swellnet surf tracker needs resetting every time i turn on PC

Marcus, sorry for not getting back to you - your email must have slipped through the loop (I can't seem to find it anywhere).
We're not sure what's caused this error to appear, and are unable to provide a fix at this point in time as we're not longer working with the company who initially built the Surf Tracker.
We're looking to rebuild it in the next few months (with a new software platform), but it's somewhat lower on the priority lost compared to other things (website, surfcam hardware, iPhone app, etc etc) so I can't give you a firm date.. sorry!

"At work I have swellnet surf tracker" ..... isn't there something intrinsically wrong with this statement?
"Every morning when I start up my PC I have to change the default ......" also this?
Marcus, work time is for work not frothing over waves that you aren't going to surf. I suggest you do some. Further, stop pestering your mates at Swellnet, no firm dates there.

after months of nothing, mine has just started working again... ?
Gday Ben and co
I have emailed the makers of tis software but no reply.
I have sent in an email to swellnet but no reply.
please help.
at work i have swellnet surf tracker.
the default location is newcastle.
every morning when i start up my PC i have to change the default location from agness water to Newcastle.
please can someone fix this and or get back to me?
its like trying to get customer service from mistral or dodo. and you guys are my mates