2024 Challenger Series Announced
Overnight, the Woz released the calendar for the 2024 Challenger Series (CS). Despite hints of expansion, the schedule is almost the exact same as this year's CS, with six contests visiting the same six places - which is one less competition than 2022. The only thing that differs are the dates and even those are marginal.
The Australian leg of the combined CT/CS is four comps strong: Bells Beach,, Margaret River (pending council outcome), then Snapper and North Narrabeen for those who don't make the cut. Four contests in six weeks. Again, same as it was this year.
If nothing else, it shows some manner of consistency which is good for sponsorship and hence building the CS into a bankable second-tier tour. Curiously, the CS currently has more naming sponsorship than the Championship Tour.
That last point is almost certainly because the CS is opting for a 'bums on seats' approach, hitting up urban centres at the expense of quality waves. Arguably the first three dates: Snapper, North Narra, and Ballito, could be considered good odds for waves, being close to quality and in season - perhaps Ericeira too, though Jacko Baker may argue the point after the horrific waves, and outcome, this year.
Taken in its entirety, the CS is assuming the role of the old QS, visiting lesser waves in urban centres, only it's now a shorter season meaning each comp* has more at stake.
*Four contests will count towards the final points tally. The top ten on the CS points ladder will be promoted to the CT.
Such a small and underwhelming series, I wonder if what the WSL tiers have become are what it was intended being when incepted a few years ago?
Enjoyed having fewer CS events, they seemed to mean more.
The finals in the Championship Tour are wearing down the enthusiasm of even the most die hard fans though, it just makes every event less meaningful and then the finals are lame.
How good was it when Pipe used to be the CT decider for men and Honolua for the Women.
Trestles seems like a wave Pool comp in comparison.
It's just so ridiculously obvious that finals suck (especially at Trestles) and make no sense in surfing, it's actually hard to fathom why it hasn't changed back
No, once again: it's obvious the level of underwriting from the Aus govt (taxpayer) with a 4 comp leg is keeping the Tour afloat.
This is just a rebadged Q-ey.
And again, we will have the same problem- surfers qualifying in shitt surf and then having to contend with Pipeline/Sunset etc etc.
The Wozzle are backing a music festival on the beach at Cooly in the World Surfing Reserve to coincide with the Snapper CS, despite the perfectly good park that has been used many times before right off the beach. The local councilor, traders and many residents are very unhappy. Maybe Swellnet might want to talk about the very cosy relationship with the Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve organizing body (if you can actually find out who it is), the WSL and Gold Coast City Council. Very smelly greenwashing. Dare to ask GCWSR their view on this proposal and they will block you immediately.
[Disclaimer] Goldie tbb had no idea 'bout WSL Closed Shop WSR gig until Council's Wave Pool Vote.
Also no idea 'bout Mad Huey's Cool-aid Kid who loves fingering Benassi Babe's power tools
WSL QS Tongue flicking half of a Cut Snake rides a 6ft dick & interviews Pros with a black Dildo
[ Apology ] If it sounds crude > Just reading directly from the WSL QS songsheet
[ Apology ] If Cool-Aide Kid is one of the crew or reads tbb's diatribe...half yer luck!
Asia + US Surf Media + Breakie TV all queue to bend over for this WSL QS tongue flicker...
Yes! Shuts down yer city next week...
WSR councilors, traders, locals, submissions all poo poo turning our WSR into giant beach receptacle.
4th Dec 2023 Last business day...WSL VIP beach Toilet for 30,000 = 8 votes for (vs) 5 against
tbb's grubby Councilor campaigned loudest for Goldie WSR WSL EPIIC Dick Flicking Fest.
100% on it TBB. The local councilor voted against as a token part of the GCCC shell game knowing full well the idea had the numbers despite her vote. Let's not forget the GCWSR is run by one guy, who spruiks Chinese made pop-outs for kooks with a certain former world champ/failed ALP candidate/WSL commentor. Greasy AF
Surfalot67...has a good sense of smell...
WSR politics Nov/Dec 2023...Aukus takeover of Oz WSRs...Yes Gromz! We're at War!
*WSL Seppos switch on Goldie Power tool to lock up largest prime WSR lease.
*Noosa Yank Hodads massage last minute Whole of Sunny Enforced Ai Surfline- Beach takeover
*Bells reserve WSL / Surfrider exempt Surfline then use our own Oz Spies to oust Oz swellnet.
Spy report labels Oz swellnet as evil blowins while US Surfline are praised & pardoned as reservists.
Line in the sand is being crossed right here & now...this Summer!
US WSR Surf interests are being dwarfed by US Mass Security / Media Leasing of Oz prime beaches!
Be on yer guard...Surfalot67 + tbb have sniffed out & tried stampin' out this summer's flaming turds!
Piles of Seppo shitheads locking up Prime Beaches / Media against Oz Beachgoer's wishes...
WTFU Straya...Defend yer WSR airbnb surf havens from Govt backed WSL timeshare nest eggs!
Wanna protect yer Local...then Vote [No] to hostile US Hodad WSR Timeshare/ Media Takeover!
Cooly Pop 6,500 (vs) WSL 30,000 Cooly EPIIC = (Definition of a shitshow!) No means No!
WSRs welcome all, but No to Mass overcrowding of treasured endangered healing hi-risk shorelines.
WSL just lost whatever sustainable cred they lied about ever having by Lockin' up 30,000 on a beach!
No J bay.
I guess they need lots of opportunity in the shorter windows with the big fields and 4 surfer heats through the early rounds.
No JBay CT and nearly a 3 week period between Ballito and the Olympics. That's a perfect opportunity to add an extra CS event at JBay to appease the masses and increase the average wave quality for the CS tour.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone at WSL even surfs or has ever had to watch one of their own surf comps online?
A Current Affairs undercover investigation has confirmed that nobody at the WSL even surfs. With their busy schedule of climbing under desks with kneepads everyone at the organisation has 3D holograms of themselves surfing to keep face. For social media presents the employees have a department that specialises in AI generated content. It was also revealed that they are also to busy counting beans and giving each other back massages to have time to watch or review any of there own surf propaganda events.
Assume its top 10 for men qualify and still a tiny 5 for women which is a joke in the face of all the equality and progressing women’s blah blah we get from the WSL
Still no CEO announcement yet
Who would want the job? Being a puppet to the muppets.
Rumour has it the '25 Challenger series is going to go all out for bums on seats....
unconfirmed but highly sought after are StKilda beach, Brighton Le Sands, RedCliffe, and Glenelg.. should be a banger!
Bar snapper the rest of the venues ( if Huey doesn’t show up ) are very average..if you can win in shit you’re on tour..
Is it a perfect time for a rebel tour? At the CT level? Rumour Carissa Moore bailing (stab), all the WCT surfers who went in Vans this year but not last despite being invited to both indicates apathy to WSL feelings. JJF does he need any tour but this one in particular?
It's a commonly asked question but I reckon the notion of a rebel tour is a pipedream. Right now, the Woz is propped up by a fella with personal wealth of over $6 billion and who's happy to lose millions and millions of dollars each year in exchange for a backstage pass to the Trestles Finals.
Dumb money is hard to find but pro surfing currently has its goose.
Once he's gone, that's it.
FWIW with their CEO, CMO, and CFO positions all vacant, and the working parts of the tours either contracting or, at best, stabilising, as they burn through ever more sponsors, the status of which is on a clear downwards trajectory - Samsung electronics to Yeti eskies being an example - I wonder how much longer they can hold on.
There was recently a rumour of an upcoming captain offering to buy it all, however if it were to happen it'd be a severely trimmed operation. My guess is, if it came to pass the QS, CS, longboard, junior, and big wave, tours would all be scrapped while the tour, at least for a while, would be composed of 'invite only' competitions. So not much of a tour at all really, more a series of exhibition events.
We've seen this coming ever since the 'pathways to the top' started crumbling, making harder the passage from juniors to QS to CT, together with the rise of popularity plays. The last five or so years of highly dubious wildcards is not only a sign of waning integrity but also how future surfers may get a guernsey - fuck your comp standings, just get a large social media following and appeal to the marketing side of 'competition'.
We didn't know how good we had it.
Yeah I thought similar if less organised thoughts
What incentive is there for a surfer to stay with WSL though? Other than prize money and free esky’s!
What I mean though is if you trimmed all the fat, essentially made the focus the wave/best waiting period etc were not worried about bums on seats.
You get a redbull type in, top 16 surfers etc at amazing spots. Ie make it such that it has proper credibility, that in turn would drive actual sponsorship dollars for the surfers making that tour more enticing?
I’m a die hard fan and have close to zero interest watching the comps unless at a great location with swell, in my head Toledo has an asterix next to his titles and I feel sorry for Carissa Moore.
There has to be a better way!
Sponsors on a downwards trajectory? I bite my thumb at you sir!

haha too funny
This pic says everything that kills me about the wsl....A true core surfer, cheering the degradation of something central to our lives for decades, for a fuckin shitty paycheck. Cunts.... Fuck you kiapo, turpel, blakey, mel ect......you guys stnd there watching a rich fuck shit on everything we hold dear....and ham it up to boot......Noa Dean said it first and best...Fuck the wsl.....
A little strong perhaps ? Maybe just ignore the circus and go surfing.
Not at all. I shouldnt have to ignore it and just go surfing. Its our support for the surf industry in time and money for decades that has built the platform. As much as a billionaire has bought it, we all here culturally and historicly own it, and to see people who know better help make it all so lame just sucks. Surfing could do it like skateboarding: core, interesing, diverse and real. Not lame, cringe, irrelevant and manfactured.
Completely agree
Nothing the commentators can do. Mel was ghosted by the WSl as well.
"ever since the 'pathways to the top' started crumbling, making harder the passage from juniors to QS to CT"
So these shit hot juniors will just have to be satisfied with ripping their locals for a free board and wetsuit?
Sounds like a decent consolation.
Been following since the MR quaddie and once KS, Fanno, Parko etc retired the interest has waned.
Might be the winning sameness of the flip tricks of the Brazzo's or the total schills behind the mike (bring back Occy and Pottz!)
I still enjoy the Hawaii comps in pumping surf but best viewing now is with the boys who have their own social media. NF, JoB, Kai et al
You do know KS hasn’t retired ? Probably never will ha ha. He is a product of the WSL. Needs the validation for some reason.
Any speculation on how long the whole shebang might last in its dysfunctional way? Surely the wider dissatisfaction has to be getting it's way through to Ziff. It can't be much fun throwing all that money in and still being considered a chump.
For mine I'd kind of prefer it all fell over. I know it would be horribly disruptive to the whole organisation of professional surfing but the death of a thousand cuts feels worse.
Watched this this morning and couldn't agree more with both Margo and the host.....something is missing from surfing in the contest arena and it may be as simple as returning the format back to the way it was before the "final 5" debacle .
I was a big fan of competitive surfing for a long time but now am bored with it mainly due to the "climax" being at trestles which is clearly a shit final stage for a world title deciding contest . Anyways watch this and see what you think......
?si=sh14muu2X3PWNc2sAccording to Jim Maxwell “The Voice of Cricket” who has been commentating cricking ABC for 50 years.. “you can technique, but you can’t teach style”
Wow, Margo is very articulate and perceptive with his insights.
Yes spot on and the poo stance has got to go that ugly mechanical style is the pits. What I can't fathom is the little guy on Stab defending the final 5 when it is clearly defenceless. As we have all commented ad infinitum it needs a complete rethink and perhaps the best thing is if they pull the pin on the whole shebang. This will force some creative ways to show surfing at its peak, tough for the competitors but that is life - get a job even part time.
I wonder if a simple change of moving the finals day to a better wave might mean we can all forget the other shite. It would certainly go a long way to winning back the core. Then to save cash hand back the longboard stuff to the ISA and let red bull have the big wave thing.
Would make a very big difference Lost.
I actually like the final day format, whether its fair or not another matter, but I hate it at trestles. Imagine a bombing swell at Cloudbreak and just seeing the best 5 guys go toe to toe through multiple rounds, with admittedly the days best surfer, coming out on top. But to watch it at Trestles where the result is as close to a forgone conclusion, in the mens, as possible by a surfer who would likley not win one heat same format at 8-10 foot cloudbreak tells you everything. When i surf at the local im blown away by young guys arials etc etc, but what gets the whole town talking is the guys that charge the big days and charge it well - its excatly the same for the WSL, just on a elite stage
Could you somehow incorporated the cs in to ct finals day at a quality break so they decide world champ and next years qualifiers all on the one day. 30 min heats at pipe or cloudbreak is more than enough
So plenty of free time to complete extra heats on the day
In what sport, would any executive, hand over two of their most prized traditional assets, to a clothing company?
Could you imagine the WTA handing Wimbledon over to Nike, or Augusta giving the Masters to McDonalds to take on the road?
This is what the WSL did with both the Pipe Masters and the Triple Crown - two of their best IP/assets, with deep history and resonance in the community worldwide, and they flogged them off to Vans for SFA.
In return, we got a Final 5 and a wave pool event. This is what happens when you let the marketing "gurus" have too much power.
Today's News : Un-patrolled Beach + a/h Worst Group Drowning event in Vic for 20 years!
Whole of Oz knows Grog is banned on Beaches / Foreshores for #1 Health Safety Risks.
Surf crews all know Whiteshoe Mayors & WSL conspire to breach Grog rules & sell off our beaches!
CS pretend Tour is goin' nowhere fast without a massive Boost that Govts refuse to shell out!
Obvious to all that Councils click bait WSL to breach #1 Oz Beach Safety Rule...(Zero Beach Grog)
[Factcheck] CS tour Stops are all recently approved Licensed Mass Beach Rave Zones.
No sooner that last Hand voted them in...WSL Locked'n'Loaded the 1st Shots over the Bow! Piss Up!
We've all seen Pros floggin' & brewin' tinnies as a Cool Surfies Crushin' Slabs.
WSL Flog off Premium Fishy Grog Gigs to split their Illegal Vice proceeds with Whiteshoe Mayors!
Going price starts at $50 entry > $1,000s for VIP XXXX o/n Beach Shack Packs.
Lease premium televised Corp Beach Beer Banners or Gina Hancock Prospecting Fleshpot Aquacades!
WSR Surf Council Stewardship rewards XXXX Ads VIP Shindigs / Exclusive Cam deals etc...Vomit Bag!
Private Surf Resorts creep to soon Wall off intertidal Gaming Tax Havens + Prohibit Idle Beachcombing!
Seen it & been banned from Prime Bathing Zones & had safety severely compromised in Surf zones!
Surf Life Savers decide...All abide by our Universal Beach Safety Laws! Read Today's News Paper!
Not too much to ask...is it! Crew Salute rescuers & send wishes to saddened families of Tragedy!
WSR / WSL of all Surf bodies must set an example as they ask for the most...we are willing to share!
Happy to welcome WSL on Oz Beaches but not to bully & breach #1 Law & kick sand in our Faces!
No Overcrowded 30,000 VIP Fishy Shitfucked Piss Up Sell Out in nightfall Gold Coast WSR
NOT YOUR BEACH...but our next mass grave site! WSL keep voting themselves outta Oz!
Saturday 4th May 2024 Labour Day Weekend...
30,000 WSL Out to Lunch Concert goers flooding into Cooly Beach.
Pause! Without doubt all crew would first and foremost timetable an outgoing tide.
Obviously planing for safest option for Staff / Concert goers...All say Aye!
So how come WSL timetabled the worst case scenario of a large incoming tide to flood the event!
Close one lane at Kirra for 5 day set up & 3 day pull down.
20,000 or 70% blowins with free transit from as far as NSW Brunswick & SEQ Translink
Tickets = General $150 Sold Out (Resale $205)+ Pamper / Vip Packs etc..
Drinks = $25 Hard Fizz @ WSL Fisher's Discos.
Wotz a Hard Fizz =
$10m / year owned by WSL Fisher + WSL Pros Nikki Van Dijk + Laura Enever
+ A host of Ghastly Effluencers!
Goldie #1 Beach Bar Bully Billy & Jackie Cross!..."Mine...beach is all mine...ya can all fuck off!"
11am - midday Low Tide > Concert crowd start filling in racing against a big incoming tide!
WSL Gig kicks off at 2pm...closing in on mid tide > tide keeps rising...& rising.
30,000 now intoxicated revellers crowd a fast narrowing Cooly beach in fading light.
With just 5 volunteer lifeguards patrolling each end of the beach.
Note : Cooly SLS 'were' holding their Bronze ceremony on same beach on same Day...(Now?)
As each hour the tide rushes in ... Security wade into the surf to retrieve Concert perimeter Fencing.
With each hour of rising tide their Dragnet herds the Flooding Concert goers higher up the beach.
Dragnet rounds up 30,000 at risk crowd to higher safer beach of narrowing safe dunes...
Into the safe arms of High'n'dry $25 Hard Fizz Beach Bars...Our WSL bars are stocked to serve you!
It's now Sunset 5:30 on 1.6m high tide flooding a beach of WSL Concert goers...
Ask! Where else can WSL pissed patrons be safe as Tide has flooded half of their gig site
All huddled like rats along a line in the sand > WSL Grog zone can save them...@ $25 a Hard Fizz!
Pause! Beach Safety was #1 Concern...
SLS / WSR / Surfrider / Locals / Business / Govt Environment all oppose 30,000 WSL Beach crowd...
Now Ask the first most obvious question any local or blowin beachgoer would ask?
Why WSL timetables a 30,000 Beach Party on incoming 1.6m high tide to halve the beach size!
Now ask what fucking lunatics rubber stamp such a diabolical Mass disaster in the making!
That'd be Experience Gold Coast....
Hard Fizz owner Jackie + Mayor of Beach Bars + Former NP Beach Bar Premier
Other Members get paid to promote current Beach Bars this is more of the same -sell more Piss!
Former Tourism Events Minister : WSL Surf Ranch groupie Kate..."Luv WSL Piss Ups!"
Who in WSL is behind this Mass Death Wish + how & why Supreme beings override Local safety!
Here's wot Goldie crew know so far...
Ziff's equally fellow wealthy Jew William Goldberg runs South Trade that runs Gold Coast Fizz.
WSL support Event & run the sly contraband illegal Beach Grog to endanger 30,000 lives!
Seemingly only "Experience GC Hard Fizz" + Paid up [L] Councilors back WSR exploitation...
Qld Govt / GCCC are mid way thru WSR legislation to further protect WSR's...
After rorting this gig against ALL local WSR beachgoers Wishes!
ALP just kissed goodbye to ever winning back WSR seats...
(No more VIP grog events in WSR!) How hard to promote Safe Beaches in respect for Lifeguards!
Around 2010 Wavepool Gigs pioneered XXXX Moating > Drag-netting of patrons towards Bars.
Big Surf Wave Pool always just lowered the pool water level for punters to crowd the Stage
Can see Photo of Crowd mobbing the stage = Too far to wade back to Bars > Less Grog Sales!
Now see "Beach Party" Version > Now (Flexi Barricades moat the stage)
Enables Gigs to Push Crowd back & pen them towards Bar sales! Some very definite XXXX precincts!
See same Big Surf Wave Pool later with Moat > Pushing crowd towards $ Expensive Dink Stalls!
Floating Stage example > Push 'em back for giant wee receptacle or nearer the Bars! Kaching!
Hard Fizz & Beach Bar Bully Billy bankroll & boss [L] Councilors Div 5 / 11 (Soon a State Candidate!)
Div 5 : 'Promoters got upset failing to Bully us off our beaches, unable to kick sand in our faces!
Mayor is a keen backer of ALL proposed Beach Bars & Promotes Privatization of Beach / Oceanway!
Mayor already backed this thru his Experience Gold Coast...Massive conflict should rule him out!
Beach bars ban entry to #1 Beach Flags + Life Guards head hunt pissed Parents of rescued gromz!
Oceanways above these bars detour around Generators > Rows of stinky dunnies! > Grog Trucks
Beach Discos drown out Shark Alarms & VIP Fences Block Ambos Beach access...on & on!
WSL 30,000 Beach Party > Incoming tide traps punters towards bars > Peak Hour $25 Panic Buys!
Surprising that none above were as keen as tbb's local Councillor...(Not a fan of the Dark Cloud!)
This Cr pegs election signs on top of Trolley Tips & Rubbish pits & Office is surrounded by a Tip.
Staff offer basic assist Map Pick ups of Volunteer Rubbish retrieval & but he forbids office entry.
Says he's too busy with important CEO's ...like these here jerks!
Anyhow! Div 9 Cr drools over promoter Paul Dainty & Luvs the whole WSL Disco set!
Tries to excuse Billy / Hard Fizz Div 5/11 Campaign Donations...Motions to let'em vote for masters!
Tells lies upon another to promote event...
eg: Event was SOLD OUT day 2...
Cr: "Pro surfers + Surfing Fans will hang longer to attend Gig!"
Just saying...Imaginary surfies can't attend WSL Disco unless Cr scams them fake tickets...Huh!
Other councilors confirm all have booked Accom / flights well early & seldom change ~ re: penalties!
"GCCC voted for a redo of past same site Gig Knock-backs
Now rort votes to Approve their backers Gig first...then deal with all that other bullshit.
Then fake a Local Consultation for "Confidential in progress" (WSL Piss-fart Management Plan)
Banana Bob's previous Event comparisons failed to share, were all Grog free...15% crowd size!
Tricky but easier to relocate 3-4000 Sober Patrons than rescue 30,000 drunks taken by the tide.
Sideshow Bob : " It sends a Bad Message for Councilors not to support Global Disaster Events!"
WSR just extorted $8m from our WSR to hook more Gromz on WSL VIP Piss!
Local Councilors offered them several options in Cooly Event precincts for 10,000 gig...
Also gave additional free Finals day Celebration gigs...WSL Knocked them back...
WSL were pump primed to take the Lot...with 100% Record captive Beach Grog Licencing.
Exploiting Surfing to sell out endless VIP access Beach Bars to lock out future Gromz.
Greedy filthy stinking WSL disco divas are no longer welcome to our city...piss off you Kooks.
We decide ... Oz beaches are not 4 sale!
In such a wave rich region, how is Ribieira D’ilhas the wave they choose for the Challenger?
Should be Supertubos - demote from the ‘CT
I don't mind the venue @soli although it's pretty inconsistent and seems to need the right tide and swell direction. Contestable enough and enjoyable if there's a bit of swell.
Supertubos is much more inconsistent though(for running a comp). How many days of small closeouts compared to big roaring barrels do we see there for the CTs? There's much better surf in Portugal though. I'd love to see it go back to Figuera da Foz. Wave rich zone that handles tonnes of swell. Would prefer the CT there as well.
Tbh i reckon they should be running the comps at Nazare. It's not just a Nazare de gigantes. It's also a pretty sick beachie when it's 6-8foot. Probably a bit too exposed to wind though.
Just checked the Nazare cams and it's absolute going off its tits right now. 8-10foot plus A frame peaks fanned by a straight offshore. If there was comp surfing being streamed from there right now it'd be enthralling stuff.
Your words: ‘inconsistent, needs right swell and tide’
My words: ‘fat, slow, sectiony, gutless, barrelless’
I can’t see the positives? I’ve surfed it, it’s like surfing Moffats or Alex heads
Yeah not really sure what your point is beyond the one you've already made.
I’m just failing to see why it is a CS worthy venue. However same could be said for the who tour I guess.
Waves are kinda pumping for the comp now. Sallys back on the CT for 2025 unforseen circumstances aside, and i for one couldn't be happier! Her mindset is as good as they get and something we all could take a piece of. Go Sal!! 2025 world champ!
With you SR. Deserves her spot and I love watching her heats.
Feeling nervous for Mikey McDonagh.
About to surf in super slow, wobbly, fat 2-3ft surf where a 10 point total could win or come dead last.
I’ve haven’t seen anything positive since he won snapper. Surely can’t be the first person to win a CS and not qualify???
Wow Mikey out. Poor Buggar. All the heats on paper appear a total crapshoot.
Most heats have the whole field or at least three of them on 9,10 or 11 points.
Too close to call.
Tim Reyes won Ballito in 2014 and didn't make the cut.
Barry crocker it seems
If he can't get through this heat at a right point break and qualify with the headstart he has had then he would be straight off tour next year anyway. Should be bread and butter for him.
Erin our first round? Could she genuinely not qualify here if she has a bad result in Brazil?
Travis Logie saving your boy Mikey by going on hold till 5pm
Flew halfway around the world to surf for half an hour and come last.
Thats brutal.
What's the chance Mikey fires at Saquarema? A wobbly beachbreak with a hundred hungry hosts that can surf wobbly beachbreaks well.
Feel like there are way too many surfers on the CS for the men. And such a crap shoot to get through 4 man heats in shitty conditions. Surely they need to rethink next years edition after this years results. At least for the women the top 15 are who you would expect/hope.
trimming fat is important
making the cut crew wait out a full year also important
It’s cool how Kanoa is taking vital points and prize money away from the grafters again…
And Leo. And Josh Kerr in the QS
Cal Robson vs Deivid Silva.
Can't see what's happening with the fog.
Not sure how the judges can either.
Cal has been ripping this contest.
Looks determined.
Mateus Herdy very unlucky to come up against Sammy Pupo here.
18.04-17.30 compared to the low scoring quarters preceding it.
1 minute left
Last two heats, Joel Vaughan has beaten Leo F and Miggy P, showing his CT credentials.
Now up against Sammy Pupo.
He's now inside the top ten at the expense of Mikey McDonagh.
If he makes one more heat he'll jump three places. If he makes two more heats - i.e wins the comp - He's almost assured himself a spot even with Saquarema to come.
Looking at the live rankings, and it's not looking great for the Aussie crew, even worse for the Americans (only one in the top 20). Meanwhile, four Brazilians in their early to mid 30s (Alejo Muniz, Ian Gouveia, Miguel Pupo, and Michael Rodrigues) sitting comfortably above the cut line (Samuel Pupo and Edgard Groggia are also there but a bit younger).
I'm just wondering what happened to all the Aussies who would be similar ages to those Brazilians and why they aren't still competing on the CS? Can anyone update me on Jack Freestone, Wade Carmichael, Soli Bailey, Matt Banting, Mikey Wright et al., Did they all just decide to go and free surf when they got knocked from the tour? Are they injured? It seems like those Brazilians will keep going until it kills them and yet the oldest of the Aussies is Jordy Lawler at 28............. and he wanted to quit until that Wildcard win at Narrabeen happened.
Apart from Jack Robinson and Ethan Ewing, is there anything coming for us after that? Maybe Joel Vaughan or Winter Vincent? If anyone knows, feel free to share your two cents. It just kinda feels like it's over for us on the men's side of things. Maybe Julian can requalify and save us......
Lots of factors, many cultural which require comprehensive explanations. However, there's also an economic explanation.
WSL prize money is in USD. Even coming last in all events earns around $40K USD. The average yearly wage in Brazil is approx $18K USD, while the average yearly wage in Australia is approx three times that.
Point being, the CT is a bigger relative purse for Brazilian surfers than it is for Aussies.
Of course, it also costs them more to do it, but journeymen such as Alejo, Migs, and M-Rod would've established global contact and know how to save on accommodation and whatnot.
You talking about the CT?
So coming last in a CT this year earns you: $13525
You wouldn’t want to have to make your living on the CS. Coming last in a CS you only get $1000.
I remember listening to Mateus Herdy saying you had to reach round 16 or quarters just to make the CS financially viable.
Think it costs upwards of 100K to do a full year on the CT, so you’d want to be not coming last every event.
Not sure what CS costs but whatever it is compared to the prize money it must be a dead set slog.
Last in the CT.
Soz Stu, realised your point and changed my post. Still if you’re not top 10 it’d be a massive graft.
I take your point that as a percentage of average wage the tour is worth much more to The Brazilians.
I think it’s multi factorial. The kinds of waves on the challenger being a big part though - mushy, small mostly beachies.
There is quite a few Aussies preferring the free surf or big wave routes.
Maybe the HPC is actually detrimental to Australian surfing. Are they too coached, too pampered? Be interesting to can it and just let the talent rise and see how they go.
Finally, in Australia, for kids to make it these days, their families have to have money to even be able to get to events across the country at a young age. Perhaps when the going gets tough, these kids from upper middle class beginnings find it easy to go alternate pathways, they don’t need it?
That being said have you seen this guy coming through:
I don’t think any modern Aussie kid is going to match the grit and grind of a 30 something washed up Brazilian pro ala Alejo.
You gotta hand it to the bloke for getting it done.
Similar with the women and Sal
I reckon kids are burnt out by the time they are hitting 20's if a few results don't go there way. They been getting pushed in, coached and told how good they are since 10. trips up and down the coast wave pools , indo, boardriders junior series another grom search comp. Pulled out of school for surf competition, trips etc. they hit the WQS and now up against adults been grinding for years, all of a sudden they not making the semis winning finals and getting knocked out mid rounds- shitty surf.
Surfing hasn't been fun for a long time- they just grinding. Start seeing how bloody hard it is to succeed and lose resilience and drive.
tough gig been a pro surfer
Reckon you could be very right here cd.
Imagine how Jacob Wilcox must feel now? Morgan?
I bet many keep going because they’ve been told ‘they deserve to be there’.
Good point. Third world kids that rip seem to be more joyful in the surf but paradoxically don't have the opportunities of Australian surfers.
The Americans did a better job at making the cut.
I think the allure of the CT has also faded.
The similarly "core/hungry" kids that succeeded in Aus surfing past are now ambivalent of the WSL and the tour.
They can have fun, party, make money, surf the waves they want, hang out with the people they want and still make an income via socials/YouTube/core sponsors etc.
Long gone are the days of the tour being the only way to make a living surfing.
Just a lazy 21 years or so age gap between Sally and Tya for the final.
Cal is on a tear this event.
Joel Vaughn 9th on live rankings, Cal 11th.
Brazil will have a lot on the line.
Double shakas for Sally Fitz.
She really does dominate the CS level.
lots of retreads in the top the cs
we'll throw jaddy in there
lots of retreads in the top the cs
we'll throw jaddy in there
13yo Tahiti girl finaled yesterday. She looked like a young female Tom Curren.
Seems to be much more X factor/surf star potential on the womens side of the draw.
I feel the X-factor or elite talent may be there for the men, just hidden deep in sewer that is the CS and struggling to come up for air:
#97 Eithan Osbourne
#68 Kyuss King
#65 Mihimana Braye
#64 Kuali Vasst (Olympic gold medalist and all around shredder)
#50 Reef Haezlewood
#38 Kolohe Andino
#37 Eli Hanneman
#33 Taro Watonabe
#23 Mateus Herdy
#21 Jarvis Earle
#20 Dakoda Walters
#19 Jacob Wilcox
Other notable Aussies:
#94 Sheldon Simkus
#79 Jacko Baker
#44 Oscar Berry
#24 Morgan Cibilic
If the current standing go through, Al Cleland and Joel Vaughan will be excellent additions to the 2025 CT.
Yeah, agreed.
With both points.