Rip Curl Pro Portugal: Day 3
Rip Curl Pro Portugal: Day 3
Sixteen heats of women's surfing completed in onshore 4ft scrap and the remaining two heat dingleberry of men's Round of 32 scraped off the carcass to end the day after another long break which saw no great improvement in size or quality.
Strider Wasilewski damned the surf quality with the ultimate in faint praise, declaring, “if you hadn't surfed in a month, you'd be psyching to get out there”.
While highlights were few and far between in the women's Round of 16 it did provide a reasonable snapshot of the state of play. You could easily identify a rough top three who should be at Trestles. To wit: Pickles, Carissa Moore (even though she lost), Caity Simmers, with the final two spots taken by Caz Marks and Steph Gilmore (even though she also lost).
Wait, what? That can't be right, you say, Steph is outside the cut line.
She was this time last year too and came home strong. Bells, Margies, Slater's Tub, and J-Bay all massively suit her. OK, she stays in.
Despite getting bucked off the ski and headbutting the bank, Pickles made it look very, very easy. Hunting little tubes, spiking onshore lefts with vertical hits, all done in that loose, relaxed free-surf style.
Sally (WSL/Poullenot)
Wildcard Sally Fitz edged out Steph Gilmore by sitting on her for the last five minutes as she protected a small lead. Sitting on a pair of 4s and preventing the eight-time and current World Champion from riding a wave in the closing stages of the heat wasn't exactly scintillating entertainment for the viewing public but at least Fitzgibbon had the grace to acknowledge she hadn't really bought her best surfing to the table.
Easily the best heat of the round was between Caz Marks and Caity Simmers. Caity won it with big vertical backhand hooks, but to be honest, when rewatching the heat, it could have gone either way. Marks' big turns on both rights and lefts were just a little under-loved by judges. C'est la vie.
Caity (WSL/Poullenot)
The fans started to show up, as is the European diurnal rhythm which favours the slow start. Why are we on the western edge of Europe at the end of winter under grey skies watching the elite scrap around in freezing cold brownwater closeouts?
Because the people show up, and more importantly, the government pays up. It's got nothing to do with wave quality or eyeballs on screens.
In that respect, pro surfing shares a similar methodology to F1, where government tourism departments squabble for the rights and the race goes to the highest bidder.
It's the reason there's no functioning Indo leg, despite Keramas, Canggu and Ulus being the closest thing to shooting fish in a barrel.
It was the stated reason Fiji was dropped on Sophie Goldschmidt's watch one year into a three-year deal inked by Kelly Slater's Outerknown.
Not enough government support.
Carissa (WSL/Poullenot)
Also the reason the most reliable wave on tour, Snapper Rocks, was dropped during 2021's COVID revival year. Andrew Stark could not get the QLD government to pay an important bill relating to COVID quarantine and instead found succour with NSW politician John Barilaro who brokered back-to-back comps at Newcastle and Narrabeen after a proposed comp at Lennox Head was torpedoed by community opposition.
In his latest mainstream media blitz, Elo has assured us revenue is up, crowds are up, viewers are up, yet the sport still seems curiously unable to pay its own way.
I call that the 'car you drive' effect.
I've known an incredible number of skilled smoke and mirrors operators in my time. What folk singer Cat Stevens called “fancy dancers”. People who “move so smooth but have no answers.” If they are talking a massive game but driving in a 2002 Toyota Echo with missing hubcaps I usually take the ride as hard evidence of the real position. Sure, they might like driving shit-boxes (as I do) but more likely the big talk obscures a lack of liquidity.
Despite Elo's big talk, the tour has lacked a noticeable spark this year. Some of that at the top end is likely due to disaffection with the tour structure (JJF/Medina) and at the bottom end a looming insecurity about the career path ahead.
In less than eight weeks time, the cut will have occurred and the Challanger Series begins. For a professional sport to exist, at bare minimum you need an agreed upon time and an agreed upon place. We have just two such agreements for the CS with less than two months until the cut.
Sure, there are possible explanations. Maybe Elo wants to surprise us all and keep the prospective applicants in suspense. Maybe he wants to quell any potential rumblings of post-cut discontent by keeping his cards close to his chest. Maybe his dog came into the office and ate the only paper copy of the schedule off his desk?
It's possible.
Could it be more likely that the agreements don't exist yet? That the CS is an incredibly tough sell and they are frantically trying to stitch together deals with goverments, sponsors, and locations? That possibly the sport cannot support a three-tiered tour when the second level down (CS) has now been judged by fans and sponsor/partners as merely a rebadged QS tour?
Every day that ticks by without a full CS schedule being released increases the likelihood that my 'car you drive' schema fits the territory here.
Gabe (WSL/Poullenot)
The first heat of the men's was Gabe vs Seth. Gabe Medina is clearly in cruise control mode this year and I am very much enjoying his surfing. The no-hand backside tubes at Backdoor and Sunset being exhibits A and B. He boosted, floated and belted lefts and rights in his win over Seth Moniz - very much under-appreciated by judges IMO. It had the feeling of a very subtle masterclass about it.
An opinion shared by Peter Mel after what looked like Medina's best ride was only given a 5.50. Float to lofted tail high rotation seamlessly stitched by silky flow. Pete thought 7, as did I. Either way, Medina said later, he was happy with his scores.
Griff and Jacko Baker fought a pitched battle for the last heat of the day. It was back and forth - Griff's repertoire and airs against Jacko's power belts. Griff got the better of it, with no controversy.
Griff (WSL/Poullenot)
Baker is who I think of when it comes to the dog who ate Elo's CS homework. He's in a deep hole and will likely need to step down and requalify. Is he looking at the (bare) schedule and making calls back to his old delivery driver boss and asking him if there are any shifts going?
Career insecurity for the mid-fielders and back markers has never looked more pronounced, again contra Elo's big talk.
Melville spoke in Moby Dick of the “tornadoed Atlantic of my being” amidst which he was able to “centrally disport in mute calm”.
Will Supertubos offer up a window of “mute calm” and give the remaining contestants the chance to, as Caity Simmers put it, “get Supertubed”?
Looks 50:50 to me.
Apropos of not much at all, but yesterday marked ten years since this photo and the epic final it occurred in:
wow..10 years. I was there for that day. Standing room only. What a memorable final it was.
contentious photo as well
Worst comp in the history of really bad comps. That's the only positive thing i can say about it.
"Dingleberry" I had to look that up; very impressive SS > right on lateral call for relevance :
"A very small piece of shit intertwined with nut hairs and lint-balls from underwear. Dingle-berries are usually lodged via nut hairs on the upper inner ..."
It really has been a stinker of a contest hasn’t it.
My god it was smoking a couple of weeks ago though. The place gets so good.
The question is how often does it actually get really good? Doesnt seem very often
Not very often apparently?
Yep, only in the pre-comp window, to show us what we are missing out on in-comp window...
Dingleberrys (and willnots ..) little bits of shit stuck in your hair that will not come off .. perfect (word)summary for this comp so far Steve .. forecast for offshore winds .. hopefully
Baker throwing down big heat totals that would see him win most heats
Bit like rcal on his first yr..just keep coming up against top seeds
Hopefully his power turns get a chance at good bells and Margie’s
Grif deserved to win but still pisses me off when any successful air gets the nod over power turns
Sadly that’s the way pro comp surfing has gone and it ain’t going back
..::.and yet I’ll probably still tune in and have a look tonight
Still the most interesting thing at this comp so far.
In 3 days of competition, I've watched a total of half an hour. From what I saw, what I have read here and the ensuing commentary, I am very confident that I have missed nothing.
Pipe was very average and sunset was only slightly better. I can only hope that the Australian leg, J-Bay and Chopes are good, as there is FA chance of me tuning in live for anything else this year.
God help the WSL..........
... but how good was J-Bay last year!
The trick is to hold the shitbox until it goes classic. A few caveats: pick an interesting model that people will want, maintain it well, and perhaps buy a slightly older shitbox (the stage where people shake their heads at it and say "That's so Bogan,") in the first place as it will go classic sooner.
Then you can enjoy the shitbox, have random strangers approach you and say 'Never sell that mate," and soon after it will begin to appreciate. Then wait for a mad bubble and watch your shitbox go triple figures, and keep appreciating. And you've been walking your walk the whole way along. The shitbox becomes the equity.
Don't scoff, seen it happen.
I beg to disagree with "the most reliable wave on tour, Snapper Rocks," it was probably the most unreliable in the last few years of existence with a horrible final in shitty 1 footers at Dbar. Short memories...Bells and Margs may get a touch boofy but they get the job done and J Bay has been terrific in recent memory.
They may have had dud years - 2019 finals was one - but during February, March it's unarguably Australia's most consistent wave zone.
Also, the frequent, low-ish period, trade swell makes for both better viewing and a fairer contest - more waves to perform on rather than play the priority game.
South Australia
Take that comment back!
“Unarguably Australia’s most consistent wave zone?”
I’d argue that the west coasts of WA and SA dish up far more reliable and quality surf in those months than Snapper Rocks.
Far more reliable and better quality?
Maybe if I said April, May, or June - hell, any other month - I'd agree with you, however Feb and March is SE QLD's time to shine. The stats bear it out, as do unbiased accounts.
So looking back, we now have Vicco, WA, and SA as better than QLD during its prime season. Anyone wanna add NT?
Here ya go! End of Feb, last year.
Backing track even outshines some of the Woz production. Check the bass solo!
I think I remember the finals and they were duds back to 2013 6 years of 2 foot finals - reliable or better quality - nah.
2013 Slater d Parko at 6ft+ Kirra
2014 Medina d Parko at clean 4-5ft Snapper
2015 Filipe Toledo d Julian Wilson at clean 3ft+ Snapper (some of the best small wave surfing ever seen)
2016 Wilko beat Kolohe at clean 3-4ft Snapper
2017 Owen beat Wilko at clean 3-4ft Snapper
2018 Julian beat Ace at 6-8ft Kirra
2019( last year as a CT) Italo beat Andino at onshore 2ft D-bah.
Been a pretty stellar run.
Yeah can't get excited for the skill set of these surfers in 3-4 foot snapper sure unbelievable small wave surfing still a yawn for me FR, just no thrills and spills. For all its faults, and the fact that it was a beachie, that last day of supertubos was the most fun surf watch I have seen since last years pipe. The skill of these people in really tough conditions was incredible. Loved seeing them get squashed like the rest of us do, albeit in outrageous closeouts. Was so random with surfers everywhere and so many ooohs and ahhs- great watch and they earned their wage and them some. Same goes for Big Bells and Margarets, maybe I have a sadistic streak!
Definitely saved by the last day.
Watching the best surfers in the world for hrs on end in closeouts wasn't much fun to watch imo.
Everyone likes different things.
Behind the Rock Snapper and 6ft Kirra have plenty of thrills and spills- but I take your point.
For sure the closeouts weren't much fun if no one was catching anything I think we would agree that it needs to be 6 ft plus and surfable for these boys and girls to really show what they care capable of which is plenty.
Seen multiple CTs in much worse conditions. There's size at least.... It was pumping just before the waiting period and looks great a couple of days after too. Weird that this comp only has a waiting period of 9 days when most others have 11 and 12 days to run.
The forecast looks great for today (Tuesday) so it's obvious that they're pushing hard in order to finish in great conditions. I prefer that... So many times in the past when they would wait to run the early rounds in good conditions and then more often than not the finals would be decided in crap.
This event needed the 'Why are we here?' dive.
John Barilaro and a dog eating Elo's paperwork while his '02 Echo is at the mechanic!
There was a takeaway inside a train station in Melbourne years ago that sold hamburgers with the lot for $3 and E&B sandwiches for $2 when the going rates were double that. They killed it on volume. Run comps in the best waves, scrap the bloated infrastructure and sell pay per view for say $10 per comp. Judging by the comments on YouTube people watch from all over the world. If it's affordable you'll kill it on volume and offset government revenue. Everyone I speak to watches J Bay when it's pumping so just go where the waves are good and people will pay.
I agree the infrastructure for these events sure does look bloated. VIP areas - not required. Hanger on zones - not requires. Grand stands - not required. Pretty sure surfers can get changed busy their car. Spend money only on cameras. It doesn’t even need to be live - package it up into a 3x1 hour packages and charge for that.
Yeah, I would more than happy to pay for that. There is nothing to spend the money on in the current format.
I am loving the nerdy approach to this weird thing called professional surfing. ‘Baker is who I think of when it comes to the dog who ate Elo's CS homework.’
‘Melville spoke in Moby Dick of the “tornadoed Atlantic of my being” amidst which he was able to “centrally disport in mute calm”.’
Thank you Freeride for helping save my sanity.
Personally just loving seeing the Aussies not be garbage. That was a rough few years.
Haha, I feel for these prize specimen in their hormone pumping prime we call athletes (except Kelly but he's got supplements for that) or anyone who has to take the ephemeral profession of pro surfing seriously but schmozzle lampooning is always the best laugh I get all week thx SN.
And from previous report ..'wsl top brass read this' .. Kaipo reads it for sure, top brass maybe not but I reckon Elo gets him to read it out loud while he has a bath (with his dog).
G'day Kaips mate if you're out there. I was watching you in commentary, the loving look you gave Paul Evans melted my heart. Motormouth appreciation at its finest.
Question - Can Paul and Joe be in the same room? When two walls of sound collide the aural anomaly could suck your eardrums out. Unsafe workplace.
But I do love your work, the soul of the commentary team and that line, 'so good they named her 4 times' was a meta moment for me. Gone Hollywood now mate with Lyle Lyle so Nice they named him twice. Yew! Bombing at the box office though.
"It's the reason there's no functioning Indo leg"
Indonesia is the greatest surfing country in the world, just need to find the government entity or company who will pay for an event -
And where is Japan? The country that used to host or sponsor 30% of the entire tour has not has a top level event since what, 2005?
And if anyone does find that missing Toyota Echo hub cap near the Almighty pothole on the Coast Road please send it to Ben via Swellnet.
Fark FR I had you in a decked out refurbed Kombi, travelling the coast roads after dark and lobbing into random out of the way car parks to tap into the morning juice...
No preference for shitboxes, geez.....
So FR - the WSL reads these?
If the WSL 'monitor' yours ( and I assume wraps on other sites), then surely it's time for ELO to front up and give one of you blokes (or any other podcaster / media outlet) an opportunity for a frank and honest interview. Answers will likely be in Corpo language and doublespeak though
What kind of feedback have you been given? Can't imagine they love it?
What baffles me the most about this that Peniche sits on a great big isthmus island if you will.
Swell exposure to the South West, swell exposure to the North West. 270degrees of varying angles that would allow you to be sheltered from the wind at any given time.
They even play a bloody commercial of John John saying how much he loves Peniche because one of the best things is it's always offshore somewhere!!!
The commentary team go on and on about how there's at least 20 quality waves within a stones throw from the comp site.
The WSL has somehow regressed to a time where mobility, and fluidity with a forecast is not an option.
The rigidity to not budge from an onshore heaving closeout with dirty brown water on an open stretch of beach, when everyone knows there's pumping waves to the North and South is proof Elo and his little corpo club care little for the surfing, the surfers and the surfing fans, and only for the money they might try to make.
I wouldnt be surprised to wake up one morning soon and find the whole things collapsed, there's been a coup, it's been taken over by an older generation of legendary surfers and Elo and his cronies have run back to the Hollywood hills.
Fantastic wrap FR.
“What folk singer Cat Stevens called “fancy dancers”. People who “move so smooth but have no answers.”
Looking for a hard-headed woman FR?
Watching highlights (lowlights) right now. It’s unimpressive. WSL hasn’t had much luck this year so far, but with Bells getting some juice recently perhaps that will turn. Margs is always possible for some real juice, so you never know.
The cut-off? Perhaps it’s a comp early, maybe two. Seems like the season just gets started and then it’s drama time. Can’t help but feel the comp format is more about voting people off the island just to get that demographic, which ain’t mine. Having said that, perhaps there is a middle path where they drop the bottom 4 after Margie’s, then the next 16 or so a few comps later. J-Bay and Teahupo’o should have the majority of the surfers out there.
But what do I know, or care. What I can say emphatically is the the final five leading to a champ being declared at a mostly rubbish small beach break is a shit, consumer-TV ending to the season.
"Looking for a hard-headed woman FR?"
thats the one!
Cat Stevens !!???.....i had to google it,,,was before internet so I asked the loolipop lady.... when will this site change its name from swellnet to geri - net ?.......just saying. I do love the geri's though, great grandad is one so no offence.
Gold Thanos!!!!!!!
None taken.
I got it off my daughter's Spotify playlist.
Sry, not sry you are not down the kids Thanos.
WSL reads this?
Hi Eric.
BTW- I watched FA too but I caught Griffs blowout and it was insane. That was one violent spit.
hopefully the pro surfing thing goes belly up and we can return to being a sub-culture (albeit a geriatric sub-culture)
The hey day of pro surfing ended many moons ago , having comps in close out beaches won't like fickle tubos and Rio won't help the cause .