Surfcam replays not working

Yep, we have a fault here and are trying to fix it ASAP (though, Replays are working fine at my end, and for many other people).
The issue stems around the Chrome 80 release (last month), which - as is my understanding - stopped non-secure content loading within secure pages. The surfcam replays were on a non-https domain (whilst the Swellnet website is secure), so as users gradually updated their browsers, they were denied access to the replay content.
Here's Google's post about it:
And here's an article on Forbes: "New Google Warning: Chrome 80 Cookie Changes Could Break A Bunch Of Websites" (which is what happened with our replays!)
Anyway, we've tried to implement a bunch of quick fixes but they aren't working for everyone - but we'll have a proper solution sorted ASAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
something has changed in webcam replays, I cannot seem to watch the cam replays please advise.