Ebola, and the New Golden Age of Fear part 2

Interesting SD, very interesting!

Nothing surprises me these days Sheepio, especially with greed/scams/scares which in the end are relating to money!!
Good detective stuff.
Cheers for the heads up, won't be buying "GlaxoSmithKline" rohipnol s again;)

so u say wellymon , just like u will stop buying viagra and stop looking at sheep dog trial mags:)
Yeah SD, u Tom Jones Fan, I been watching Ebola Hoax with interest. Your points exactly, combined with it, it takes all the heat off the politicians whose economies and Budget issues are seriously in big fucking trouble. Nothing better than a major health scare to take the publics attention off the fact the pollies can not fix the problems they said they could.

its certainly not a coincidence but I don't see any conspiracy...Murdoch is indeed pumping the Ebola thing but since its a very real problem and recognised by the WHO, then I don't see a problem. should Murdoch print lies about Ebola in his paper then that's another thing completely...and hes done devious things like that in the past about other medical issues to support GSK ...but so far for me, no problems here...just a very savy business man. prick all the same...but smart prick.

Hey Sheepy you can't all come here you might be carrying that Ebola thingy! Barley and the other farmers have sharpened their pitchforks to repel any invaders. We have contingency plans in place to mine the waters around the bay and blockade the road in just in case this thing starts spreading.
Just putting the finishing touches on my bunker and have 1 years supply of canned food stored away.
Doomsday Preppers are coming down next week to do an audit but I think I have it covered!

A .22 is pretty small fry, we prefer larger calibre military style assault rifles around here sheepy. But I will have a word to barley and see what he thinks?
If I say your an Abbott supporter he may come around?

Abbott contributed $18m to fight Ebola and $21.6m to get Pirates of the Caribbean 5 filmed in Australia. It's all about priorities?
Protection of our borders is the highest priority though and Scott Morrison will announce to fearful Coalition voters soon he intends to tell all those Ebolans they're not welcome here should they try and reach Australia!

Sheepdog comparisons between Ebola and Malaria are not really valid. Malaria was eradicated in developing countries and it is scandalous that more has not been done to eradicate it elsewhere but the reality is that it is limited by the range of the mosquitos that transmit it and within those areas its incidence is unlikely to spike or cause greater mortality than it already does.
Ebola is an intensely infectious virus that kills rapidly and, in the absence of effective control, probably has the potential to cause a pandemic unparalleled since the Spanish Influenza or the Black Death. The major concern is that there will be an uncontrolled outbreak in a densely populated city with poor medical services, of which there are many, and spread globally from there.
The odds against this happening might be pretty good, but that is not enough given the risks involved. I am happy to nominate for the International Murdoch Detestation Champinship and would back myself to make at least the semi-finals but in this case he is irrelevant.

Worth reading if you want some decent background info

boys, not taking sides, but not the first time a govt has used a virus/GERM to then utilise it for itself to become the SAVIOUR- hand in hand with a multinational/s- such a beautiful couple- brings tears to my eyes- handkerchief please mr copperfield- classic stuff, so happy they will now be in MY OWN BACKYARD within the month, gentleman, start your engines!!!!!!!!!! happy oct/nov swellnutters, thanks mitchvg- good stuff sd- get warmer saints man, c u in dec legends- may u all have calm minds and happy hearts, the rave

Great link lomah - thanks. Fascinating, and bloody scary.

Sheepdog wrote:Cheers, boys... Welly..... We sold the block...... No escape shed for you mate...... I think we should all bail to Yorkos beach shack ;)
fantastic news mate, may it be a fair bit warmer, all the best to u and your lovely wife, happy move wherever it may be, I hear St Kilda are looking for a new skills coach, but just easy Hawks prey mate. I will be in contact early Dec, just before my 21st:)

Sheepdog wrote:Cheers, boys... Welly..... We sold the block...... No escape shed for you mate...... I think we should all bail to Yorkos beach shack ;)
Don't forget ya tin (foil) hats boys!

Sheepdog there were 19 cases total in Nigeria all related to a single chain of infection. The situation in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone is entirely different, thousands of cases, unknown chains of infection and no end in sight. The threat is quite real as demonstrated by the difficulty the US had handling an infectious patient. If that patient had flown to India instead the results could have been catastrophic.
Murdoch may be acting unethically in terms of his Glaxo investment but given that Fox and News Ltd's usual mode is distortion and exaggeration it would be hard to distinguish deliberate over-statement from business as usual.

Sheepdog wrote:Mate, you've been swept up in the Murdoch fear campaign
I've seen a lot of in depth articles and TV reports from non-Murdoch sources, and they also paint a frightful image.

Did you read lomah's link in The New Yorker?

Quote Sheeepio "I believe news/journalism should be totally independent. I believe news suppliers should not be able to diversify into certain realms...."
Like surf forecasting...? ....... :0

I heard the scientist who discovered Ebola also discovered AIDS so I googled it and found this article! Apply tin foil hats NOW....

All well and good sheepdog. I've heard of the various conspiracy theories going round the web but haven't bothered to get into them. This is a fine example.
But just on some of the facts of this episode.
First of all, no drug company has the "rites to develop a vaccine". That should be 'rights' by the way. In fact what happens is that anyone can develop a vaccine, and then having developed it they get patent rights. You can't patent something before it is developed. Suggests a very large hole in your theory
Second, in fact the Murdoch and other newspapers have been way behind on this story, not pushing it. This should have been a much bigger story much earlier, but the newspapers just relegated this to background news, and the coalition was allowed to get away with doing nothing while they were busy with their other distraction du jour, that being ISIS and Iraq.
That's probably because journalist are mostly fearfully ignorant of most of the topics they write on, and have a very poor perspective on what is important, as opposed to what is the news of the day. Ebola is a huge threat to humanity. It is in a small group of viruses in a class of their own, that have mortality rates over 50% ( and was way over that in past outbreaks. Ebola and a few other viruses have the potential to be devastating on a world-wide scale. This either gets nipped in the bud or it wipes out large swathes of humanity.
However it isn't airborne communicable, at least the variants that are known (heaven help us if it mutates and becomes airborne communicable, we are in deep doo-doo) It also has an incubation period up to 21 days, and isn't communicable even by body fluids until symptoms appear, at least according to current knowledge.
This has an effect on how quickly it can be passed on, however at some point these diseases get to the stage of exponential growth, and then it's all too late.
This is a huge story, and Murdoch and others missed it. They aren't over-hyping it, as they readily do with the cough! terrorist threat. They are under-stating just how big a story it is.
Conspiracy? Only if you look for one, but the facts don't support it.

The New yorker article is garbage, tries too hard to produce a story by including every minute irrelevant detail. Complete with sanitised picture of someone who has just died of heamoragic fever? It reminds me of this....1992 - Reservoir Dogs:
The article that yorkesurfer posted is interesting, African's catching a disease from animals again, monkeys, bats...yeah right, if this was the case sure there would be far more of these outbreaks happening considering the number of interactions like this that would occur. Coincidence that US has bioweapons facilities in each of the countries that have had outbreaks? Coincidence that none of these countries are signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention?

stunet wrote:
Yeah, and before money no one ever went bankrupt.

Some people should stay away from the internet...

tonka wrote:Some people should stay away from the internet...
They said the same thing about books in the Middle Ages.....

yorkessurfer wrote:tonka wrote:Some people should stay away from the internet...
They said the same thing about books in the Middle Ages.....
Maybe you should read a book about how the internet and books are completely different forms of media.

tonka wrote:Some people should stay away from the internet...
Here fucking here.
Haha classic call
Wake up!!!!

Ok fair call but I'm not on the X Factor
The point being IMO many people get so involved with the internet ie Mr Google.
I have used Mr Google on various things in the past and he is not always right...?
He is not a master yet;)
I laugh.

Google is the equivalent of what a library is for paper books . If you read something in a book you don't agree with you don't blame the library where you borrowed the book from?
I don't believe or disbelieve what is written in that link I put up regarding the possibility that Ebola may have been used or developed to be used as a bioweapon. How could I or any of us know conclusively either way? I just posted it because I thought it added something to the discussion.
In my opinion those who state that people shouldn't have access to information on the Internet is the same mindset that the church and nobility had in the Middle Ages to keep the peasants from being enlightened by the power that the printing press provided at the time in history?

'Obviously X factor is over.... Big brother is still on'
Speaking of the 'X factor', all is well. Things are advancing nicely.

Should be .... Ninja...!

Damn uplift you know how far it is from here to the nearest McDonalds! I'd kill for a Big Mac after watching that!

Is there still that shop at Warooka that sold every slab of sugar and lolly ever invented?

gotta love google....
did you know that ebola can be cured by Vitamin C?
who'd have thought?
plus, vitamin C will help you lose weight
then again this article says that too much vitamin C will stop you losing weight
can you guess what I typed in each time?....the answer I was looking for

It's changed owners uplift and isn't quite the diabetes inducing sugar shack that it once was. Even the old Warooka Hash House Cafe has closed down these days.
Fair point happyasS but I should point out I wasn't looking for anything to do with bioweapons, I just googled 'scientist who discovered Ebola and Aids' which I'd heard about on the news.
On the first page was the article from a Harvard educated internationally known public health advocate and author named Dr. Leonard. G. Horowitz who wrote a book called Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola- Native, Accident or Genocide?
He may or may not be more reputable than jimstone, livestrong, or 3fatchicks but I thought it was worth a look?
Now I figured that such a controversial topic would evoke a few emotions.
It's not a comfortable feeling to consider that a powerful country, organisation or group could be building bioweapons for either military purposes or to control the worlds population but I thought it could be an interesting subject to debate? Do you think it's a possibility?

That was the most cunning, ruthless business ploy ever. Helpless, munchied, ravished surfers forced to stop for fuel, besieged by a smorgasbord of every combination of coloured, artificially flavoured sugar, desperately speeding to Port Wakefield before the inevitable, total blood sugar coma/collapse.

What's this crazy talk of using personal judgment or broardly informing yourself when discerning the qualities of a piece of information yorkesurfer???? These are skills that some people are happy as without.

Oh gawd, sheepdog is serious. I was hoping it was all ironic.
Yes, sheepdog, Murdoch papers did report on ebola soon after the first outbreak, as did every other news outlet. It was on page 27 just under the personal ads. The first 26 pages were about ISIS militants standing outside everyone's front door with a machete.
It was you who claimed that it was a Murdoch scare campaign. Perhaps you can alert us all to the exact point when a news item becomes a scare campaign. Somehow I'm guessing it is measured in nanoseconds after the first nutjob conspiracy theorist posts on the internet.
And yes, I didn't link to any websites. I thought I would just rely on memory in relation to articles I have read in respectable journals, not owned by Murdoch of course, over the course of my first being alerted to ebola many years ago, I think it was sometime in the 80's.
And extrapolating that Glaxo is developing a vaccine so they therefore must have signed a contract. Cart > horse.
I knew I would regret responding to a conspiracy theory. Couldn't help myself
The trouble with conspiracy theorising is that every response, no matter its value, is further proof of the conspiracy.
This response is a paid contribution from the Murdoch-Glaxosmithkline megadeath multi-national conglomerate. Thank you for reading.
Wake up!!!!!!!!