Watching surfcams on iPhone

The surfcams should work on the iPhone.
Once the page loads, a play button should show on the black surfcam screen. Just tap this and it will start playing. All should work besides Scarborough.

I haven't been able to watch the surfcams on my IPhone for a while either. I used to be able check out different places, not sure what's changed. When I click on the play arrow on the black screen it comes up saying "cannot open page"?
Do I need to download a new media player of something? I have an iPhone 3s too?

Unfortunately none of our websites (current or previous) were designed for mobile usage. Any surfcams that do work are a bonus.
That being said, plenty of people have been able to watch surfcams over the last few years. We just can't offer any support if they are not working.
That being said, iPhone 3 is pretty old YS (ie more than 5 years old, with the last software update back in Nov 2010!).
Unfortuately, we can't accomodate every version of every browser (ie Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera) and every operating system, so in some cases have to draw a line as to where we'll be compatible.
For example, we've made a decision not to support Internet Explorer below IE8 (IE is now up to 10). We've already had some feedback from IE7 users who are disappointed that the site doesn't work perfectly, however these older browsers are such a small percentage of our users that the extra cost isn't worth it (within a year, most of them will have upgraded too, rendering our development work obselete).
So, I think it's time for a phone upgrade YS!
Still can't watch the surfcams on my iPhone but no longer get the flash plugin icon. Is my phone just too old? It's a 3s!