Forecast data problems

Everything seems to be running so slow this morning???

I still can't see 'em

I am still experiencing problems with wave forecast & wind forecast. Is it still a problem. How do I fix it??

Hi theramlben,
Since your new site has gone up, I (and lot's of other people by the looks of it) have had problems reading your surf reports. Still happening this morning (3/11). It looks as if the service that you use to retrieve the forecast data is the cause. Perhaps you pull this out as a separate link, so as not to interfere with the reliable components? The old surf reports gave everything I wanted to know - current surf, wind, tides and 5 day outlook - in a flash. I normally love using Swellnet, so I hope you can get around it. Cheers.

Still can't get anything on surf reports or forecasts. Sux paid money for nothing so far! Please update!!

Cheers buddy

Super slow getting any forecast information for the last few days. Look forward to upgrading to the Swellnet Pro when problems are resolved.

All up and working again now Toosha and Bailey.
Just a quick heads up - we're experiencing some problems with our forecasting service but hope to have it rectified ASAP. Thanks for everyone's patience.