Data not displayed on Surf Forecast tab

What browser are you using Daniel? Internet Explorer? If so, which version.. 8, 9, 10 or 11?

Ben, I'm running IE Verson 9 and get the same issues as Daniel above. Firefox is fine however.

It's fine on IE Version 10 - time for an upgrade daniel...

@donweather, IE 9, 10 and 11 should be compatible.
IE8 should work in general but there's certain SVG (graph elements) that won't render correctly. I wouldn't expect IE7 or anything less to work properly at all.
Anyway, if you could send through a screengrab of the problem that'd be greatly appreciated (pictures tell a thousand words!)

Thanks for the screeny yocal. I'll pass this on to our developer (IE9 is working on our test computers, so this is unusual).

Ben, my screen using IE9 at work looks just like yocals above. Although I've noticed of late a few other websites are playing up also in IE9 so it could have something to do with my work.
I just use google chrome instead at work and firefox at home.

Thanks Don. We'll look into it - it's imperative that these kinds of issues are rectified ASAP!

I have the same problem as yocal but I am running IE9... will update to IE10 and try that.
Some feedback - a lot of negative comments from in the water about the new website. Most complaints are about not having a quick summary & overview of conditions readily available for the upcoming week. I like all the extra data & stuff, but sometimes you just want to take a quick glance to get a feel for what's happening

Thanks for the feedback deeman.
Re: summary/overview - have you seen the forecast notes from this page?
We'll soon be moving them from their current place in the forums to a tab on the surf report page, so that they're easier to access. However this is still the same detailed forecast information we've been providing for the last 12 years.
Gday. My computer is not displaying info on Surf Forecast page, ie. Wave Height and Swell Direction, Swell Train Data, Tide tImes and weather. Do you know what i need to install to make this happen. Any info would be great. Thanks. Dig the new site.