"Just come on over, there's been waves every day!"
The tone of the message was chipper but the reply required some tact. After all, as every surfer knows, there are waves and then there are waves, and for this trip we most definitely sought the latter. While it sounds awfully haughty, only the best would do. So we gave our non-surfing island contact a discrete explanation on the subtleties of wave quality, and went back to watching the weather patterns.
Twice we'd almost pulled the trigger on this trip, but both times a duck would fall out of line: the storm would be downgraded or the forecast winds would change. Everyone grew weary of last minute no shows, yet we grimly held tight while our island connection grew increasingly frustrated – there'd been waves every day!
The trip was a combined project between Swellnet, photographer Ed Sloane, Rip Curl, and the island tourism board. Each had a role to play and ours was to keep an eye on successive Southern Ocean storms, follow their track, and then predict the outcome.
Late last month a promising storm appeared on the model runs, all parties were notified and like generals before battle they were given six hourly updates. It was late in the season, there'd be little chance of another swell after this one, but each directive reported it holding true to early predictions. A tight cluster of isobars trailed deep into the Southern Ocean with perfect alignment back towards land. This storm looked to be the one.
It was, however, gonna be tight. Monday was the glory day yet by Friday a firm decision still hadn't been made by all parties: flights had to be booked, accommodation found, transport too, and most importantly, Rip Curl, who were stumping up the talent, were yet to assemble a team.
The call came through early afternoon on Saturday, about the same time as the Geelong Cats were running onto Kardinia Park. From high in the stands, Neil at Rip Curl called to say he'd lined up a crack grom squad in Harry Bryant, Jackson Baker, and Joe Van Dijk. Each surfer was scrambling, the plane would fly tomorrow. The trip was finally on!....despite the fact there'd been waves every day.
I didn't realise swellnet gives a surf forecast for this place!
Cool article. Cool story. Does the eastern side still benefit from swells in the warmer months? Would love to make the trip from vic. See the dairy and beef available. Spend some good time down there. Better bring the golf clubs too i suppose.
Yeah it picks up SE-E/SE windswells through summer, you just need a wind change to clean it up.
East coast waves few and far between - perfect shape but tiny - caught Naracoopa once about 6-8' rolling down shore towards jetty - but there was a huge, deep low that sat between Oz and NZ for about 5 days generating swell - lasted one afternoon! - snapped 2 boards!
Occasional waves at City of Melbourne bay.
Great article and beautiful photos.
And the cheese from there is first rate!
You've blown a secret spot! How dare you!? What right do you have!? It's an outrage!
...and we're going to NE England next. Nothing is sacred.
Dont even think about exposing that coast. So desperate for clicks onto your site that you need to expose places that don't even come up on most surfers radar or knowledge.
How about putting money and time into fixing Australia's east coast wave predictions. Still get massive variances in south swells compared to what your charts say. And perhaps money would be better spent if you could get somebody to actually 'observe' the 'observed' spots at 7am instead of having the same guy give a generic 'observed surf report' for the whole region of Sydney's beaches to Newcastle. Perhaps get him to actually check the surf instead of checking cams. Or just don't report it and wait for the 8am actual report with real photos. Then you will get more clicks from me.
How about you ride your esky lid all the way over to coastalwatch and stay there.
classic reply!!!! hows this bloke wanting more accurate and exact surf reports from the people who check it for him but doesnt want other spots exposed. think you need to pick a side before you go to battle big fella.
Valuable feedback I reckon. Fridays rating was 2 or 3 out of ten but it was probably twice as good as that. Swell could have jumped mid morning though...
No need to make such a long trip, a word from one of the local crew should tell you all you need to know.
Strange!! .... it was a secret in 75 when I first went there - it periodically shows up in surf mags as new generations rediscover it - and then it becomes secret again - KI has a magic and wildness of its own that defies exploitation - it's not for the faint-hearted - I hope it stays a well-known secret for those intrepid enough to experience it
Great article!!!
Small typo though - 2nd last parra - last sentence "recently a pair of gold courses" (perhaps a smarter investment!) but I guess you meant golf :)
Thanks for the proof read Deckstrus, I only checked it 57 times.
And one more ... not that I want to turn this into a spelling bee.
Every surfer has their own vision of Eden, and the local surfers have found there's,
should read:
Every surfer has their own vision of Eden, and the local surfers have found theirs,
Thanks for the beautiful article.
Now that's just embarrassing.
Fixed it and flagellating myself.
How old are the groms?
Last photo, def looks like beer and emptys on the sand
Wouldn't want mum finding out.......
I like the layout too. Kind of got a bit of a Surfers Journal feel to it.
(either that, or the Windows 10 upgrade has altered the font?)
The island should stay the way it is. U make out that your good samaritains for going there and surfing there then exposing it just to get a good story. You are just another bunch of dudes trying to make a name for themselves and that goes for that stupid ki surf safaris who aren't even locals so most of the money goes off island anyway, if you going to go there surf and expose it at least own the fact that thats all you are doing there nothing else. If they really cared about the island the good people and real surfers that live there then really experience it and give back to the island. Any surfer would know that the surfers on the island wouldn't want more surfers there. Its remote, windy, cold, expensive and it should stay the way it is, not over populated so that it makes it a more special place to visit.
Thanks for the awesome story and photos boys.
Will take the missus and make the island my next holiday.......... in the 2015/2016 summer.
Great piece, and the island will be better-off for it. The Bass Straight islands and Tasmania need more exposure, they are great wildernesses with huge potential for adventure tourism such as this article is based on. There are tons of waves going unridden every day and we only ask for quiet respect from blow-ins.
Don't think surf tourism is going to take off there. That hero wave doesn't break often enough and the open, exposed side of the island is just hard work.
I went there with the family with a view to living there and the local people were nothing but friendly and hospitable and worried that the islands shrinking population might see essential services shut down.
Spent 3 days driving around the Island from dawn to dusk and didn't see another surfer. Had some small fun waves with not a soul in sight.
Amazing part of Aus and the cheese factory is worth the cessna ride in.
Still a part of me wouldn't mind collecting kelp as a way to make a buck. Too cold, too remote, too inconsistent for this soft cock to move from the north coast.
btw, amazing shots Ed Sloane.
Had a brief work trip to the Island many years ago. Felt like an Australia long since forgotten in the cities. The best cheese and yoghurt EVER. Still ashamed of my display of gluttony that day. Great place and great story.
Great piece and an impressive display of grammar critique from the gallery. I'm curious about the apostrophe in 'winter's' ... "says Councillor Jim, “and the winter's here can be long, but as you've seen they can be incredibly good for surfers.” "
What apostrophe? You must be seeing things cjac...
No mention of the main man who used to grace the shores of King. Would be nice if it wasn't named
Yeah. I'm with Andy Chiz on this one.
Gotta keep the sponsors and clueless happy I guess, who's exposed next?
All I can say to potential blow ins is if you're game enough to experience a crab landing at this airport in a 6 seater Cessna in 90km/h winds with hail hitting the windscreen then you deserve some reward. Actually come to think of it you would be safer to keep heading south and surf 15 foot Shipsterns!!!
Geez spelling Bee's all round.
Great article, great shots, great place, great stuff
Specials :
Wonder what the future looks like for KI given what's written in the article?
Wonder what the future looks like for KI given what's written in the article?
Wonder what the future looks like for KI given what's written in the article?