The New Website

Ya what's happened to Craig's extended forecast report for Victoria?

Nice work boys, seems I can now even update my details. We'll see when I try to log in from my other computas...

The extended notes will take a slightly different form and be launched in the coming weeks. It'll focus on the more signifcant and discussion worthy swell events around the country among other things.

I like the new look, on PC awesome but for some reason on my iPhone it is zoomed in.... might just be me that bit. :P

Yeah it's not designed for iPhones. We'll have an App for Android and iPhone shortly though, plus a mobile site for non-App users.

Guys I dont get any pictures on the home page.
It also seems to be less user friendly in that the heading arent interactive.
I have to click on the heading all time to get anywhere.
Remember I am a fossil and computers are not my best friend.

Not sure why you're not seeing pictures on the homepage. What OS and browser are you using?
Re: headings - yeah, we know about that and will have an interactive (ie drop down menu) deployed shortly.

OK Ben, when in doubt ask an infant.
My daughter suggested I download Google chrome and now it works.
On the old internet explorer I had issues.
This may help others if they encounter the same problem.

Unreal! Appreciate the feedback Oldman, glad to see it's working.

Geeez a lot of new forums having to do with the new SN,
Its cool as, like the 1,2,3 zoom WAMS..? Really good.
Its a lttle bit of a shame with some users having a whinge though, Well you cant please everyone SN.
I like how there are NO number of posts next to the Avatar, was getting a bit too much for me in 5 months, Ha ha. I had found a new thing with like minded people I suppose.?? Flat surf up here when I have'nt been at work and a few drinks, oh well all good.
Pretty funny with the surf forecast up in Nulunbuy, Gove, worked up there and went looking for waves once. Pretty full on place to surf, crocs, box jellies etc, but does get waves.
Nice one SN will be looking into the pro 16 day forecast as well :)

I really hope you keep up the swell forecast discussion notes. Although we now have another computer generated swell modelling tool, without the double check written human interpretation, I feel like I did when I went away from home for the time and I missed my mum tucking me into bed with a good night kiss.

Don't worry Rusty, the forecast notes will be back soon. Just getting through a few minor post-launch hurdles.
Nice to see that the forecasts are appreciated though!

its working great on my iPad safari but not on the blackberry

Yeah BlackBerry is a pretty small, niche market, so you'll probably have to wait for the mobile site (which will be a month or so behind the iPhone/Android Apps).. sorry MT!
4.00 Monday (and Wed and Friday) comes around and eagerly fire up swellnet for a chatty overview of the period ahead in the Extended forecast
Is this no more? All graphs and computer model output now?
Or if I upgrade to the Pro can I get access to this information as I used to.
I loved reading about storms off Heard Island.