Social networking and surfing????

shaun's picture
shaun started the topic in Saturday, 4 Jan 2014 at 10:11pm

I just came across facebook pages like wavehunters and melbourne surfer dudes and a few others, they seem to be full of euro's living here with a few australians big noting themselves. Are there groups like this in all the states . Are any of you guys in any of these come surf with me groups?

The biggest problem I have with these groups is that years ago when you had a group of mates surfing together traveling round the coast, generally there was only one real dickhead in the bunch and his mates would keep him in line. But now with social networking these dickheads break away from the crew they grew up with and join a group of dickheads. Which answers the frequently asked question whilst we are surfing, "where did all these dickheads come from?"

The Jedi Tube Pig's picture
The Jedi Tube Pig's picture
The Jedi Tube Pig Monday, 6 Jan 2014 at 10:23am

u punks show up at my break and snake my wave i will rob u.

billroy's picture
billroy's picture
billroy Monday, 6 Jan 2014 at 1:40pm

Hey OC,
I don't think that social networking is the problem here, but moreso the context of it. These forums are watched by many but have a minority of passionate contributors. I don't bother in adding to the discourse much because everyone is an angry expert, especially in 'arguable' matters like this. These jaded old fellas are some of the finest. That being said, when they're discussing general surf/off topic stuff they demonstrate they've been immersed in it much longer than we have and pretty much have authority (even though a few seem like awfully conservative, narrow-minded humans). On the flip side, the new age internet whiz has this egalitarian view that their opinions are important and must be heard, even though its quite the contrary. Attacks are deflected dripping with sarcasm and boring old internet cliches (haters gonna hate). I'd like to think this opinion may have some profound effect on somebodies outlook, but i'm just some dickhead on the internet.

The Facebook approach to social media is all about narcissism which I hate - not just with surfing but EVERYTHING. Its like posting pictures of yourself surfing, even if your not great at it, to show everyone that's who you are. Discussing how different spots (especially 'if your looking for an uncrowded break') is going to be in certain conditions, how to get there and where your going to be is just promoting the self. Its a public forum, not a private conversation - something we are all aware of. You can frame it as just communicating to mates, saving $... but 20-odd people are seeing your posts about where to go can potentially translate into them going there, showing there friends...

I think the internet culture of today - where everyone is building their celebrity profile directly conflicts with surf culture where groups of people explore natural landscapes, become attached to it and then desire preserving it. Just get a few like minded friends and surf - no need for some gargantuan organised army. If you have no friends that surf then make some, its pretty easy and there is plenty of potential candidates in the water from all over the place with varying skill and attitude.

As you were, fellas.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 6 Jan 2014 at 2:00pm

Billy, a lot of us are conservative because even before the internet things came back to bite you on the arse , now with it, more so. You will learn about that later.
Having said that I would like to say, well said! Have a slice of pizza.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Monday, 6 Jan 2014 at 3:10pm

BeCool's picture
BeCool's picture
BeCool Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 1:15am

Interesting read ladies and gentleman and everything in between.

OC has copped a lot o' slack..that being said, I think he's just had a hard time conveying his points. He has back peddled and tried to smooth things I say enough of the hating on this man.

Calling Melbourne surfers hipsters and dickheads is a bit rough though. Uneducated and offensive. Stalking him and making reference to his pole dancing girlfriend is pretty mature also eh? What if it were some other poor hipster bastard who wasn't even OC? I mean if you want to go full circle, share your details too and have a coffee date and if it went well you can surf together and if it didn't you can MMA or UFC the fuck out of each other.

I do agree with not telling the world about your spots. Would you share a good fishing spot and hoped it wouldn't be spoiled? I don't think it's a problem if these surfer dudes who seem pretty amateur to be competing with you old timers and prosurfers anyway?

My experiences have been mixed. The good outweighs the bad. Met some great surfers who improved my surfing and old timers who were absolute guns. Met another couple of old jerks who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. You all know who ya are haha! If all of this 'puking' over someone calling you 'bro' instead of 'cunt' makes you want to get in touch with your bulimic and homophobic sides than you should really that shit sorted out. Haven't you heard that they're legalizing gay marriage?

I also noticed the mention of race (eg. 'euros' and 'asians who love facebook') - that is irrelevant and just makes you seem judgmental and bigoted. Was it suggestive of them having less right to surf in your spots? No one likes a dickhead regardless if it were in the surf or on dry land. Or the one who is assuming these groups are there to rape, steal and pillage your spots. To ASSuME is to make an ass out of u and me. Respect to all. I think one of the greatest bonds between people is when it is diversified. The old fella can show the youngin' the paths in his years to come to make his journey easier, and in turn the young fella can keep old mate in good stead with the ever evolving world of today. Just as this pizza you all keep eating came from a good place as do cuisines of the world...I mean meat and two vege is only palatable so many nights of the week right?

My final note is this - fear of the unknown and changes to come. Social media is here and the funniest thing reading through the criticism of it was this fact....what do you think this forum is? If you don't like it, don't use it. Stop the bitching and fighting it's just all a bit much. It's just these FB users sharing what they love doing with what is now THE common way of expressionism and communication. If you don't want to get with the times fine, don't stat ragging out others if they choose to do it. Billroy raises a few good points. But I do stand by the fact that some of this community have been overzealous and downright bitchy eg. excessively bullying poor OC who ran his mouth a bit and DID deserved a little hiding... Bringing in the missus (if that is actually him and her) into it and all - that's almost threatening and quite inappropriate. Can't stop you from fantasizing with your wrinkly uglies though so please...proceed. If you're sick of your saggy spouses, you don't need to covert thy wife now do you. But FFS back off or Karma may share your wives to creepy old internet geezers.

Bottom line - surfing is a sacred way of life. It's not just an activity. It's not yours. It's not mine. Doesn't belong to jaded bitter old farts who are threatened by some blonde mouth-runnin hipsters from Melbourne either. Preserve it, respect it, and be grateful you are lucky enough to have fallen in love with it. Otherwise go volunteer in a third world country to gain appreciation.

PS - OC I respect you've changed your tone but I guess you will be a bit more decisive with your opinions here on out.

morris's picture
morris's picture
morris Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 4:44am

If your going to lecture old geezers about the what is right and wrong don't be lazy , MMA ,UFC or any other thing like that just random letters to an old fool, got no meaning to me, ribbed him about poled dancer to drive home the fact to oc just what social media is, he put it out there. When I was his his age , I ddn't put a pic of my missus on the local supermarket notice board, or a note where I surfed that day.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 5:04am
BeCool wrote:

I also noticed the mention of race (eg. 'euros' and 'asians who love facebook') - that is irrelevant and just makes you seem judgmental and bigoted. Was it suggestive of them having less right to surf in your spots?

I mentioned Asians as most of my friends are Indonesian. im not bigoted i just spent a few years living there and made friends with 90% of the people i met, Jakarta alone has a population of over 20 million. work out the stats.
I like a lot of them more than a lot of the locals here.
You are obviously uneducated about myself and inexperienced with Asia.

Nothing to do with racism or bigotry, i like how they use facebook. I love my Indonesian and Malaysian friends. You just missed my point .
I was saying facebook is good for keeping in touch with foreign friends, its right there un-edited if you want to go back and check.

You also probably missed the part (since privatization of surfer dudes) that many of those guys were bagging out M Fanning, telling everyone where they will surf, where the banks are good, writing off some guy having a go at Teahopo. In public.
We all did get aggro i agree..Some went overboard.

As for OC he admitted his wrongs, so did many of us.

Wannasurf showing locations, groups telling everyone where to surf and shout to the world where is going to be good are all completely wrong doings.

A lot of the spoilt surfs ive had are from some amateur on a sup or whatever paddling over to a spot im on by myself and just paddling into it from the outside with no recognition that anyone else found that peak, waited there for that wave or can even surf it. then pull off because it gets too hollow for them.
Ruined boards, injuries the lot.

Or some dickhead not looking back while you are in the barrel of your life and you end up losing skin.
Come on.
Guys like this DONT DESERVE TO SURF REAL SPOTS. they are a danger, a pest and still dont seem to get a hint when you shake your head.Or they say "isnt this all about fun" not when guys like that ruin every good wave today that you waited for months for, saved for 2 years to get there..then get staph.
And yet guys like that travel to the worlds best waves for some reason.

arh long winded beer rant..i agree with a lot of what you said but get it right if you are going to quote people and assume their intention.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 8:21am

The irony is that people have asked to join Surfer dudes after reading this forum

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:02am

Why would anyone want to be associated with a group who purposefully - and apparently without irony - called themselves "Surfer Dudes"?

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:14am

BeCool, I think you've taken everything and everyone a little too seriously.

But remember, old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:28am

But not in sperm count Fitzy.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:45am

Be careful not to use the words "Buddha" or "Wodka" please !
Oooops sorry.

As you were gents..?

numbnuts's picture
numbnuts's picture
numbnuts Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:56am
OC wrote:
Hipster fred wrote:

shaun ,what do you think you and all your inbred are doing on here?

socializing !its just that you are all a bunch of grumpy old wankers doing exactly what you criticize your facebook dudes!

all you old guys are just frumpy old farts whingeing and being hypocriticalhahahahahaha

Thankyou Fred. Firstly Shuan what is your caper? In the last forum topic where you all ragged on me for telling a story about my own surfing experiences, failing to see the point of what I was getting at and just jumping on whatever you could pull out of it to make me look like some kind of wannabe, kook, wave hog, hero or whatever..... We'll firstly, Morris at least to his credit was bold enough and state his own opinion, you sir simply jumped onto a band wagon, taking what you could identify as the so called high road. Your the worst kind of arsehole outhere because your the type that doesn't think for himself, you just jump on what ever negative band wagon you can until suddenly a dim light goes off in your zenophic brain that will allow you to express all of your prejudices under some false guise of stating some kind of bullshit self righteous principle. You sir, are an idiot!

If you don't like social networking then don't use it. Don't complain about it because it's not directly affecting you. Your so ignorant that you wouldn't even begin to try and understand what our group is about, which by the way - is first and foremost about car-pooling. We live a fucking hr and a half from the ocean and incase you hadn't realised, petrol prices are soaring. Most of us started as a group of mates who surfed together before hand and quite honestly still surf in the same group, most of the time its just another way of connecting other than using a mobile... If your against this kind of technology then stop using swellnet to check forecasts, take all your money out of the bank and stash it under your bed and stop posting on these forums.... no one wants to and should surf alone.... We're not some kind of profitable organisation that is conspiring against local surfers we are just a bunch of guys who happen to live in a landlocked city and we love surfing!

kanethomas1's picture
kanethomas1's picture
kanethomas1 Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:57am
thermalben wrote:

Why would anyone want to be associated with a group who purposefully - and apparently without irony - called themselves "Surfer Dudes"?

haha my thoughts exactly I thought everyone was taking the piss with that name turns out they actually go by that, nothing makes you sound more like you have never surfed before in your life than referring to yourself as a "surfer dude"

numbnuts's picture
numbnuts's picture
numbnuts Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:57am

Move to the coast OC and chill

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:58am
BeCool wrote:

Calling Melbourne surfers hipsters and dickheads is a bit rough though. Uneducated and offensive.

Says the man who calls my missus a

BeCool wrote:

saggy spouse

But, you make some good point BeCool. Appreciate the effort you've put in your writing.

But what really shits me is this

BeCool wrote:

It's just these FB users sharing what they love doing with what is now THE common way of expressionism and communication.

Keep expressing and communicating all you want, but keep it out of the water. Why can't you just appreciate the ocean for what it is? Does it only mean something to you guys when it's been posted on fb? What does that virtual layer of witty (or shitty) comments, "brus, bras and bros" and pics add to the experience?

Because from where I stand, that shit does impact local breaks, I'm afraid. Just the other week, this lady rocks up with 8-9 people. Alba surf or something. Apparently these poor people pay this lady to go surfing. And they all jump in the water at the same fuckin spot, a spot where guys have been surfing for pretty much most of their lives. You can imagine what happened next. We've all been there.

I guess you can understand what I'm getting at. How does social media contribute positively to surfing? Really?

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 11:00am
zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 11:03am

I reckon the name 'Surfer Dude' is right up there with 'Bra Boy'.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 11:33am

Thats absolute pisser Zenagain,

I love the wearing of a bra..........!

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 11:53am

Nebasha, I agree, I'm a little upset with the "saggy spouse" comment, thats where.......

ASSUME makes an ass out of you and 'NOT' me.

OC's picture
OC's picture
OC Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 1:20pm

I know of Alba surf, and I don't agree with it, because its exploiting people who have the need to surf and making money out of them
You may think our group is not much better, but fundamentally we're just a group of mates who already knew each other. After this shit storm of a debate I have realised that it is my duty to be responsible and protect certain breaks by not naming them publicly - the group is private, we'll be limiting members and not crowding breaks. It is also our duty to the greater surf community to uphold and adhere to Surfers code of conduct and respect those who came before us...

carpetman's picture
carpetman's picture
carpetman Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 1:34pm

If nothing else, this discussion has at least educated Melbourne Hipster & maybe a few other anonymous readers about the do not's on the web. Maybe surfer dudes will be a little more cautious in future?

The best way to tackle a problem is to discuss it. Otherwise I'm sure it could be manipulated; I hear there's a great bank at St Kilda beach at the moment. Wind and swell is looking good for the weekend!

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 1:41pm

Yeah Carpetman, I heard Dorian and Twiggy are flying in to catch it.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 1:46pm

Is that the bank right in front of the Espy?

BeCool's picture
BeCool's picture
BeCool Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:00pm

Thank you for the feedback.

The difference between some of you with OC and me is that I have not singled anyone out, let alone stalked them and revealed their identities and that of their loved ones. The fact that you related yourself to my shit stir comment of 'saggy spouses' kinda autonomously singles yourself out there pal. Sorry about dem titties and 'if you can dish it, grow a pair and take it'.

Taking a leaf from the elderly I frequently associate with I present an with an old saying 'once you've written something down, it's there in perpetuity.' The fact that some of you have singled out this young man and identified him and going on to make sexually offensive and harassing comments, (I'll leave the quoting out as you've screwed yourself over here) is what brought my attention to this whole thread. Let's educate you on the matter of IP addresses in case you are ignorant with it, I'll just advise that you can only hide behind the internet until you've been deemed threatening and/or a nuisance. Watch your words.

As for MMA and UFC - google it, it's been around for more than a decade before facebook and social media popularity. I actually used it as a reference from the comments some of you used in OC's other thread. It ain't lazy, it's just common knowledge. Your grammar and comprehension seems like it can do with a bit less lazy in my opinion - like OC, I too am entitled to one. He made some silly points and may have trouble portraying his points but he doesn't deserve this shit. I don't know the guy but empathize. Comparing the titan that is Facebook (love it or hate it no one cares) to your supermarket just really highlights how plausible your primitive thoughts are. Once again, it is your choice if you don't want to entertain or participate in what billions on this planet do every day. No judgement on what you do with your hands mate.

Trying to enlighten someone about 'old age' who works with thousands of people 60 -100+ years of age is laughable but appreciated. I have been raised to respect my elders, but I think that doesn't apply to the immaturity of some of these opinions and comments. Besides - you don't know how old I am neither.

As for surfer dudes as a title, who cares? I'm guessing they're taking the piss with it too? As for assuming things - read it carefully and you will in fact see that I DID get it right (although I think you're one of the wiser ones groundswell). I QUESTIONED your intentions with the mention of race at the best of times, but never did I assume. In fact, I am emphasizing the fact that the mere mention of it is discomforting as it isn't necessary at all is my feeling about this topic.

As for 'brus, bras, and bros' - Why the feck does it even bother you people use these terms? They're synonymous with 'mate' and are used by other cultures just as much if not more. Tell a 'Braboy' to their face what you think and take the piss directly and I will swear my respect to you for all eternity. If facebook shits you, stay away from it and ignore it - just please quit your whining. People can appreciate and enjoy the water however the heck they want as far as I'm concerned as long as nature and others aren't at risk of harm. How does talking about it and taking photos add to the experience? Are you kidding here? I suppose you should give some advice to the businesses based on capturing experiences with words and photos. Throw out your wedding and children's photos and don't ever speak of them. Just because social dynamics has evolved doesn't mean you (1) - must conform (freedom fellas) or (2) - need to restrict or slag others for keeping with the times. The medium has changed, however, the contention has not. Dinosaurs became extinct with less ignorance.

For the record, many of you have made positive and very constructive points too. I wouldn't want every man and his dog, cat and muppet to spoil a spot especially if they are oblivious to surf code and etiquette.

My points are specific to aspects of these thread topics. To sum it up, just back off a bit and take it less seriously with your fellow cyber man and woman. Would you want internet creeps knowing who you were? Your wife? Your kids? YOUR DOG'S identity??? Have a think about how you've made OC feel who was remorseful and respectful in the end...even if he were stupid in the conveying of some of his opinions.

Age gracefully wise men of the sea. Don't sink as bottom feeders.

Peace out.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:11pm

BeCool, while your basic point is probably worth iterating - yes OC did cop a hard time, perhaps it was a bit rough on him, the stalking probably out of line and attended to by the moderators. I did my bit of stalking and pointed out what I saw as flaws in this type of culture, dont tell me YOU havent done a bit of stalking the Surfer Dudes or Owens FB page? Where do you stand though? You say he deserved it and now your wanting to defend him? Is your only real gripe that his missus was mentioned? If so your quite the hypocrite yourself arent you. As with the outrage over all the bitchiness, why come here and make a bitchy post yourself if thats how you see it? But we are haters, anyone that disagrees or sledges is a hater ey?

This is an online community not a social networking site the two are different if you care to do some research this will be apparent to you.

To make out that social networking is THE common way of expressionism (a modernist movement of the last century) and communication is wrong, talking is still and probably will be for a long time THE common form of communication between people. In fact social networks seem to come and go as they become more and less fashionable. Did you ever have a myspace account? It was THE facebook of its time and has since lost its appeal as we see facebook losing its appeal to sites such as twittter, instagram and snapchat. Fear of the unknown ey, bit melodramatic dont you think?

"I don't think it's a problem if these surfer dudes who seem pretty amateur to be competing with you old timers and prosurfers anyway?" OC also mentioned competing in the surf and you seem to have the same attitude, what no one wants is dicks in the surf spoiling it for others or simply being dangerous.

The mention of racism has been dealt with - way off point and most in this community have a strong understanding of race issues having travelled and lived amongst other communities/cultures around the world and come from first hand respect and understanding of those cultures. I grew up in Papunya till I was 10, its a remote Aboriginal community, so remote in fact that at the time there were only 3 white families living in the community with around 600 near traditional living members of the 4 local tribes. Since, I have traveled, lived and worked in quite a few countries. If you want to pull some shit like that be prepared for a debate my friend and I think you will find you are way out of depth. Probably better off sticking to your gay marriage rights.

"To ASSuME is to make an ass out of u and me" I love a weak cliche, here's a better one - assumption is the mother of all fuckups. Unfortunately most of us had a good read through the Sufer Dudes page so no assumption was needed. It was all there in the open, discussing surf spots, arrogant dickhead attitude - all in its glory, so your off on that one too.

"Bottom line - surfing is a sacred way of life. It's not just an activity. It's not yours. It's not mine. Doesn't belong to jaded bitter old farts who are threatened by some blonde mouth-runnin hipsters from Melbourne either. Preserve it, respect it, and be grateful you are lucky enough to have fallen in love with it. Otherwise go volunteer in a third world country to gain appreciation."

Wow, you go surfing to gain appreciation? Surfing is a sacred way of life, its not an activity? I cant reply to this without being overtly rude to you so I wont bother other than to say, re-read and try to understand what you have written.

PS - you understand as you mentioned that OC deserved a bit of a hiding and he copped it and he will be more thoughtful in the way that he conducts himself here and the way that he runs the dudes page - maybe he learnt something.

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:15pm
BeCool wrote:

Thank you for the feedback.

The difference between some of you with OC and me is that I have not singled anyone out, let alone stalked them and revealed their identities and that of their loved ones. The fact that you related yourself to my shit stir comment of 'saggy spouses' kinda autonomously singles yourself out there pal. Sorry about dem titties and 'if you can dish it, grow a pair and take it'.

Difference between you and me mate, is that you take everything so damn serious. You seriously think I could care one flying fuck what you call my missus?

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:19pm

This is great, "Your grammar and comprehension seems like it can do with a bit less lazy in my opinion"

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:21pm

and again, "Besides - you don't know how old I am neither"

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:22pm

and best of all, " I don't know the guy but empathize."

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:25pm

why did YOU stalk OC facebook BeCool?

nebasha's picture
nebasha's picture
nebasha Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:51pm


southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:42pm
blindboy wrote:

Is that the bank right in front of the Espy?

I've seen that bank , covered in Blood ... or was it just the Stairs .... ohhh memories ...

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 2:42pm

back to the topic, there are many problems being created by social media and it will/does impact even surfing as we have seen in this discussion. like anything a good balance is needed and it is important to understand particularly what the social problems it creates are. with a better understanding, care can be taken to avoid the pitfalls. i would encourage anyone with children to look into this and ensure they have a richer life by avoiding those pitfalls.

BeCool's picture
BeCool's picture
BeCool Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 4:04pm

Sillycun - I think there is a 't' missing at the end of your name, thank me later for the spelling check service.
You do raise good points but you balance the good with the bad by nit picking as your online boy bands have. Like a pack of high school kids bitchin' to pass the time. Credit where credit is due, your last comment is the lesson here in a nutshell.

Did I stalk OC? Question is, did I need to? You've broadcasted all is info here for all to read! As for surfer dudes, why do you care so much?

I pointed out that he deserved a lot less than what he got, I defended his ill treatment by some here.
Your self righteousness reeks. You love your own gospel. You've assumed everything I've written here attacks you and every other poster.

This is dead end with some of your narrow mindedness. I just REALLY wonder if you would in REALITY discuss and share your comments in the way that you have here how long you would last.

I provided a hypothesis for why one of you sick fucks as to why you discussed the innocent lady in this thread the way you did. I never singled anyone's spouse out so it's puzzling to see some of you nominate yourselves for relevance to my comment about the saggies.

Everyone can be the judge here for themselves on these topics. Don't be bitter. Don't have cyber big man syndrome either. Be happy. Be Cool.

billroy's picture
billroy's picture
billroy Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 4:31pm

Alba Surf.... those bastards. There's been about three occasions I've been enjoying a spot with a handful of guys to be greeted by 10 people walking single file down the steps. Half of them end up sitting on the beach after 20 minutes but its only a social media organisation that can put so many dickheads into a condensed group at a half-decent location.

BeCool's picture
BeCool's picture
BeCool Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 5:05pm

Put simply - I didn't come here to address anything from memory regarding what you posted Sillycun, you were one of the better ones. There are 2 shit stirrers who for the most part have gone silent who drew my attention here in the first place and compelled me enough to make comment.

You all seem to feel the need to patronize and blow your own horns demanding our respect and support. You are in fact the ones criticizing those who don't agree.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 5:40pm

"Sillycun - I think there is a 't' missing at the end of your name, thank me later for the spelling check service.
You do raise good points but you balance the good with the bad by nit picking as your online boy bands have. Like a pack of high school kids bitchin' to pass the time. Credit where credit is due, your last comment is the lesson here in a nutshell."

sillycunt is where the tag comes from, shortened British slang, but you almost made a joke. Nitpicking, is that like commenting on people's grammar? Bitching, its all youve come here to do. Credit, thanks but like surfing I dont do it for the appreciation I get.

"Did I stalk OC? Question is, did I need to? You've broadcasted all is info here for all to read! As for surfer dudes, why do you care so much?"

If your so offended by OC being outed and people viewing these pages why would you view them yourself? Im not sure I mentioned that I care for surfer dudes so much, maybe you can keep explaining for me.

"I pointed out that he deserved a lot less than what he got, I defended his ill treatment by some here.
Your self righteousness reeks. You love your own gospel. You've assumed everything I've written here attacks you and every other poster."

I agree with you as I said things went too far and the thread was moderated. Im not sure I mentioned you attacking people but keep explaining for me, is that anything like "your self righteousness reeks", "you love your own gospel","you sick fucks" or are these some feeble attempt at insults?

"This is dead end with some of your narrow mindedness. I just REALLY wonder if you would in REALITY discuss and share your comments in the way that you have here how long you would last."

I cant make head or tail of this one, im assuming (again) that you mean I am narrow minded and I would not last in reality (the real world) if I discuss things like I have? Yeah well I cant give you that one, plenty of people have discussions far more heated than this in reality.

"I provided a hypothesis for why one of you sick fucks as to why you discussed the innocent lady in this thread the way you did. I never singled anyone's spouse out so it's puzzling to see some of you nominate yourselves for relevance to my comment about the saggies."

Great hypothesis let me see if I understood it correctly, we are all old here and wanted to get a look at OC's missus because all our missus' have saggie tits. Hehe thats deluxe!! I didnt actually make mention of either OC's missus or your saggies comment so I can only assume (again) that this isnt directed at me despite the post being mainly directed at me.

"You all seem to feel the need to patronize and blow your own horns demanding our respect and support. You are in fact the ones criticizing those who don't agree."

No one is asking for or demanding your respect or support, although there is a bit of horn blowing going on. There will always be people who dont agree with you, people who make sweeping generalisations, people who take offence at silly shit and try to make offence back, dont be bitter it seems to effect your ability to mount a reasonable argument or deliver a decent sledge. Take a read through some of the other threads, im new here too and just starting to get a handle on what it take to make a decent sledger, I thought this one was brilliant :)

carpetman's picture
carpetman's picture
carpetman Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 6:27pm

What are you arguing about BeCool? That there should be no rules regarding surf spots in social media?
Otherwise you're posting long ramblings that are off topic and too boring to read.

This is an important discussion and doesn't need to be hijacked with more fingerpointing and name calling.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 7:57pm

Got great waves under the bridge today.

BeCool's picture
BeCool's picture
BeCool Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 8:53pm
wellymon wrote:

Got great waves under the bridge today.

Nice. Agreed.

My point - let them do what they want, you can't stop freedom of speech unless if you're in China or Russia. You can take it too far into creepy freak territory (Morris). Perhaps these words can be shared with all the groups concerned on Facebook, get their stance on things, maybe introduce yourself and own up to your words. You might even go 'viral' haha

If I could - I too would prefer my surfing and fishing spots remain less advertised. Therefore, I agree with the vast majority of you here so no beef on that matter. We're circling the same shit expecting a different smell, but it isn't the point, well not mine anyway. If an individual or group get too close or don't practice proper etiquette on the water, TELL THEM politely to find their own spot. REAL solution to a potential problem.

Some of you just need to ease up on your own egos and pull that head out of your own ass. You don't need to attack others - excuse my 'can't beat em' join em', mentality. My main gripe isn't the banter and sledging, but lack of respect for real people.

If my first rant didn't hit home or make sense, refer to interactions between OC, Shaun and Morris in this thread:

The rest of you have valid and useful contributions in my opinion even you Sillycunt (sporadic) and did not cross the line. Shaun and Morris, your cyber identities contribute to what's wrong with social media and the internet. Expression of opinion is open game, bullying fellow posters is weak and utter filth. Guess my acronym for you: GFYS

We got offtrack with Sillycunt's deciphering and excessive comprehension of points not relevant to the discussion at hand.

Catch you out on the water.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:02pm

Atleast that narrows it down to two dogs in the one Suit .....
I fear though if they get taken down , others will rise in their place ....
Its like good cop , bad cop in here . We all take turns of being " the prick who takes it too far " ...
Stop trying to make too much logic , and just get that images of places and people do not belong to anyone except to those in the shot . So unless your name is a great secret spot , or you have one of those remote camera's then the Internet does have boundaries . And even if we have to blur the lines to maintain that , then thats what your up against ..... go annoy some other community ....
I here Bikies are up for Exposure , hang out with them and post random shots of whatever ....

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:33pm

Thats great BeCool, thanks for letting us know how it is, its great when the internet police turn up and explain all the rules. We all do appreciate you :)

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:43pm

Have you ever noticed Shaun and Morris never surf together?

Sort of like Clark Kent and Superman never being in the same room at the same time.

Something fishy going on there......

carpetman's picture
carpetman's picture
carpetman Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 9:54pm
BeCool wrote:

Catch you out on the water.

Maybe that's the problem; while you're trying to catch people in the water, we're trying to catch no one.

VICLongboard's picture
VICLongboard's picture
VICLongboard Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:11pm

funny stuff in some of these threads... VICO is a little more busy these days but i think it has more to do with peninsula link on the east coast than FB... when i was 15 the surf was busy now i'm 32 surf is busy. not much has changed...

i wouldn't join a surf FB gang... a little g@y if you ask me... one of the best parts of surfing is going down to a break a lone and getting some waves and being with the ocean...

OC love you work son some great entertainment on SW.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:16pm
BeCool wrote:

[ Expression of opinion is open game, bullying fellow posters is weak and utter filth. Guess my acronym for you: GFYS.

Sorry for my numbness in 4 letter acronyms! but what does GFYS stand for....?

Go Find Your Self..?
God Finds Young Surfers?

I thought this was a surfing page thingey not a religious come about...?

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:23pm

Gidday all you young whippet snippets. Missing a T, you say? Well, knock me down with a feather! Excellent pickup. Didn't see it meself - old age and all that. 40 years of model training takes its toll. That and missing the Y chromosome.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:21pm

Here you go lads no need to go out an find young surfers, theres a tandem surfing class on up at Freshwater, OC and BeCool would be so cool as the tandem surfer dudes - Saturday will see Chuck teach Tandem Surfing to anyone wanting to learn from the worlds very best at Freshwater Beach and a whole lot more from 10am at Freshwater.

Want more info? Contact Simon Phin (Freshwater SLSC & Dukes Day Media – 0400 100 814)

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Wednesday, 8 Jan 2014 at 10:37pm

Fark me!!!! Just finished a 12 hr shift and have a look in at the swellnet bar and its all long winded and it's all just blah blah blah.
To cool, I'm sorry my grammar is not up to standard it would be better if I had of been born to better parents and had an education, but I'm quite happy that I am able to communicate on a basic level.
Could not give a fuck what any private school arsewipe thinks of me.
What is your angle pre scool, OC was not as upset as you and I must say had some good comebacks, put poor old morris in his place (under the bridge). I think your just here for an argument, sorry my specialty is smartarse and snide remarks. But don't worry at any given time there is always someone on here who got out of the wrong side of bed and is up for one, cept for southy , he's always friendly even when he's outraged.
I'll see you under the bridge welly.