No surf cam image on iPad

It's the technology: Flash to be specific.
The streams produced by our surfcams are iPhone and iPad compatible but unfortunately our website isn't, as it uses a Flash player. iPads came along after our surfcam player was installed on the site, and they're not Flash compatible.
Ordinarily we'd fix the website to accommodate iPads, but we're beavering away on a major website upgrade instead (and don't want to spend time and money on the old site). Truth of the matter is that iPad traffic is an extremely low percentage anyway.
So you'll have to wait a little longer unfortunately.. sorry for the inconvenience.

and the byron cam? ? i use droid and same, no image. used to work.

Byron's working fine here thierryf (ie on the website). However we don't have support Android devices at this point in time - so we're not able to advise why it is or is not working.

Hey Ben
Any update mate, really over no being able to see the cams. iPad only for me.

No ETA yet smellewell, sorry.

I updated my iPad yesterday and the Snapper camera worked fine this morning, but only on the first visit. Nothing now. How's that happening.
I am visiting via Safari.

I don't know how you could have seen a surfcam stream on your iPad as the site is not yet compatible.

Trust me Ben, it happened. Actually happened when I first added you to my bookmarks too, but only once each time. The camera did not stop either as it does on my PC after a few minutes. Now i just get a white space, no black screen. No tech savvy here so I have no idea how. The URL came across from my PC favourites and that is pretty old stuff, several years.

I've been viewing Swellnet's surfcams on my Ipad for months. I paid a couple of dollars for Puffin Web Browser which is a flash browser. I go through puffin to access swellnet's website then view the cam. I'm only having trouble the past couble of weeks and when I even try to access the surfcams on my home PC NOrton comes up and says that it's blocked a website attack?? This is only new...I've never had trouble viewing swellnet's surfcams before.

if you want to see the swellnet webcams on an ipad, shell out $2.50 and buy the Puffin web browser app..
it just works. i have set my home page to be the Mid Coast cam so its just a tap away.
All good

Yeah I just tried the Puffin browser app - works fine on my iPad. Video quality isn't quite as good as native streaming (seems to drop to 12-15fps instead of the native 25fps) but it's pretty good nonetheless.

Hmmm… it seems Portsea surfcam is out. I can normally get it… but today… nothing.

The Portsea cam is working fine here - can you try again?

Hmmm, that's odd… now it is working. I tried numerous times (on my iMac) this morning but couldn't get it.
Ok, no worries. Thanks thermalben… Happy New Year.

We are experiencing intermittent issues with our surfcam player (which has been driving me crazy for months) where the surfcam player randomly switches to another version, which won't play at all (usually holds like this for 15-20mins or so, and then disappears). It's easily identifiable by the grey toolbar at the bottom of the player, and the white 'play' logo in the centre of the player (our default player looks more like the Vimeo player).
Sometimes all cams are fine, sometimes once cam is affected by this glitch, sometimes half a dozen cams are affected by the glitch. No-one has been able to work out why this is happening either, which is very frustrating for me!
In any case I suspect that's what you saw this morning.

Actually, this same 'problem' is also the reason that waterjacket saw a live stream on his iPad.
The 'weird' player that I mentioned it switched to seems to be a HTML5 player, which is iPad compatible. Whenever this switch occurs, it's happening at a server level - that is, every person on every device will see the glitch. However if you happen to look at an glitched camera on your iPad, it'll stream perfectly (much better than the Puffin browser, BTW).
I have no idea why this is happening, and every tech person I have asked - along with the tech developer of the media player - have no idea either. However we will have it fixed with the new site upgrade (could be time to ditch this player and go with something else).

Ok thanks for the extra info thermalben. That's interesting to know. Next time I see the white 'play' logo in the centre of the screen I'll know what's going on… I did think it looked a little unusual to begin with actually.

Why not permanantly switch to HTML5 at the server level?

Because HTML5 is not compatible with all browsers.
That being said, the major site upgrade will accomodate a much broader range of surfcam playing options.
We were actually hoping for the new site to be live quite some time ago, so this problem wouldn't have been an issue at all. It's also very hard to justify spending $$ on fixing the old site when you're building a new site. So we've just persevered with the problem (FWIW, it's not really a critical problem, as it usually fixes itself in a short space of time).

I am using google chrome and opera on mine, and working well, no probs in surf cam image view or anything else. You just need to upgrade these time to time. Really awesome browsing results. . .
What gives? No surf cam image on my iPad, is this some flash related glitch or what???