Willyweather redundant
caml wrote:Does this affect anyone else ?
yeah mate, its a backward step for sure,
have to let them know mate, i am, no longer the go to.
no the site is unpredictable. has been since new format, can u still access old willyweather? i go back into it, but dont know how long it will be up still.
You can download an app for this one.
yeah mate, i just checked, it's gone from my macbook too, fuck it, it was so good to use. looks like you will have to go back to those gut instincts mate and look for high cirrus moving fast in the sky.
I think u in South Oz, so I will send u good swell soon to get over loss of willyweather. get one for me.
if area needs rain, system will be obvious. visualise good waves and happy smiles helps.
Mondayitis? Big weekend caml?
Are you running the willyweather app Caml or just accessing the website via your phone internet browser. I'm still running the older Willyweather app (1.2.1) on my iphone and it still has the layout of the old website. There is an update available but I guess the new app version could end up looking as bad as the website.
Caml,Hope you have your Phone / Gps / settings turned off ?
So you are aware of posting instagram pics /facebook if its on ?
caml wrote:crustt wrote:https://www.windyty.com/?2015-10-09-00,-37.675,141.295,9
You can download an app for this one.
Crustt I just found you can forecast & theres even lots of options here like swell etc . Will look into it ... what do you use this for in regards to features ?
I just found it myself, so im just working it out myself easier to use on a computer
Breifly ..some one may explain it better, suppose you take a pic of a secret wave...load it on insta or whatever..with the wrong ph settings ..the exact location of that pic and the global co ordinates are accessable...then google earth satellite will take you directly to the location [within 2-3 metres]
Will even tell what type of lens took the pic.
I have the willyweather app (1.3.1) on an iphone and have no probs with it
maybe iCraps are good for something after all....
You can go into the app on your phone and return to an old version
The app is free Caml
Cam, they might have the old version of the App and haven't updated it yet.
Unfortunately I don't think you can download older app versions, only the newest available.
I hear your pain Caml, willyweather was once part of my first 4 web checks untill they took the link off back to the old version, i have since stopped using it now
New website is utter crap
Use to be able to just mouse scroll across and it would give you all the wind details
On the new site, if the wind speed drops below the swell height line on your scroll, it automatically starts reading swell direction, instead of wind direction, pain in the arse
If it works, then don't change it!
Havent had an issue with the new format. Caml I can see you can scroll up to 7 days in advance including the remainder of today. Can read it as clear as ever on my laptop.
Caml no problem mate the website is working for me and the tides show the curve and the tide heights where you can correlate the predicted tide height to the time of day. The website did change a few weeks back with the option of still using the old website which appears to now have been removed.
Not sure I only use my laptop and haven't tried using my smartphone on the new site format.
I probably haven't studied the new site in as much detail as yourself Caml but it seems to be working ok from my observations. I use other sources to check swell period and direction.
No probs although not much knowledge here caml Is there any wave buoys you can use reasonably close to your desired surf zones? I understand those and travel times to breaks can be difficult.
Turn it upside down, put it flat on the concrete and give it a little nudge with the sledgehammer, this sometimes helps IMO Camel.
Altho it sounds like you've sort out the tech problem!
Little things in life need to be turned sideways sometimes;)
Willyweather used to be a good forecast tool for tides ,wind,swell but they changed the layout of the site . In the past when sites changed the layout I was able to adapt but this willy change is not happening for me on the # smartphone I use .