New Coolum cams's picture started the topic in Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 12:24pm

Hey. Great work on installing new cams at Coolum. In regards the 'the bays' cam and 'point perry' cam, they are tilted way too high. Could the bays cam be tilted downwardsuto show 1st bay which is the main surf break and could the point Perry one be tilted down to show more of Coolum Beach? Both cams show a lot of sky. Cheers.

Brickwalls's picture
Brickwalls's picture
Brickwalls Monday, 6 Jul 2020 at 11:38am

Have to agree - both could do with a tilt down & to the left, too much sky & bush. The real annoying bit is the banner on The Bays covers the inside/high tide break and the sliver of beach when it could instead sit over the carparks & road with a down tilt. Good work though Swellnet to re-cover the spots with static cams. Next Sunny Coast job bring Moffats back online, don't give into the 4551 militants. Sharks rule and nobody "owns" the surf.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Monday, 6 Jul 2020 at 11:57am

Actually, I've had a few people email about this - here's some more info.

The cameras cover the exact same angles as before, just zoomed out a little more. They can't see any more detail because of visual obstructions (trees, headlands, buildings). They're currently at their max zoom level so we can't increase it (though may consider it with a camera upgrade in the future). 

I've overlayed both surfcam images below to see what has changed. The small 'missing' part of First Bay isn't quite as prominent as you think it is. it's just the inside shorebreak.

The Point Perry cam has a large rooftop deck in front (you can just see it in the corner, by the end of the point). This was always the case with the previous zoomed cam (so, with the new cam, you're actually seeing a little more of the inside than before).
