Swellnet surf report

What location are you talking about Ricky?
We have two kinds of surf reports - an estimated surf report (which uses our computer generated forecast system) and a 'premium' report which is the longer report written by our surf reporters, who also supply photos, ratings, etc.
One of the things we missed before the launch was branding the 'premium' reports (so everyone would know which ones were computer generated, and which ones were written by a surfer) but we'll have a fix for that this week.

As for your comment "Also when u go to click on location u keep hitting wrong one!" - what do you mean by this? We're here to help but I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.
Are you clicking on a location like (ie Torquay) and landing on an unexpected page (ie Barwon Heads)?

No, premium surf reports are free. No subscription required.
Very strange that you're seeing a different location when clicking on Torquay - we haven't seen anything like that ar our end over months and months of testing, and you're the first person to report it too. Still, I'll log it into the system and see if it pops up anywhere else.

It's on the Torquay report page.

I really miss the reports comments for the coming days too. All the weather info means little to me and I really liked reading your comments in plain english and getting excited for the good days. Good job otherwise.

filly greene wrote:I really miss the reports comments for the coming days too. All the weather info means little to me and I really liked reading your comments in plain english and getting excited for the good days. Good job otherwise.
The commentary is still there FG. You can find your forecast region here: http://www.swellnet.com/forums/swellnet-forecast-notes
Note: we'll have these accessible via a tab on the surf report page shortly.
The new surf report is rubbish no general comment by reporter ie. ( worth a paddle or light onshore but still glassy ) today's was 6ft plus SW wind 15 knots yeah no kidding can get that from BOM what u people thinking ? Also when u go to click on location u keep hitting wrong one ! My god whoever built this new site get a new job!