Any chance the Indonesian government can do us all a favour and indefinately detain these dimwits in Indo?
BlowinMonday, 4 May 2015 at 7:54pm
Unpardonable behaviour.
All that smiling. And ripping . And laughter.
Who do these people think they are to behave like that in Indonesia.
Especially the fella that says " Its not about poontang, it's about Bintang ."
Oh wait a minute, he IS Indonesian.
udoMonday, 4 May 2015 at 7:58pm
Jay Davies please don't get caught up with these Retards.
ambMonday, 4 May 2015 at 8:08pm
Looks to me there guilty of having too much fun..shame on them!
Clivus MultrumTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 4:43pm
floydMonday, 4 May 2015 at 10:10pm
Its clear some have an attention span of a tick
Coops70Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 9:04am
Love em or hate em surfing is all about fun at the end of the day and they are having plenty of it!
floydTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 2:24pm
"....surfing is all about fun at the end of the day..."
couldn't agree more, but just ask the guys that get burnt by the dimwits using pwcs everytime the goldy's point light up.
islandmanTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 3:20pm
no wonder they want to execute us with tools like this getting around portraying this image of the aussie bloke
norchockTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 5:03pm
Have a whinge u old cunts...were u there?id say no so really do you care?
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 5:33pm
Hey Norchock, why is it relevant if people were there or not?
I care how these clowns behave because it all effects how the rest of us get treated when we travel.
Selfish grubs.......
SurferFukTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 5:44pm
Norchock yourself must be nearly or mid forty...? who yourself started surfing in the 80's!
Quote " Have a whinge u old cunts..."
So swearing with every post I've read of yours must be a common construction site workers ethic, CFMEU/BLF thing going on..? Maybe downgrade your posts a little and have some respect amongst fellow posters:)
English language without swearing whilst writing, goes along way.
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7:11pm
Fair call mate, why is it that the pro Mad Hueys brigade are so foul mouthed?
norchockTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 5:55pm
Cant speak for you andy but frequented indo over 20 years,all areas..give respect to culture ppl always..theres a difference between a yobbo in kuta and those traveling around seeing the real 20 years ago I saw aussie idiots on the piss going there soon again im not worried that the hueys may have given us aussies a bad rep..and besides keramas got fucked the day they started building that place...luke egan?
norchockTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7:16pm
Yeah your right s f I am an ageing person I shouldn't be so crude.
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7:25pm
Don't worry Norchock, I was in Kuta 25 years ago and the antics of my fellow country-men horrified me. I now see similar behaviour in Java and Sumatra which is probably part of the reason (along with the Australian goverment's foreign policy) why westerners get stones thrown at them in some small Sumatran villages.
Call me a sentimental softie but I care about the direction Australia is headed - I dream of the day the average "sick cunt" Australian bloke emerges from his cave and begins to walk upright.
Clivus MultrumTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7:37pm
Well said, AndyM.
BlowinTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:29pm
You do realise that Australia was waaaaay more bogan in The Good Old Days that you eulogise .
Australia is blessed with a relaxed social attitude. Enjoy it.
norchockTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7:40pm
Hey I understand your point . travel solo or with mates that can behave themselves,theres a time and place to be a unit and I know,got into abit of trouble in younger years courts etc.but what can you do about fellow yobbos abroad?just make yourself look better than that.i go there to surf these days and the missus keeps things tame.
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:00pm
Remember, issues with the Mad Hueys and their like extend to behaviour at home too - that's obviously the root of the issue.
sypkanTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:09pm
that little pool party etc. looks like a bit of a dud to me for a large event in bali. rent a crowd usually turn up without even paying them...if things aren't too exclusive
i have to ask why is swellnet pushing these knobs so hard if there is no friend or favour happening? you are just encouraging them.
unless there is money or favour why would you canstantly write "komune bali pro presented by mad hueys"? komune bali pro is plenty of information unless you're pushing an agenda
someone must have got an invite
stunetTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:13pm
It's the name of the contest and we're the forecasters.
BlowinTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:19pm
It was sponsored by the Mad Hueys.
I honestly can't see any drama worth mentioning.
So a few crew drank some beers ?
Hardly the stuff of national shame, let alone any justification for the unconnected capital punishment of criminals by the Indonesian government.
As for selfish - I notice that four of the quarter finalists were Indonesian along side many Indo competitors that received prize money and exposure to enhance career opportunities.
Cash to feed families and opportunities supplied by the Mad Hueys amongst others.
To the naysayers ....How much cash are you giving to Indonesians for surfing well ?
And who is it that says the Indos don't like these fellas ? It's their home, not yours so why not let them make the judgement calls ?
I reckon that these fellas would know more Indonesians than the uptight corrections officers patrolling this site.
Live your life and let others lead theirs....
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:27pm
I'll be happy to let others lead their life when they're not towing into crowded 5 foot waves on the Goldie (or anywhere else) and generally being yob pricks.
BlowinTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:35pm
Towing on the Goldy I wholeheartedly agree with, but you don't want others getting on with their lives if they're drinking beers in a pool in Bali ?
You do realise that's all that is going on in this video don't you ?
You didn't get your missus stolen by Brett Dorrington did you ? You seem awfully upset about them.
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:45pm
Glad we're in agreement about the towing.
I don't know Brett Dorrington but my "missus" is way too ugly for him to worry about.
BlowinTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 9:04pm
If you think your missus is too ugly then you're right , you don't know Brent Dorrington .
Just jokes people.
sypkanTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:23pm
geez that was quick, thx stunet.
without having to go into detail, so do you get money for forcasting? or is it a mutual promotion thing?
i have the same issue with the samsung galaxy pro wsl thing. if i ran a website id just drop all that name dropping stuff, aside from sounding incredibly crass, its a moutful. or is there some obligation to pump the products?
AndyMTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:29pm
Solid questions Sypkan.
stunetTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:33pm
Just mutual promo, and Craig got shored up in the Komune compound for a few days while working there.
I consider it editor's choice whether comps cop the full moniker, but as we had commerical interest I ran with the mouthful.
sypkanTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:45pm
fair enough, still dont understand why you'd go with the samsung galaxy mouthful, just because it sounds shit.
can we get a photo of craig drinking bintang in the pool?
just a suggestion
floydWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 2:37pm
It will be of great interest to read the independent commentary here next cyclone season on the goldy when the dimwits are out playing with their pwcs at kirra etc.
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 2:55pm
complicit is my word if the week picked up from discussions with cliff and sillicun.
i think its use here would be appropriate
stunetWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:01pm
Who's complicit?
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:06pm
who do you think?
the ones encouraging them by pushing their product, selling their cause
stunetWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:09pm
Right, so you had discussions with Clif and Silicun about Swellnet being complicit in the longevity of the Mad Hueys.
OK mate...
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:18pm
no, complicit is the word i learnt this week from discussions with cliff and sillicun.
while im cautious to use new words, in this context, it seems appropriate, as in the last part of your sentence
stunetWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:31pm
Understood. So then as you're a regular commenter on Swellnet, who sell ad space based on traffic, you are also in turn COMPLICIT of the Mad Hueys longevity.
Granted not to the same extent but to someone of pure white integrity, such as yourself, this presents a troubling development.
floydWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:39pm
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 4:04pm
perhaps, but i think you are drawing a lomg bow there stunet, as i use your platform to question some seriously questionable behaviour where you are supporting them.
i dont know if I'm young and idealistic or old and stubborn, but im not going to put a 'joh for pm'sticker on my car unless i believe in him. you putting a mad hueys sticker on your website says to me you approve of their attitudes and actions. or you will sell your integrity to the highest bidder.
things aren't that tight at swellnet...surely
stunetWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 6:05pm
sypkan wrote:
i use your platform to question some seriously questionable behaviour where you are supporting them.
Seriously questionable behaviour? A tad melodramatic, no?
We ran a few vids and press releases for a contest. How does this even register as an issue in your life, leave alone a 'serious' issue?
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 6:19pm
well i said the vids were harmless, but their behaviour in oz re dropping in and jetskis and their general attitude is not cool.
by promoting them, you are validating them. i think a website that trys to have a social conscience, like yours, would do better to question their behavour rather than be swept up in the celebrity of the situation.
floydWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 7:08pm
sypkan, well said all round .... in my humble opinion the surf industry has a long history of turning a blind eye to dickhead behaviour as thats the way the gravy train works; snouts in the trough and all that; but its so uncool to point this out.
sypkanWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 7:03pm
well i said the vids were harmless, but their behaviour in oz re dropping in and jetskis and their general attitude is not cool.
by promoting them, you are validating them. i think a website that trys to have a social conscience, like yours, would do better to question their behavour rather than be swept up in the celebrity of the situation.
sypkanTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:32pm
I've actually got no issue with their behaviour in these vids anf think people are being a little picky.
but their behaviour in oz is a different issue
dont mind a bit of promotion , swellnet is a business after all but you seem to be pushing these guys hard
memlasurfTuesday, 5 May 2015 at 8:33pm
Yeah the contest looked harmless and Keramas (how good is that wave) has been overcrowded for a long while (like the rest of Bali) however as you have said elsewhere Blowin I reckon these guys would be real nobs at your local beach all... yeah mate, fuck yeah, sick mate, fuck mate... ahh I think there is four words they know, and I bet they hassle the crap out of every and anybody. Hope I am wrong.
norchockWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 5:34pm
What does there contest have to do with there behavior in oz?these threads started with day to day coverage of the hueys contest..then the digust at there antics started,how can they embarress the aussie surfer so its how they piss of everyone off towing kirra?
ambWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 6:00pm
I went to the comp last year, no swearing, nothing over the top, the MH comp announcer actually spoke in Indo & English as to who had priority ect. The local and visting Indo's seemed to really appreciate what they were doing. I took some non-surfing friends to the comp & they really enjoyed there dialogue and were impressed with the whole set-up.
WharfjunkieWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 7:02pm
The Mad Hueys contest hey looks like a bunch of mates enjoying a surf trip together mixing it with the Indo surfers and getting paid to do so. The rest of us bums have to work full time jobs and only dream of travelling and surfing the destinations they do.
Travel and go surfing, fishing and drink a few beers for a job where do I sign up??
norchockWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 7:29pm
Im hearing ya w junkie..and besides swellnet is for swell forcasting primarily. Wouldnt matter how much mad hueys or whatever you prudes disagree with you would still log on most/every day wouldn't ya's?theres alot worse shit going on.
Halfscousehalfc...Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 9:44pm
I read the comments before I watched the video and thought there must have been a brawl or something.... So a couple of blokes were drinking in a pool and were rowdy?!!! Who bloody cares. I've seen doctors drink beers in a pool, laughing and shouting loudly. In protest I'm going to drink in my pool this week...except in my steamer cause I aint in Bali
BlowinWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 10:48pm
And disgrace us all. I hope you're happy now you've ruined the world.
I hope that beer tastes good for what it's costing us as a civilisation......mmmmm beer.
zenagainWednesday, 6 May 2015 at 11:32pm
Rabbits68Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 1:18am
All those that support the Mad Hueys in Bali yet appose their behaviour in Oz, is the hyprocrisy as clear to me as it is to you?? Maybe its just me. You know who you are, your either with them or your not. Fukin fence sitters.............
Bob's 2 Bob'sSaturday, 9 May 2015 at 8:18pm
Why all the angst? - At least they are crew having a go by starting a company which seems moderately successful. The side issue that they seem to be enjoying only seems to rile some punters more. Good on them for starting a company and actively engaging in the economy. Any business being successful within reason deserves respect not ridicule. Are there some well known ridiculers here living off social welfare and contributing zip. True or false!
norchockSaturday, 9 May 2015 at 9:05pm
Cant wait for next year..the hueys will be older probably swear more,will be more disgraced g string asses videoed in the pool,embarassed fellow australians?im going
Any chance the Indonesian government can do us all a favour and indefinately detain these dimwits in Indo?
Unpardonable behaviour.
All that smiling. And ripping . And laughter.
Who do these people think they are to behave like that in Indonesia.
Especially the fella that says " Its not about poontang, it's about Bintang ."
Oh wait a minute, he IS Indonesian.
Jay Davies please don't get caught up with these Retards.
Looks to me there guilty of having too much fun..shame on them!
Its clear some have an attention span of a tick
Love em or hate em surfing is all about fun at the end of the day and they are having plenty of it!
"....surfing is all about fun at the end of the day..."
couldn't agree more, but just ask the guys that get burnt by the dimwits using pwcs everytime the goldy's point light up.
no wonder they want to execute us with tools like this getting around portraying this image of the aussie bloke
Have a whinge u old cunts...were u there?id say no so really do you care?
Hey Norchock, why is it relevant if people were there or not?
I care how these clowns behave because it all effects how the rest of us get treated when we travel.
Selfish grubs.......
Norchock yourself must be nearly or mid forty...? who yourself started surfing in the 80's!
Quote " Have a whinge u old cunts..."
So swearing with every post I've read of yours must be a common construction site workers ethic, CFMEU/BLF thing going on..? Maybe downgrade your posts a little and have some respect amongst fellow posters:)
English language without swearing whilst writing, goes along way.
Fair call mate, why is it that the pro Mad Hueys brigade are so foul mouthed?
Cant speak for you andy but frequented indo over 20 years,all areas..give respect to culture ppl always..theres a difference between a yobbo in kuta and those traveling around seeing the real 20 years ago I saw aussie idiots on the piss going there soon again im not worried that the hueys may have given us aussies a bad rep..and besides keramas got fucked the day they started building that place...luke egan?
Yeah your right s f I am an ageing person I shouldn't be so crude.
Don't worry Norchock, I was in Kuta 25 years ago and the antics of my fellow country-men horrified me. I now see similar behaviour in Java and Sumatra which is probably part of the reason (along with the Australian goverment's foreign policy) why westerners get stones thrown at them in some small Sumatran villages.
Call me a sentimental softie but I care about the direction Australia is headed - I dream of the day the average "sick cunt" Australian bloke emerges from his cave and begins to walk upright.
Well said, AndyM.
You do realise that Australia was waaaaay more bogan in The Good Old Days that you eulogise .
Australia is blessed with a relaxed social attitude. Enjoy it.
Hey I understand your point . travel solo or with mates that can behave themselves,theres a time and place to be a unit and I know,got into abit of trouble in younger years courts etc.but what can you do about fellow yobbos abroad?just make yourself look better than that.i go there to surf these days and the missus keeps things tame.
Remember, issues with the Mad Hueys and their like extend to behaviour at home too - that's obviously the root of the issue.
that little pool party etc. looks like a bit of a dud to me for a large event in bali. rent a crowd usually turn up without even paying them...if things aren't too exclusive
i have to ask why is swellnet pushing these knobs so hard if there is no friend or favour happening? you are just encouraging them.
unless there is money or favour why would you canstantly write "komune bali pro presented by mad hueys"? komune bali pro is plenty of information unless you're pushing an agenda
someone must have got an invite
It's the name of the contest and we're the forecasters.
It was sponsored by the Mad Hueys.
I honestly can't see any drama worth mentioning.
So a few crew drank some beers ?
Hardly the stuff of national shame, let alone any justification for the unconnected capital punishment of criminals by the Indonesian government.
As for selfish - I notice that four of the quarter finalists were Indonesian along side many Indo competitors that received prize money and exposure to enhance career opportunities.
Cash to feed families and opportunities supplied by the Mad Hueys amongst others.
To the naysayers ....How much cash are you giving to Indonesians for surfing well ?
And who is it that says the Indos don't like these fellas ? It's their home, not yours so why not let them make the judgement calls ?
I reckon that these fellas would know more Indonesians than the uptight corrections officers patrolling this site.
Live your life and let others lead theirs....
I'll be happy to let others lead their life when they're not towing into crowded 5 foot waves on the Goldie (or anywhere else) and generally being yob pricks.
Towing on the Goldy I wholeheartedly agree with, but you don't want others getting on with their lives if they're drinking beers in a pool in Bali ?
You do realise that's all that is going on in this video don't you ?
You didn't get your missus stolen by Brett Dorrington did you ? You seem awfully upset about them.
Glad we're in agreement about the towing.
I don't know Brett Dorrington but my "missus" is way too ugly for him to worry about.
If you think your missus is too ugly then you're right , you don't know Brent Dorrington .
Just jokes people.
geez that was quick, thx stunet.
without having to go into detail, so do you get money for forcasting? or is it a mutual promotion thing?
i have the same issue with the samsung galaxy pro wsl thing. if i ran a website id just drop all that name dropping stuff, aside from sounding incredibly crass, its a moutful. or is there some obligation to pump the products?
Solid questions Sypkan.
Just mutual promo, and Craig got shored up in the Komune compound for a few days while working there.
I consider it editor's choice whether comps cop the full moniker, but as we had commerical interest I ran with the mouthful.
fair enough, still dont understand why you'd go with the samsung galaxy mouthful, just because it sounds shit.
can we get a photo of craig drinking bintang in the pool?
just a suggestion
It will be of great interest to read the independent commentary here next cyclone season on the goldy when the dimwits are out playing with their pwcs at kirra etc.
complicit is my word if the week picked up from discussions with cliff and sillicun.
i think its use here would be appropriate
Who's complicit?
who do you think?
the ones encouraging them by pushing their product, selling their cause
Right, so you had discussions with Clif and Silicun about Swellnet being complicit in the longevity of the Mad Hueys.
OK mate...
no, complicit is the word i learnt this week from discussions with cliff and sillicun.
while im cautious to use new words, in this context, it seems appropriate, as in the last part of your sentence
Understood. So then as you're a regular commenter on Swellnet, who sell ad space based on traffic, you are also in turn COMPLICIT of the Mad Hueys longevity.
Granted not to the same extent but to someone of pure white integrity, such as yourself, this presents a troubling development.
perhaps, but i think you are drawing a lomg bow there stunet, as i use your platform to question some seriously questionable behaviour where you are supporting them.
i dont know if I'm young and idealistic or old and stubborn, but im not going to put a 'joh for pm'sticker on my car unless i believe in him. you putting a mad hueys sticker on your website says to me you approve of their attitudes and actions. or you will sell your integrity to the highest bidder.
things aren't that tight at swellnet...surely
Seriously questionable behaviour? A tad melodramatic, no?
We ran a few vids and press releases for a contest. How does this even register as an issue in your life, leave alone a 'serious' issue?
well i said the vids were harmless, but their behaviour in oz re dropping in and jetskis and their general attitude is not cool.
by promoting them, you are validating them. i think a website that trys to have a social conscience, like yours, would do better to question their behavour rather than be swept up in the celebrity of the situation.
sypkan, well said all round .... in my humble opinion the surf industry has a long history of turning a blind eye to dickhead behaviour as thats the way the gravy train works; snouts in the trough and all that; but its so uncool to point this out.
well i said the vids were harmless, but their behaviour in oz re dropping in and jetskis and their general attitude is not cool.
by promoting them, you are validating them. i think a website that trys to have a social conscience, like yours, would do better to question their behavour rather than be swept up in the celebrity of the situation.
I've actually got no issue with their behaviour in these vids anf think people are being a little picky.
but their behaviour in oz is a different issue
dont mind a bit of promotion , swellnet is a business after all but you seem to be pushing these guys hard
Yeah the contest looked harmless and Keramas (how good is that wave) has been overcrowded for a long while (like the rest of Bali) however as you have said elsewhere Blowin I reckon these guys would be real nobs at your local beach all... yeah mate, fuck yeah, sick mate, fuck mate... ahh I think there is four words they know, and I bet they hassle the crap out of every and anybody. Hope I am wrong.
What does there contest have to do with there behavior in oz?these threads started with day to day coverage of the hueys contest..then the digust at there antics started,how can they embarress the aussie surfer so its how they piss of everyone off towing kirra?
I went to the comp last year, no swearing, nothing over the top, the MH comp announcer actually spoke in Indo & English as to who had priority ect. The local and visting Indo's seemed to really appreciate what they were doing. I took some non-surfing friends to the comp & they really enjoyed there dialogue and were impressed with the whole set-up.
The Mad Hueys contest hey looks like a bunch of mates enjoying a surf trip together mixing it with the Indo surfers and getting paid to do so. The rest of us bums have to work full time jobs and only dream of travelling and surfing the destinations they do.
Travel and go surfing, fishing and drink a few beers for a job where do I sign up??
Im hearing ya w junkie..and besides swellnet is for swell forcasting primarily. Wouldnt matter how much mad hueys or whatever you prudes disagree with you would still log on most/every day wouldn't ya's?theres alot worse shit going on.
I read the comments before I watched the video and thought there must have been a brawl or something.... So a couple of blokes were drinking in a pool and were rowdy?!!! Who bloody cares. I've seen doctors drink beers in a pool, laughing and shouting loudly. In protest I'm going to drink in my pool this week...except in my steamer cause I aint in Bali
And disgrace us all. I hope you're happy now you've ruined the world.
I hope that beer tastes good for what it's costing us as a civilisation......mmmmm beer.
All those that support the Mad Hueys in Bali yet appose their behaviour in Oz, is the hyprocrisy as clear to me as it is to you?? Maybe its just me. You know who you are, your either with them or your not. Fukin fence sitters.............
Why all the angst? - At least they are crew having a go by starting a company which seems moderately successful. The side issue that they seem to be enjoying only seems to rile some punters more. Good on them for starting a company and actively engaging in the economy. Any business being successful within reason deserves respect not ridicule. Are there some well known ridiculers here living off social welfare and contributing zip. True or false!
Cant wait for next year..the hueys will be older probably swear more,will be more disgraced g string asses videoed in the pool,embarassed fellow australians?im going