Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach: Finals Day
Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach: Finals Day
A: The Woz has been so royally skunked so far this season, and...
B: The match-ups in the sport have never been better, which meant...
C: Even a weak, wobbly, crumbly day at Winkipop ended up providing plenty of entertainment.
Just imagine when it's pumping, which surely has to happen in abundance through the back half of the season to balance out the epic crap so far.
The judging seemed incomprehensible to competitors today, notably current Bells and World Champ Filipe Toledo who confessed after his (winning) QF against Jacko Baker that the “scoring, I don't understand sometimes”.
The cause of Toledo's discombobulation was a 9 point ride awarded to Baker close to the hooter which required an even more last minute score for Toledo to regain the lead. Toledo stormed up the stairs waving his arms and shouting "Nine!, Nine!" in Portugese, before hearing the winning score to which he exclaimed “Keep trying! Keep trying!”.
Presumably, he meant the judging panel.
Filipe Toledo (photo: Ed Sloane)
Thing is, judges had been incredibly consistent all day, from the opening ride of the day laid down by eventual winner Ethan Ewing. They paid Ewing's silky rail work, seamless rail to rail speed lines and whipped, tail free turns from the get go and they did not cease paying a premium for them. 7.5 was awarded for Ewing's first wave. He only caught three against a Medina who looked at times frantic, at times hesitant, and less sure-footed than usual.
Unlike last year - where he was becalmed on the Bowl - Ewing's economical wave count strategy was more elastic this year. Three against Medina in the Rd of 16, three against Toledo in the Semi, seven against McGillvray in the Quarters and a profligate nine in the Final against Ryan Callinan. That adaptability ensured Ewing's greatest threat - not catching waves - was neutralised.
Ethan Ewing (photo: Beatriz Ryder)
Wow at sleepy Medina with four 9ths to start the season. On the Women's Tour he would be in danger of the cut.
This restructured Tour has created winners and losers. Apart from Ewing who has made Bells and Sunset pet events, JJF has a dreamy opening run.
Best guy at Pipe, maybe Sunset, loves handling meaty Euro close-outs, Bells and then Margies. Only the bad luck of incredibly shitty surf (especially in his heats) has bought him back to the pack.
John looked unstoppable through the morning heats with M-Rod and then Connor, turning mediocre waves into 7's and 8's with an incredible variety of shralping. As the surf dribbled away in the a'noon his chances seemed to diminish with it - although it took one of those corked, inverted backside airs where he cartwheels around his front arm that only Ryan Callinan can do to beat him.
John John Florence (photo: Ed Sloane)
R-Cal beat the next best two guys of the event, arguably the two form-surfers after Ewing. Colapinto and JJF. He beat JJF fair and square with the corked air but it has to be said that Colapinto dropped his bundle, falling on easy airs he makes in his sleep and surfing in a hesitant fashion on what were heat winning waves.
Ryan Callinan (photo: Ed Sloane)
It was even more strange after Griff smoked Kanoa and declared he was trusting a “deep down feeling of what is meant to be”. Head noise looked to overwhelm that trust against R-Cal.
Big openers and big closers and big inbetweeners is what the judges paid, but especially big closers. Did that favour Aussies? Was there a whiff of hometown scoring? That seemed to be the insinuation of the Toledo camp, hopping mad on the Winkipop stairs after the Baker heat.
I don't have a nationalistic bone in my body but I do not think so.
Baker's end section smash for the 9 was a case in point. Maybe it was a touch high. But it was the best wave of the heat.
Jackson Baker (photo: Ed Sloane)
Ewing was certainly favoured. He needed a 6.8 to advance against Toledo in their Semi and shredded a non-set to which I thought, yes, but not by much. Maybe a low 7. Judges went 8.5. They got the right guy though, even the most ardent Brazilian supporter would find that hard to argue with.
No-one figured out the formula better than Pickles, right up until the Final. Heavy progression in the close-out smash, fins up and out on the top turns. Even if the ride as a whole had some sticky spots judges had to pay the high points. Cut from the Tour last year and running away with it in yellow this year is quite the ascension. If the mid-year cut to Challenger Series segue stays, it'll be Pickles they use as exhibit A to demonstrate its effectiveness.
She got flogged in the Final by Tyler Wright, an athlete who is doing more to attract a diverse audience than any other on the roster. The sports psycho-babble can be irritating, distracting even as it veers close to total self-absorption but the performances can't be denied. The one trick layback is gone, the variety is back and no-one cut harder against the grain of the weak little devil wind runners of the Final heats.
Tyler Wright (photo: Beatriz Ryder)
Four Aussie Women in the Semis is a fair reflection of the state of Women's surfing which Pickles rightly claimed on the Podium is “in an incredible spot”.
The all-Aussie male Final seems a little more of an aberration at this Point, although the J-Bay match-up between Jack Robinson and Ethan Ewing last year may show it's the start of something more enduring.
Winners of the Tour restructure like Jacko Baker now see plenty of movement towards safety above the cut line, especially compared to 'losers' like Kolohe and Kelly, who are disfavoured by the opening events.
Kolohe has always struggled at Pipe and Bells and Kelly hates Sunset and hasn't been competitive at Bells for a decade. Somehow, Kelly is still only two positions below the cut line. Would you bet on the Goat to make the cut? If the odds were good enough? Kelly's last go outs at Margies are a 17th (2022), No Show (2021), 9th (2019), No Show (2018) and a 13th (2017). A Box heat against World Champ Filipe Toledo would be an enticing prospect.
So Bells Final Day dribbled away and we won't remember a thing about it in two weeks, except the Winners. Poetic justice for Ethan Ewing after last year and Tyler Wright going back to back.
In 1983 Ethan's Mum Helen Lambert took home the Bells Trophy which Ethan has kept beside his bed since his Mum passed away from breast cancer in 2005.
“Call your Mum and tell her you love her” an emotional Ewing told the crowd from the podium.
We'll remember that bit too.
The authors Wozlification is almost complete.
R.I.P Longtom
proud aussie here!!
….while conditions may be forgettable, the results are memorable
(how good is ee)
You don’t have a keen interest towards seeing your countrymen do well Steve?
Well done to all.
What have they had: one pumping day at sunset and good finals surf in Portugal?
Tell you what, something has to give surely.
Me to all my bones are nationalistic.
And R-Cal’s tears when he made the final…
On a side note, although I can’t stand the cut, those below the line on both men’s and women’s sides seem about right currently.
Excellent writing as usual freeride but i can't beleive you already popped this out?The event only finished 1.5 hours to 2 hours ago?
Go EE Jack and JJF.
I cant see the blokes heads because of an ad!
Ethan's skill is amazing. Speed, always the right turn in the right spot, slicing turns, that never catch or bog, rarely a mistake.
Toledo is similar but without the finesse. More a butcher slicing up the beast compared to Ethan, the fencer, carving precise slashes at will.
I think the judges change the way they see surfing being scored every handful of years and from what I can see is that they may be bored of the repetitive nature of air reverses being a "go to" move to get out of trouble in a heat hence the disappointment from FT.
The main difference I can see with his surfing and EE's is the distance between the turns. There's space between FT's where as EE's is spaced beautifully and there's a variety in his powerful full rail surfing and no "tricks".
Maybe FT should see what surfing is being rewarded in heats prior to his and adjust accordingly. Surfing smarts.....
FT has the surfing smarts.
It's why he throws his shoulders and arms around, to make his turns look bigger. And the little channels behind the back fins in his boards, to throw a bit more spray.
He can fake some of the power that he lacks, but you can't fake flow.
It would be frustrating for surfers who have been scored heat in heat out for the same thing and then all of a sudden the judges change their mind.
Can you remember when Wilko had that run for doing the same backhand snap he always did? All of a sudden they start to love it and within half a year fell out of love. Would be a total mind fuck for the surfers.
From memory Wilko's successful half-year coincided with a run of huge waves over a number of events, and his power on his backhand was pretty much unmatched. As soon as the waves returned to normal size he came back to the pack.
Late reply here @Solitude, but for what it's worth the judges clearly communicate changes in their approach to the surfers both before the season and each event.
As others have said, if surfers choose to ignore them and decide not to adapt, then...
Agreed he has the smarts....but maybe not so much yesterday. He's got a right to be confused at the judging coz maybe the goal posts have been moved a little.
The Air reverse is a blight on surfing...always massively over scored. There should be a limit of 1 per heat that is only scored when the surfer raises his hand to claim his one rotation.No arm raise no score for the manoeuvre. Its not fucking snowboarding stay on the wave and gouge it!!
All said and done, a great result for Aussie surfing in very forgettable waves.
I think the Woz production despite the cheese is really good and thanks to Freeride for the outstanding write-ups. For me, the post-mortem pieces that Free puts together really add to the contest.
Yeah I'm with Richie again, sobbing..
I haven't cried like this since Lassie came home.
Won Bells for you mum.
Haven't even been bothered to watch the highlights of this event. Here's hoping for some ideal winds moving forward.
Also, Heavy beachies > wind slop point breaks. At least from a spectators POV. I wanna see surfing outside my pay grade, hence why Trestles sucks as an ender.
All we need is everyone to evacuate and the surf to finally turn on !
I think Flippy should spend less time complaining about a perceived bias in the judging, lest they consider removing all bias and move the finals away from Trestles.
He might inadvertently lose his only chance to win world titles.
Well said. Every time it gets really heavy he is nowhere to be seen can't work out why with his amount of talent he lacks balls.
Great summary FR as always.
Gotta love the serendipity with the Ewings.
Tyler looks like she might have to order her bell next year in a different key to get the orchestra going. Dominating.
Moving ahead the high pressure looks to drop into the right place for Margs.. fingers crossed for solid swell! My favourite comp.
Missed most of yesterday so thanks for the recap Steve. I did see the over-score of EE, but he also had the heat. Aussies looking strong on both sides.
The judges are supposed to be objective, but it is still a subjective judging system, and they are still only human. I think Phil Toledo made a grave error carrying on like he did after his heat with Jacko Baker. They will remember that. The two arguable overscores, Jacko's 9 and then later on EE's 8.5 were both against Phil, maybe there's a message in there somewhere that goes beyond a criteria change up that seems less interested in air reverses. EE and Jacko are two of the most likeable guys on tour, both absolute gentlemen, both guys you want to see do well not just because their surfing is so watchable but because of the way they carry themselves, (same as JJF). Jacko suffered a devastating last minute loss and took it like an absolute champ. EE got skunked big time last year in the semi but not a peep of aggro. No smashing up boards or storming the tower. There's a lesson in that for the Braziliians.
I'm really glad that the crew representing us at the moment, Jack, R Cal, Callum, Jacko, Liam and EE all do us proud not only in the water but on land, all top blokes, likeable, humble and professional. Not taking anything away from our past guys, but the future is in good hands. So stoked EE got the win, he deserved it and you could tell how much it meant to him, beyond just winning a CT. Yes the waves sucked but welcome to Vicco these days, it sucks all the time, a great Bells comp. anyway.
Now can they all fuck off and fucken' Huey, c'mon, give us some fucking good runs again, it's been years!
Really well said Adam.
Spot on
Fuck it, I left Connor out, my bad. Connor too, fucken' top bloke and his backhand is a thing of beauty,.
Yes, well said Adam.
You neatly summarised why I just cannot abide Nick Kyrgios. I wish he wasn't Australian.
I can never understand that every January many Australian's get excited to see that spoiled tool prance around on the court thinking he may have changed. I don't show any of his matches to my kids.
Nailed it Adam.
As for the "two arguable overscores", they were actually Filipe's waves.
In the Jacko heat, the scale was set very high with Fil's 8. The 9 was clearly a better wave.
In the semi, Ethan's 7.5 should have set the scale, but all Fil's waves, particularly his 2 scores 7.17 and 7.13 were too high in comparison. The 8.43 was the best wave in the heat, and at least a point better than either of Fil's waves. So maybe it was 0.2 over, but then the 7.5 was under.
Nailed it @Stamos
Great comment! :)
I 1000% agree with everything you've stated Adam.
Ego is a funny thing and I have no doubt we saw Fil's on full display during finals day.
I'm not a fan of all the carry on by any of the pro's on tour, but it seems the tide has turned on the Brazillian camp and the claims of 'I'm just passionate' are starting to fall on deaf ears.
I wonder if we are seeing the ascension of a new kind of surfer emerging from this comp?
The worlds full of top blokes but very few champions
I got to see a couple of heats in the morning before having to listen to the rest of the day. Certainly made for great listing.
All Aussie finals, well done to all.
Thank you Freeride for your write ups. What a pleasure to wind the day down with. This comp I find your read on all things poetic. Only slightly less so than Ethan 'poetic justice', for only the obvious reason.
Onya EE... well deserved.
Forgettable but still enjoyed it just enough, loved seeing EE win, for all the reasons Adam12 articulated above.. But will have forgotten it by this arvo and just move onto praying that Vicco’s luck will turn.
I found the over the top claims hard to take. Your surfing 2ft slop, calm the hell down. Tyler in particular after a couple of two turn waves, claiming like she’s just been spat out of 10ft Pipe…
Bring Back Snapper !
Why? It is a long board wave most days of the year.
maybe Rainbow is, but behind the rock to little Marley is not and hasn't been for 15 years. You're tripping.
Show me the last time it has barreled behind the rock. I surf there most days for over a decade now lmao
Lol, you’re tripping champ. On a decent day it’s as square as anywhere behind the rock
So you don't know when the last day there were solid barrels behind the rock? this year? last year?
Haha! Not a local hey? Scroll on then tiger
nice one scrub lmao
During the last solid swell it was below sea level behind the rock mostly going un-ridden. Everyone (fanning and co) were surfing Kirra.
18 seconds mag and a few others were shooting it.
If you can a) find yourself in a position to get a wave and b) take off and make a solid set wave behind the rock you are a very good surfer.
So Phils on the stairs complaining about Jackos 9 but how could he know how Jacko finished his wave.........?........Toledo looked like a spoilt brat thowing the toys out of the cot.......i think the likes of Jacko realized whats possible and good on him ....Pickles got schooled by Tyler but she is a fast learner so watch out girls .
about the nationalism..Pretty sure that is partly why some male brazzos act like greedy spoilt pricks with no manners..The women, the few that ive met seem to be polite and hot too but as everyone knows there are only a moderate some exceptions of male brazzos with manners anywhere you see them..Sure probably talented and well seasoned vets and the problem often lies in the over hyped newbies to travel worthy good waves and cant help but takeoff on drop in on with some guy in the tube already..,maybe local, maybe aussie whatever but often waited his turn..
Just saying nationalism seems to make brazzos too excited for their country and soccer/surfing etc success.Also maybe the root of racism and culture clashes in any nation.
If interested check out "city of God" the movie..I cant find a paid rental site but some may be able to download it somehow.
Basically about how fucked up everything is in Brazil and Rio as a kid growing up.
i dont know if it is realistic or not but its a heavy movie worth a watch.
also special mention elite squad 1 and 2..heres a site with a few-
In my experience there's a nexus between (perceived) good manners and lived scarcity.
In populous countries with limited to non-existent welfare safety nets and a huge gap between the haves and have nots, if you are in the latter category progression and sometimes survival is dependent upon your initiative, resourcefulness and often preparedness to climb over your fellow man to get what you need. "My kids eat or your kids eat." In time this 'necessary selfishness' becomes pretty ingrained in your culture: if you don't get up and take someone else will. And you miss out.
Its not really how we are wired here in Australia, mostly because we do not need to be. There is plenty of space for what we consider good manners. Share. Wait your turn. There's plenty to go around.
But that's not how a lot of people have been conditioned to see the world.
I especially see this play out in entrepreneurialism and how some cultures approach business (cf Chinese).
I also think you see a microcosm of it in how some cultures approach even the scarcity of set waves.
great comment - makes sense in the context of the welfare gap that exist in various countries, never heard it explained that way. That said, I have a few friends that surf from Brazil. They're the loveliest, warmest people you'll meet. It's tempting to pounce on folk when they blow up, like Filipe when he bowed out. It requires less questioning of our own beliefs to be lead down the garden path of our own biases, painting a populous with the same brush in the process. All cultures have their good and bad eggs, and all individuals have their good and bad days. I've seen Filipe Toledo on other days interview and come across as a humble family man.
Stoked for EE though and Rcal, what an epic way to round out the finals! Good luck all in the west.
In my experience some of the kindest, gentle and most polite people in the world that I've come across are also the poorest.
I would think it would be an interesting sociological study to look at recent generations of people (the have's) and their manners / entitlement - my hypothesis is that manners, respect, entitlement and the likes would score quite poorly in modern wealthy societies.
Perhaps they are. Not sure the hypotheses are at odds with one another. I wonder if the those who rise above and out of their poverty and change their stars are as regarded for their kindness, manners and respect as their still-poor brethren. My point is those who change their station often need a seriously selfish bent when there aren't too many other leg-ups being offered. And maybe its also true many of the people we meet here or abroad who have "made it out" of their perhaps opportunity-deprived country didn't do so by taking too many backward steps. They do what they have to do.
"Even a weak, wobbly, crumbly day at Winkipop ended up providing plenty of entertainment"
Yeah not sure about that one.....
Again, great write up. Cheers!
Crew thanks #1 swellnet & Steve for excellent Bells Comp presentation.
Qldurrz are stoked with Mum & Son Duo...
And Tyler... another Duo...Go Oz!...crew are celebrating!
Ok! So wotz with this Bells Back To Back / Twin Pack deal...Anyone got this!
After writing this...did also see a small nod to the double anomaly up elsewhere!
*These dominant dual winners also dominated R/U positions (All are Hungry bastards!)
Meaning the drive to win the Bells Tour event is Paramount in Sport / Similar to Wimbledon.
Notice how this back to back quest increases in intensity as Comp gains more prestige...Like Wow!
Gotta be shit hot to crack this double bunger!
Just look at this list of R/ gotta knock off the ruling Champ at is fav break to ring the bell!
Now checkout the quality line-up of solo winners > R/U that died trying...Like Wow Wipeout...Legends!
Resembles a Gladiator Pit...that's some prestigious surf comp alright!
We Qlduurz / Aussies can see how this Surf comp is integral to Oz / World Surfing...Salute!
Then guess it's OK to sacrifice the Goldie CT to keep Bells as Oz anchor Event.
Agree with Steve...don't need great waves for best ever surf comp!
Whole world is drowning in a sea of surf stoke shared by our more than worthy Oz Champs.
Back 2 Back Bells Tribute...dedicated to groundbreaking Mom & Son combo by the Ewing Family...Yew!
Men : 1+1 more wins + (*R/U)
*Young *Spencer / Peterson / Anderson / Richards *Curren *Garcia *Slater *Andy *Fanning *Parko
Men : *1 win + R/U or Dual RU/RU :
Drouyn / Bugz *Horan *Carroll *Hardman *Pottz *Barton *Dorian *Taj * Jordy *Toledo
Check Red Hot Qld World Champ point break surfers Bugz & Drouyn
Bossed 8 Bells finals in late '60's 70's..yet No name in lights!
Bloody Hell...if World Champs have one hand on Bells trophy 8x & still can't ring it, crime of the century!
(That is insane, people...truly insane!) First time Grom Challengers must shit their boardies!
Women : 1+1 more wins + (*R/U)
Couper / Oberg *Zamba *Andersen *Menczer / Beachley *Steph *Sally *Carissa / Courtney *Tyler
Women *1win + (R/U) or Dual RU/RU
Trim *Botha *Mearig *Falconer *Mulanovich
Notice it's exactly the same with the chix...see those that won it once craved a 2nd title...the hunger!
Also those that make the Final are so so desperate to have another crack at ringin' the Bell.
You can see & feel the hunger just reading from these World's Best Champs...
Almost like winning the World Title or arguably more prestigious amongst peers! Outta my way Kooks!
It's gotta be more about the Prestige and elusive Line-up!
Standard starter options pack...of what we know.
Prestige...of winning Oldest / Continuous Tour Comp!
Comp is held too far away for most of world challengers to return...
Extra Long Line-up advantages those who have surfed the most sessions (The Bell Ringers!)
Best Trophy ...Everyone will kill to ring that Bell...again & again!
Pro / Returning Surfers are more used to the cold comp.
The Natural theatre & dedicated fans brings out the best from the best to please the surf fans.
Champs like the Bells Stairway to the Stars.
Ok! Sure...tbb could do with a few funny ones to get some traction.
What drives these Champs to back it up at Bells?
Be worthwhile insight for other Athletes & Olympians.
Could bottle it up for a pretty penny...All say Aye!
IMO it was the worst / most boring day of competitive surfing I can recall.
Surfers interviews sound like robots that have been moulded by an overlord. No spark, no fun, just yes people.
Where’s bobby Martinez to make this shit fun again?
Will Sally get another wildcard? We know the goat will get one.
Caitlyn Simmers gives good interviews and hopefully will not change with success. As for filthy Fil.... I didn't think it was a nine and if you are in the heated throes of a heat you can overheat. His surfing looked a little more forced and frenetic yesterday and not in a great way.
Hey had Toldeo actually seen Jacko's ride before he started losing his shit about the nine? Looked to me like he just came straight in and started complaining. (He may have witnessed the ride from behind I suppose) but it came over to me like he was kinda implying Jacko wasn't capable of such a score?
Just went and watched the analyser.
Toledo had just caught a wave and had a perfect front on view from the water of Jacko's 9.
Which makes him at least qualified to query the score.
Definitely. Thanks FR!
Fil seems like a nice decent dude to me, I think he’s being unfairly painted as someone he’s not in a few of these comments
For sure, listen to basically every one of his previous post heat interviews and you couldn't think he's anything but a kind, humble family man that is a good sport. I've always admired him for these traits.
100% agree, super nice guy.
He is just human and had a bit of a silly tantrum, probably regrets it.
yep, his 'little moment' just happened to be on a day where there was little else to talk about
If you had a camera pointed at my face when jackos score dropped there was surprise and confusion. Am I alone?
In Jackos defense his power is so immense he'll be pulling those exact moves next time when it's 8-10 foot. Is that where the bonus came? Seems legit to me.
Bring on the rematch, Bakesy will be fully motivated
I really should pay more attention to Richie Porte. Somewhere in the cleverly employed monotone which makes critical analysis impossible there must've been a statement that the judges have decided to go minimalist, they won't be rewarding any garnish at all. The meat, the potatoes = the points
Fil missed the memo too
Cmon FR ,you’re a journo now.Bought/Brought ,two different words , two different meanings.Sorry to be pedantic.
Jacko the Individual!
Double Lleyton C'mon threat with a Double pump Strop finishing with a Jacko Up yer Coit
(Bonus Claim) Just the One Ocean knock out Punch violation...Sorry Huey!
Holy Toledo :
Triple Dictator Beach Bully Charlie rant with a signature Holy Toledo Judge extortion bid.
(Bonus Claim) Just the One Foreshore Board Toss violation....
Supa Sally : "Hoy! I just planted that...Ya Brazzo Bastard!"
(Defending Champ : Plays his Team Brazzo Bonus Claim / Threat)
Plane Load of Brazzos Beach Stair Blockade.
(No Aussie can leave Winkipop beach until Filipe's brouhaha blows over...Ok!)
Oops! Wrong Brazzo Bells Blockade...seen one ya seen 'em all!
WSL Judges are deliberating over Winki Pop Hot Shots or The Bells Bucket Bong!
Pow Wow in progress {Please lay down yer Claims as we dream up yer scores!}
Scores...[ "9"..F.U.."9" ] + [ "9"..F.U.."9" ]
Great write up Steve, I spat my drink at the "Kelly v Fil Box heat" though. Last year they pushed on at shitty big Main Break while the Box pumped. I'm not sure the Wozzle has any appetite to expose the *world champ's obvious shortcomings. The "storm" seems to have lost its momentum, Italo is nowhere, and Gabe is all at sea for sure. What happens when captain Jaddy gets cut? No more claiming 3's I guess :)
Margs forecast looks epic??
Another crap comp and the over claiming by Tyler it's worse than the brazos and that's saying something .
Surfers going on about manners. Geez. Things have changed since I took it up. Baker was overscored BTW. Yeah bigger wave but only the last turn wasn’t conservative. 8.0-8.2 max.
You have to compare it to Filipe's 8, that they had already scored, setting the scale high.
Jacko's wave was clearly better. +1 point was a fair score.
Unusual to see a photo of tyler with a smile on her face, as for those angry gorilla style claims for 2 turns....
Urbnsurf wasted no time snagging the Bells' Ringer...looks like we're on.
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