new Middleton Cam

Great cam at cliffs guys.
This will give a greater perspective of swell and winds than Middleton bay.
Well done!!!!!!

Thanks mate. Middleton Point won't be far off too. Also have a few more SA locations ready to go, but they'll have to wait until the middle of next year (SA's had a good run of late, but we've got other locations in other states that need prioritising this summer!).

Goolwa cam currently offline

Yep power outage atm.

Middleton has more 'planned outages' than anywhere else in the country, I reckon. And many unplanned ones too.

Yes Ben. Have a weekender down there any get notified about every 5-6 weeks of planned outages that will last the day. Just hope my fridge comes back on!!!!

Wow, that took way longer than expected. But we're live!

A classic standard Middleton summer's day. I can smell that seaweed from here (and I'm in Melbourne).

Breathe with me!
The new software, camera upgrade, gremlin removal -whatever it was has made the images so much better - excellent in fact. Well done and thanks. Now if the BOM could get the Cape de Coudiac buoy working that would make life so much gooderer.