Margaret River Pro: Day 4
Well we finally got to see the axe fall and the limestone coast of South-West WA liberally salted with pro surfer tears. Those who failed to make the cut in 10-12 foot surf that was mostly challenging, and occasionally overwhelmingly beautiful in the afternoon light.
It was a tough day for those cut but the Woz surely over-egged the drama and the emotion. The talk was of it being “brutal” and “hard to watch.”
To which I cocked an eyebrow. Haven't surfers been getting knocked off tour since the damn thing began in 1976, or at least since the dual tour format came into existence sometime when Erik Logan was still wearing short pants in Oklahoma?
The fact that the cut surfers have four days to ruminate before washing off the hurt in glistening blue tubes at Snapper Rocks made the brutality call a little on the farcical side.
Tyler and Owen (Hughes/WSL)
I couldn't help but think of the surfers who were cut last year, mostly Ace Buchan. Ace broke his back at Margarets last year. Broke his back in competition! Struggled back to compete in the last two events and was then unceremoniously cut, no injury wildcard. No teary interview afterwards. No recognition of his fifteen years on tour. Not a damn thing.
Now they get straight back into a pretty damn sweet little tour with a chance to step back into the ring in six months. No, save your tears for our pro surfing brethren. They will be fine.
The cut was the main thing, but the thing I was most interested in today was: Is there legitimate competition available for John Florence at Margaret River? Has the gap closed?
Yes, very much so.
John himself looked a little sleepy and unaroused in a low stakes heat with ImaiKalani Devault. Good enough, in tricky shifty conditions, without generating any real excitement.
That could easily work in his favour tomorrow as he comes in fresh to a marathon Finals Day where the winner will surf four times.
Three surfers left in the draw could beat John. Going backwards through the day:
Jack Robinson had the turns, the angles and a crazy psyched up energy which could see him easily get on a roll. The twitchiness and skitziness between turns is a problem, especially if John opens up and Jack's surfing starts to look skatey and adolescent in comparison.
Jordy looks the main threat. His turns were the biggest of the day. No skitteriness, nothing extraneous. Jords caught the wave of the day, a huge backlit cathedral that opened up like perfect Backdoor and he...dodged the tube. He went around the bottom of it and surfers worldwide groaned in protest. None moreso than Kelly Slater who surfed a woeful heat on a ten-year old Merrick KS12 Semi-Pro and would have scored a 10-point ride on the thing.
Jordy (Dunbar/WSL)
In the post-heat presser Jordy tried to justify the dodge: “I felt like I should have been pulling in, but in my mind it was like, “No, this is Mainbreak.””
That's victim blaming, Jordy: you get paid to ride 'em as they should be ridden.
Ethan Ewing is the other major threat to JJF. His heat today against Leo Fioravanti, who needed a win to stay on the CT, was ruthless. It was all over in the opening ten minutes after two clinical rides. Huge turns, seamlessly connected. That put Leo in deep combination and he was never out of it despite two 7's. Those 7's would have won him ten out of the sixteen heats today.
There's a point of difference at the moment between Ewing and the rest of the field, and if he ends up against John he will not like having those scores shoved in his face.
Ethan (Hughes/WSL)
Ewing's near-perfect performance framed Kelly's heat and the picture thus presented did not look pretty for the current Pipe Master. The 6'6” looked narrow, stiff, and unwieldly under his feet. It refused to turn. He let good waves go by unridden at the start of the heat which Jadson Andre devoured with his typical alacrity. The scores were modest but Kelly could do no better than a 5.17, and a 4.07 for a nifty air-rev on a head high wave which looked like some sort of repositioning manouevre rather than an earnest attempt to get a score. On paper, Bells and Margarets presaged uninspiring results for Kelly and that is exactly what's happened - two consecutive 17th's. No big deal in the grand scheme but if he loses any more ground it'll be back to the booth for Finals Day.
KS (Hughes/WSL)
Kelly wasn't the only one whose board choices looked sub-par. Owen flubbed it badly. His too-small board was all over the shop, very similar to his Bells performance, and he just fizzled out against Miggy Pupo, who only had one decent ride to hold him at bay.
Owen equivocated on his future after the loss, saying he “felt pretty devoed” but that he had no “long term thoughts” about requalifying explaining that he has “got a lot of life outside the tour”.
I must admit, all this cutting and not one genuine retirement felt like a real prick tease. For god’s sake, this is the big opportunity, I thought, barely a surfer who's ever dropped off tour has had anything like this. Announce your goddamn retirement!
I know this is a minority view but I continue to think Italo can get the job done. His waves - a series of ascending rides - were under-appreciated by judges today, almost as if they wanted to maintain a path to victory for Joao Chianca. But Italo shut him down, stalking him into the whitewater as the clock ticked down like a revved up bull shark. Chianca will be back. But the rumours of cracks in the Brazilian Storm continue to fester. Watch this space.
Joao (Dunbar/WSL)
Most of the rookies and those under the cut went out meekly. Proving the worth of the cut itself.
One who did not was Matty McGillivray. Kanoa had the heat well in hand before Matty came back, needing a score with a few minutes to go. A skittering late drop, punched into a deep bottom turn before he smashed the lip. It wasn't elegant. On the descent he got lost in the cascading whitewater as if he was negotiating Niagara Falls in a barrel. Somehow he emerged still standing and the judges paid the derring-do handsomely.
Summing up the vanquished was Leo Fioravanti. “The cut sucks,” he said, “especially if you are on the wrong side of it."
Yes, that’s a feature not a bug.
“This result doesn't define who I am,” he insisted.
Well, that's nice therapy speak but it kinda does.
If you are a pro surfer then it absolutely does.
Or is that too harsh?
Another epic day beckons tomorrow. Elo must be sacrificing goats somewhere to get this much good luck.
Kelly needs a few tips on how to paint over old sponno logos. The brushwork is a little shabby.
Kelly needs a little more help than that.
I don't think Kelly needs much help to be honest. I actually was impressed at his attempts out there. But as potentially the worlds greatest connoisseur of waves he has never pretended to like it out there compared with other waves. I can't wait to see if he lights up at G-Land.
Missed most of it yesterday I'm afraid.
Caught the Lau Wilcox 'incident' on the MSM. I'm guessing the truth lies somewhere in the middle in that one. I'd probs be a little wary df the bruddas on the next trip to Hawaii though.
Did I miss something? I thought Callum Robson got up?
The thugs that talk about respect…only it works in Hawaii for Hawaiians. Anywhere else..fuckem..more so with entitled pros.
A future marked man in Hawaii will get the full Aloha.
Little off topic but have to laugh at this:
Good on Jacob. Zeke yet again demonstrated his propensity toward entitled dickhead rather than pro surfer.
Have fun requalifing again son
Checked- Callum up against Griffin.
He can do it reckon.
Anyway, have fun. I'm off to golf.
No mention of Deivid Silva's apparent no show?
Pro surfers have a history of registering no scoring rides in a heat. Yadin Nichol's fat zero in a US Open final being the best I can recall, however I reckon Silva's disappearing act topped even that.
Wonder how Make or Break will dress up that flaccid showing?
I thought the subtle remark in the first paragraph of "occasionally overwhelming" related to Silva's effort?
Was it just me, or did the guy look genuinely scared in the conditions?
(I would be)
For a large portion of the heat, he was so far out to sea that the pulled back drone shot couldn't get both competitors in a single frame (with Barron sitting in the regular takeoff spot).
Kelly doesnt respect sunset and sunset doesnt respect Kelly back.
Margs looked very much like sunset yesterday.
Zeke makes it hard to like him doesn't he.
Imagine if the roles were reversed and that was in Hawaii with Wilcox flicking his board at Zeke. Wilcox would cop a decent flogging I'd imagine.
Nat Young was awesome yesterday
Incredible come back - how long was he off tour and back on the QS ?
A question.Does Mendina's wild card into the next events place him in the first round against the top seed?(Felipe, Kanoa or JJ ) If that's the case they're going to be up against it at G-land,Chopes and even Jbay.
Medina comes in at number 8 seed
Kelly is his own worst enemy. Rides super short boards most of the time. Then when it gets big and he has no choice but to ride a bigger board, yet struggles with the extra length where turns are required, unlike somewhere like Chopes.
I was just gonna say something similar.
His muscle memory for turning those 6'6KS12s just wasn't there anymore after riding too different equipment.
Wondering if that boards Rocker had changed over the years of being in storage.
Silva's 0.13 - he must've been so psyched out. Paddles for a clean approachable small-medium set and was too scared or didn't know how to put his head down and commit an extra paddle to get into it. Stands up early and falls off the back. "World's best". Was a pure kook moment.
Then he paddled out to sea for the rest of the heat. I wonder if he got jet ski assist back in haha
Yes he got the jetski back in
Dramatic stuff. We are all devastated apparently.
"No mention of Deivid Silva's apparent no show?"
Yep, surely if your gonna call out Jordy's barrel dodge on arguably the biggest wave of the day then you can't ignore Silva's complete dodge of the entire line-up out of what can only be assumed was a genuine fear of getting caught inside.
Would've been amazing to see Jordy pull into that beast of a thing but that turn he did was sublime.
Considering the rather dismal early forecasts for the event - we are getting much bigger and better surf than could be expected.
All credit to (fill in preferred omnipotent universal deity here)
“This result doesn't define who I am,” he insisted.
Well, that's nice therapy speak but it kinda does.
If you are a pro surfer then it absolutely does.
Or is that too harsh?“
Pro sport is not and should not be, a safe space.
What's the point of the tour for the rest of the year for the surfers ranked 10-22?? They're a 0.01% chance of making "The Final 5" but since they've already secured qualification for next year what do they do now??
(Apart from clearly just enjoy living the dream as a tour athlete. The mid year cut has added some drama for sure but now it's gone the rest of the way?)
Send out the women - equal pay = equal play
I’m sure they would of had a dig if they were sent out. WSL seems intent on keeping the 90s narrative of sending them out in the worst conditions. Case in point day 1 of this very comp
Was an entertaining day of waves particularly in the late arvo
Commentators as annoying as ever tho if I hear ‘that was a clutch result’ one more time I’m gonna shoot myself
'Kelly is his own worst enemy'???? How many more titles if he wasn't?
Sorry, Silvas last heat no show didn't make the cut.
Was hoping the slack would get picked up in the comments.
I wonder if Brazilian social media comments were critical of him.
I know if he was Aussie he would have copped it from us. The only thing that saved him a little is his low profile.
The limestone coast of South-West WA liberally salted with pro surfer tears (classic).
When Erik Logan was still wearing short pants in Oklahoma? Hahaha.
That's victim blaming, Jordy: you get paid to ride 'em as they should be ridden (yep). Can’t believe he didn’t pull into that barrel.
Awesome turn after but he could’ve, should’ve but didn’t pull in. I reckon plenty of speed to make it. Surfed with heaps of power and style as usual but he doesn’t seem to have the killer competetive instinct. So good to watch free surfing.
“This result doesn't define who I am,” he insisted.
Well, that's nice therapy speak but it kinda does.
If you are a pro surfer then it absolutely does.
Or is that too harsh?
Yes, That is too harsh and quite derogatory in my opinion.
NO ONE should be defined as a looser or a failure by a bad result, despite trying their hardest.
Loosing is not failure but just part of life, Not trying or properly committing to something , is failure. [Like the guys and girls who didn't commit at Pipeline this year]
Leo is a fucking legend and he always commits 200% to what he does. I couldn't give a rats arse how much he gets paid or how "Privileged" his life appears to be. I care that he gives it his best effort and that's all that matters in this world....and he sure does
....and please remind ourselves that al these Pros are still people like you and me..
Famous people tend to get a hard time about their problems from the less fortunate, as if being rich suddenly makes all your life's problems disappear. Bit more understanding and compassion needed in this world. last issue to bring up
Imagine if the job you did was based on a similar setup to how pro surfing works. Would you feel so comfortable in your future if you were only guaranteed 100 days of employment before an arbitrary group of 5 people decide if you stay or leave? They also don't give a shit how well you do your job as there is only one winner allowed.
Your boss will also rub shit in your face by making a documentary about it so they can splash your pain across the world and make money from it.
Seems like a pretty fucked-up work environment to me.