Private Messages

I think that functionality is down at the moment Don. I'll get the tech guys to fix ASAP.
Cheers, Craig

Craig, Has george turned up ?

I think you were asking the wrong Craig but the answer is no George is still missing.
We will keep looking.
Craig S

same with me.
will the old ones be sent if it does get fixed, or do I need to do it again?

Hopefully they're still all there guys.

Should be fixed now guys.

Craig ,
I still can't access my unread messages !!!!! ?
To anyone who has messaged me , and i haven't replied . I'm not being Rude , i just can't access them . I'm sure the Swellnet team is working feverishly on it as i type ......... seriously guys its very frustrating ....
And to anyone that i said i'd message , i have . You might not of received it though , unfortunately . And if its lost then that would be even more the shame as i have a very short memory when it comes to what i've written ....
Anyway , if anyone is also a member @ Weatherzone , feel free to message me ( Southern Oracle ) . Most of the time that message service tends to work . Touchwood ...
( Freeride 76 , Greg W , Sidthefish ) i can see you've sent me something , i just can't view the content . Try the above solution .
Oh yeah while I'm at it , are we going to be able to post more than once every 24 hrs . or is just me ?????
Sorry , end Rant ....

Rant....end duh

Jeff , did you get your message ???
If you haven't used messages before , press on " account " top right
side near log in . Then " messages " section is near
Edit profile and others ......

I can't access, my pm's, I did not know I had any, there are a couple that are well over a year old and I haven't read any. A couple from smucko, I expect he just wants to tell me he secretly admires me.

So, I just realised the messages weren't working when you actually went to open them.
This is fixed now, so everyone go check your account and messages to see if you've gotten any love.

Thanks CRAIG ......
I feel better that a few people who had taken time to message me , had finally received an answer of sorts .
Although i must admit they were a little time dated , and my clarity of the scenario that questions were raised is a little jaded after 2.5 mths ...... hehehhe
but to your credit nothing was lost . what will be funny is some messages i forgot i sent get answered ..... ????
Do Private Messages actually work on here? I've sent 2 and not received any replies, and whenever I try and enter my "Sent" folder, all I get is an error message?