Dr Strangelove rides again.

The news article that I read made no reference to an increase in their nuclear arsenal. It implied an increase and development of new conventional military resources. It sounds like the usual statements and justifications they issue when they want to direct more funds to defence.
Russia annexed the Crimea and China has taken the Spratleys, which don’t belong to them, and are busy building military facilities there. They’ve both ignored UN resolutions about their actions.
None of it is good news, but are you sure that new book that you’re reading isn’t colouring your concerns a bit?

In trumps camp, what is the biggest threat to America’s economic power and has been for the past 20 Years?
I think trump has more people fooled than they realize.

Blindboy, I agree with your points about the consequences of using nuclear weapons. And I don’t mean to understate the seriousness of it as a threat to civilisation now when I say that we have been living with the same level of risk and consequences since the sixties. The USA and Russia have reduced the quantity (but not capacity) of their nuclear warheads by 85% since 1990.
I went looking for the report that you’re referring to after I read your reply and I found this:
It isn’t the 11-page summary mentioned in the news articles; it’s a 64 page document with some markups.
I’ve only read the first few pages , but here is a couple of relevant excerpts:
Line 103: “In no way does this approach “lower the nuclear threshold....”
Line 188: “The United States does not wish to regard either Russia or China as an adversary....”.

its all about power and money.....arms industry is the biggest industry in the world i think.

BB - You've just spent 15 months trying to convince us that Trump is Putin's puppet. Now you're telling us that all Trump wants to do is blow Putin up with nuclear devices.
Which story is true ?
China capped off a good 2017 by garnishing territory the size of Western Europe into its empire. Nothing to worry about there you say ?

Fair point, Blowin.... Yes, trump is a total disgrace, the worse U.S president since Nixon, worse than reagan.
But what about China.... What about their influence here, in our neighbouring countries..
Trump, just like muslims, just like refugees are an easy target... But it seems people wont address the ivory tusks in the room... China.... They aid North Korea.. They own Africa, Australia, are surrounding India by buying off Pakistan AND creating skirmishes on the border (which btw is a possible flashpoint for nucear war).
So...... What about China, BB?

You forgot to mention they own NZ as well

So you're recommending I assume his guilt and then look for motive ?
Wait ...is that how enlightened society operates now. ?

Yeah forgot about that Insider.. Well they basically own the south pacific.
Isn't it amazing.... A country like Australia, sidetracked fighting wars in Syria, brain dead voters falling for the "keeping Australians safe" bullshit, spooked by boats with refugees, building detention camps and stripping away freedoms and privacy, ALL FOR WHAT.
All to be "trojanned" by China, aided and abetted by the same fuck stains that were meant to be "keeping us safe". Australia ..... Perfect one day.... Mandarin the next...
Anyhooooo, I gotta fly and get on social media - complain about those freakn muslims.. HANGGG onnnnn that was last year.... Complain about those gays wanting to marry..... WHOOPS that was last year too....... I'll get it right...
Complain about those Africans.

I agree that perception is all. But you've got to realise that not everyone's perception is the same. Not everyone's perception has Trump as compromised by Russia. So your case to cast him as guilty through kangaroo court doesn't even stack up.
I thought you hated populism ? But so far the the only evidence that you've brought to the table against Trump is your belief that others think exactly as you do and therefore he's guilty.
Evidence or not.

*Bangs head on door*
Naive western bubble mentality.

The proposed Chinese social credit system has me backing trump at the moment.

Blindboy, has any nuclear-armed nation ever renounced first use of their nuclear weapons? It would have to be a poor strategic move militarily to tell your potential adversaries that you won’t use your weapons unless they go first. Why would they give away that advantage; the weapon is a deterrent first and a last resort later.
Secondly, if the US did what you suggest is a good thing and renounce a first strike, and China and Russia believe as you do that they can win any war with conventional weapons on their home turf, what’s to stop Russia deciding to take the rest of the Ukraine and China taking Taiwan?
Following on from your point about China and Russia judging how far they can go without provoking a nuclear strike as the only real protection against nuclear war, you could take your logic (and assumptions about the outcome of a conventional war) and say that it is the only real protection that their neighbours have from being invaded.
I don’t think the US would tolerate having their shipping bases surrounded but there hasn’t been any new ones in the South China Sea for decades and it could be argued that their presence has provided stability. What trouble have they caused China?
The US Posture document is an pen reaction to the actions of China and Russia taking territory that doesnt belong to them thumbing their noses at diplomatic complaints and UN resolutions.
I still think that new book is magnifying your concerns.

Blindboy, I don’t think the US would use nuclear weapons if Russia took the Ukraine. They empasize the benefits of the deterrent factor in their document and the graphs show the substantial reduction in lives lost to war after the development of nuclear weapons to back up their point.
As for agreements to renounce first strikes (nuclear or otherwise) they’re fine until they’re broken and WW2 is an example of how often that occurs - I’m referring to conventional attacks.
Trump won’t order an attack. You can rest assured he’s always got his own interests at the top of his list. Why would a billionaire with the freedom to strut the stage, roam around the world, stay in the best places, eat the best food, lounge around in his private golf resort and gaze at the ocean from his Florida home, swap all that for a prolonged stay in an underground US survival shelter eating preserved food from a tin. And when he eventually emerged his former life would be irretrievable.
Nah, he’ll deal with them on Twitter.

The deterrent in the case of Ukraine is non nuclear: further economic sanctions - the ones in place are already hurting and affecting Putin’s popularity at home; elections are due in the near future - as well as the unpredictable reaction from neighbouring states that will fear that they’re next and start bolstering their own defences, perhaps inviting allies in to help and access their bases.
The nuclear deterrent is to discourage attacks on the US and it’s allies and the line isn’t defined.
The point of holding all the weapons is to prevent world war 3. The Posture Paper goes into this.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was a term coined in the sixties and the only real change is the increasing number of members in the nuclear club.
I don’t see how the US can be blamed for the whole arms race. You can’t have a race unless there is more than one player.
Germany had the notion of creating the bomb first but one or two of their key scientists, such as Einstein, left and ended up in the US.
The situation is absurd but would we have had the long period of peace over the past 70 years if there wasn’t the fear of such devastation if another all-in war was started?
Anyway, we’ve wandered away from the original assertion that Trump is likely to launch an attack. And we’ll just have to disagree on that.

If your whole point is summarised by your first statement then I agree with it completely.
The second statement though is a subjective view on Trump and Russia and doesn’t logically follow the first.
As for Kruschchev, he had a way with words, didn’t he?
A quote from Wikipedia:
While addressing Westerners at the embassy on November 18, 1956, in the presence of Polish Communist statesman Władysław Gomułka, Khrushchev said: "About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!"The rant prompted the envoys from twelve NATO nations and Israel to leave the room.
“During Khrushchev's visit to the United States in 1959, the Los Angeles mayor Norris Poulson in his address to Khrushchev stated: "We do not agree with your widely quoted phrase ‘We shall bury you.’ You shall not bury us and we shall not bury you. We are happy with our way of life. We recognize its shortcomings and are always trying to improve it. But if challenged, we shall fight to the death to preserve it". Many Americans meanwhile interpreted Khrushchev's quote as a nuclear threat.”
No doubt a rant that he regretted, but as the successor of Stalin, whose word couldn’t be trusted, you can’t blame the US from balking at an agreement. They didn’t ignore him.
Command and control systems have improved immensely in the last 50 years. The biggest risk of a nuclear war is a leader or a group of radicals with access to weapons and nothing to lose.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists shares your concerns:
Here’s a good quote from George Soros at the Davos conference:
"Mankind's ability to harness the forces of nature, both for constructive and destructive purposes, continues to grow while our ability to govern ourselves properly fluctuates, and is now at a low ebb. The survival of our entire civilisation is at stake."

Blindboy you are just another know it all that knows fuck all..dime a dozen.