Forecast: The Vivo Rio Pro

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Form Guide

The Vivo Rio Pro
22nd June - 30th June
(all dates are local)

The South American leg of the Championship Tour continues...

And yes I know El Salvador - which was the last stop - isn’t actually in South America but I’m looking for a theme and that’s as close as I’ll get.

Nevertheless, Brazil is in the heart of South America and it’s where the CT finds itself for stop number eight, the Vivo Rio Pro, held on the beachbreaks of Saquarema.

Saquarema is the second-last stop of the regular tour, with Cloudbreak and the Finals Day yet to come.

From the men to the women, the ratings are vastly different. On the men’s side, John John has a commanding lead, now over 10,000 points clear of second-placed Jack Robinson. Runaway leads and Brazil aren’t a good mix for John, as his 2019 injury can attest. Struck down attempting an alley-oop, John surrendered a large lead - he’d won two of the first four contests - and only returned for Pipe. He finished the year in seventh place.

Still on the men’s side, the first three places outside the five are Brazilians and considering the form Gabriel, Italo, and (especially) Yago are carrying it would be a surprise not to see at least two of them jump into the five.

The women’s side of the draw is congested with less than 5,000 points separating the top five. Caity Simmers wears the gold but nothing is assured when the peloton is so bunched up.

It’d be great to say the contestants will be greeted with conditions befitting the spectacle, however that won’t be the case with highly mobile weather systems moving swiftly through the swell window during the waiting period.

Much like the Sydney and Hunter regions, Saquarema relies on swells from the south to south-east. It’ll be active from those directions, no doubt, but the organisers will struggle to bed down consecutive days of waves.

The first system of note is due to fire up off Argentina, generating a small fetch of strong winds aimed to the east - see image below. This isn’t ideal in either direction or strength, however it will create a short-lived pulse to 3-4ft for the second day of the waiting period. Size will ease through the day. Conditions look clean during the morning before fresh afternoon sea breezes kick in.

Smaller surf is then due for the following days, with the next pulse of swell due to arrive from the south-southeast later Tuesday but more so Wednesday. This will be generated by the remnants of a small low feeding into a much more significant polar storm, though far to the east and on the edge of Brazil’s swell window.

We should also see a good fetch of strong to gale-force southwest winds generating a moderate-size mid-period southeast swell that will spread up to Saquarema on Wednesday and continuing into Thursday morning. At this stage it looks to be in the 3-5 feet range with OK morning winds and afternoon sea breezes.

We may also see a weaker trough pushing up through the middle of the week, generating some additional mid-period southerly swell for the end of the week, though the models diverge regarding the make-up of this system. We'll keep an eye on its evolution as there's the possibility of it deepening into a strong low at the end of the period. It’s a low percentage scenario, and even if it were to develop it would likely arrive with lots of onshore wind. If that were the case, the WSL would preferably utilise the earlier and cleaner swells.


Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 11:51am

Well anyone guess how many waves I'll watch of this comp?
Last year I think I watched 3
Viva Brazil......

Madashaz's picture
Madashaz's picture
Madashaz Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:01pm

Bring back "The Dream Tour"!

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:06pm

FWIW Rio was on the Dream Tour.

It's been a mainstay of the tour since 1976.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:53pm

Yolo Brazil....

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:41am

Wasn't it further south in those days that has passable waves?

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 3:19pm

Watch out down there, you might get fired!

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:04pm

Like all previous years of the Brazil leg, I will probably only watch the highlighs if it makes it onto the nightly news........

Out of interest, what is the average viewing numbers on this comp? Compared to say Chopes or Fiji?

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:26pm

there was that one year where it was absolutely bombing. the one where they were getting hell tubing 6-8 foot right handers and filly was dominating. not sure if it was the same year but up the other end of the beach but there was another session where it was pumping lefts and i think filly might've done some insane air that covered so much ground. yes, brazil can be as bad as watching the qs event in manly, but it can also be epic

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:57pm

Yes that was a great year, what happened with every other one though ?
I remember tuning into to watch Freddy "meat and potatoes "Morais....
Fight tooth and nail with Onshore 3 foot closeouts bahhhh.

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 3:49pm

i take your point, but freddy (although i understand him to be a lovely fella irl) might be the least-watchable surfer on tour from my perspective lol

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:43am

And who can forget 'Floater Gate'.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 3:20pm

I can't remember, remind me ?

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 1:34pm

I remember now....

boneroni's picture
boneroni's picture
boneroni Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 9:48am

Yep, I can remember 3 or 4 years that absolutely FIRED! Unfortunately, when it's not firing, it's "meh" at best. Skunks happen everywhere though.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:30pm

Nighmares. see you in Fiji

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 12:58pm


tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 4:34pm

haha, sums it up.

vicbloke's picture
vicbloke's picture
vicbloke Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 2:06pm

"Still on the men’s side, the first three places outside the five are Brazilians and considering the form Gabriel, Italo, and (especially) Yago are carrying it would be a surprise not to see at least two of them jump into the five"

With 3 Brazos just outside the five what are the chances the 3 contestants and crowd get a little rowdy should they not get the scores they 'deserve'?

mpeachy's picture
mpeachy's picture
mpeachy Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 5:04pm

The brazilians always get overscored in Brazil, although to be fair the aussies used to get overscored at snapper

pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 9:15pm

Historically Brazil has never lived up to its reputation of wild-west in surf competitions (despite being a country having some regions with almost as much urban violence as, say, South Africa). There have been the bad events, but nothing compared to Hawaii, for example. The one episode that went down in history was with Todd Holland in the early nineties!

Apart from that, all that weird talk about "death threats" just made me chuckle. How a couple of keyboard-warrior punks got so much credit still blows my mind. Not that one shouldn't exercise caution in Brazil, but those social media posts would be at the bottom of my worry list! Eric Logan tried to capitalize on it in his "open letter", but it doesn't seem to have worked in the end...

Watt Tyler's picture
Watt Tyler's picture
Watt Tyler Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 6:03am

"Brazil has the seventh-highest crime rate in the world with exceptionally high rates of violent crimes. Brazil's homicide rate was 23.6 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020—and it has been as high as 30.8 in previous years."

pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 8:56am

Precisely. That's why IMHO social network posts are almost a joke in the grand (sad) picture. Not that the author shouldn't be chased by police and accountable for his threatening posts, but the "hype" around such posts in the surf world was disproportional - again, IMHO. Griffin might disagree.

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:48am

Yeah I think if your looking for dangerous places the USA might be a good place to start. There are hairy spots in a lot of countries eg. Mexico NW and around Acapulco however elsewhere along the coast it is fine.

Standingleft's picture
Standingleft's picture
Standingleft Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 3:24pm

How risky are airs really?
It's a question title and medal contenders will be carefully weighing up

Stu2d2's picture
Stu2d2's picture
Stu2d2 Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 3:32pm

So essentially JJ is looking on in envy as Nate books a ticket to Namibia?

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 3:50pm

there's a namibia swell inbound?

seahound's picture
seahound's picture
seahound Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 3:41pm

Yes of course Brazil rightly needs to host an event on the the world tour. But with all that coastline available, surely Brazil must have some better wave locations than just endless beach breaks? Are there any reefs or points anywhere? Maybe even a long peeling sandbar river mouth set-up somewhere? I understand too that a well-structured world tour needs to provide a good variety of venues, including one or two beach breaks. But for goodness sake WSL, please get the French leg back on the schedule for the beach breaks. France has proven many times that its beach breaks have far more quality, and tubes. Plus France has good mobility with nearby venues on different tides etc. European leg needs strengthening for the fan base too.

pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 7:36pm

Yeah, there are better waves in Brazil for sure. The problem is consistency. Think Kirra, for example. One of the best waves in the world but the WSL can't choose as a main/only venue because it might go for a month or more without breaking properly, even in prime season. So given pros and cons, Saquarema is a decent choice for Brazil standards. As for your comment regarding a river mouth sandbar, Guarda, for example, is amazing, but breaks only a few times a month. See a video from earlier this month:

pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa's picture
pvfloripa Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 7:35pm

I remember Stu once asked about Campeche Rights. Great "city" wave, but even less consistent than Kirra.

seahound's picture
seahound's picture
seahound Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 7:37pm

Thanks. That wave looks proper championship tour worthy.

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:53am

That is a gem ripa not crowded either and must be south as they are in wetties. Gets cold water down there apparently.

Kham's picture
Kham's picture
Kham Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 4:18pm

Seriously, except for the buzzing swarming crowd on the beach, What does Brazil have to offer the WSL?
Bring back Mexico Gringo's.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 6:32pm

Bazzilion Brazilian's with enthusiasm, parties & dancing would be nice...

a different culture....?

tiger's picture
tiger's picture
tiger Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 6:19pm

Thanks Stu, can't wait to miss it.

julioadler's picture
julioadler's picture
julioadler Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 4:50am

This is essentially a public relations event.
A must-have for the WSL, one of the few that makes some money.
Meetings, happy hours, V.I.P. wristband parties and a truckload of lobbying.
They could call it The Rio V.I.P. wristbands Pro.
Anything on a surfboard with a surname reminiscent of Brazil is enough to satisfy the public.
It's a collective discomfort for judges, competitors and journalists - except those who are there just for the rendez-vous.
Like Huntington, minus the peroxide and fake tan.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 5:25am

hahahahah- "a collective discomfort for judges, competitors and journalists "

Thats brilliant.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:02am

it's also a great trap to cull ceo's
Fly em out there and pull the rug !

memlasurf's picture
memlasurf's picture
memlasurf Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:55am

Ha, ha the CEO graveyard.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 3:22pm

Watch those comments
Ziffy reads this !

yahabo's picture
yahabo's picture
yahabo Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 7:01am

To quote Brian Fantana...
"As the old saying goes...nope!"

wavie's picture
wavie's picture
wavie Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 7:29am

yago dora $7.75

StayAtHome's picture
StayAtHome's picture
StayAtHome Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 7:50am

had to look up what a peloton means. thanks for enhancing my vocab Stu!

rrr's picture
rrr's picture
rrr Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 9:00am

surely theres a better wave than that in all of brazil ?
you know there is ... so take it there .
please .. spare us another yawn fest .

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 3:23pm

There's a better wave at the other end of the beach....

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 6:45pm

there are better waves in NSW than Narrabeen on a south swell

suchas's picture
suchas's picture
suchas Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 9:55am
StayAtHome's picture
StayAtHome's picture
StayAtHome Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 at 4:04pm

I’ll be watching j-bay for inspiration


yodai's picture
yodai's picture
yodai Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 6:15am

Sounds like an onshore air show coming up
Yes 3 Brazzo will make the 5

surf.rat's picture
surf.rat's picture
surf.rat Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 8:01am

How will there be any Brazilian fans left to watch it "live" when they all now live on the Gold coast?

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 7:44pm

thanks for the great forecast & summary Stu,
hope the in form surfers get some good waves & goodvibes...

beware of the backwash...

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Saturday, 22 Jun 2024 at 4:57pm

Didn't know where to put it but live stream for J-Bay...

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 7:46am

Put it on the live feed comments in the Brazil contest page.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Saturday, 22 Jun 2024 at 5:41pm

Thank you, Sprout!

kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee's picture
kaybeegee Saturday, 22 Jun 2024 at 6:38pm

Thanks, but I’ll just check in for shearer's wrap ups

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Sunday, 23 Jun 2024 at 2:53pm

I set up a trivia over on the live comment Brazil link. If anyone is interested?

MESR's picture
MESR's picture
MESR Monday, 24 Jun 2024 at 12:24pm

Is there really no where else in Brasil that they can hold this event? I get that they must include Brasil due to the large market they wish to tap into to increase viewership and expand WSL followers, but it def aint a spot we are pumped to watch? A few years we ago we had some ok waves off the southern point but most other years have been sloppy pop puss mixed in with some G.Focker back wash.

Swany's picture
Swany's picture
Swany Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024 at 9:43pm

‘sloppy pop puss mixed with G.Focker back wash’
Yep that tickled me haha

mpeachy's picture
mpeachy's picture
mpeachy Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024 at 4:19pm

Forecast looks good for tonight right?