Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

floyd's picture
floyd started the topic in Monday, 10 Feb 2014 at 7:21pm

No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?

Slumber away ........

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Saturday, 4 Oct 2014 at 9:27pm

'Here , there ...... I just don't leave a trail .'

Just that hot, steaming smell.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Saturday, 4 Oct 2014 at 9:48pm

Anyway, why does it always have to be about me? Give the others a shot! And, what are we gonna do about 'tone'? The enlightenment, the westminstrals, the empire of the mighty geeks, the so successfull romans... 'educatuce victor magnificente' ...the answer's in there somewhere! As hard and cruel as it is, forget me.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Saturday, 4 Oct 2014 at 10:13pm

No, no, don't stop, we're all agog! Tell us more about how you helped people during - when was it? - the French Revolution? Goddam I love hearing about how it was when my grandparents were teenagers. You make it come alive, Mick, you really do! Fabulous stuff for a bloke of your vintage. Too much Ancient History is barely enough. Clip on another oxygen bottle and tell us about the Siege of Leningrad.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Saturday, 4 Oct 2014 at 10:18pm

How can they forget? They're captivated.

Cross the road gateless, I'll whisper it in your ear... before they sew it back on.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 7:44am

YLocal..Im no troll but the chat has moved on from Rich and Poor. (If you remember Bob Hawke tried to have a go but too hard - fair enough its not easy). Given what ISIS do, its got nothing to do with Lib or Labor. Its got to do with humanity. Is it a war ? Its not a war against a country. You could say a war against barbarism. How it pans out - depends on the other Arab Sunni and Shiite nations.

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 7:45am

okay, tone tells us all he will get the budget back in control. But he goes for a game of hockey and realises this cannot be done in time frame unless he really spoils a lot of aussie's standard of living. Along comes the evil ISIL- with which the govts terror campaign and attack of burgher- shows its just another war for christians to maintain and show they are gods chosen. so we have no budget surplus, another broken promise but justified because we spent billions beating the evil threat. yet we still pay ceos huge wages even if they dont make a profit, politicians still receive twice the super contributions than all other aussies, we still pollute air, water and land, but fuck mate, we beat those evil bastards who have been staging their own war for eons. THis should make you realise just how much CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM runs our society. IT permeates all society but in an underground way but is not the true teaching. but the aussie public will take it all in, meanwhile The Block, Masterchef,YOUR the VOICE and Big Brother will be the main focus, Budget deficit/surplus- who cares, the kitchens on the block are going to be revealed tonight!!!!! apathy, apathy, apathy and ultimately catastrophe.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 9:21am

See how easy it is in these "modern times" to set people off? A soapbox made of tinder.... A million self righteous experts ready to explode on a keyboard, myself included..... Landsharks.... Rabid dogs waiting for a weak spot......
It all comes down to the 2000 - 2005 period of "howard battlers" embracing the "kick those below me pyramid scheme"...... An ingenious neoconic amway style social plan that resinates today... Insidious and cancerous to society, especially a society like Australia....
Once upon a time, our convict roots encouraged a no dobber society... It encouraged looking after your mates.... Looking at authority with cynicism.... You'd trust "bluey the bludger", But you wouldn't trust a millionaire..... This was the upside of the tall poppy syndrome....
If a mate was getting cash in hand on the side, you'd say "onya mate"..... If a bloke was on the bob Hawke surf team, you'd say" good one bloke... But nah mate , got a job on the boats, saving for a house, catcha when I'm back on land... Get a barrel for me champ....".....We'd march against Sir Jo.... We'd stick it to Hardie.... "Get the French out of the Pacific".....

Not now........ "Aspirational voters"...... Everyone has sucked big time.... By the filthy rich and their puppet politicians of the right.... And the left joined in..... You see, it makes a middle class or working class person feel bigger when they can point a finger at someone below them... The yforget about their own problems, their own mistakes... The woes of the world are the fault of someone else, someone below them.... A dole bludger, a single mum, a muslim, a disabled bludger, a drug addict, a gen y..... Or any other minority you'd like to throw stones at whilst happily consuming brainwash pie......

Fuckn wake up..... Government and the obscenely rich are getting away with some of the most perverse things in human history, and "you're" busy beating up on a streekid whose soul is blackened.... This is exactly how they planned it, and "you" have become a bullying pawn, an angry little fuck.....

Good on anyone who can stick it to the government..... Viva la revolution.....

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 10:17am
Sheepdog wrote:

See how easy it is in these "modern times" to set people off? A soapbox made of tinder.... A million self righteous experts ready to explode on a keyboard, myself included..... Landsharks.... Rabid dogs waiting for a weak spot......
It all comes down to the 2000 - 2005 period of "howard battlers" embracing the "kick those below me pyramid scheme"...... An ingenious neoconic amway style social plan that resinates today... Insidious and cancerous to society, especially a society like Australia....
Once upon a time, our convict roots encouraged a no dobber society... It encouraged looking after your mates.... Looking at authority with cynicism.... You'd trust "bluey the bludger", But you wouldn't trust a millionaire..... This was the upside of the tall poppy syndrome....
If a mate was getting cash in hand on the side, you'd say "onya mate"..... If a bloke was on the bob Hawke surf team, you'd say" good one bloke... But nah mate , got a job on the boats, saving for a house, catcha when I'm back on land... Get a barrel for me champ....".....We'd march against Sir Jo.... We'd stick it to Hardie.... "Get the French out of the Pacific".....

Not now........ "Aspirational voters"...... Everyone has sucked big time.... By the filthy rich and their puppet politicians of the right.... And the left joined in..... You see, it makes a middle class or working class person feel bigger when they can point a finger at someone below them... The yforget about their own problems, their own mistakes... The woes of the world are the fault of someone else, someone below them.... A dole bludger, a single mum, a muslim, a disabled bludger, a drug addict, a gen y..... Or any other minority you'd like to throw stones at whilst happily consuming brainwash pie......

Fuckn wake up..... Government and the obscenely rich are getting away with some of the most perverse things in human history, and "you're" busy beating up on a streekid whose soul is blackened.... This is exactly how they planned it, and "you" have become a bullying pawn, an angry little fuck.....

Good on anyone who can stick it to the government..... Viva la revolution.....

Fuck Sheepie my sentiments exactly. But jump down off ya box this is what the younguns think on this forum. talk like that will have you thrown into the old cunts box.

And Stu Wrote
"I'll tell you why, it's because you're old and you're a bitter and jaded old prick who doesn't like new things.

There's your answer..."

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 10:49am

Shaun, I am an old c*nt.... And glad about it... Thank god it's nearly over.... ;)

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 11:50am

Yeah can't wait myself some days

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 11:59am


Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 12:05pm

Release will come soon enough...... But in the meantime, this is what "it's all about".....

"Abbott wins from war, but needs votes from peace".......


Poll driven madness.......I cant believe how malleable the braindead sheep people really are..... Is Australia really that fuckn stupid? Or shouldn't we scratch too deep? Deep down, do we "love war".... Are we racist, bigoted and xenophobic, but just keep a lid on it till if feels safe to vote in an anonymous poll? Anyway, I'm gonna go into the garden, put the grosse lisse and roma seedlings into the ground..... Too cold for the chilli's yet..... Solace........

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 2:28pm


shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Sunday, 5 Oct 2014 at 2:29pm


uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 12:03am

That desperate, lost bleat is all to common sheepster. On the road to the hotty, we'd often come across the sheep that got through the fence, eyes spinning wildly, crashing into rocks, shrubs, stumps, posts, wire. The fuck'n hole just feet away from it. Bleatiing frantically.

Sounds too much like the britters 'Boys Own Annual' stuff. Biggles and co. Or a John Wayne movie. The Alamo. 'Bluey's'?. Trust every 'bluey'? 'Blue' Milat? Bob the 'bluey'? Nup. Good luck with that one.

But that was then, before bob found treats. Snow cones. Bob the 'bluey' on roids.

But, that was a long time ago too. Then the 'bluey's' got better treats, vanilla ice cones with snow on top. Mania on roids. Worse than this.

i've met and given plenty of them chances. Traumatisationalisedless maaayyyteee? Whatever. He, truetraumaless 'blueless' swore he wouldn't do what I clearly asked him not to when I vouched for and helped him, heaps. Because good people were involved, had helped him on my vouching for him. My fault, I'd already been warned. Soon as he got out of out range, 'blueless' burnt everyone.

A classic was a friend here who was gonna 'save' his drug fucked nephew, so over he came and lived with him. We were reading the 'times', on the way back from the surf, and someone says something like,

'shit, hows this, awesome stereo and tv and shit, so fuckn' cheap.'


One tooth 'blue' pulled that sort of shit too. Poor little one tooth. He could surf though. You'd want to be able to though, if its all you did. I give them all a chance, lent him money, clothes, never expected it back, but if their arse goes in your face, the party's over. Lots of people had tough childhoods, whilst its an explanation... not a good enough excuse. One tooth was a weak, spineless little cunt. He'd love to puff up though, good at sneerin, and squwarkin', 'fuck the world before it fucks you!' Good at sqwarkin down too. Always had his loyal fans too. Burned one too many here, like everywhere he went, and fled, head looking like a golf ball... not courtesy of me by the way.

The 'alpha wolf ' 'blue' was a classic. That's how he described himself. Blue crush. Looked like an alpha cockroach laying on his back, arms and legs kickin' and squealin'.

Its a choice in the end. The 'tone' thing, the environment thing, everything. Who to rely on? 'Blue'?
Phil, liz, the corgis? 'Science... lincoln weed, cane toads, ddt... slight problem, we'll fix it? Nup. So who. Or just bleat?

This will bring a group 'YEW' I reckon. Rely on the One constant. The One that never changes. That's always there. Free. Everywhere. Available to all. Infinite, unlimited. Omniscient. The Source of any, all exsistance. The Source of nothing. Oneness.

And its simple. Just a few requirements. Sincerity, truth of choice. Choose the Source, pure good, beyond comprehension, or non Source, good and bad, beyond comprehension. And, you may fool a lot, but not the Source.

Just like personal training. Obese, fucked knees... no worries you can fix that. Guaranteed. You are sincere, you will do anything, awesome! Easy, just eat less, and 3 times a week train. Just 3 hours a week. See you at 2pm, Monday.

11.30am, Monday, enter 'blue'.

'Hey, there's a new triple cheese burger out with free icecream, half price, we are all meeting for lunch, come on, come with us! Training at 2pm... do it tomorrow... what about ya mmmaaaayyyteees!!!???'

2pm Monday... 2.05pm... 2.10pm... 3pm... no show. Chose 'blue'. Simple. Sincere?

If you are sincere about something, you make time for it. Like triple cheeseburgers. All you have to do is choose the Source.

That drives many crazy though. It means everyone is on the same level. Some hate that. Then, there's good ol 'blueru'. The Source's 'maaaaayyytee'. Because, although he'll tell you the Source is omni everything, almighty, suddenly, the Source mightn't hear you... or worse still won't get the message, or understand you. That's where 'blueru' comes in... to deliver the message, to 'help' the bumbling 'Source'. Book's a best seller too. Cheap. Who ya gonna call?

Goup YEW time? Faaarrrrrrrkkkk...n YEW time?

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 12:01am

Dude, what are you smoking? "Truamatisationalisedness"?!?
What the fuck?

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 12:10am

Just feelin' the times 12. Unlike sheepstar and shorn.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 12:25am

Think of it as a 1,080 degree backside air, with no hands allyoop.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 7:52am
uplift wrote:

Think of it as a 1,080 degree backside air, with no hands allyoop.

Oh no, wrong, there's definitely at least one hand involved. And probably Viagra.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 9:18am
uplift wrote:

That desperate, lost bleat is all to common sheepster. On the road to the hotty, we'd often come across the sheep that got through the fence, eyes spinning wildly, crashing into rocks, shrubs, stumps, posts, wire. The fuck'n hole just feet away from it. Bleatiing frantically.

Sounds too much like the britters 'Boys Own Annual' stuff. Biggles and co. Or a John Wayne movie. The Alamo. 'Bluey's'?. Trust every 'bluey'? 'Blue' Milat? Bob the 'bluey'? Nup. Good luck with that one.


But that was then, before bob found treats. Snow cones. Bob the 'bluey' on roids.


But, that was a long time ago too. Then the 'bluey's' got better treats, vanilla ice cones with snow on top. Mania on roids. Worse than this.



i've met and given plenty of them chances. Traumatisationalisedless maaayyyteee? Whatever. He, truetraumaless 'blueless' swore he wouldn't do what I clearly asked him not to when I vouched for and helped him, heaps. Because good people were involved, had helped him on my vouching for him. My fault, I'd already been warned. Soon as he got out of out range, 'blueless' burnt everyone.

A classic was a friend here who was gonna 'save' his drug fucked nephew, so over he came and lived with him. We were reading the 'times', on the way back from the surf, and someone says something like,

'shit, hows this, awesome stereo and tv and shit, so fuckn' cheap.'


One tooth 'blue' pulled that sort of shit too. Poor little one tooth. He could surf though. You'd want to be able to though, if its all you did. I give them all a chance, lent him money, clothes, never expected it back, but if their arse goes in your face, the party's over. Lots of people had tough childhoods, whilst its an explanation... not a good enough excuse. One tooth was a weak, spineless little cunt. He'd love to puff up though, good at sneerin, and squwarkin', 'fuck the world before it fucks you!' Good at sqwarkin down too. Always had his loyal fans too. Burned one too many here, like everywhere he went, and fled, head looking like a golf ball... not courtesy of me by the way.

The 'alpha wolf ' 'blue' was a classic. That's how he described himself. Blue crush. Looked like an alpha cockroach laying on his back, arms and legs kickin' and squealin'.

Its a choice in the end. The 'tone' thing, the environment thing, everything. Who to rely on? 'Blue'?
Phil, liz, the corgis? 'Science... lincoln weed, cane toads, ddt... slight problem, we'll fix it? Nup. So who. Or just bleat?

This will bring a group 'YEW' I reckon. Rely on the One constant. The One that never changes. That's always there. Free. Everywhere. Available to all. Infinite, unlimited. Omniscient. The Source of any, all exsistance. The Source of nothing. Oneness.

And its simple. Just a few requirements. Sincerity, truth of choice. Choose the Source, pure good, beyond comprehension, or non Source, good and bad, beyond comprehension. And, you may fool a lot, but not the Source.

Just like personal training. Obese, fucked knees... no worries you can fix that. Guaranteed. You are sincere, you will do anything, awesome! Easy, just eat less, and 3 times a week train. Just 3 hours a week. See you at 2pm, Monday.

11.30am, Monday, enter 'blue'.

'Hey, there's a new triple cheese burger out with free icecream, half price, we are all meeting for lunch, come on, come with us! Training at 2pm... do it tomorrow... what about ya mmmaaaayyyteees!!!???'

2pm Monday... 2.05pm... 2.10pm... 3pm... no show. Chose 'blue'. Simple. Sincere?

If you are sincere about something, you make time for it. Like triple cheeseburgers. All you have to do is choose the Source.

That drives many crazy though. It means everyone is on the same level. Some hate that. Then, there's good ol 'blueru'. The Source's 'maaaaayyytee'. Because, although he'll tell you the Source is omni everything, almighty, suddenly, the Source mightn't hear you... or worse still won't get the message, or understand you. That's where 'blueru' comes in... to deliver the message, to 'help' the bumbling 'Source'. Book's a best seller too. Cheap. Who ya gonna call?

Goup YEW time? Faaarrrrrrrkkkk...n YEW time?

Al Pacino meets the jew hater.... Hollywood comes to the desert..... A side road taken.... A detour.... A dodge a weave a dodge a weave...stay lucky.... The brush tars the one tooth, the damage done.... But the lambs are tender... Easy prey for the glitterati.. They are herded up and sent to hate school... They excel is smugness and narcissism..... A+..... A class outing to nowhere coast for prac......
Some can see the poison, some can point it out... But they don't drink it.... Desert philosophers and city apologists mix the tar, but the brush has frayed... They splash wildly, covering themselves in muck... They become the road... They don't even know it.....
"Drive my journey", they say.... My road leads to the answer....... Problem is, they don't know the question...

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 10:41am

What happened to the 1,000,000 jobs that were promised?

What happened to the surplus and so called new fiscal responsibility promises?

All we have seen so far is a shrinking economy and tax base and the loss of jobs.

Anyone still believe the Libs always better economic managers than Labor. If you do you have your head in Abbott's coal.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 12:55pm

'Al Pacino meets the jew hater.... Hollywood comes to the desert..... A side road taken.... A detour.... A dodge a weave a dodge a weave...stay lucky.... The brush tars the one tooth, the damage done.... But the lambs are tender... Easy prey for the glitterati.. They are herded up and sent to hate school... They 'excel is smugness and narcissism..... A+..... A class outing to nowhere coast for prac......
Some can see the poison, some can point it out... But they don't drink it.... Desert philosophers and city apologists mix the tar, but the brush has frayed... They splash wildly, covering themselves in muck... They become the road... They don't even know it.....'
"Drive my journey", they say.... My road leads to the answer....... Problem is, they don't know the question...'

Ever seen a wife bashed to death by her 'husband', 'blue'? Why the fuck didn't she leave? Nah, he'd changed. What da ya reckon, good idea? Good idea... hey 'blue', don't worry maaaayyytee, I'll help ya, meet me sister EEEEEWWWWWEEEEEE!!!!!

'Kids found bashed and starved to death. Give mum and dad a break, they ran out of drugs!

Rousing speech dawg, but its too much like the one they give the parents when they are trying to explain why they gave the 'reformed' but sprung pedophile a job mowing lawns at the local kindy.

Everyone deserves a break, not fifty though.

There's a simple fact in behaviour, in thought, that ends up being life. If your wall is red, and you want it blue, stop buying red paint.

Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes?

Change is in the air!!!! Speech!!!!!!


Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? Westminster system... libs, or labes? ...


stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 1:24pm

YOOOOUUUUUUUUWWWWWs, Asshat and Dogdip, are both complete dickheads.

Stop trying to be reeeeely deeeeeeep and interlecktuwell.

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 1:48pm


uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 1:54pm

Ever seen a gateless gimp change?

See, I made that little fucker, without me, he's useless, nothing. Fair enough, I admit, with me he's useless and nothing, but at least now he has a life of uselessness and nothingness, rather than no life of uselessness and nothingness. And this is the thanks I get.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 3:30pm

Uplift....... Shauny yells "yeewwww" in several different threads yesterday after letting us all know he's just secured a trip to Indo..... Explains sheep noises in different threads...... Nope .. Not tourettes, just an exited man and rightly so......
But fineprint missed by the man..... The fineprint is always missed..... Why be direct when we can be cryptic? Why do something today when we can do it tomorrow?

"Ever seen a wife bashed to death by her 'husband', 'blue'? Why the fuck didn't she leave? Nah, he'd changed. What da ya reckon, good idea? Good idea... hey 'blue', don't worry maaaayyytee, I'll help ya, meet me sister EEEEEWWWWWEEEEEE!!!!!"

Hmmmm, not used to such cryptic banality from the wise man of the desert........................Yep, only the long term unemployed and the disabled bash their wives... Us workn men have them in the kitchen where they belong...... Stopped bashn em years ago when she realized I earn the fuckn money.... Don't start on me kids.... got the boy playin' rugby, even though he hates it... Make a man outta him.... He wanted to play music, but no son of mine 's gonna be a faggot....."
Don't fire me up on drugs though..... Us workers don't take drugs..... Well, if ya drivin' trucks its ok... Gotta make the deadline..... Now where's my fuckn beer

"'Kids found bashed and starved to death. Give mum and dad a break, they ran out of drugs!...."

Yeah, same drugs as the pedo priest.... But hey, at least the priest is a working man..... Young girls in a welfare less sudan, bleeding from their girl parts, clitoris gone forever.... Parents selling their virgins to fat working westerners, selling their kidneys, cos their aint no welfare....

Simple..... racehorse solution.... If ya can't run, we'll just take you down the back paddock and click bang... Simple, aye mr lift....... ;) Problem is, there will always be losers, cos there will always be winners..... Click bang....... ad infinitum.....

I suppose that's blueys fault too..... Fuckn bludger.... It's all his fault

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 6:00pm

Shaunio went Yeeuuuuuwwwwww because he stole my $grand that was sewn into the bottom of my sleeping bag whilst under the bridge, I was out surfing the river mouth and came in to notice things were weird...!
My sleeping bag was ripped apart, feathers everywhere and my last can of baked beans were torn apart as if a Yowie had succumbed to a quick feed whilst on the ran.
A note was left in a scribbled formation saying thanks "Welly for the kick starter, I'm off to Indo to score barrels, ping pong balls and a good time. Thanks for the kick starter mate will CU soon"


shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 8:50pm

Welly, stop whinging, I taught you yet another valuable life lesson, so get on with life.

Might go and hook up with money bags mick -free, I'm white so it'll be alright, he'll see me, see what sort of kickstart payment I can score there.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 8:31pm

Geez you must of had a shower and found another Jandal....!!

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 8:59pm

Yes, I have I've become respectable and am thinking of getting a hyphen in my name and a patagonia tatoo

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 9:32pm
shaun wrote:

Yes, I have I've become respectable and am thinking of getting a hyphen in my name and a patagonia tatoo



uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 6 Oct 2014 at 11:03pm
stray-gator_2 wrote:
shaun wrote:

Yes, I have I've become respectable and am thinking of getting a hyphen in my name and a patagonia tatoo



Oh, oh, once a gimp, always a gimp. That's his stock standard, all too common, and famous around here invite shworn.

No judgements here though 'guey's'...each to their own. I wish you both nothing but the best!

Yew???? Fucking idiots.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 9:11am

Apologies in advance old shaunio .....
But this has a certain " ring " to it .....
Shaun Fitz-Michael ...

( in best girly voice ).... EEEEWWWWWW !
[edit :- Confusion]

shaun's picture
shaun's picture
shaun Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 6:09am

Let's just cut to the chase fellas and make it Shaun Fitz-Morris and let the innuendo Begin!!

Please stray-gator, refrain from any references to pedophilia as I think your dragging swellnuts down to a depth that even I would not go, although it is comforting to know that there is someone of less intelligence and with deeper personal flaws than myself out there. I am glad your getting some counseling off of your close friend Uplift.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 9:55am

You're the redundant fool, Asshat, although I don't suppose you can be blamed, being culturally illiterate and all. Just who do you reckon that is in Shaun's avatar? A clue: it ain't Dame Edna or Sandy Stone.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 11:47am

I think Shaun De' Gooch....... Has a ring to it... Or next to it...... :p Stray lizard, you wrote; "YOOOOUUUUUUUUWWWWWs, Asshat and Dogdip, are both complete dickheads."

Geez, scaly man...... Don't think I've ever thrown an uppercut your way..... A bit uncalled for, don't you think, skinkboy? ;)

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 1:29pm

Do you know if you re arrange stray gator, it spells gay strator? :p

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 4:38pm

Great shipment just got thru customs apparently.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Tuesday, 7 Oct 2014 at 7:36pm

Welly, put me down for a kilo.... ;)

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Thursday, 9 Oct 2014 at 4:28pm

So the Victorian "Liberal" Government has just signed a multi billion AUD contact to build what is known as the East-West tunnel some 60 days out from the next state election.

The majority of Victorians in poll and poll prefer money to be spent on better public transport (Labor's position) and not the East-West tunnel but this so-called "Liberal" government were not prepared to give the voters a say at the next election (now just 53 days away).

The secrecy and lack of information on the PPP the East-West tunnel is before the courts and again this so-called "Liberal" government were not prepared to wait until the outcome of court cases.

Abbott has committed over $2 billion AUD of Commonwealth money to the project after years of Infrastructure Australia saying the business case lacked vital detail.

What is known of the business case suggests its viability is marginal at best.

Votes in the eastern suburbs have been sold the biggest lie about improved travel times because the business case relies on an exponential increase in car traffic but particularly truck traffic on the current relatively truck free Eastern Freeway. Truck traffic on the new Eastern Freeway/East-West tunnel is expected to increase to levels currently seen on the hideous Monash Freeway.

The East-West tunnel project delegates the promised "Doncaster" railway line to yet another feasibility study. The Doncaster railway was promised after the war - that is WW2 1947 no less.

Now Abbott/Hockey killed the car industry in Victoria and SA and Honest Dennis Napthine and Abbott were all piss and wind about the need to create new jobs in Victoria to compensate for manufacturing job losses, hence the East-West tunnel and Commonwealth money.

Get this: One of the two companies signed on to build the tunnel is Spanish and they have been advertising in the local press for an "Immigration Consultant" to process 457 worker visa applications for workers to work on the East-West tunnel. That's foreign workers building our tunnel.

You really got to hand it to the conservatives … sneakier than sewer rats.

Anyway, Victorians have a clear choice in just 53 days and hopefully they will show Abbott and Napthine the current policies don't stack up.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 10 Oct 2014 at 2:51pm

Interesting times in Tonystralia..... Massive funding cuts to the ABS - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-09/abs-staff-say-data-undermined-by-f...

Well, how handy for a government when they can say unemployment figures cant be trusted.... handy now, and handy even in 10 years time......

Joe Hocky say he's looking for answers... I can give him 68 000 000 answers...


davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Friday, 10 Oct 2014 at 3:07pm

Under A SheepyRave govt none of this shit would be going on would it. Dinosaurs die out, some take longer than others but just as the lizzards were replaced by more efficient/adaptable and less destructive critters, so will the economic rationalists-reading the posts by the crew and especially the forums about solar/sustainability shows that like their reptile ancestors, very soon they will only be valuable and acceptable- as fossils. fuel that tony

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Friday, 10 Oct 2014 at 3:36pm

yeah dave, i have a view we are witnessing the last gasps of breathe in the rotten conservative carcass here but particularly in the US. Demographics will bite them on the arse in the end. Less rich kids being born these days and the massive Hispanic vote is increasing due to high birth rates and they are engaged and they vote democrat. Uncle Sam is gunna be Uncle Rafael one day soon. Here, I reckon Abbott is one big fuck-up from political oblivion but that also depends on Labor getting its shit together big time. Who knows the mining tax or carbon pricing might be that fuck-up waiting for Tony Turdhead around the next corner.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 10 Oct 2014 at 4:09pm

Oh there'd be shit going on, mate.... There's always shit going on.... Seen it with garrett... The most noble of folk enter politics, the get chewed up by the system.... Push pull... negotiate, the majority vote.. .com polling, "interest groups", moles and double agents - Trojans....... I'd need a dictatorship role before I took the job ;)

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Friday, 10 Oct 2014 at 9:28pm

ok, we have seen clive was a diversion- what a surprise!!!!!! but we here in oz are being distracted, as i wish no ill will to anyone, i think it will take a disruption to their shopping/banking and general use of mass media utilisation- me prefer more loving option, but electromagnetic spectrum frequency showing that it is not sustainable/efficient- with all the gas/oil drilling we now do not have fluid tectonic plate joinage- so the planet- living being- adjusts accordingly- no fear mongering- but be friends with as many beings as u can- humans, trees, rocks isil, tony abbott etc etc- all things emitting frequency- spinning- u loving- u attract loving help
sheepy, i told the oilster what would transpire in person, but ego thought he could overcome it- the rave's answer- companion planting

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 at 4:12pm

So, after all the hoo hah, ISIS, the beheadings, the "imminent" threat, the choppers, dogs and billboards, what are we left with? Ohh hang on, that's soooo last month.... What about Hong Kong? Ahh forget about it.... Ebola scare has nearly ran it's course..... Nurse in Cairns that didn't even have it was front page news for days..... Now we're on to shirtfronting Putin....... The attention span of amoebas....
In the washup, do you "feel safer"? Has the placebo for poll boost worked? What we are left with is this - A crackdown on journalism, free speech, and no one gives a fuck..... Give it ten years, and you will give a fuck, but by then the horse wont have just bolted, it'll be at the soap factory

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 at 5:36pm

And when non-state actors - unconstrained by any international treaty or sense of moral or sovereign obligation - get their genocidal hands on failed states' entire war apparatus (including nuclear weapons), we'll do and say ... what precisely? Abbot was wrong about some things so we thought he was wrong about everything???

Don't confuse moral panic mongering with a very real existential threat, if not directly to Australia, to many liberal democratic states in Europe, including Turkey.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 at 7:25pm
stray-gator_2 wrote:

And when non-state actors - unconstrained by any international treaty or sense of moral or sovereign obligation - get their genocidal hands on failed states' entire war apparatus (including nuclear weapons), we'll do and say ... what precisely? Abbot was wrong about some things so we thought he was wrong about everything???

Don't confuse moral panic mongering with a very real existential threat, if not directly to Australia, to many liberal democratic states in Europe, including Turkey.

Turkey??!!??. You are joking, right?.... And since when has Iraq or Syria had nuclear weapons? Are they with the WMD's that never existed.....?.... Once again, fiction dressed up as fact, lizard man.... But tell me, do you feel safer now that journalists cant report on botched "missions"? Do you feel safer now that ASIO can legally sneek into your abode, "search" your computer, then leave without you knowing?...
Lastly, name one civil war that the west has entered, that hasn't ended in tears.... Korea? Nope.... Vietnam?..... Nope...... Afghanistan - still going - nope..... El Salvador?..... Nope..... Iraq?...... Nope.....

grufnut's picture
grufnut's picture
grufnut Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 at 8:09pm

Shirtfront Putin eh? man, i would pay good money to watch Ol' Vlad rip of his arm and beat him with the wet end!