Pipeline 2023: Day 2
Pipeline 2023: Day 2
Opening day for the women at Pipe proved the famous adage from sci-fi writer William Gibson: “The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed”. There are those who have a functioning Pipe/Backdoor skill set, and there are those who have not.
Bizarrely enough, this rapid process of evolution has been distorted by what I call The Trestles Discrepancy.
Even after only two years, the Finals Day at Trestles (weak, soft, non-threatening) has created the anomalous situation whereby the world champs, in both the men's and women's draw, are showing up to the opening event of the season, at inarguably the most prestigious and dangerous wave in the world, with barely competent skill sets.
Already by Heat 2 flinty Haleiwan Bettylou Sakura Johnson had shown immense comfort in packing a succession of hollow Backdoor caves. Double arm drags, instantly confident lines into the pit off the take-off - all that jazz. A 6.5 for her best effort would have been awarded a mid-8 last year which showed judges had restored some sanity to the judging vis-a-vis different scales for men and women.
BSJ (WSL/Heff)
Bettylou and others showed the mid-year rookie bloodbath of last year was an aberration, and not a fair reflection of surfing levels. The reverse outcome is far more likely this year: a mass redundancy of an old guard who haven't kept pace with surfing evolution. All the wildcards in the world dished out to veteran stagers won't be able to prevent this process.
No-one looks more vulnerable than eight-time and current champ Stephanie Gilmore. Gilmore herself admitted in the presser after getting knocked into equal last place that, “I won't be able to scrape by”. The presser stayed well away from the much bigger question: How the hell does an eight-time and current champ show up the opening event at Pipe so obviously undercooked?
Gilmore told us in sombre tones after mediocre performances at G-Land and Teahupoo last year that she sucked in hollow lefts and was committed to upping her game. Over the long, long off season there were numerous opportunities to get reps at Pipe. Vans Pipe Masters, Backdoor Shootout etc etc. Attended by Carissa, Molly Pickles, Moana Jones Wong et al.
By my count she took up zero of those opportunities.
Perception is reality in the pro surfing game and with a week to go Steph dropped an edit topped by her World Title run at Trestles and tailed by some waist-high runners at Malibu ridden on a twin fin. As a statement of her Pipe readiness it was profound.
The perception she was/is dodging Pipe became manifest today in two very, very weak performances.
Her opening ride in Heat 3 against Macy Callaghan and Moana with a threaded tube to non-make for a 2 set the tone. With three minutes to go she was sitting on a 2.63 total, needing a 2.63 to advance. Three minutes became two, then one, and Steph was in the Elimination Round.
Against Caity Simmers and Alyssa Spencer in Elimination Heat 1 Steph repeated the dose. Three minutes remaining and she needed a 3. With two minutes on the clock she pulled into a straight closeout.
The misery was compounded with a minute to go when a charging Caity Simmers almost ran her over slipping out the doggy door after another successful tube ride. Simmers showed the future is here now and it's going to be a gaping credibility gap for the Woz to fill if we repeat last years Trestles result this year.
Caity Simmers (WSL/Bielmann)
Watching the women learn to surf Pipe whilst getting paid the elite wage was tough to watch last year - Moana Jones Wong excepted. My position was they were not ready for Pipe. Simmers, Bettylou, Carissa, and most of all, Molly Picklum, have proven that position wrong. They are ready. Those who aren't will be exposed - if they haven't been already.
My favourite ride of the day was a Caity Simmers non-make. She threaded a bulbous opening section and then straight front-legged into the closeout. Full Hawaiian style. It was one of her 2's, if you are looking for it. At the risk of total ridicule, the diminuitive red head showed shades of the steeze of Backdoor legend Dane Kealoha. Please watch before you scoff.
Caity got becalmed in her heat against Brisa in a heat where the waves stopped coming and non-Pipe surfers rejoiced as tubes were replaced by turns. That fact gobbled up reigning champ Moana Jones Wong in her heat against Lakey Peterson.
Pickles didn't miss a beat as she made the adjustment. She already had the highest scoring tube of the day with a technical threader and closeout smash, and when Pipe turned into a beachbreak she got radical. Blowing the back out of it, whipping that angular frame into turns of uncommon leverage. Contra Gilmore, current Pipe Master Pickles baldly stated in plain Australian English, “I feel comfortable with the reef and with my line-ups”. Seems there are no short-cuts to surfing Pipe well, unless your name is Gabe Medina.
I'm not one for psycho-babble but there did seem a refreshing honesty when Pickles claimed she was going to, “Own my own stuff and go out there freely and see what happens”.
Above and below, two views of Pickles (WSL/Bielmann)
By contrast, Tyler Wright, who went to turns to defeat season wildcard Sally Fitzgibbon said she had been training in the gym and trying to, “connect with the reason why I'm here”.
Could I humbly offer a solution to the existential crisis?
How about putting on an elite performance which justifies people using their precious time to tune in and watch and earn the large dollars on offer for prize money?
Too simple..?
Other than that, the threat of working a real job has been proven to be a great remedy for declining motivation.
The day ended with Bettylou harassing Caz Marks in scrappy declining surf, declaimed by Carissa Moore as, “definitely not Pipeline right now”.
Nonetheless, it was an entertaining day as the future in the present played out, to a mostly indifferent audience and an uncomprehending old guard.
somehow this article was more boring than the opening days of pipe
Great read... somehow... An insightful accurate critique of current women's pro surfing.
Nice pics. Def make it look better than it was.
Tyler good at licking into heats at pipe where she can belt a few turns. Gosh I hope the rest is decided in at least tubing conditions for the women.
Jeez I hope you meant to say licking…
Yes I’m immature
If he didn't mean to say it, he wasn't wrong. :)
Come on fellas, it's 2023.
Exactly, with the way the world is right now that comment should be the least of your worries.
If my daughter was a Pipe master and a fucking charging one at that, and a comment like that was thrown around flippantly in front of me or her, I would experience the red mist descending and start looking for someone to kill. I don't give a fuck if you're a surfer and grew up reading highly inappropriate surf mags (as I did), it's time to grow up cunt. This is a space where the women of this article will probably read and stupid, thoughtless, stone age comments like yours should be punished.
Ok gents settle down, was obviously meant to be ‘lucking’ (that even as I type keeps changing to what was posted) .
@billie Ha! Righto hero.
You’re a Fucken soft cock laughing at women athletes expense from behind a keyboard. And yes, so long as I’m doing my best to bring you to justice, I’m the hero. If you want to meet me go 5 minutes of boxing, let me know.
Well said Billie. I for one am sick of the ignorant, infantile dribble that passes for comment on Swellnet. It’s one reason I won’t be renewing my membership this year. There’s no moderator and Stu / Ben / Steve / whoever runs this site, don’t seem to care about what’s written below their articles.
A quick scan of any modern keyboard shows that the 'u' and the 'i' are located next to each other. Both words are in the Oxford dictionary (so the broswer won't try to auto-correct).
Furthermore, the comment was posted without malice, and Solitude is a long time commentator who doesn't engage in such petty discourse. And he politely explained his error too.
But sure, cancel away if you feel that the quality of our moderating isn't up to standard (FWIW there's more happening behind the scenes than you think, but we simply don't advertise every deleted comment or blocked user).
Ben, you know full well my comment wasn’t directed at Solitude. Neither was Billie’s. They were in response to the two which followed the op. Infantile, homophobic, bigoted digs at a surfer who should be judged on their surfing, period. Swellnet has allowed this type of culture to ferment over more than a decade to the point where the discussion below the line is walking into a pub in the 50’s.
Nah mate, i reckon you've got this all about face.
If Swellnet is full of commentary so "Infantile, homophobic and bigoted", then please show me another forum - surfing or otherwise - where 100% of comments reflect the views (and moderation) you'd like to be see here.
I reckon, under the circumstances, we do a pretty good job.
I read Billies comments as referring NOT to Solitude (obviously a typo) - but the following ones.
It's not a personal dig at SW moderating Ben - I think based upon the cesspit that the internet can be SW is remarkable and the community is outstanding (Goofyfoot noted his error - when the hell did THAT last happen on the internet!!!??)
But Billie is right that we need to call out sexist comments - and as playful as some mean to be - it is still sexism. The comments are made based upon the (probably correct) assumption that the readership is 98% male and a belief that most will smirk and just scroll on.
But Billies point is the challenging one - nothing will alter the messed up state of sexism until men call out men on their actions and words.
Now - I dont agree with the WAY Billie did it (I have visions of a peace and love Will Smith at the Oscars here...) by invoking a pretty outdated masculine archetype of completing debates through violence - but I admire his intent.
Thank you for your support.
Plenty of blokes like to lick. Am I wrong fellas? Don’t be so highly strung. Having a laugh doesn’t equate to homophobia or lesbophobia and certainly doesn’t mean any disrespect.
Indeed, but you’ve just proven my point by missing it altogether. Also, what’s “lesbophobia” and how does it differ from homophobia?
If you are really from Scotland you will not understand the Aussie perpective I’m getting at.
Haha, what kind of answer is that!? Mate, I grew up here and am very familiar with “Aussie” humour. Nice try dodging a simple question though. Well done on making up an entirely new word as well. I’m sure Macquarie will include it in next year’s edition of their dictionary.
Sweet you’re an Aussie
Google it dickhead
And here’s another perfect example of the juvenile, abusive idiocy that passes for comment under Swellnet articles. You can’t even explain your own comments. You’ve added a lot to this discussion, thanks for coming.
Scottish, I was imagining what it would be like to have a beer with you and Billie. But then I ate a light bulb instead. Even Billie has bowed out now, might be time to move on hey?
Rather chew broken glass
Come meet for a beer mate!
I reckon we’d get on because we’ve actually got the same ideals.
Where do you live, caaarn, it’ll be funny, let’s meet for a beer. Bring old mate.
Who’s old mate?
I’m the Sunny Coast
Old mate of light bulb fame
yet here you are commenting on the post, jog along friend
Indeed I am, but in a respectful manner. You’ve missed the point entirely.
"Well said Billie"
Seriously? Well said? Geeze sponger, the response was so over the top, and the language and threat of violence far worse for any sensitive women and children, than the obvious typo/unintended pun.
Now that the "red mist" has subsided, I think Billie himself would be disappointed by his overreaction and the words he used.
Yes I agree. Offended by a typo, so resorts to physical violence as a solution. That's as stone-ager as you can get.
G'day guys.
I understand the typo and I heard that mans acknowledgement of the typo. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with what I judge to be school-yard style, 1990's, sexuality humour at a minority's expense; on a public forum. I am proud of my savage, vicious language and the acknowledgement of inappropriateness from the author of the said comment that it encouraged. I am very disappointed that it took such intense language for this forum to see the error of it's ways. I will NEVER stand for comments like that and I kept thinking to myself "would Goofyfoot have made this little comment in front of Owen or Mikey?". Certainly not. Also, I can assure you a lot of beautiful female surfers will read this article and the comments and they deserve to feel loved and safe and NOT the butt-end of a still lingering boys club from the 1980's.
Good day Billie.
I thought your comments were awesome.
You saw something that deserved to be called out and did so.
I applaud you.
And i didn't realise going 5 rounds with someone was considered violence. It's boxing. It's sport. It's controlled. That's a good way to settle things if both parties agree on it in my opinion.
Really applaud your comments. Obrigado!
For what it's worth, i notice most posters have anonymous names. I think you'd clean the content of these forums up very quickly by only allowing people to use their actual names. Just a thought Swellnet?
I do regret using the c-word,
Thanks you for the support.
Hard to understand the cause of the violent aggression. Possibly the writer lacked some compassion but he had a point. The lady, particularly with the obviously highly skilled Rip Curl financial advisors, has earned millions from surfing. However, sure, this often cannot help underlying issues.
To add, if the lady actually had a competent counselor. she would identify her underlying issues (which are probably family related) and thus separate these ill feelings from her professional surfing; so to not project the ill-feelings into surfing.
my god billie, is this your first day on the internet?
And yet on a separate thread Billie, you are talking up a convicted paedo as a "wonderful surfer". Hmmmm, might want to let go of the virtue signaling and threats of violence around some obviously (attempted) comedic comments for a minute.
yep it was a stupid lame throw away line attempt at humour that probably belongs in a conversation 20 years ago, and I should of thought twice about saying it but didn't. probably not worth the reaction thats followed though.
100% GF. We don’t always agree, but that overreaction was insane
It was sane and said consciously as explained in my new comment above.
Pickles and Caity are a breath of non-bullshit fresh air. Or two, as it were :-)
Tyler might actually be wise to take you up on the idea of a real job. Geez, she needs an attitude adjustment.
Sadly the Wrights (ex Mikey) seem to have lost their minds. Have you seen Owen's capers on IG, fuck me, living in Byron has not helped the lad.
What kind of capers are we talking quokka? Pythonesque?
Lost me on that one sorry VJ?
Saw him getting around in a black Range Rover the other day - he's clearly gone full-Byron.
Besides, the new Rangies are hair dresser's cars anyway.
Exhibit A
What would you prefer he drive that would bring him back down to the common man? The guy scores 20point heat totals at huge Cloudbreak, wins Chopes in maxing conditions, wins a bronze medal for the Aussies, recovers from a serious brain injury to win comps, yet him driving a Black Range Rover is what you'll settle upon as the determining factor of his character.
My choice is the original desert tank, you can't stop them.
Yep, that's one of them. Agreed he achieved well but people change, which is what I'm suggesting. Maybe the brain injury triggered something in him that made him have an inclination to felt hats and living his life on SM. He was not sighted on IG before hooking up with his missus, just saying.
IDK Quokka, Mikey-one-turn hasn't exactly set the surfing world alight, has he?
I'm more talking about Mikey not following the hip, A-list crowd. Owen's missus looks to have had a nasty influence on him from a social media perspective. At least Mikey is out shooting pigs and fishing. I saw Mikey surf the Baz over here in west oz and he was 20m deeper on the point that any local, on his backhand too. Saw him take a seriously solid one down the mineshaft, which would have scared the brown stuff out of me as it was virtually straight onto the shelf covered with oysters. He proceeded to paddle straight back to the same spot and go again. He has some figs. Not built for the tour.
Quokka, the 1950’s called. They miss you.
Thanks for that insight. You sound like you're part of that crowd champ. How's the weather in wokeville?
Enjoying your write-ups as usual Steve.
You are so right. The future is here, particularly regarding Aussie men and women.
Onwards and upwards Pickles.
Had a surf out D-bar a few weeks back and SG was out , some nice overhead sets and she was surfing ok but I thought geez why aren’t you getting some time in at pipe and sunset ? She’s got 8 world titles and nothing to prove to anyone except maybe herself .
Really hope this doesn't put a blight on Steph's otherwise stellar career. Even if not putting in time at Pipe over the summer, would it not have been too hard to rotate through a half-dozen of Australia's slabby desert reefs?
There's one over here in West Oz that Sandgroper pro's used to use for Pipe training
We have a couple over here in SA too
Steph was Queen of the soft waves... as soon as women and men's events were held in waves of consequence, she has become irrelevant.
Nice lady tho
Yeah it's kind of the cool thing about surfing tho no? Steph will never be a hard charger but she's so great to watch in fun waves. The women are becoming similar to the guys....some big wave chargers, some fun wave style masters, and maybe a few that can do it all. It's cool
Perception is reality in the pro surfing game…unless you’re the WSL
Not sure if 3ft average Pipeline should be bar that all performances are judged by , good or bad . the carry on about a new generation of charges breaking ground would be creditable if today was 6ft plus .
for sure, I agree 100%, the average recreational surfer could've done better than half of them
And questioning a 7 times world title holders credentials in that crap ( seriously it was hard to watch ) is naïve at best .
To be fair it was clean and glassy for both Stef's heats this morning. She didn't go left once or even look like going left. Questioning her creds in hollow lefts is fair IMO as they needed to be questioned after her performances at Pipe, G-Land and Chopes last year. I think we were all expecting an improvement but it just wasn't there. Just my 2 cents anyway
+ 1 Kimbo1.
Not just today Kimbo- today was just the biggest stage.
Carissa, Pickles, Betty-lou, Moana have been doing it all winter long.
While Steph hasn't even bothered to show up and do the most basic preparation to get comfortable at Pipeline.
If you can't get comfy at 3-4ft Backdoor then you're way out of the game.
Proper Pipe would only have exposed her inadequacies more.
If she means what she says about lifting her game to match the front-runners in proper/hollow surf then there won't be any short-cuts.
You can't twin fin your way on head high peelers to a decent skill set at Pipe.
I saw Steph being interviewed last week on tv news and she was asked a question about challenging waves on tour. She said quite candidly that she had a lot to learn about surfing pipe and Teahupoo to up her performances there.
So she can identify her weaknesses but fails to enact a plan to remedy the issue? Is she (rightfully so) intimidated? if it were 2013 I could possibly understand but it’s 2023 and she’s had plenty of notice.
I wonder....if I was her, would I even care? I have seven titles, have surfed epic waves all around the world...dogging it out with 80 dudes at pipe sounds like a nightmare
I think you are correct - I dont think she cares and just accepts the poor results.
Feel this issue with yourself and others is your frustration that Steph isn't listening to you . You might want to go back and read the article ( the summary of all 5 women finalists chances of winning ) and comments on this masthead in the lead up to the 2022 finals day .Of course you all wrote her off ,, no chance , to lazy , cant go left , can't go straight etc etc . She crushed them !
Some misguided psychoanalysis there Kimbo, I suspect.
I don’t think anyone doubted Steph’s ability on soft Trestles waves. Nobody.
The end of season format means that surfers like Steph and FT are very likely to win provided they get into the top 5. As quite a few of the venues at least provide a possibility of large waves of some consequence, having finals at Trestles is bs.
Consider this - if that finals format was being held at Pipe then Steph and FT would never win another title.
Another incisive report Free Ride, thank you. Keep them coming, I look forward to reading your analysis as much as I do watching the comps (no sarcasm here). However, I do notice you didn't mention Gabriela Bryan's performance. As well as the opening tube she threaded at Backdoor, there was some serious intent when she pulled into a big Pipe closeout on her backhand. She is definitely one to watch too, even more so at Sunset the following week. But I really loved her commitment to Pipe for her first event of the year. I think she has future world champ written all over her, and maybe sooner than we think...we shall see. Forecast looks more promising in the meantime.
Yes, cheers Seahound.
That was a bad miss.
Deffo include Gabby Bryan in the conversation, she was charging.
Love to see a Gabby/Pickles Final.
Crazy that a multiple world champ can be so poor in hollow lefts, an indication of exactly how well her skills have been tested in those conditions over the years. Times are a changing though, and thankfully, so is the ability of the girls who take the equality chat seriously and actually want a level playing field. Some are lifting women's surfing to new heights with each event and all credit to them.
Stef has had some great wins, last year's probably wasn't her finest but she surfed Trestles well and so is champ. Sure she can see the writing on the wall though, the lack of preparation tells its own story. Retirement incoming.
Steph was World Champ of crap waves. Tyler won Pipe without taking a left... both are obsolete, and always were with underground ladies everywhere charging so much harder. Same applies to Lane.
Steph, small wave show pony.
There's footage somewhere - it's quite old - of Steph surfing good sized P-Pass, and she's very very comfortable.
Can't quite get my head around yesterday's 'performance'.
well the woz needs to fuk off trestles for the final........Carissa was the rightful owner of the title last year but was ripped off ........stupid ending for a world title final.......
Times 100. Hate that final 5 showdown. At least have a normal comp and give the title to the surfer with the most points.
It’s all just a hype machine, so in tune with the nature of surfing. (irony!)
And the cut is still a stupid idea. Grinding and earning a spot on tour to be flicked off after, what, only 5 events? As your adjusting to a new scene? Bah.
They should just cut 4 per event after 5. If you're in the bottom 4 after 5, 6, 7, etc you aren't surfing well enough to watch
dont completely agree with the cut but i always feel like theres a bit of dead wood on the tour come halfway, and its ment to be the best surfers in the world. felt like even last year there was dead wood still after the cut
dont completely agree with the cut but i always feel like theres a bit of dead wood on the tour come halfway, and its ment to be the best surfers in the world. felt like even last year there was dead wood still after the cut
Pickles victory...,women jjf men’s
How can Deaf Gilmore sleep at night pretending be 2022 World Champ... Got flogged everywhere but dull, weak Trestles.
Caitlin styling & Molly charging faces and...closeouts!!!
WSL Day2 'highlights' didnt bother to include the highest scoring waves.....?
Some highlights eg. Cait @ 3hrs:33min and Molly @ 6hrs:42min
Even the commentators noted these efforts...by the "rookies" ...& "the.top dogs ...they've had it too good for too long"
No individual heat summaries for these best wave heats today....?
a 'lowlight '... of editorial self censorship; maybe for $ponsers ...Billabong teamriders this and that.....blah blabla
Hitting the reef hard can put anyone off; may they surf at their best on the day
First ride this morning I saw had me thinking a men's heat was in the water. Someone was speed weaving along a fast right with that extra energy and flow that says nimble male pro surfer. Fast, tight little weaves with muscle power interacting with the chosen line just right.
It was Molly P.
Not a dramatic moment but a sign of a big shift in skill level for some in women's surfing.
I wonder how we’ll feel when all the women surf like the men.
I can remember seeing Steph dominate events at solid 6-8 foot honolua bay. Another level above the other competitors other than carissa and Tyler.
She looked comfortable at big j bay last year.
There’s been footage of her packing 4-6 foot tubes at back door in maybe the last two years.
I think she has a dig, just not on her backside.
Billabong team rider: Isabella Nicols 2.43
Molly Picklum 7.67
Billabong's brands were worth A$90 million at the end of June 2013, and on the morning of 27 August 2013, the company stated that global sales of A$1.34 billion were down by 13.5% in reported terms for 2012–13.
"Billabong sponsors teams of riders in different subcultures who play an ambassador-like role for both the brand and the corresponding lifestyle. As of 26 August 2013, a skateboard team is no longer listed on its website. Surfing is continuing to gain popularity, so more money is being put into it; now Billabong sponsors hundreds of surfers."
1st Feb 2023 ~ Steph: (ABC)
"I just watched 3 of the best big wave surfers in the World get sent to hospital in same afternoon!"
Makua Rothman / Billy Kemper / Kala Grace all were rushed to Hospital
Kala's Dad : "He's in ICU on a Vent but can communicate by scribbling on a crushed piece of paper!"
Guess that's good news then? Gulp!
The Pipe Event was put on hold...to wash away the blood & guts...no doubt!
Awards were postponed until they could muster enough survivors...no doubt
Here's a sample of Steph's frontline work experience...look away gromz!
tbb is no expert in fear factor...but would think twice before hooking into that barrel of fun.
Don't help when Lifeguards are shovelling Big Wave contestants into Ambos plugged into ICUs.
Not sure if you'd need a pass out...but would buy time if ya could!
Given the timing of events...tbb is not qualified enough to call out shell shocked Champs.
Whether they get stalked at WSL Comps or bashed on their day off...can do without a face plant!
For the record...when a Goldie Grom was strung up on Snapper Rocks...
Out of a Lineup of 100's it was Steph that raced to assist tbb to save the Grom from being smashed.
Steph has wot it takes...tbb has no doubt Steph would equally rescue a life at pipe or your local!
Sure! Accuse Steph of bringing her A Game when it matters most...that's wot champs do best!
Crew send best wishes and full recovery to all concerned.
Approachable Pipe. I wonder how many heats Steph ever had over her career but the winner today was the highlight reel, sisters packed kegs. It was on the news. Onya Steve
Aside from her 8 world titles I would prefer to watch Steph on video for her effortless powerful style and turns more than most surfers. Tactical fail for not training to surf pipe lefts. If she wants to improve in them, I’m sure she has the skills, time and money to be great backside hollow surf. Think of what she has achieved in her young life.
So much insecurity manifesting as some weird anger/hatred towards an athlete who put in an average performance. Yeah, it's obvious isn't it, trying to overcome your own misgivings via the fantasy of superiority. Just admit that you're a piece of shit (as all people everywhere are) and the need to big up yourself disappears.
Slater still thinks he's going to find salvation/perfection (which is why he's so desperately hanging on and cuts such a sad figure), whereas Steph has already come to terms with her own fallibility.
I was going to comment on Steph vs Slater, I didn't but you did and it's a good comparison.
Maybe it's the case of a healthy ego vs an unhealthy one. She has every reason in the world to be grateful for her situation and maybe she is. Maybe she's happy with who she is, faults and all? It's sad that that isn't celebrated as much as a clearly unhappy old man with a fragile ego trying to hang on to the glory days.
There's much more to life than trying to prove you're the best.
Is every commentary section of every thread on Swellnet these days going to descend into a vitriolic D-grade slanging match? Are the days of respectful discourse gone?
Fuck me I'm over everyone getting butt hurt with everything that is ever said in difference to their own gloriously perfect opinion.
I used to enjoy the forums and comments for the insightful knowledge of the readers across so many and varied controversial topics.
Now almost everything turns into a juvenile shit fight.
What a waste.
Agreed. This used to be the polite and interesting surf com section...now...?
Agreed crg.
How to tackle though? At what point do we jump in, and how do we do it?
Engaging in the fracas (as I have above) has the potential to inflame things further. If nothing else it keeps the original comments on the site, so everyone else can make up their own mind (sometimes that's a good thing, other times it's not).
Deleting posts (without explanation) pisses the original poster off - rightly or wrongly - and the rest of the SN community is none-the-wiser as they never read the comment in the first place and are not aware that anything has been deleted. So, who wins? Of course, in the example above, what post should have been deleted?
Blocking/banning users is a last-resort tactic (mainly used when posters don't respond to polite requests to pull their head in etc), of which the outcome is also difficult to predict - and again, the surf community is also unaware of what happens behind the scenes.
Personally, I'd rather be spending my time on forecasts and the like, but it seems more and more of my attention is spent herding cats.
Agreed it's an impossible task for you and the team Ben, and the comment certainly wasn't directed as a criticism of Swellnet. I'm all for a lack of censorship and control of thoughts.
And I'm glad you give your time to the constructive and worthy development of a great website and community and rise above what goes on at times.
I'm pretty sure its also representative of a greater change in society as a whole - we've become and been coerced "algorithmically" into being more divisive and entitled with our opinions.
How about a call to arms from all members of this community to get things back on course with our words and thoughts on here - and hopefully extend that back into our real lives if need be.
Go surf.
Be nice.
Contribute positively.
I know we all can.
Spot on.
One positive takeaway is that the overwhelming majority of commentary on SN is interesting, thoughtful and engaging, which is a by-product of the great community that's slowly developed over twenty years.
Let's not see such a space go to waste.
Always appreciate your team’s efforts Ben. I think we (the commenters) need to expect the small percentage of troll vitriol and call out actual racism, sexism, bigotry and abuse when we see it. Put the heat on them. Kinda like a self cleaning bbq.
Good analogy.
I've always been of the opinion that the best forums are those that have a decent level of inbuilt self-moderation.
Certainly would like to add my weight to crg, Andrew, Ben and others comments. Moderating the comments is an impossible job. Everyone is so quick to be offended these days.
Not just here either. I read comments to articles on SMH, The New Daily and the few other things I read online. Sort of makes me think I’m trying to understand other people’s opinions or even just to know what others are thinking, but everywhere is either a cesspit waiting to happen, or just shows off the limited thinking of the average mug.
I like a lot of the contributors on here but my tolerance for the muckrakers and argument makers is at about zero.
I’m making sporadic visits to swellnet forums again, but mostly just the surfing stories. The other forums just leave me a little depressed, but at least the most chronic offender is now gone. Thanks for that Ben.
You cant control or take responsibility for the spectrum of human behaviour - so I think the SW moderator balance is spot on. There appears to be enough self regulation without heavy handed moderation.
I think it unreasonable for SW to moderate out all emergence of bigotry - and if some are offended by any sexist, intolerant or bigoted comments then they need to to step in themselves (maybe minus the threat of violence...). All healthy communities need good citizens not just a strong police force.
I get the sense Ben that were someone to step way across the line to hate speech then you would definitely step in - which gives a sense of safety to the site. So carry on with the current approach I say. If others are offended by some deviation into inoffensive but juvenile commentary then there are many theoretical physics chat forums they can join.
World sees Steph is off her game...but is she really surfing that bad?
Easy to run a check of wot really went down...
6.43 Steph (Eliminated)
World News > Current World Champ is out...
Steph's elimination score bettered 7/18 women surfers > #7 Courtney (Eliminated) * Heat winner
These surfers scored less & advance #4 Tatiana #5 Brisa #10 Isabella #11*Caroline #13 Macy +Teresa
So if the World says Steph surfed bad...then why are so many being rewarded for surfing worse?
Steph also scored higher than these male surfers who advanced to $10k round.
(* Heat Winners) with (best) combo scores lower than Steph's elimination combo score
6.20 *Ethan > Man on Man
6.06 Liam > Man on Man
6.00 *Toledo > Man on Man (2022 Champ)
5.93 Jackson > Man on Man
5.20 Italo > Man on Man (Pipe Master) 2019 Champ
4.43 Imaikalani > (Best Score) Eliminated
That's correct...none of these advancing men could better Steph's elimination score.
So...when Steph is knocked out with a higher score than...
Recent Men's World Champs & Pipe Master that's not news?
Noting this is not a fluke...
Steph also out scored Ethan / Italo / Toledo & Whole top 10 in her last session at WSL Finals.
For that session & again now Steph gets crucified for outscoring best Male surfers.
So no one notices that Steph keeps defeating all the best male surfers...C'mon!
And for that she gets slagged on & eliminated as pathetic Male Champs hibernate until Sept Top 5.
News : "Biggest Loser" Steph defeats WSL #1 #2 #4 male surfers!
Is the world ready for that...coz that's wot WSL Judges just ruled.
Chix also get paid more per session...better not blow the lid on that one!
Very good point TBB- in the broader context her performances were not that far off the pace.
There is almost always a "bounce-back" factor after a sub-par Gilmore comp so I expect she will come out blazing at Sunset- which is a strong suit for her.
The schedule suits her this year again so Title 9 is by no means off the table.
Btw, there's absolutely nothing personal about Steph copping criticism for a poor Pipe showing. She's a professional sports person and her job is to put on an elite performance.
When she doesn't, like other professional sports people, she comes under scrutiny and suffers criticism- especially when there is a disconnect between the words (I'm gunna do the work to get better at these waves) and the actions (she never showed up).
It's just a part of her job.
IB posted a couple clips on here recently of Steph doing some good turns at Sunset so she could well turn it up.
Come on, mate. I just watched the replays. Its small Backdoor and I was quite shocked at how badly Stephanie surfed waves they she would usually make in her sleep. Certainly a shocker to be put down to having a very bad day but not indicative of what Steph has done in the past. It seems Steph woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday.
Seemingly fair points TBB, but you can’t connect scores from different heats. Some heats have less waves, poorer waves etc.
Besides, the scoring for the men is not comparable with the women, although as FR mentions, it seems to be closer this year. But that may just be due to the fact that we haven’t seen proper Pipe yet.
I love to watch Steph surf as she has one of the best styles in the world. Woman or man.
She has achieved a huge amount in surfing and faced serious adversity along the way, which makes her a champion in my eyes.
...but the GOAT? How can you call someone the GOAT if they are missing a part of surfing [Heavy/Big/scary waves]. You can say she is the surfer with the most world titles [and the best style] but as has been discussed, those world titles were exempt from scary/nasty waves. [Courtney Conologe would own at least 5-6 of Steph's world titles if the contests were run in consequential waves.
To me the current GOAT is Carissa Moore, because she doesn't have anything missing in her surfing skills.
...and besides, the new crop of girls are ripping on a whole other level. ..They not only have a much higher skill level, they seem to have a bit more courage than the old guard as well.
I would have to say Steve that your comment about holy (teledo) not having the competent skill set is so off the mark..he has proven himself in all conditions.. the bloke shreds
Holy Toledo, since he came on tour, has shown a very high skill set at Backdoor. Its just the Pipe Left that is weak.
Go watch last years Epic (best of all time) Pipe comp.
Pip did not make a single Pipe tube. His best score 7.67 was for a nice Backdoor nug.
His 3 heat totals: 7.00, 12.44, 3.50
His performances at Pipe/Chopes etc etc have been consistently below average. His skill-set there is not competent.
But yeah, agree completely- he shreds.
I reckon Steph will do well at Sunset.
But Sheesh, can’t wait to see the rest of the Molly show - that girl could win the whole thing this year!
Stay strong Steph!
Most punters & crew expect WSL season to end with a big bang. (Pipe Final)
2023 Overarching factor is 3x Pipe Contests as a season opener...
Pipe Masters (Half Pipe)
Duke's Backdoor Shootout (Full Pipe)
Duke's Bong Pipe (Quarter Pipe)
For decades the Pros worked a safe format to build up to the big one...
Now they sacrifice Rookies on the Reef from day one.
Crash up Derby Triple Crown to kick off the season.
Good luck finding a survivor for yer WSL 2023 season.
Champs are not prepared to take the risk in fear of blowing their season.
Pipe Masters withdrawals (All world champs)
Toledo / Italo / Medina / Steph / Kelly / JJ
Shootout Triple Bypass took out 3 Best Big Wave Riders
WSL CT Rookie busts ankle at Backdoor Pipe requiring ATV assist.
Pipe injury forces the in form Goof outta his first CT Tour Pipe Comp. (Go figure!)
Coaches & Sponsors won't cry if their Pro dips out at Pipe opener.
And therein lies the problem...WSL have relegated Pipe to a non event > throw away status.
Just going thru the motions...should a wave land in their lap, then yer obliged to Go For it!
Is tbb just saying that or is it possible that Men's Pipes are shrinking?
Again...easy to find out...
[Fact check] 2016 was the last we saw a decent length of Pipe.
Average opening Heat Scores of all Pipe Flushers with reigning champ Kelly as guest Plunger.
2013 ~[11.31] (ASP 2 man Pipe heats resulted in highest opening heat scores over a decade)
2014 ~[8.33] + Kelly [15.80] > (WSL 3 man heat scores massively dropped!)
2015 ~ [7.48] + Kelly [9.80]
2016 ~[10.95] + Kelly [12.70] (Final year of above average pipe flushing)
Reason : North Swell shaped up super full / flat safer performance waves ... no barrels!
2017 ~ [9.21] + Kelly [12.47]
2018 ~ [8.45] + Kelly [11.43]
2019 ~ [7.97] + Kelly [9.10] (Last Pipe Finale)
Noting the worrying trend of lowering scores defaulted WSL Tour change!
Covid Gap Year > (New Format of Hawaiian Pipe Season Opener)
2021 ~ [8.10] + Kelly [10.83]
2022 ~ [9.10] + Kelly [16.57] + Chix [5.53]
2023 ~ [6.97] + Kelly [8.60] + Chix [6.45] ( Lowest Men's Pipe scores )
* WSL opening Heat Pipe scores dropped [4.34] points in the decade since ASP 2013 opening heats.
* Duke's 2023 pick for Tahitian Reef Break Olympians are officially least qualified...massive setback!
* Dark Horse Pipe Master Kelly is always a front runner.
* WSL 1/4 Pipe model reflects in current 1/4 scores
* WSL mini Pipe is raising Chix scores while lowering Men's scores to new record low level.
* WSL are aiming to lower Men's scores to promote Chix...(Win! Win!)
* 2024 ~1/4 Pipe should see Chix score higher to claim Pipe honours over mere mortal males.
* WSL Policy of Chix higher appearance money will soon be justified!
* WSL men can now surf equally & fairly in Safest Chix conditions.
* Reads : Blokes can't Surf as good on Chix waves!
In honour of The Duke > The Pipe Masters are an endangered species!
Wasn’t last year’s Pipe contest as good as any? I seem to recall that, and I think Kelly thought last year was as good as it gets.
Princess in the Pit
Worth repeating, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. All good, until we feel we need to attack another in defence of our own and like. However, a seed can't sprout unless the soil has been prepared.
Bias announcement, I am biased. Having been a friend of Jeffrey and watched Stephanie since she was eleven running around with her Panamanian friends, I think sometimes things get over analyzed. I know I do it.
Sure Stephanie had a shitty day, I have lots of them. If you don't, please post so I can become more the man I would love to be.
Yep, scrutiny is one thing, but I don't think she is under any social, moral, religious or existential obligation to please us or perform just because she is a professional athlete!!!
Stephanie would have been devastated by that day and it is not as if she hasn't delivered for all of us in the past. Even 8 times World Champions hurt. Are we going to be there for her or let her down when she just might need support transitioning into a new cycle of life. Christ, it's hard enough being no friends Nigel, what must it be like to be this mob. They can have it.
Anyway, forum moderation is simple, think of the person you love the most, how would you communicate to them? How would you like them to communicate to you? Remember, words are like arrows, once they hit their mark, they are never removed without injury. Something's to think about. Be kind my friends.
Good to see you’re still around Dave. Have always enjoyed your contributions. Sorry to see you worked up about this but can understand if you know the family.
Mixed thoughts on Steph. Perhaps if she doesn’t like what the tour has become - more heavy spots - hold your head high, go out with 8 titles and free surf for the next decade or two. If not, commit and put in the yards for pipe etc.
Or, she loves competing still and it’s been such a massive part of her for so long now it’s hard to let go (a la Kelly) but just doesn’t like heavy surf. Look at how the women’s tour has changed since she started and the rapid transition it’s gone through in last few years particularly. She saw out the end of one era, led the next one for many years and is now a bit up and down as the next emerges in full flight. I’m happy to cut her some slack on this.
I actually think she should jump on the longboard tour for shits and giggles - she’d already have loads more experience at sizeable bells than either Men’s or women’s longboard tour (apart from Vic wildcards) so this would be the year to do it. And I’m not saying this as an insult to that tour, I’m a longboarder. Her earlier clip from Malibu a few years ago was even better than the one just released and I prefer watching her surf those waves on a single or twin fin than a thruster, if she could sort out nose riding she’d be a contender.
In short (because that was a pretty long post) the world’s still her oyster so she needs to figure out where she wants to be, and if it’s not training at pipe then so be it, you’ve made a huge contribution to the sport and thank you very much.
nice post PB
Maybe something happened off season with people close to her?
You don't become an 8 times World champion by shirking or taking short cuts.
Steven, did you actually call Stephanie this off season? Did anyone ask what was going on in her life?
When you are in the public eye, it must be hard to trust that people represent you and your views authentically.
Justification will no doubt rear it's ugly guilty head, but if you haven't got a good thing to say about someone, please, smut the fuck up!!!.
Yeh, but I really don’t think Steph could contend or even get close to longboarders that have been cross stepping and nose riding since they were 5 years old.
But I do look forward to seeing whatever she does do.
You’re probably right. I got a bit excited there at the prospect of a cross-over world champ
Look, before the context gets lost. Freeride writes some great stuff. His knowledge and passion of surfboard riding is unquestionable. Thanks for sharing your knowledge brother. But like me, when it comes to competition surfing, we are biased. Surfing is not a competition, it is an enjoyment, an expression.
Bias announcement. I am biased. Surfing is fun, first and foremost. Surfing saved my life. It allowed me to express myself. To wipe out, to cut back, to get tubed to go to twelve o'clock. It taught me my strengths, my weaknesses, my fears and my ambitions.
But most of all it taught me to be humble. Thank you, happy surfing, much love, Dave.
I appreciate your passion Dave and I hear what you are saying.
All points taken on board.
It's a great thoughtprovoking piece. Thanks.
I'm with Davetherave on this in many ways. Support of one of our greatest Aussie sporting legends is the best we all can do.
Steph has the most amazing style and ability to understand waves of most surfers in history.
With a little patience and practice she could become one of the greatest surfers in heavy backhand tubes.
She has the ability. There is no doubt of that.
She's come out of an era of long lined up pointbreaks to quantify her legitimacy of being a world champion.
The criteria has changed. It can't be an easy adjustment late in your career and with so much success under her belt.
Give this legend the credit and respect she deserves i say. I can't wait to see how her surfing evolves. And if it doesn't, i think it takes nothing away from her remarkable achievements on a surfboard.
She's a product of what the tour required of her for a long time.
Great article FR.
Thanks mate. Love everything the Swellnet crew do and you are a good fit. If you only had one chance as a broadcasting station, what emotion would you send?
You really are a very influential writer. A broadcast station
I'm sending kindness.
Daaaaaaavoooooooo!!!!!! I saw Jimmy Biscuit last week!!!!!! He was surfin an insane right hander, up there with the infamous left that used to barrel straight onto "biscuit rock" in that secret cove we cut our teeth on.
He say get a dog up ya.
BTW was that u sending me stuff via email, or did u get hacked mate?
Gday mate, hope all is well with you. I was up there in December and poor old Jimmy saw the cove with so much sand in it the old joiner never had a chance to form. Mate I been busy with mum so haven't been sending anyone emails. Been hacked I would bet. I am in Caloundra now, great waves when they come, Moreton Island stops a lot of swell. Keep your hand off it and have fun brother.
Mate, ya dont have to tell me about caloundra, or clown town as we used to call it. Remember I spent basically 1/2 my life in Coolum.
Yeah u gotta Head up north of the sunny coast airport to get out of moretons shadow. There's a couple of south swell magnets up the north end.
Im down in great whites ville now. Mind u I see a heap get munched on the east coast these days.
Give my love to your mum and your bros.
BTW are u still called the smarties man? U come in different colours? hahahahaha.
I'll drop u an email on the last one u used to me. think it was a kim jong email, if u get my drift. Channel Tump. You'll get the cryptic. Cheers man
Gday sheepdog, hope you are well.
I see you still cannot be kind towards other places or perspectives. You called Caloundra " clown town" yet I am not sure how often you actually visited here. I guess, sweet fuck all, knowing you as I know you. I love your passion about surfing and I love your appetite to keep learning. I wish you all the best. But mate, it's all the same, surfing, no matter what. Is inclusive.
Stats show 2023 Average Pipe Scores have reached record low.
Considering that surf size is down & safety is high with Helmets on offer.
Surfers should feel more safe to score freely than all previous years.
There is another common underlying reason that might explain these record low scores...
Many competitors are all in the (WPS) World Professionals Surfers Union.
Each break in the season, end of year or cut...WPS union negotiates with WSL.
Well! Let's just say a murder on ELO's dance Floor!
Up for grabs is *Olympics / *The Cut / *Finals Day / *Supa / *Injury Cover /
Extra & New >
*Real Time Judging Scores ...competitors want scores to lever Priority time not 5-10min Delay!
*Injured Surfers who miss the Cut before season even starts! Not Fair! No Exemption Given?
Meaning #3 Joanne Defay has little chance of making the cut. ( May qualify as French Olympic Surfer )
Consider a 29yr/old new CT surfer got injured in heavy pipe warm up > 2023/24 CT career is as good as over!
Recall the Cut is a 2 year Trial...Pandemic was Year 1 & we just had year 2 so Trial is up for review! (Right!)
Reckon WPS tried again to end this before start of WSL 2023 season...(No dice!)
WSL & WPS don't see eye 2 eye on any issue.
Reason we don't hear is WSL Surfers are sworn to secrecy...
Seems odd that all top pros are scoring record low scores in first round of first 2023 comp.
So if crew are looking for a go slow on the scoreboard...this would offer alternative reasoning.
Like a subtle united message of a united front.
We see it all around us everyday...why should we expect any different here...Just Saying...
Could be that WSL Pros want us to notice the low scores & go slow...coz it's working!
May 2022...WSL told WPS to choose their Rep from one of WSL Fab 4 & to say nothing.
Conner / Tatiana were the Reps at time of The Cut... also favs on WSL Poll list.
tbb is led to believe there is some reference in WSL Rule Book to Competitor's Special Committee.
Only it's not obvious in the index...knock yerselves out!
This stuff is not easy to find...crew can read both WSL Rep's comments together on same page here.
Again here... WSL stack Conner / Tatiana + Tyler / Jadson...[Vote Now] + Say nothing to anyone ever!
All above board...reckon the WPS are stoked with WSL Communist Dictatorship.
tbb thinks this is a ticking time bomb!
Wow I didnt even know Steff was 2022 world champion.
Go Molly
It has been a joy watching Molly Picklum, Caity Simmers, Moana Jones Wong, Tati WW, Lakey Peterson and Gabby Bryan surf this week at Pipe. Even though the swell wasn’t serious, the improvement in skill levels and commitment is visible and inspiring. Thanks for the writeup Steve, look forward to more.
oops forgot my favourite from the opening rounds, BettyLou Sakura Johnson!
It’s cool to see the new wave of girls bringing it, but it will be interesting to see how they hold themselves when we get to the business end of the season.
Could be another year of tough lessons dished out by the old heads when the pressure’s on.
I’m sure Steph would accept the criticism given she didn’t follow thru on her words but looking at the long game, this years tour suits her more than last year. If she’s in the final five, she’ll have some of the new wave beaten before she paddles out.
May I suggest that commentary on a person’s surfing performance should not be taken as a comment on their personal qualities.
Appraising the performance of a professional sports person is the way of the world, and that’s as it should be. Every mug who has bought a quikripabong wettie, board shorts, socks, tees etc is their ultimate employer. We get a right to have an opinion, they get the right to never having to slog it out in an office or on a worksite until their body gives out. Fair cop I reckon.
Having said that I think we are watching a changing of the guard in the women’s and going to the same venues as the men has forced that. The new brigade know that they won’t be able to have a career without getting competent in heavy conditions. The older brigade will have to up their game or just hang around until they’re ready to go, or they don’t re-qualify.
Molly is just showing them what they need to do, she’s already there and will just keep getting better. Her, Gabby Bryan, TWW, Betty Lou, Moana and a few other standouts will be setting the bar from here on in. As good as she is, even Carissa will do well to keep up.
I seem to remember a young girl from WA surfing at Margs last year. Cant remember her name, well known Dad who was either a shaper or a longboard champ, or both. I was frightened for her paddling out and she was just in her element. Got absolutely smoked by a huge outside wave and she just handled it. Didn’t go far but was totally at ease with big waves. That is what is coming down the tunnel at all the girls.
Wish them all well.
And Steve, ‘inarguable’! I would have gone with unarguable myself. In fact I didn’t think inarguable was a word but the inter webs say that both are, then laughably give different definitions which mean EXACTLY the same thing. Word nerds!! Sometimes the internet is not enlightening.
My iPad automatically changes inarguable to unarguable too, which means nothing at all. I think I prefer the unarguable because;
- I don’t think inarguable existed as a word when I was a lad, and
- the phonetics of ‘inarguable’ just aren’t as mellifluous.
The in then ahh sound isn’t as flowing as the un and ahh.
Thanks for the write up btw. Would have liked more but appreciate you’re a busy man when these comps are on.
I reckon your thinking in arguably classic Margies conditions WA's Bronte Macaulay.
Bronte took out Carissa in round of 16. Scraped past Steph in the quarters and lost out to Isabella Nichols in the Semi.
That’s the one Remi. Left a mental image with me,
Not wanting to be a spoiler alert but has our 8 time world champ won a comp on any left not just gnarly ones …
Astrerix time ?
Flip has one 1 title and already has one according to the haters …..
Beach breaks don’t count …..
Hi Steve.. hopefully a write up on Aussie board riders..that was intense for all involved passionated competitive !!! .. best Comp on the calendar I reckon.. love watching it ..
The Macaulay family where champions when i briefly spent time amongst them in the water, regardless of their abundant surfing talent.
Whats happening now regardless of steph and her talent is a whole generation is getting called out for actions both in and out of the water by the consumer and non gullible surfer. I think it's fantastic and very much needed in the age of over hype and product placement and induced entitlement. So many a good surfer has operated under the entitlement tag, of I rip , I'll do your little sister and take the inside. The new wave is a breathe of fresh air to the stagnant corporate machine that has destroyed many a surf spot and experience through bullshit.
They are still going to sell us what they can but the surfer who has seen the monopolisation of surfing not just through product, but through board rider cubs, businesses, locations that have bred an ingrained entitlement to where ever their tentacles reach are looking strangely inwardly with nowhere to hide. The truth has been ignored for too long and the younger generation of women are shaking things up regardless of product. Their attitude is a breath of fresh air and what the entitled dominant machine fears. Pure surfing has no label other than the individual experience effort and out come. The damage of commodification can never be undone but I will cheer every female who takes the drop and operates with respect. I don't care if steph wins comps sells product just as long as she's happy.
There are many examples of females turning sport on it's head when the time needed it. Surfings no different. I don't look at the result but the individual expression the surfer displays through skill and expression that they deliver upon the canvas as it presents.
Comp surfing has shaped modern surfing for so long it lost it's way somewhat. But that's what you get when you are bought and sold and living for one's self just as are many of the top pro's are regardless of how they paint themselves or the broken trails of destruction they have left behind. Attitude and action speaks in the water and out, pro to average joe.
Seeing two tiny women take on solid surf without fuss or fan fare was a solid effort to witness this year with out the usual mucho bullshit.. girls show the world a new way and do it how you want. KK's done what she can and copped allot for her views but you gotta tell it like it is regardless of skill, location or the bullshit you face before you've even left the beach. Shake it up because we ain't going back. Your time is now. Do it well but do it right.
Cool story man , i didn’t read it all of course .The reality is though, the women are ridiculously overscored compared to the men’s scale and if the women had their own tour separate to the men no one would watch it..
I doubt that is true anymore. I'm sure there would be a solid fan base.
If it is anything like AFL women then it will have for sure even if there are only a dozen top players worth watching in the whole league. Pretty low quality overall and not worth watching for skill.
Oh yeah like the WNBA or Women’s NRL’s big fan base?. No sorry the girls are getting better but we mainly only watch them cause we have to..
Have to? Grovelling like a boss. whilst using an alias, says it all really. Please tell us how hard you rip or charge whilst beating your chest and polishing your forehead. Im sure the girls would have operated vastly different had it been possible over the years. Maybe it's people like you that have held them back no matter how they're are scored or paid.
Women's surfing is vastly different to mens, So what, enjoy it for what it is otherwise tune out, competition or free surfing. $$$ aside. Will you whore out your own daughters or are you too busy still chasing underage girls to feed you ego and masculinity? But's that I guess is really just freedom of choice. Why consume what you reject or fail to understand? No one's forcing your hand. Other than the piped piper you are representing. fully cool story bro, so what.
If you think that someone who shreds within a designated timeframe is our best. God love ya. I love Kai Lenny and his mad Peahi mates. I love Dane Reynolds and his mad Noa expression. Stop judging, just be thankful. Appreciation does not limit you, it embraces you. Lifts you up. Surfers, for the love of it.
Sure I can appreciate it dave, But as there are many people who have become sick of the bullshit that they have seen or experienced at the hands of a few. I don't see it as resentment other than a reaction to behaviour people have witnessed or worn over the years.
I understand billies stance, just as i understand yours or any others. You are a peaceful kind warm person by the sound of things who is possibly is strong in a faith i respect that even tho I have different opinion's. People often attack when they have had enough, sure it may not be right in your eyes but Ive seen enough bullshit to Take billies point as an expression of Frustration.
Why do you think a certain type of surfer is so resented and do you think they or their victims should be defended or protected regardless of sex. Some people think they are above others, If you want to wear that abuse fine but many others wont. How did they reach that point where there is a constant disregard for others they see below them? Those that called them on their bullshit where at some how at fault wtf.
yes two wrongs don't make a right but there are many an example of entitled arrogance in Australian surfing. Some of it is far far from pretty. I had enough along time ago at many a wave and community and so have many others. It's often funny how many men who have treated women poorly in the past shit themselves once their daughters hit a certain age.
Violence may not be the anserw but fuck being a victim of those who oppress, exploit and devalue anything they believe they are entitled too. Regardless of the damage they cause. Fuck em and all that they stand for which has so often proven to be not much. If you know a female or someone who has been violated over the years in regards to the continuing predatory nature of some males Im sure you would understand the damage done and those who are quiet happy to punch on protecting theirs and their nearest and dearest. I understand what billie expresses and have seen many a cunt owned just as I have seen victims violated. Fuck em and all that they are. Bottom feeders will always be just that regardless of my or your views. How did surfing get so tainted? And why are people so over the behaviour within it or that it has curated over the years. Because they've had enough bullshit seen enough carnage possibly themselves or another. I will always back the victims of abuse and sometimes I may even attack but that just how I do it. You do it your way and pray that none close to you or yourself are ever violated. All the best and I will leave it at that. Here's to women and women's surfing worldwide. life can be fun at times but it can also be really really fucken heavy for some. Don't add to it cause sometimes someone who been through it will react in a way you least expect. Regardless of right or wrongs.It's just how it is. Abuse is abuse.
There will always be predators or cunts just as their are victims. I understand this issue is close to your heart and I am sorry for your loss. Had someone stepped in or up could situations or circumstances in your sphere played out very different to what eventuated we will never know. In no way are my comments an attack on you dave but the core issue of respect for others just as you represent. be it surfing or the violation of another. I learn't to attack after being attacked and violated as many have to survive. And some victims have taken there own lives. I will never let that happen again to myself or those that are the carnage of abuse. It stays with you never leaves no matter what you do. The devil is always near but that just is how it is for those who survive the insidious creep of violation day in day out. I cant escape it, it is with me and others for life no matter what i try. Till the day i die. that is why I speak out at times that is why i refuse to be silenced and that is why I still fight. Don't bring that shit round me i've already died and gone to hell. I couldn't give a fuck.
You have officially lost the plot
You have officially lost the plot
life experience isn't loosing the plot and I will leave it at that all the best. my comments mainly concern dave and billie and myself, don't stress I as normal as i ever was. Peace to all and take care of your loved ones.
Thank god
Your ravings are unbearable
On the piss gov?
no havent drunk a beer much really since covid hit. fit healthy and looking forward to swell when it comes, been a while but we will get it when it comes. probably just had a vent quiet common for me thanks for your concern hope you are finding a few too. I gotta crash work will be here before i know it. I just tell it how i live it, Be good be kind and take care of the little people (kids)if you have any and all the best. i will give the raving a rest must be the adhd kicking in strong ;) Bloody enjoyed the hawaiian season tho. And tell it like it is.
im sure she would be happy if it was a sand bottom pumping left