Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach: Day 1
We've all been gorging on surf porn: the Superbank, Deadmans etc etc, for what feels like months now, so a scrappy, head-high day at Bells is always going to look unlovely by comparison. Even with the best of the best on it.
Two years off the schedule and despite the best efforts of the commentary team there just wasn't a great deal of enthusiasm for the proposition that, in the case of Bells, absence has made the heart grow fonder. A handful of crew on the beach could not generate any kind of sporting atmosphere and of eight heats s,urfed only one wave breeched the excellent mark.
A helluva lot of 4's and 5's, or in the case of wildcard Mick Fanning 2's and 3's. I do understand the dream of Mick Fanning doing what he does on the Bells Bowl, in a Final with one of the young lions, or even better facing off with Kelly Slater in a 2012 redux. I really do. It's an incredibly seductive idea. But as TS Eliot made clear in his famous poem, The Hollow Men: “Between the idea and the reality falls the shadow”. Which is where Fanning's wildcard performances have been.
Mick (Sloane/WSL)
He surfed three heats in last year's Narrabeen CT event. Added together with the waves from this heat that totals 22 waves. Only three of the 22 waves have been 5 or above, with his top scoring ride a 5.50. On any given day in 6 foot point surf Mick is still a top five surfer, but in scrappy stuff or beachbreaks he would not make a QS heat.
To put it in coldblooded business terms, Mick's performance today did not receive any mainstream media coverage, and for them to get a return on investment on Mick's wildcard he's going to need to really step up and not have another of what Bugs called, “one of those heats that didn't happen”.
Is it too early to identify any favourites based on today's heats? Italo looked very fine to my eye for a pair of 6's that in the context of the day were underdone. Italo's backside line is unique. He starts his bottom turn a fraction early, gets to the lip, or whatever passes for a lip at onshore Bells, with a fraction more speed and more options as far as turn angle goes. It's a similar philosophy to the John John Florence Margaret Mainbreak attack, which blew the doors down on a wave that has always flummoxed the best.
Italo (Sloane/WSL)
In the following heat it was obviously Owen Wright who had the most to lose. Owen was granted a wildcard for the tour this year after a string of mediocre performances last year, especially the four banger Aussie leg. That mediocrity has continued into this year, and with a cut looming weeks away, J'Bay, G'Land, and Tahiti would be taken away from him, to be replaced by Ballito and Huntington Beach. It's not a good trade for a man of Owen's stature, so there was reason to expect him to put a little more ooomph into his turns today. Which he did, for an easy victory against Kelly and Nat Young.
Kelly spiced up one lacklustre Bells Bowl for a 7, paid overs for a single big turn and a bunch of not much else. His appearance seemed a little downbeat and low key, somehow. If this really is his last Bells it felt like more fanfare was appropriate. Maybe there was a problem with the paperwork at the immigration counter and Kelly wanted to stay under the radar? We will not know because Kelly believes in medical privacy. No matter, he's here, and that's grand.
Like Mick, it's hard to see Kelly punching deep into the draw without a run of good days, preferably solid and clean. Unlike Mick, Kelly hasn't been relevant at Bells for a decade. Since his famous final with Fanning, in which Kelly did the huge air, got the 10 and still lost. I was on the beach and believe with all my heart that Kelly won that final. Which would have, if my calculations are correct, delivered him the 12th World Title that year.
All water under the bridge now, and it's unlikely - highly, highly unlikely - that old grievance will be relitigated this time around.
Kelly (Sloane/WSL)
John Florence scrapped around and surfed sharp, including the most progressive attack of the day. The most notable feature of John's heat was the opening exchange between he and Jacko Baker. Baker bested Florence by a full 2 points, an extraordinary spread for a rookie from Newcastle. Baker is our new crowd favourite and it's not hard to pin down why. Huge turns, charges, pink boards, straight shooter, who quite obviously loves to be there. There's an infectiousness to the enthusiasm, even on the webby.
Straight after Kanoa's first wave I wrote: “He has a World Title stench about him”. Stench is a terrible word, but perfume doesn't work either. You get the drift. Seconds later he punched portholes into one of the beefier sets of the day for a 9.07. Easily the best wave ridden on Day One of competition. Kanoa could easily be the World Champ after a day at Trestles. Easily. He would smoke Jack Robbo, for example, the only Aussie who seems a realistic chance to make the top five.
Kanoa (Sloane/WSL)
I won't stick my neck out on the Bells forecast; that Southern Ocean / Cape Otway / Bass Strait combo has always been pure juju to me, but it looks like scrappy days ahead. Possibly many of them. That will favour our Brazilian pals and anyone prepared to mix up big turns with an air game. Meanwhile, at the arse end of the rankings the scuffle to avoid the cut is going to bring some welcome pressure and drama to what now looks like a tired competition venue.
There's been a lot of change this year and it's working a treat: starting with Pipe and Sunset; the mid-year cut; a stacked second half of the tour with a slimmer field. That change is making Bells look a bit anachronistic - especially with no mobility and a full Mens and Womans field squeezed into the same window. Bells is more than a competition venue though, it's part of the Victorian sporting fixture firmanent. Up there with the Formula One race in Melbourne as far as government reco goes. While that lasts, Bells will remain.
As far as the good will of the people goes? The fans?
Harder to answer. A year of indifference will be wiped away by the next Southern Ocean storm.
It just might not be this year.
Maybe a kook will ring the bell this year.
Fark La Nina
Are there kooks on the CT?
I know some are better than others,and any of them could win it,especially if the conditions are mediocre,but still,kook is a strong word for any CT pro.
"No Kook has ever won at Bells" Shane Dorian 1999.
And sorry but due to La Nina Shane might eat his words.
I think you miss my point.
Maybe i missed his point,because i didn't know he made it.
One of the greatest lines in a victory speech.
Immortal. Still the first one i think of.
Kinda pointless statement though isn’t it.
You wouldn’t be in the contest if you’re a kook.
Old Shane’o is a mad dog but he’s said and done some pretty cringeworthy things in his day. (In gods hands)
Haven’t we all though!
Yeah for sure, if you took everything people said literally, i guess it could come across that way.
Seemed kinda obvious what he meant to most though.
You're welcome ;-)
My main take from him saying that,would be he didn't think much of some of the other surfers on tour at the time.
Sure Dorian was on of the best surfers of that era,and i'd give him the award for the most allrounded pro surfer in history (JJF,if he hasn't taken that one yet,probably will down the track),from what he could do on a wave from a 1 foot beachie to 40 foot Jaws.
But his results on tour while he was there for a decade or whatever,were pretty underwhelming.
He never was in the mix to win the world title by Pipe if i'm correct.
That win at Bells was his career highlight i believe,and did he even ever win another CT event?
Might have been 1 or 2 others or maybe just Bells not sure.
So competitively speaking,perhaps Dorian was the kook that could never win any other event,despite numerous attempts at each one for many years lol.
All good points well made FR
I think they should consider running the Aussie leg on Huey's terms. Set up all three venues, Bells, Snapper, Margs and let the forecasters say where and when.
Mediocre forecast really kills the buzz
Long live la Nina.
Gets ya fit.
Fuk the Mexicans
We are not the USA. There's no reason to relate Mexico, which borders the South of only one other country, to anywhere here in Australia. Why not refer to Victoria as, I don't know, Guatemala? Maybe South Korea?
And don't give me that crap it's from the song. Because the song is about some yank taking a trip down to Mexico.
Andrews Cartel country.
Es una mierda
Its always been Mexico , because unlike California ( NSW) , we always end up having to doing the heavy lifting / hard work to get wet and sometimes ....... like once in a blue moon , there is Southern Comfort !
" No country for old men " ....
Ha, ha what La Nina gives a better curvature to your banana bending as you have lost the sun for your red necks?
we are the hollow men
we are the stuffed men
Always loved how 'stuffed' got slipped into real literature.
Mick should be kissing babies and handing out how to vote cards - he’s a statesmen now. I don’t reckon he’s surfed a shitty wave since retiring and why would you when you can dominate your home break when it’s firing each and every time.
Steve - love your writing but this "Maybe there was a problem with the paperwork at the immigration counter and Kelly wanted to stay under the radar? We will not know because Kelly believes in medical privacy. No matter, he's here, and that's grand" is completely unnecessary. He's vaccinated, that's why he's here, period. Let it go now and don't feed the 5% conspiracy wankers. Otherwise great write up, sad to see Mick flounder but I suspect he doesn't give a fig.
Oh Slater told you so himself then i presume so you know for sure lol.
Maybe he is,Maybe he isn't.
What he definitely avoided if he isn't,by going quiet and off the radar,was creating a huge 'anti vaxxer' uprising similar to what the government said would occur if they would of let Dkokovic in,which you probably would have bought into right lol.
Actually what's the status of all the other pros,i haven't seen any of them disclose it,let alone Slater?
If you know Slater's,surely you know all the others too?
By making comment yourself on it,you've invited replies.
Which means you were looking for an arguement if a reply doesn't side with you.
The author didn't invite anyone in to start arguing about that.
You did.
And some kind of gnarky 'FU' response will show you can't deal with it.
That'll be my point here,not whether Slater is vaxxed or not,because we don't know,and probably won't.
Haha! So easily triggered. Just as I said, FR’s comment only stirs up you lot. Get a hard one up ya mate, your narrative is lame and boring and I couldn’t think of anything worse than debating this with you. Stay out of the chem trails hey?
I didn't realise you were the customs agent at the airport that saw his documents when he arrived,otherwise i could've taken your word for it lol.
Mick's not here to win or take anyone's tour points. He looked at a 7point wave but left it for his younger opponent. Statesman material for sure.
It was good to see Mick pumping up the crew helping with the flood relief.
If that's his sole reason for being there and we get to benefit from the great man in action on the Bells walls, it's a win win for all.
Swell coming. Hope they can hold out for a week for once.
Good wrap up FR. On point with all of it. Cheers.
Missed Kanoa's heat, but saw the ominous score. He has certainly got something about him - a sharper urgency - this year.
Loved Jacko Baker's surfing and stoke. May he go far.
Great writeup, as always. Thank you.
Nice write-up fr but don't make silly claims to support your bias - 'Mick's performance today did not receive any mainstream media coverage'. If not then how did my computer-less 95yo dad tell me on the phone last night that 'Fanning didn't do very well at Bells today'?
Correction: it did make the ABC radio news bulletins last night and this morning - after filing.
Who watches anything else?
After the whole Novak Djokovic drama, I doubt it is possible to board a flight to Australia without presenting proof of vaccination for Covid - nor is it possible to pass Immigration without the same proof.
If Ke12y doesn't; want to comment his vaccine status, that is his business but it is extremely unlikely he would be in Australia at all if he were not fully vaccinated.
Exactly - thank you
He would not be, not extremely unlikely.
Can you sail in? the two weeks of quarantine counts in oz waters. Maybe he came via Fiji!
That's logical.
But remember,Djokovic DID make it into Australia with a granted exemption and visa.
It was his social media posts that got him into hot water.
After that it was rather obvious he was made a high profile example of,at the immigration minister's own discretion after he couldn't be kicked out through the regular review process.
And Kelly aparently caught covid at the oscars a couple of weeks ago.
And guess what?
That same criteria for an exemption that Djokovic used is still available now.
Which then makes Kelly elegible.
And Kelly went quiet at the same time the Djokovic saga played out,as he'd attracted a little of his own heat with some social media posts.
So........,has the GOAT managed to pull off another successful tactical move in a career that's chock full of them?
We won't know,not while he's still on tour at least anyway i'm sure.
But like that last second heat win in round 4 at Pipe,and then subsequent victory,the man has a knack for finding his way through a tricky situation.
He's proven it time and again during his career.
Or else yeah maybe he's just vaxxed lol.
Slater (and his critics) are going for a big spray to get points.
I reckon if Ke12y was in fact exposed to the coronavirus that causes Covid 19 and developed symptoms after the Academy Awards, the only reason he is in Australia now, at Bells and in his steamer, surfing in the event is exactly BECAUSE he was fully vaccinated already -
Otherwise, he might be recuperating somewhere in the US, or in a worst-case scenario, flat on his back in hospital hooked up to a ventilator.
Or maybe he had the best case scenario,tested positive but didn't even know he had it,like the majority of people these days that test for it..
Did you forget the latest strain isn't even as bad as a cold for most fit and healthy people,which i'm pretty sure he is.
And are you not up to date with the common practice now of only 7 day quarantine,or release from quarantine when negative test result appears,which could be the next day?
delta and compulsory 2 week quarantine is so 6 months ago now.
Anyway it's conjecture whether he's innoculated or not.
He won't tell us,perhaps ask his immigration agent,which he would of used if he did come here without getting it..
And by the way Ke12y?
I'm not sure which odds are higher,he get's a 12th world title,or he eventually gets a 12th booster shot lol.
Big call,winning a 12th title at 50,when he couldn't win 1 all through his 40's.
And Ke11y seems to work a lot better when you read it.
All that matters in the case of Ke12y is the Australian government mandates all non-citizens entering Australia show proof of vaccination before boarding their flight and again at Immigration- full stop.
Everything else - if he got it or didn't get it, if Ke12y "knows more about staying healthy than 99% of all doctors", if his drinking his chia seed mix provides optimum heath and a massive immune system booster plus a minimum of six stonking hard-ons per day - doesn't matter at all.
Ke12y would not be in Australia if he were not fully vaccinated.
"International travellers to Australia (including Australians overseas) must declare their vaccination status to enter Australia and must be able to provide appropriate supporting evidence. Travellers will need to present this at check-in for their flight to Australia.
If you are vaccinated, you must present your COVID-19 vaccination certificate to the airline staff when checking-in for your travel and may also be requested to present it to border officials upon arrival in Australia"
By saying it's 'extremely unlikely' he entered Australia without getting it,you yourself have therefore admitted it is possible he did,however small the chance.
You've left the door ajar to debate the point,and there are a handful various exemptions with differing requirements.
Check the official list of them.
I'm not saying Kelly is or isn't,and to be honest don't care.
I can't speak for him,and you can't either.
And you admitted there's a chance he isn't,even though you didn't know it.
You may now have your cake and eat it too,and good day.
Debate over.
Of course, there is a chance that Ke12y was able to board a flight and to enter Australia without fulfilling the mandatory vaccination requirement. How to do this, I don't know.
Ke12y has not commented on his vaccine status, probably because of all the anti-vax rubbish he stated earlier.
But if he did manage to enter Australia without being fully vaccinated I would wager AUD $10 000 he would not be silent about it - we would see a multitude of social media posts bragging at how he, Ke12y Slater, the greatest competitive surfer of all time, was able to do what Novak Djokovic and every other tennis player, every other surfer and every F1 driver was NOT able to do - no way could he keep his mouth shut.
He's American - Yanks like to talk.
Why would he do that while he's in the country?
Why would he do it at all actually after recent events?
That'd be the dumbest thing he could do,as the media would jump all over it and demonize him.
As the Aussie media have shown they have a talent for.
Would he not have realised he would of invited a firestorm of negative attention after what happened with Djokovic?
You seem to imply his memory is that short,and don't give him credit for much.
He's probably the most intelligent pro surfer in history,which is a major reason why he's the GOAT,and not just his surfing talent alone that got him there.
And you're saying,a mere 10 weeks after the Djokovic debacle,Kelly would be gloating about how he's made it in and managed to stay in,and hence rubbing it in the face of the government and media?
Presuming he did get in on an exemption of course.
Give me a break bloke.
Give Kelly a break too.
You don't have much to clutch onto now if you're saying Kelly would likely be a brainless bragger that would ask for trouble that only a few weeks earlier was in full display for the world to see with someone else.
Do you honestly think he'd go and gloat about how he's got in an managed to stay in,and hence rub it in the faces of the government and media,if it's the case?
After just a few weeks ago with the Djoker debacle?
Why on earth would he want to risk bringing in that kind of attention on himself,especially when there's very recent lessons to learn from another case.
Give me a break bloke,and give him some credit in the intelligence department.
He ain't gonna get anywhere near a 12th title if he's as dumb as that..
Or maybe he will in your mind lol
What is this 'Swellian Army'?
They really seem to be promoting the hell out of it both in the commetary booth and in competitor interviews.
Must be getting old but it just seems so contrived and devoid of originality to me.
Thoughtful analysis & writing as always Steve... even learnt a new word "relitigate".