Control of Pan Tilt Zoom Webcams by millions of competing viewers.

The short answer is that allowing the general public to control surfcams pushes the privacy boundary pretty far. All Swellnet surfcams are programmed to specific 'beach tours' that loop endlessly, which alleviates this issue.
Also, whilst it's fun to move a camera around, the only person getting any benefit is the person in control.
All of the viewers on one cam might be wanting to look at one end of the beach, whilst the guy in control is busy looking at the clouds or the sand - I've seen these cam setups around the place and I reckon it's a waste of time.
We know how much concurrent traffic our surfcams receive and it's certainly not in our interest to please everyone individually in 30 second blocks.

Thanks for the advice, but we're pretty happy with our current surfcam setup.
In 2000 I went online, discovered surfcams, and built my first webpage of surfcam links from around the world. Bondi FM88.0 had a Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera pointed out the window at Hotel Bondi that scanned from the Pavilion to the Icebergs and it was viewer controlled with two minute viewer segments. They had another PTZ camera to cover their radio studio. In 2004 the station changed hands and the new owners mounted a more powerful PTZ cam on the front roof edge that covered the whole beach and a good bit of the sky approach route to the local airport. Those PTZ surfcams were in constant use from dawn to dusk by a long list of competitive users from around the world.
This is the question: Your cameras are all Pan / Tilt / Zoom cameras. Sponsors advertise on your pages. Viewer controlled cams attract millions of viewers from around the world that are apt to click on your ads. Is there a reason that you do not allow your
viewers to control the cams ?