couple of suggestions.

groundswell's picture
groundswell started the topic in Friday, 14 Nov 2014 at 5:24pm

Last post easier to access and or page numbers at the top and bottom.

Log in usually takes you away from where you want to post or reply to. If logging in on a posts page going straight back there after would be better, especially on rap phones like this that drop pages often.

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Monday, 17 Nov 2014 at 12:46am

wondering about"heston for coles " etc covering your index guys, mini second index at bottom when you look hard enough, bit of a shot in the foot for swellnet

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Monday, 17 Nov 2014 at 7:51am

Noted groundswell - that's something we're hoping to do asap.

Mike - not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate?

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Tuesday, 18 Nov 2014 at 10:30am

Quite often the sponsors advertising pop up (heston for coles or the like) covers most of the index bar , it has no x in corner to close pop up or capacity to drag it off index, thanks

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 18 Nov 2014 at 10:40am

Further to groundswells suggestions, I'd like to be able to click on the posters screen name to take me to their comment in the Latest Comments section (similar to the Forums) as quite often it's hard to find a new comment when somebody is responding to a comment made earlier. Or even just make it the same as the Forums section.

Sorry, that was a bit long-winded, hope you catch my drift.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Tuesday, 18 Nov 2014 at 10:46am
mikehunt207 wrote:

Quite often the sponsors advertising pop up (heston for coles or the like) covers most of the index bar , it has no x in corner to close pop up or capacity to drag it off index, thanks

We don't have advertising 'pop ups' as far as I know; that kind of behaviour shouldn't be happening.

What device are you on? Next time it happens, can you please take a screenshot and email it through to - that'll help me work out what's going on. Thanks.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Tuesday, 18 Nov 2014 at 10:47am
zenagain wrote:

Further to groundswells suggestions, I'd like to be able to click on the posters screen name to take me to their comment in the Latest Comments section (similar to the Forums) as quite often it's hard to find a new comment when somebody is responding to a comment made earlier. Or even just make it the same as the Forums section.

A good suggestion Zen. We'll add it to the list.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Wednesday, 31 Dec 2014 at 7:55pm

Thanks Ben, by the way my pic near username keeps getting wiped or something without me doing so, and it seems to have happened a few times only since being a subscriber for forecasts.
Is there a way for me to fix that?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 1 Jan 2015 at 7:10am

Really? That's odd. We haven't heard of that happening to anyone else. Email me your avatar and I'll attach it to your profile (

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Thursday, 1 Jan 2015 at 11:56am

Yep i added image that was a bit large and was automatically resized, then later the image was gone. that happened twice with two different photos. all since ive been a sub. I thought that might have changed something or even it made two separate usernames of the same name?
Ill leave my pic blank for now though thanks.