Surfcam Player Controls Disappear When Logged In
We've switched to a new player for Subscribers.
What player controls would you like to see that are missing? We are aware of the fullscreen button (that will return ASAP) but as far as I can see the others are not applicable for surfcams.
We're also aware that the player displays a grey screen before streaming (rather than a still image from the cam) - we will attend to this shortly too.
got the blue filter on today? middleton point looks like sumatra!
Probably just cloud shadows darkening the colour of the water (see the two images below, spaced a couple of minutes apart).
Looks more green to me though?
Interestingly today using Internet Explorer (work default) all the cams are coming up with the Sorry technical difficulties screen, yet on Chrome they're working fine.
The new player must not like IE (or the version of IE you are running).
Can you please provide more info, such as:
Computer type (Desktop, Mobile)
OS and version (i.e. Mac OS 10.13.6, Windows 10)
Browser type and version (i.e. Chrome 69.0.3497.100, Internet Explorer 11.0)
No worries Ben, as I said it is the work one, and Chrome works fine.
Desktop, Windows 7 Pro (just noticed it's 25% into a windows update -which might be the problem?)
IE browser 11.0.9600.18837
Thanks WOTL - we'll look into it.
As per title and image.
Firefox 62.0 / Chrome 69.0.3497.100