Save the chickens

Any evidence for that Peter?

While were on the subject of poultry ,what happened to descriptions to links Eddiewouldgo ? I believe you called me out for that. Whats good for the goose etc
As for the chickens , check for specials at Coles or Woolies

Chickens? You can't buy a bloody chicken anymore, they are all cross bred with emus and have breasts bigger than Peter's biceps made of some weird jelly like stuff. If you want to eat actual chicken Indo is the place. Chicken Taliwang, Chicken Betutu, made from real actual bird muscle.

You sure BB ?
Many times I have specifically requested no meat in meals when in Indo.
When the meal arrives containing chicken and I query it I am told the same answer every time.
Not meat .....Chicken !

In Indo ,Satay ayam is my favourite. Done properly over smouldering coconut husks. I got hooked on it at the local cock fights. At least there you know its fresh

adung singgang is my favourite, black prawn soup. a Malaysian specialty sometimes served in indo such as at benete beach warungs near Maluk. Delicious. i wonder if their going to hold a memorial for all the prawns people eat over Christmas.

Not readily available at the DY newsagent Peter. Got a link?
Saw the site today. Feathers everywhere.

not sure the point of the topic peterb,what to further explain

Chicken farms remind me of Dachau. Death camps are legal, still. Sarcastically, I am sure the plastic in our surfboards is harvested without killing anything... What's the number one money maker in the world? Echem.. guns and ammunition..echem. So... who else's smart phone and PC is tracking is tracking their conversations? Too much unnecessary suffering in this world. And now, for a weather report... bedeedeepdeepbedeedeep, "yesh Jimbo, it's lookin' kind of windy out here, the bush turkey barometer says it's about a feather past a gale, back to you Bill".

PETA is a media-stunt organisation.
you just got trolled by PETA to spread their message for them...

A society can be judged on how they treat animals.
Meanwhile, in the ocean;

Meanwhile, 11 million children are starving in Yemen as a result of the indiscriminate bombing by that loyal US ally, Saudi Arabia.

You really don't like America , huh ?
The 80's must have been hard for you when they were running on turbo.
Mister , Mister no like blue jeans , Bruce Springsteen , Coca Cola ?!

Springsteen did a couple of interesting albums in the late 70s, Darkness On The Edge of Town and Nebraska, then settled down to be just another boring MOR performer. Coca Cola? You have to be crazy to drink that shit.

"You really don't like America , huh ?
The 80's must have been hard for you when they were running on turbo"
Actually most Aussies didn't like the USA in the 80s. That's why Midnight oils 10 9 8- was in the charts for 3 1/2 YEARS.
You were probably listening to wacko jacko and wham yeah?

I did have a Wham album in the 80's and I loved it.
Of course I was less than ten years old at the time.
Are you really claiming that Aussies didn't listen to American music in the 80's ?
Maybe you'd better check the ARIA charts mate . Because 95 percent of popular culture came from the States.
No shame in that.
The fuckers OWN popular culture.
Who do you think the Oils learned about Rock music from ....the rainbow serpent ?
PS I loved 10-1 and I'm an Aussie and I think the USA has given the world so many crazily good cultural moments that my life would be less than it has been without the good ol USA.

Blowin, America has an appalling history. Their wealth was built on slavery, their politics have always been controlled by a small, often criminal, elite, their military is as ruthless as it is incompetent and run for the economic benefit of that same political elite. Their mainstream cultural productions are almost universally vacuous. Musically, everything of any interest traces back to the African American minority.

wham's first single -- "young guns" is pretty damn good! ...umm, i just watched the video. i'll take that back. "young guns" is terrible, except maybe for the breakdown at 2.00.
those that don't like the US, i just feel sorry for you. the worlds greatest culture and city (new york) flourished while you were alive, and you missed it.

So what you're saying is that their history mirrors that of the rest of mankind for atrocious behaviour .
Yet few civilisations achieve the dominance through might and cultural influence of the USA.
African Americans owe the development of their music to their exposure to American society.
Explaining why Rock and Roll etc evolved in no other place to the music you love so dearly as it did in the USA.

That's the song I loved most !
Delicious irony in the lyrics sung by George " confirmed Batchelor " Michael .

I put a question to Stu on another thread.
Maybe someone else wants to answer.
Do you believe that the global dominance achieved by the USA was due to manifest destiny as they believe ?

Blowin, if you genuinely believe that black American music owes anything to the dominant white culture, you are seriously deluded. Rock n'roll evolved directly from the blues. Of course by the time you got to Wham (weren't they British anyway?) the music had lost most of that connection and descended into the kind of saccharine crap that has always been popular there.

The global dominance of America came directly from the wealth derived from the land they appropriated from its indigenous people through outright warfare, deceit and disease. They further built on this by exploiting slave labour and then through the Jim Crow system which supplied black labour under conditions that were just as bad as slavery. American culture is at the extreme individualistic end of the spectrum. It is just as distorted and dysfunctional as its polar opposite, North Korea, at the communal end of the spectrum.

No im saying that Africans have a musical style so far removed from the stylings of African Americans that to dispute that this was not due to immersion in American society- of which they are indelibly a part of - is a folly indeed.
American pop culture permeates every modern culture.
I've heard your music BB. They would be short tracks indeed if you removed all US influence.

Why commence a discourse on the history of violence with the colonisation of the USA ?
Let's have a chat about the bloodthirsty wars for territory and resources between the American Indians or between the tribes of Africa ever since those lands were settled.
Don't hate the Seppos just cause they were the best at being bad.

Offensive bullshit Blowin. Go back to the chickens, you seem to have a deeper understanding of them.

lock the farm gate, release the dogs. its chaos out there Peterb.

Offensive ?
How ?
I honestly didn't intend to offend and I don't see how I did.
You truly don't think that the Indians or the Africans were violent to their own kind ?

Maybe you're offended because I suggested that African American music hinged on the fact that African Americans are indisputably Americans themselves ?
And that the society as a whole is responsible - the good and bad attributes - for the development of their music .
How else would you explain the fact that the Blues wasn't developed in Africa if it's a medium entirely isolated within African culture.
And which part of Africa ? It's a fucking big place. But once settled the African Americans were AMERICAN.

What's all this about chickens..?
Last night I finished reading 'The Underground Railroad' by Colson Whitehead which, although it ain't a 'historical' novel, spins it's allegorical yarn across an important time in US history - a generation or two after slavery but before the civil war.
Honestly can't say that much about it at the moment 'cause I'm still digesting it, so to speak. The railroad is fictional of couse, but it's not there for magic realism and I'm not sure to what extent allegory and metaphor play. Maybe it'll come to me later tonight.
Anyway, in the acknowledgements, Whitehead said the first 100 pages were fuelled by early Misfits, especially 'Where Eagles Dare'. He also noted that Purple Rain or Daydream Nation where his favourite writing albums.
Good mix of US culture there.

At least you're gracious enough to acknowledge the cultural gifts the states has given to the world.
The last couple of days for myself have involved reading On the Java Ridge by Jock Serong , Let's explore diabetes with owls by David Sedaris.
Been watching Thelma and Louis and The year my voice broke.
I can't wait for the rain to start properly. Love reading whilst it's pissing down.
Recommend Underground Railroad , Stu ?
Got a Kurt Russell twin pack from the library - The Thing and Silkwood - on readiness.

I imagine an American would appreciate it more. America's cultural heft has shaped vast swathes of the modern world, they project their impression everywhere, yet slavery remains a domestic concern in that the stories borne from that time can't easily be exported. This is one of those times. It's a wonderfully imaginative piece of fiction, and it must speak to the heart of many Americans - it won a Pulitzer after all - maybe it causes them to think how their culture came to be, but it didn't speak to me on those terms for obvious reasons.
Good, not great.
Sedaris any good? Think we've got tickets to see him this summer.

Blowin it is offensive to equate small scale inter-tribal violence with the geopolitical terrorism practised over a long period by the US. The evidence for historical violence is scattered and inconclusive in the sense that identifying a few massacre sites does not prove that violence was widespread or common. There is a huge debate about the meaning of the existing evidence but even the most Hobbesian end of the opinion spectrum recognises that there is a distinction between small scale tribal violence and modern events such as the intense bombing practised by the US. There is an excellent discussion of these issues in "Behave" by Robert Sapolsky.

When people here say "American" when referring to "North Americans" pleased be reassured you are seriously offending Central and South Americans. They especially don't like being lumped in with the typically culturally unaware and rude North Americans that are known for roaming the planet with all the gentleness of a sledgehammer.
@sheepdog, your 12.24. Good one.

Would anyone call themself a Central or South American? They might identify as one if they come from the region, but call themself that instead of Mexican, Guetamalan, Bolivian etc?
By the same token a US citizen is an American 'cos it's the United States of America.
Anyway, how about them chickens..?

BB , please tell me you're smarter than to be genuinely believing that the USA is some kind of historical abhorration when it comes to violence.
Chicken used to be my favourite food. A BBQ chook was hard to beat. Chicken schnitzels. Oh my god....
Guy - Any Brazilians , Peruvians , Chileans etc I've ever met would be appalled if I called them Americans.

"Are you really claiming that Aussies didn't listen to American music in the 80's ?"
Where did I "claim" that, Blowin?
Put the freakn bong down man.

They are still the only nation to use nuclear weapons, which is a clear categorical difference between their behaviour and anything that had gone before. Then consider the level of bombing during the Vietnam war, a greater tonnage than was dropped in the entire WW2, is the usual description, then the pattern of almost constant war over the last couple of decades, so yeh, stupid or not, I believe the US is different and has consistently demonstrated its willingness to use its extreme military power to achieve its, usually ill considered, geopolitical ends. But, you know, keep watching Fox News and reading the Daily best thing to having your head stuck in the sand!

Sure is true, Mexicans, Guatemalans, Bolivians etc would most certainly identify themselves from their country of origin but they also see themselves as from Central or South America. Old mate spent 15 months backpacking there and he says it was most certainly an issue.
North American music - anyone else watched and loved Treme?

peterb what's your opinion of free range?

what? they have to find there own way to the slaughterhouse? the days of free rides on the truck are over.

as for the north american thing that stu mentioned...people certainly do identify as north american. the borders between mexico/US/Canada are just lines on a map that don't respresent anything more than that. cultures, families and histories span those borders.
my wife's family straddles the US/Canadian border in the Detroit area. they see themselves as north american. the midwest culture extends both sides of the border. canadians and US people in the midewst are closer to each other culturally than a US midwesterner is to US people in say the north east or pacific north west.
We had a semi-trailer loaded with egged-out cage chickens overturn up here a little while ago, they were headed for the slaughterhouse. Half of them were creamed, the rest were found staggering about in extremely bad shape. The authorities attending assured us, on camera, that the fatally wounded birds were euthanised with regret, and the survivors carefully handled before being allowed to continue their journey to a certain death.
Save the whales, save the White Pointers, save the wild dogs, save the koalas and now we've got save the chickens before they are slaughtered.