ai Olympic competition.
Note we all read about the Tower needing 5G/3D but never hooked to surfers...Huh!
Why did they leave out the #1 Priority reason when arguing for Tower > Only ever said Broadcast!
Never ever read once it was mandatory for Olympians? Why did they withhold New Vital wearable Comp Tech.
If tbb gets an Anomaly green light on any bite...then this opens up next level IOC rorting! Ok!
Guess What!
Not all surfers wear watches & they're all different but...Big But...
(Drum Roll)
Coach / Team France have the same Chunky Black Round Face watches!
Here's the two boys + Bourez have same watches
Vahine with same black round watch (Note only wears it with Comp Shirt!) Got it!
Johanne only wears her very similar round shaped Watch during comps but under her sleeve
Yes! All will see French Coach Bourez wear his in the channel...Got it!
Wanna see a close up...Check out these very involved Comp Watches...
Check the amount of buttons on them...far out...that's a busy watch!
That would come in handy when competing as a team.
tbb puts the case as to Team France why all wear exact same watches...(But only during Heats?)
Also check if French Judge has one the same in the Tower of Power...
IOC should examine the Data on these exact same watches...
Ask! If they're just innocent watches...No big deal! Correct!
If France says No!
Then bring Foamie Tony down for a chat...might wanna bring a Guillotine!
tbb is getting too old to be playing these games...
All can see tbb sussed this because they buried it...now ya all know why.
Coach + 4 surfers all wear the watches when heats are on..
Outside the heats the girls wear their sponsors watches...
Kauli wears the similar watch in other WSL Comps
Pretty sure they're Prototype (French) In-house custom DIOR / Apple watches
Yes! All fashion Houses are moving into Apple / sport-water Watch ranges!
More to the point...these would be specifically compatible with New Tower Tech!
tbb thinks they're all tuned into the tower...Ya get the tip off from best Computers...
Kinda like next level Fighter Pilot Upgrades from Tower Computer Bank updates!
All together ...s/e 80* WOTD approaching... < ^ > in 10/9/8/ ...just like that folks...
Don't act surprised ...IOC/ISA Blatant Surfing Rort #4
Tower > Seeding > Judges > Watches...
C'mon give tbb some credit here guys...blew the whole gig apart...not really that fussed.
It's in tbb's DNA to keep the peace > keep things honest by name and nature...all tbb knows!
Sure all these several coincidences culminated towards the Olympic Final...(Coughing fit!)
C'mon...call it already...Mr smooth Foamie Tony hot wired the whole deal!
Feel free to check any / all in yer own good time....tbb is sick of wading thru it...
Reckon there's a truck load more gonna come out...sadly none will give a shit!
Plain as day crew...tbb is calling out the French cheats!
These corrupt bastards make tbb feel guilty just for enquiring...that's how us whistleblowers feel!
You can read that in tbb's thoughts in above comment...yet in no time here we are exposing more of it!
Can read in just that short time...is all it takes for one media staffer to cross check DIOR watches.
Saying it now...tbb is not being paid...100% non involved!
Have no agenda & nothing to hide...only know we've all been taken for a ride!
Happy to share any, all, more & more....fuckin' drowning in it...feel free to check in yer own time!
Once ya see it, ya can't not feel any less disgusted than tbb...trust me...
Try being exhausted from uncovering a new serial IOC rort each day over the last week.
Trying hard to escape this...don't wanna do it...but the bipolar kicks in > There it is...here we go again!
Losing count of what rort or what day it is...Like Day 6 rort 7...no idea!
All keep reading about new Druggie Games...Exactly wotz going on here...
Paris Games are testing all cheating / doping parameters to see what they can get away with.
Sure! tbb's joking...quite clearly this is the Prototype Corrupt games...(Now!) All act shocked!
Sadly that day come sooner...but that day here & now...suck it up people! They're laughing at us!
Just be thankful that surfers ain't dopin' Paxlovid like the swimmers & the Doped out Covid Village!
They're all in on it...The Whole French Team...Olympics...
All turned to shit...and getting paid well by Big Pharma / Tech corps for the blind trial!
#1 Most corrupt sporting event ever on our Blue Planet as it's meant to be! All are calling for it!
Nope not doing this for kicks...just sick of tripping over it...exhausted! Deserve a medal!
By now yer all saying where are the media in all this ...crew know they're all in on these corrupt games.
Either that ....or all are so fucking useless & blind to their own ways...don't give a shit / not worth shit!
Like how can ya not trip over buckets of these rorts...the endless clues...getting sloppier!
They don't even bother to hide it...like it's all now the new normal to cheat every time...So What!
Exactly...tbb is too distraught to do anything about...
Wot! Write a letter to IOC...Joking...tried that with FIFA...Was waitin' for cops or some shit.
Holy Shit tbb...Yes! Holy fuckin' shit alright! What we gonna do about...Huh! Nothing! It's over!
Time has come today...Sport is dead...it's just a pantomime for Betting houses!
Just humour them...pretend ya don't know each time they crow! Just throw a one liner back at them...
Oh! I think they're onto us....well durr!
Case closed > Book 'em Danno!
11 Dec 2019 Bourez Qualifies for Tokyo Olympics (Very next day!)
12 Dec 2019 Paris confirms Teahupoo
23 Sept 2020 OPT Telco Cable / Cash services Group Sign up Bourez to hook up the Tower.
23rd Sept 2020 Bank of Tahiti sign up Kauli for 4 years
23 May 2022 OPT roll out Cable to Tower of Power for their French Surfing Coach
10 Jan 2024 Kauli signed by DIOR for Apple Watches to Ping Bourez Judge's Tower
Tick Tick Tick more coincidences!
French Coach's Sponsor Hot Wires Judges Tower that pings his Olympian's DIOR Team watches!
No one says a word! C'mon People!
All these crooks throw shade over the Aussie > Everyone Look Down under!
As tbb said...the more ya dig the deeper Team France embeds in the rort!...all lines up!
Can play this game all day everyday...crew can see their grubby fingers are hot wiring the lineup
How is every weirdest possible thing they see & do keep colliding to hotwire & cook the lineup...
More so now that Tahiti / OPT surrender the whole shebang to WSL Tower of Power Google Larry!
Every fuckin' thing they touch is rorted...the largest post Nuke rorts that Tahiti has every seen!
Mega Million deals of 70 years we're talking about all hanging off these surfers Sponsors!
When media ask about google take over or wanna visit Coach Bourez / WSL OPT Tower of Power...
Sorry! Off Limits > Commercial in Confidence! Nothing to see...move along! Tee bloody Hee!
Seeing the three men on the podium, Jack Robinson is not exactly small. Jack is built like a rugby 5/8. In fact, the WSL website has Jack weighing in 2kg heavier than that Brazilian. Vaast weighs in a noticeable 11kg lighter than Robinson
Haven't seen one flicker of this whole event but the write-ups have been outstanding as usual and the running commentary adds to it keeping me in the moment. Thanks to all and congrats Jack.
Kinda feel like a pie.
mm ,,,pies.
was working onsite today, and couldn't watch the 'climax'. But could glance at swellnet comments on the work computer. Thanks to all for their running commentary through Jack/Vaast, the lull was a weird experience in text form. I got a solidarity pie from Andy's Bakery on the drive home
I have a feeling there might be some official complaints against vaast, re priority, help with signals from water patrol (griff).
They ioc really have to take a long look at surfing history (it's full of potholes). Then realize the current format is far too expensive and time consuming for the Olympics.
Vast should have been a mma fighter or wrestler with those claims....
Agreed. He got every bit of help he could get from everyone. I don't like his type of surfer----jockish muscle guy who doesn't congratulate his competitors. Also I think he's a one trick/wave pony---although very good on that pony
I thought griff was commenting on the support he got from the water police rather than tactical advice. Can’t see a complaint some to anything it would look like very sour grapes.
Vaast was given mentos from the water patrol
Unfair and sweet advantage.
Congrats to kauli though, he surf his way all over world to qualify for the Olympics
Then won the gold, hats off for that effort
Shame the results were so skewed by lack of waves . Surely they could have waited
The MMAification of the world continues.
Not gonna lie. According to Fighting Kalui, the bro that started up this whole Olympic deal back in the day was a French bro called Baron Dana de Blanc. Respect bro. With Punchin’ Flores as bro’s corner man, it makes sense.
Looks like Jujitsu Jeremy hasn’t had his charge manifesting this bit from “If” during the pre bout pump; ‘If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, And treat those two impostors just the same…’ Could never imagine a humble Aussie battler such as our Mick carrying on like a fairdinkum pork chop, bro style, after he’s just choked a poor fella out. Cos he knows the true meaning of respect.
On the other hand, guess bro’s got the one about keeping your head when it’s 12 feet and kamikaze while all around you Felipes are losing theirs, well and truly dialled in. Which is all that really matters, at this level. Respect.
But bro’s Goldberg-esque victory dance? Just not cricket, that sorta carry on. Didn’t look natural neither. With that sorta poppycock, a bloke’d be forgiven for thinking that bro was flying. Five rings to the wind.
You’d reckon that the drug testers have been out and about and all over Paris and the metropole, even venturing out into the Dom Toms. Not with any particular Olympic event or particular Olympian in their sights, mind you. Just pickin’ ‘em out at random.
Never know, might be one more Aussie gold on the board a few months down the track.
Medina acted like a buffoon . showed his character.
the judges were as biased as ever.
olympics showed once again that surf contests are fun to watch, but will never be a legitimate sport
Why is everybody down on Medina I thought he was restrained considering his past antics, Vaust was the dick.
The 24men 24 women format needs to be integrated into the CT.
Have a final 12 for the Olympics
Yip 24 person draw is great. Like it post cut for the men as every heat counts and would like to see 24 women pre cut. 16 just not enough.
Breaking news: 14 yr old Aussie Arisa Trew has collected a gold medal in the women’s park skating. well done Arisa!
And she got a congrats from legend Tony Hawk , big day!
And she got a congrats from legend Tony Hawk , big day!
The French have taken the Olympics to another level .
Having a Champion swimmer , has helped the whole country , to really show its Passion , 4 Life .
Having our Athletes perform so incredibly well , makes an important statement , about what Australia stands for imho .
Australians have a real Passion for Life .
Our standing on the Olympic Medal Talley , bloody THIRD , is a HUGE statement .
Our Country DOES fight way above , our weight .
Even our Freeway is supporting our Team , with a Green and Gold lining .
Our Wattles , are bloody Blooming marvellous , like US Aussies !
I think it shows we have money not much else. Bangladesh only had 7 athletes even enter and look at there population. Is a big scam
Anyone seen footage of the surf today ??
Got a question for all of you - with whats just taken place and looking ahead... where the fucks the spot gonna be for the next olympics in LA - surely not Huntington!!...where else? Trestles? and if August/September is when most summer olympics are held whats the surf like over there at that time of year? After the sport put a pretty good foot forward to the masses with at least 'some' waves of consequence and pretty clean conditions, hows two foot slop gonna go down to us all in Cali.
Dont tell me there gonna look at Kelly's tub as a possibility...!!?? Cos that's it... I'm fucken done with that shit If they do!
The dates for LA 2028 are mid to late July - Fri, 14 July 2028 – Sun, 30 July 2028.
I'd say it be either Malibu or Trestles, both south swell spots.
Any idea what conditions are like on average at that time of year Stu?
Malibu rarely only ever gets over waist high doesnt it?
Relatively consistent south swells, most of them formed south of the equator, so very long period, slow, and rarely above, say, shoulder high - more likely knee to waist.
It's early in the hurricane season though it is still possible to get south swells from depressions off Mexico/Central America. Those are more consistent and can get much larger. Much more sporadic of course.
"Saipan is located in the Mariana Islands archipelago in the western Pacific Ocean. The fourteen island chain makes up the CNMI. Saipan, its capital, is 139 miles directly north of the Territory of Guam.
The CNMI is also a United States Territory"
Extreme measures will be required
Ha ha...very exotic, though as much chance as First Reef Pipe at that time of year.
Thoughts Stu...reckon they could be looking at lemoore?
Yeah, possibly.
As I've mentioned before, surfing in the Olympics is more about endorsements than deciding the world's best surfer. Like, none of us actually believe Kauli Vaast is the best surfer in the world, he just won that contest on that day.
If the WSL can get their product - the Tub - into the 'Lympics it'll be the best endorsement possible. A new version of an Olympic-sized pool. They'll be pushing as hard as possible to make that happen.
The sticking point is the ISA, not the WSL, are pro surfing's link to the IOC.
So, how does Fernando feel about pool surfing? Has he attended any of the events?
Be worth watching if there's any movements around that in the next year or so. Reckon the answer lies there.
Filipe is a believer in Olympic pools:
"I love the sea and I don't think anything beats nature! But, when it comes to the Olympics, I think it would be the fairest way! Everyone would have enough chance to put their best foot forward in the waves!
"Let's be honest, if the sea had stayed as it was in round 3, Gabriel would have taken the gold and we know it! The pool provides this condition from start to finish, and in the end the winner is really the best surfer!
"If I lost in the wave pool, at least I would have lost surfing and giving my best, which wasn't the case with Gabriel, who in my opinion didn't even lose, he just didn't have a chance!
"Every 4 years, I think the athlete needs to be prepared for this unique moment that is the Olympics and be sure that he will deliver his best!"
Medina got out medinaered by jack , pure & simple, best man won that heat . If Felipe was a stand up guy he would’ve given his spot to a countryman that was more suited to chopes , he could’ve stuck to having a year off and gone for gold in waves more suited to him in 4 years time . He has lost a heap of respect at home and around the world .
Flippy is brave putting his head up considering how brave he was. He of course would love a pool 2 foot and perfect - tailor made for him not those nasty big ones.
I bet Filipe wouldn't be saying that if there was a wave pool capable of producing 8 foot barrels
Guam has good waves.
What has the mighty U.S. of A. done for the good people of Guam lately?
While it should be in Hawaii, South Shore Oahu, the location currently listed for 2028 is Santa Monica State Park and Venice Beach.
The pool blitz
Kswave Co
Beautiful perfect wave Kelly built
But the tribe has spoken
'Boring AF'
To me a spot like Duranbah makes the most sense for this competition.
Lefts, Rights, tubes, turns and airs all on the menu, short and sharp, powerful enough and waves non stop. Chaos rules
That photo of the Medina turn up above is unreal.
It's insane isn't it? Bring on big Cloudbreak.
Also, FWIW, I found this photo the other day which has many attributes to the 'greatest photo of the Olympics'.
Gabriel's board has been training for the moment since 2019.
haha, Gabriel and JC, mid Rapture!
Yep, everything just in the perfect position.
Haha, loves an extravagant kick out.
Goofs on their forehand doing turns
Unfortunately rare sight
Excellent reportage throughout FR; thank you.
One philosophical question you may have answered elsewhere - as I understand it the "IOC" is the official name of the organization that ran this comp on behalf of the Olympic Commitee. Given that the WSL runs professional surfing, it's hard to understand (logically not politically) why they don't run the Olympics from here on in. If so, the interference call that cost Jack Robbo may (could) have been very different. Good luck to Kali and all Tahatians - but surfing competitions should seek and apply black & white criteria for relatively pedestrian issues like what constitutes interference IMO.
No one’s really touched on this so far although Steve has alluded to it with mention of “philosophical debates about Olympic surfing” being the subject of a future article, but to me it’s the elephant in the room.
Why the fuck would Jo Average want surfing to put a “good foot forward to the masses”, or to have the Olympics “showcase [surfing] to the world”?
You can’t be that bored, shortsighted, or nationalistic, or whatever the reason is.
We all know that waves are a limited resource and crowds = shit surfs.
So why this febrile desire to have your non-surfing friends find surfing “watchable” or for it to be a mainstream spectacle?
You cannot be serious, although that’s an ironic turn of phrase considering Bobby Martinez’s memorable comment about surfing becoming a wannabe tennis tour.
I mean, consider the impact that China’s Yang Siqi could potentially have on surfing crowds worldwide.
“Oh you’re an idiot”, I hear you say, “China doesn’t have a coastal culture like Australia”.
Well neither does Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria and all these other places that have made substantial contributions to crowds in places like Indonesia.
And Yang Siqi is reported to be an inland surfer, a farmgirl from the southwestern province of Sichuan.
Imagine even a small percentage of middle class Chinese taking up surfing, and then travelling with it.
Imagine it.
Game changer.
Racist? Not at all, just an example of the potential effect of sheer numbers.
Selfish? Yep, 100% - we all know that behind the commercialising cliche of peace, love and mungbeans, surfing is a selfish sport.
To use an analogy of mine, if you’re in your local pub, which might have two bartenders, why would you want the punters to be 10 deep waiting to get served?
The rest of you can be idealistic and starry-eyed, and also peachy keen for the world to validate your hobby/past-time/sport, but I’d rather get a beer in good time.
Good point
I was really trying to hold my opinion on this. Since Andy has brought it up I’ll have a go.
It’s been mentioned earlier, ‘who cares what people think of surfing as a legitimate Olympic sport’.
Well I think surfing does, a lot. By surfing I mean the surfing media as a whole and as it seems many surfing punters / participants by reading the forums. All these claims after round 3 from large surfing media companies stating ‘surfing had won the Olympics’ or stating that photo of ‘Medina best of the Olympics’ seem so sensationalised when you realise no one other than those who know how brilliant and psycho an 8-10 foot west swell at this specific Polynesian reef is.
Many surfers and the industry think surfing is more important or better than it is.
I mean the medal rounds weren’t on 9 or ‘Aussies in action’, you had to go deep into 9 now to find the surfing section to watch an Aussie go for a medal live. I saw a 1:00 highlight of Jack’s semi that showed footage of the surfers staring at the horizon.
With the critical priority judging blunders and literally 15 secs of wave riding in Jack’s semi and final, how can the game be taken seriously? The ‘sport’ is subjective enough as it is without having such minimal or unequal opportunity to show the high levels of skill they are capable of.
Even judo where people win when their opponent commit 3 fouls rather than take down an opponent could be more understandable to public Joe.
Say surfing in this show is more about endorsement of the sport or athletes rather than deciding the best in the world, than what is the point if the competition doesn’t really matter?
Did Jack, Molly, Kauli really work 4 years for this? Or will they chalk it up as something a ‘bit different’ only to head back to the thing that matters to them more in Fiji in a couple of weeks.
You can bet Jason Day and Alex De Minaur had a giggle and are less than phased by a lack of an Olympic result and are looking forward to getting back to their real comps soon.
Not so for your Sam Shorts of the swimming world who will be playing bed karate for another 4 years prior to hoping they get one more chance in LA. Our rowers who train 3 x day 50 weeks per year to miss a final or medal.
Sorry for the essay and rant. I’m totally happy to be hear alternate arguements. I think I’m probably just at a stage where surfing competition to me seems like a strange and at times ugly morph of what I see this beautiful pastime to be for me. (Which says more about me than surfing).
Hardest thing is trying not to watch.
At least in reference to my own comments above, the question was not around legitimacy. It was more around watchability. There have been lots of comments about how it must be so boring for a non-surf fan to watch when the conditions aren't ideal or it is slow. I don't think it matters what a non-surf fan thinks in that respect, the same as it doesn't matter what a non Greco Roman Wresting fan thinks of the wrestling. Same goes for Fencing, Taekwondo, Karate, Shooting and any other sport that most people don't give a shit about most of the time. How enjoyable a sport is to watch should have no bearing on it's inclusion.
Competitive surfing is what it is. It's a known entity at this stage. Those participating understand the inequalities and level of luck required, even if Joe Blow doesn't. If these factors delegitimise it as an Olympic sport, then they delegitimise it as a sport in general.
100% agree.
I guess I’d turn the question around and ask: do you guys think surfing is a legit sport worth including in the Olympics and why?
Somehow, the IOC must get some extra money from having surfing. Therefore, they would reckon it is worth it.
I'm feeling legitimated
Just a point that has gone unreported in Vaasts win.... He's a CS guy with a huge weight of expectation from a home crowd up against a master tactician in slow surf. Thats a shitload of pressure. To have tactically outplayed Robbo so heavily after watching him dismantle Gabes strategy in the semi is huge from a mindest perspective. Looking forward to seeing him in the big leagues in the next couple years with that sort of grit.
Was it just two years ago, the all hail Kelly event at teahupoo, kauli was unbeatable when he got spat out of another humongous monster barrel, looked in the channel, saw all the flag waving fans and lenses pointed at him and fell off?
He's had time to think about it. He's on the CS? He did compete at some events, qualifiers maybe, he went pretty good, no ones bagging him, He seized his opportunity and nailed it.
Jacks 'he can't make it from there' strategy probably inspired him
Mean while today, many miles away in a wee cove, the tide was draining out. Glassy mostly with the odd puff of offshore,(not much though)...14 degree water temp and only 3' to 4'. Double up after double up, a beautiful mutant tweak in the swell, and the sand/mussel rock bank was handling it....just...
I was trying to manage my breathing, keeping at bay a heart attack. I was stoked to get to my feet and pull into and make some drainers, (been awhile), No body new I was there, and you guys/gals i'd like to share this with.... keeping things in prospective, considering the endless pursuit of riding waves.
But if there’s no one watching, what’s the point?
beautiful, Balbero. That's the stuff.
Sounds epic.
That’s it for me Balbero. I love a quiet surf with nobody around, just me sending a humblebrag to a few mates afterwards.
Comp surfing is corporate surfing, even at its best. Personally, comp surfing has no relation to actual surfing. Not even close, a separated Venn diagram. A different sport.
Matt Wearn needs wind like Robbo needs swell , gold medallist!
Funny, on it's second go the Olympics have provided a real world champion, proven in real waves. The WSL have a "Claytons" world champion.
I don’t think many people think of Kauli as a world champion do they?
the LA lympics could take advantage of S swells at Tijuana Sloughs or Imperial Beach in San Diego. Or Poipu in Kauai taking over the tourist precinct. Santa Monica State beach would be like holding the surfing in Cottesloe.
Great reportage Freeride.
A highlight for me has been Alonso Correa. Feels like he came out of nowhere, he charges, he's kept a cool head against some fierce competitors. A big shout out to you Alonso! If finals day had been pumping I think he might have had more opportunity to play dark horse.
I feel like he represents what the Olympics offers more than any other, the opportunity for a relative unknown to have a stab at the big dogs. Bravo to him and I hope some good things roll down to him for it.
Congrats to Kauli and a shame mother nature didn't come to the finals day party with more consistency. Two heats where surfers were left with only one scoring wave.
Keegan Palmer wins the Men’s Park Skating Gold , nailing the Stale fish 540 !
I think everyone agrees that the pinnacle of surfing is not an Olympic gold medal. Likewise the WSL has created a Trestles final, which everyone also agrees does not represent a true world champion.
Maybe separate the Olympics to a pool only niche event format and return the world title to a Pipe final event.
Just sayin…
Mono and other differently abled surfers would absolutely rock Teahupo’o. It’s a shame that the paralympics doesn’t extend to surfing. Some of the billions spent on bring Olympic style surfing to French Polynesian waters and putting on best ever opening and closing ceremonies in gay Paris could surely be spent on Paralympic surfing.
Great write up as usual. Have to agree with AndyM et al regarding surfing's popularity. Too many surfers in the world now, definitely don't want more, selfish? Yep.
Also ate waiting for a beer in any bar.... :)
watched the replay, Jack handled himself like a champion. Happy for Kauli.
I’m with you Vince. I suspect Jack didn’t hassle Kauli in the final because he was a local, and because he wasn’t Medina. Serious respect to Jack.
I didn’t see Kauli acting like a pork chop, but I’ll take it from comments that he did. No need for that. Grace in winning is more important than grace in losing. Jack did fine.
The swell was forecast to increase in Tahiti on Olympic surfing finals day;
the guys final went first;..... with limited time allowed in the final heat for the infrequent sets..... Jack caught one scoring wave.
In the womens final, they both paddled over the first set...
Imagine if there was equal opportunity for these sets at Tahiti
Gold plated silver medal...for all.
Detached event, should be based in the city or immediate area of the Olympics, not half way across the world. Like it or not, wave pools would solve this problem, no different to other artificial venues such as rock climbing, rapids course etc. This also benefits spectators as well as the rest of the world's tv audience and with guaranteed waves. The pools can then be retained after the Olympics and used commercially to pay back the host city's investment cost.