Our Narrabeen surfcam went offline last week, which I assumed was a simple hardware failure. It'd been earmarked for upgrade for some time, so I organised replacement hardware, and for our electrician to upgrade it today.
The upgrade went well but unfortunately it turns out the outage was related to a faulty phone line into the building. Telstra are now booked in to investigate the problem next Wednesday (Aug 21). Hopefully this problem will be rectified then.
thermalbenFriday, 23 Aug 2013 at 12:24pm
And we're back! Turns out the Telstra cabling in the street was shot and needed to be upgraded.
Our Narrabeen surfcam went offline last week, which I assumed was a simple hardware failure. It'd been earmarked for upgrade for some time, so I organised replacement hardware, and for our electrician to upgrade it today.
The upgrade went well but unfortunately it turns out the outage was related to a faulty phone line into the building. Telstra are now booked in to investigate the problem next Wednesday (Aug 21). Hopefully this problem will be rectified then.